Debugging C++ with Visual Studio debugger - debugging

I want to write an extension for Visual Studio Code (VSCode) which will allow me to debug a C++ program with Visual Studio's native C++ debugger instead of gdb (which currently is the only option VSCode supports). I looked at the Visual Studio Debugger Extensibility. But it only explains how you can create a new debug engine and call it from Visual Studio as a front end. What I want to do is the opposite. I want to call the existing Visual Studio C++ debug engine from a different front end, which happens to be VSCode. There is no documentation on the Internet how I can achieve this. Can anyone please help?

I'm on the VSCode team. To use the VS debugger from VSCode, you will need to author a debug adapter extension. Here's some documentation on getting started, and here's the complete debug adapter protocol reference.
Try look at some existing implementations to get started:
Mock debugger – simple example debugger
Node debugger - node.js debug adapter
For C++, also check out C++ tools for VSCode.
Hope that helps.
Edit - Seems I misunderstood the problem. Here are some thoughts on consuming the VS C++ debugger from an external application.
To my knowledge, Visual C++ does not have public APIs or interfaces that allows external programs to easily interface with them. Other languages have better stories, since they often leverage external libraries or were designed with documented debugger protocols. The GDB machine interface is a good example of this sort of design.
My best suggestion is that you could try to leverage the Visual Studio Env.DTE interfaces to control VS programmatically. EnvDTE is not well documented and may not be exactly what you are after, but it is pretty powerful.


Custom Visual Studio Debug Engine for Simulator

I have a requirement for developing a debugger extension for Visual Studio. The code is in C++, however, it is run in a simulator environment. The application is capable of receiving break points and displaying variable information.
I have looked into the Concord API, but it seems rather complex. Do I have to develop an Expression Evaluator, even though the code is in C++?
Basically I just want the program to run and hit the breakpoints that the user has created for starters.
Should I try and write a visual studio extension instead? Although I don't see any way of halting execution of a program in debug mode?
Ah the joy of writing a custom debugger! I'm writing one now. See the visual studio custom debug engine sample to start with. Python Tools for Visual Studio, MIDebugEngine are more complex but also more complete and production code. Much easier to write the debugger in C#.
Some blogs that helped me a lot.
VS2005 SDK PDF has more detailed debugger documentation.
VS2015/17 C# Extension projects has a custom project type package which comes with a script debugger launcher to start with.

Debugging tool for managed code

I am new to C# and wondering whether "windbg" or "Visual Studio Debugger" would be better tool for debugging managed code?
For the past couple of years, I have been doing development in C++ and I am comfortable in using windbg as compared to Visual Studio debugger. However, I am not sure whether windbg would work best in the case of managed code as well?
Is there any other debugging tool besides windbg and Visual Studio Debugger which works even better than these in debugging managed code?
WinDbg needs SOS or PSSCOR2/4 to debug managed code, but with either of those you get a very powerful debugger. However, I would not recommend using only WinDbg for managed code as support for source debugging is rather limited at the moment (and has been for a long time). You might also want to get SOSEX as it complements SOS/PSSCOR with additional useful commands.
In my experience Visual Studio works very well for regular debugging and WinDbg+SOS/PSSCOR2 is excellent for all those hairy problems such as memory issues, deadlocks and so forth that VS doesn't handle very well.

What tools are available for F# debugging?

