Is there any command line code which can help me verify passwords for files within zip files? - shell

I have about 200 zip files and I need to verify the password for each of the zip files. Is there any command line code which can help me verify passwords for files within these zip files?

for arch in *.zip; do
unzip -P $pass -qq -t "$arch" && echo "Pass $pass for $arch"


How define output folder of curl while running script

I have command that executed when script over and download file from list. I use Termux on android and it say you can't use cd while running script.
xargs -n 1 curl -O -C - <url
But it download all file to folder where I runned this script. How I can change output directory.
PS: Only curl please. Aria2c and wget will ignored by me.
Okay. This script I use now
while read url
curl --create-dirs -o "$file path/name" $url
I use "basename" of url for name.
Please answer if you have better code.

curl script to extract tar files

I have a curl script that i use to get read files from a url. I now need to extract the tar files after they are downloaded.
for file in $(/usr/bin/curl '' );
echo $file;
/usr/bin/curl -L -J -O "$file";
output to the screen is
curl: Saved to filename 'your_file_1.tar'
How do I extract the file that was saved?
I tried adding tar -xvf $file but nothing happens.
How do I get the name of the file that was just saved?
Using -J makes the file's location depend on the Content-Disposition header, so you need to retrieve the filename it specifies. You can do so by specifying through -w the output of the curl command, which you will want to output the filename :
for url in $(/usr/bin/curl '' ); do
filename=$(/usr/bin/curl -sLJOw '%{filename_effective}' "$url")
tar -xvf "$filename"

How to replace the manifest of a war file from bash?

I have a war file foo.war in my current working directory. I have a MANIFEST.MF file, too.
ls .
Within foo.war, there is a file foo/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF.
I want to replace that file inside the war with the file in my working directory.
I think zip can be used to do this, but I don't understand the zip documentation.
What would be the correct usage?
How can I verify that it was done correctly?
How would I do that with jar?
After experimenting a while I found this solution:
#! /bin/bash
set -e
apt-get install -y zip
apt-get install -y unzip
rm -f foo.war
cp foo.original.war foo.war
zip -f foo.war META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
rm -f test
unzip -p foo.war META-INF/MANIFEST.MF >test
#Uncomment next line to test verification:
#echo "X" >>test
if diff test META-INF/MANIFEST.MF; then
echo "OK."
echo "Failed (diff exit code $ERR)."
exit 1
zip seems to replace the file only if the time stamp is new enough. What "new enough" exactly means, is still unclear to me.
I extracted the MANIFEST.MF file from zip using unzip -p foo.war META-INF/MANIFEST.MF >test
I use the exit code of diff to verify MANIFEST.MF has really been replaced.
zip spits out the warning: "zip warning: Local Entry CRC does not match CD: META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" The meaning of this warning is unclear to me.
Do I really have to put MANIFEST.MF inside the META-INF folder or is there a possibility to specify the source location of the file that should be replaced?
I don't like that "touch". Is there a way to force the replacement without fiddling with timestamps?
What about character encoding, unusual file names and line endings?
Try placing the MANIFEST.MF in a directory called foo/META-INF/
then run:
zip -f foo.war foo/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
to verify the file run:
unzip -l foo.war
use the same for .jar files

Bash scp several files password issue

I am trying to copy several files from a remote server into local drive in Bash using scp.
Here's the part of the code
scp -r -q $USR#$IP:/home/file1.txt $PWD
scp -r -q $USR#$IP:/home/file2.txt $PWD
scp -r -q $USR#$IP:/root/file3.txt $PWD
However, the problem is that EVERY time that it wants to copy a file, it keeps asking for the password of the server, which is the same. I want it to ask only once and then copy all my files.
And please, do not suggest rsync nor making a key authentication file since I do not want to do that.
Are there any other ways...?
Any help would be appreciated
You can use expect script or sshpass
sshpass -p 'password' scp ...
#!/usr/bin/expect -f
spawn scp ...
expect "password:"
send "ur_password"
An disadvantage is that your password is now in plaintext
I'm assuming that if you can scp files from the remote server, you can also ssh in and create a tarball of the remote files.
The -r flag is recursive, for copying entire directories but your listing distinct files in your command, so -r becomes superfluous.
Try this from the bash shell on the remote system:
$ mkdir /home/file_mover
$ cp /home/file1.txt /home/file_mover/
$ cp /home/file2.txt /home/file_mover/
$ cp /root/file3.txt /home/file_mover/
$ tar -cvf /home/myTarball.tar /home/file_mover/
$ scp -q $USR#$IP:/home/myTarball.tar $PWD
Well, in this particular case, you can write...
scp -q $USR#$IP:/home/file[1-3].txt $PWD

Download data from FTP Website

There is something which I am missing or might be the whole case. So I am trying to download NCDC data from NCDC Datasets and unable to do it the unix box.
The command which I have used this far are
This is for one file, but will be very happy if I can downlaod the entire parent directory.
You seem to have a lonely " just before the >
to download everything you can try this command to get the whole directory content
wget -r*
for i in {1990..1993}
echo "$i"
cd /home/chile/data
# -nH Disable generation of host-prefixed directories
# -nd all files will get saved to the current directory
# -np Do not ever ascend to the parent directory when retrieving recursively.
# -R index.html*,227070*.gz* don't download files with this regex
wget -r -nH -nd -np -R *.html,999999-99999-$i.gz*$i/