Are there gdb (or similar) for F#?
What tools/programs do F# programmers normally use for tracing F# code in Mono?
Does Visual Studio 2010 provides some integrated debugging tools for F#?
Visual Studio 2010 provides a fantastic debugging experience for F#, including breakpoints, tracepoints, call stacks, locals, stepping, set next statement, threads window, poking new values into variables, debugger visualizers, conditional breakpoints, immediate window, ... the only caveat is that the last two use the C# expression evaluator (F# does not have its own debugger EE), which means you must type e.g. C# syntax into the 'immediate window'.
(Everything I mentioned above is available for free if you download the free VS2010 Integrated Shell and the F# CTP.)
I am not sure what is available right now for Mono, but would not be surprised if there is something decent already, and something even better coming in the not-too-distant future.
Mono has its own debugger. The debugging format situation is slightly confusing because Visual Studio will generate pdb files which are needed for their debugger. Mono uses the alternative mdb format. fsc.exe (The f# compiler) will generate the appropriate ones for whichever platform it is run on.
The Monodevelop IDE can be used for general debugging of .net assemblies, even though it doesn't support a released f# version yet. You'll need to refer to your project's generated assemblies in the project.
Note that you also have to pass '--debug' to mono if you're executing it on the command line and want, for example, file names and line numbers in stack traces.
Any .NET debugger should work on F# code. The Visual Studio debugging experience is basically the same as for any other language (e.g. you can set breakpoints in the editor, etc.). I can't speak to what tools people use on Mono.
LinqPad understands F# code but I did not try it. A paid version gives you debugging.

Using windbg from Visual Studio

Is it possible to use windbg commands like !locks and .loadby sos mscorwks from the Visual Studio command window (in a debug session)? I've noticed I can use eg k to print a stack trace, so I was wondering if there is some way to get access to the other commands.
Yes you can do this.
Attach Visual studio 2008 to your process for debugging.
Break at some code.
Go to immediate window
type !load sos
Now you are free to use any of the windbg commands like !EEHeap,!DumpHeap
There are some conditions. You need to enable unmanaged code debugging in your project properties. Normally in 64 bit version studio doesn't support this.
Have fun.
Visual Studio 2012 has the "Windows User Mode Debugger" transport in the "Attach to Process" dialog. This allows you to use windbg commands in the immediate window.
Source: Use the WinDbg Engine in Visual Studio User-Mode Debugging
Starting with Windows Driver Development Kit (WDK) 8.0 the Windows debugger is integrated into Visual Studio (see Debugging Environments). Installing the WDK on top of a Visual Studio installation will enable a developer to pick a number of debuggers from the Attach to Process dialog, or set the debugging engine in a project's Debugger settings. This has been verified for Visual Studio 2012 and 2013. The way I read the MSDN link above, this should also work for any other IDE that is supported by the WDK 8.0 and above.
While WinDbg offers a lot of powerful commands, there are some drawbacks as well. This list is not exhaustive, and merely contains those issues I did encounter:
Cannot attach to more than one process at a time. While not generally an issue, this is quite unfortunate, if you do need to debug more than one process at a time. The Visual Studio debugger can attach to any number of processes simultaneously.
WinDbg will not use the symbol settings from your Visual Studio IDE (tested on VS 2012 Update 4). While you can configure the IDE where to look for debugging symbols, WinDbg will not honor those settings. WinDbg will use the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH environment variable, and/or the configuration set through .sympath.
Different syntax for function breakpoints. This is a minor annoyance, since you cannot use Visual Studio's syntax to specify function breakpoints. This also means, that function breakpoints are ignored that have been set using the Visual Studio syntax. What's more annoying, though, you do get a warning dialog for each when launching a debuggee.
No support for Tracepoints. I've been using tracepoints extensively, to unintrusively insert tracing into a debuggee. If you are using tracepoints as well, this may prove to be more than just an annoyance.

Is it possible to communicate with the Visual Studio debugger programmatically while debugging?

I would like to control options on the debugger without using the debugging GUI's, preferably from inside the code being debugged. I would think that would be quite difficult, but maybe my debugged code can request a service from independent code that will communicate with the debugger.
This relates to another question of mine on controlling when to break on exceptions.
You can write Visual Studio macros that can do anything the GUI can, but they can get rather involved. See the MSDN documentation on Automation and Extensibility for Visual Studio
Doing this from the code being debugged would be tricky, you would definitely need some new form of communication with VS, maybe a custom add-in. I don't think an independent service would fundamentally help here. The biggest problem is that your code will stop running when the debugger breaks.
I know that you can do it with WinDBG and OutputDebugString, but for Visual Studio, I think you have to spool off another process, pipe commands to that, and have that manipulate the Debugger API.
