LoadError: cannot load such file -- commons-math-2.2.jar - ruby

I'm trying to use this gem: Statsample, short blog post about using it
Here is a quick way to reproduce the error (using ruby 2.3.1p112)
gem install statsample
gem install statsample-timeseries
require 'statsample-timeseries'
LoadError: cannot load such file -- commons-math-2.2.jar
I've tried installing some additional gems/libs but they don't make the error go away.
gem install sciruby-full
apt-get install libcommons-math-java
It's not clear what I'm missing. Do I need to apt-get a certain library? Why is it trying to load a jar?


why is this sass command giving me an error

I am trying to learn sass so I can develop my front end skills a little bit more because that is what I hope to be some day. The only thing is I can't get sass to work.
Whenever I run the sass --watch . command it returns this error.
>>> Sass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to stop.
write ./test.css
LoadError: no such file to load -- rb-fsevent
Use --trace for backtrace.
I did a bit of research on this error and it was suggested on this site to just simply install the rb-fsevent file that is missing so I ran the gem install rb-fsevent command and then got this error.
Fetching: rb-fsevent-0.9.4.gem (100%)
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.
so I did a bit of research on THIS error and it was suggested agin on this site to just run the install with sudo. So i did just that I didn't get an error so i was quite excited because I have been fighting with this for a while so i want back to the start of this question and ran the --watch command and got the same exact error. Can anyone help me fix this?
Your first error is because Ruby can't load the rb-fsevent gem. This could be because the gem is not installed. Trying to install the gem was a good idea.
Your second error is because you are trying to install the gem to a directory that you do not have permissions for. Using sudo to do the install is an acceptable solution. You can also do gem install --user-install to install to your home directory.
You are still getting the first error because even though the gem is installed, Ruby cannot load it. This could be because sudo installed the gem with the wrong permissions, or installed it to the wrong location, or Ruby is looking for it in the wrong location.
Thus your solution would be to
Locate the gem files you installed
Check that their permissions allow you to read them
Check ruby -e 'p $LOAD_PATH' to see if Ruby is looking in the right place for the gem

Using standard initial jekyll set up, jekyll serve watch resulting in LoadError

I've used the tutorial for Jekyll to set up a very basic blog and have hosted it on the localhost using jekyll serve, but when I use jekyll serve --w, the site generates then command gives
C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/site_ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:in 'require':
cannot load such file --wdm (LoadError)
Followed by a lot of other information
I'm running Ruby 1.9.3 on Windows.
If it can't load wdm, I'd try:
gem install wdm
edit: Looks like you're not alone. First Google hit.
You need install wdm and directory_watcher:
gem install directory_watcher
gem install wdm
And remember add this line to Gemfile:
gem 'directory_watcher'
gem 'wdm'
Good luck!

can't require curb

Im sure this is another forehead slapper that will turn my face red, but for some reason I'm getting an error when I try to use require 'curb' at the top of my ruby script or in irb:
LoadError: no such file to load -- curb
I ran sudo gem install curb and found I had to run sudo apt-get install libcurl3-gnutls-dev in order to get the gem install to work.
What am I missing here?
Since I am not using a bundler, I had to add require 'rubygems' at the beginning of my list of requires.

Installing a gem has no effect (aka how to use check_puppet.rb)

I'm sure this question is an easy one for Ruby users. However for me this is a issue I can't figure out by myself.
My goal is to use a script included in the Puppet archive (ext/nagios/check_puppet.rb) on a Ubuntu-10.4 system.
I try to launch the script:
$ sudo ./check_puppet.rb
./check_puppet.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- sys/proctable (LoadError)
from ./check_puppet.rb:4
Ok so there's something missing. I fount out I need some library called sys-proctable available at http://raa.ruby-lang.org/project/sys-proctable/
wget http://rubyforge.org/frs/download.php/65609/sys-proctable-0.9.0-x86-linux.gem
sudo apt-get install rubygems
$ sudo gem install sys-proctable-0.9.0-x86-linux.gem
Successfully installed sys-proctable-0.9.0-x86-linux
1 gem installed
Installing ri documentation for sys-proctable-0.9.0-x86-linux...
Installing RDoc documentation for sys-proctable-0.9.0-x86-linux...
Everything looks pretty good so far! Time to launch the script again
$ sudo ./check_puppet.rb
./check_puppet.rb:4:in `require': no such file to load -- sys/proctable (LoadError)
from ./check_puppet.rb:4
the gem listoutput tells me this:
$ gem list
*** LOCAL GEMS ***
sys-proctable (0.9.0)
Where has this gem been installed?
Why can't the script load the sys-proctable lib?
What the %&$# am I doing wrong?
Where's the official doc of gem?
The gem is installed - but in Ruby 1.8 you need to have the line:
require 'rubygems'
To use rubygems. This changes the 'require' function so it will pull in rubygems when you ask it to.
So in the script:
Just add the require near the top and try again.
For instructions on other ways to use rubygems, consult the Rubygems documentation:
this is what i am getting on centos 6.4
sudo ./check_puppet.rb
./check_puppet.rb:75:in `-': no implicit conversion to float from nil (TypeError)
from ./check_puppet.rb:75:in `check_state'
from ./check_puppet.rb:122
i added require 'rubygems'
and installed sys-proctable

Including gems in ubuntu 11.04

I've got a problem with running an additional gem under ubuntu 11.04. I installed spiceweasel via gem install - which put it in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/spiceweasel. When I try to run it, I get:
`require': no such file to load -- spiceweasel/version (LoadError)
The file is in /var/lib/gems/1.8/gems/spiceweasel-0.7.1/lib/spiceweasel/version.rb but cannot be loaded. This happens both with and without -rubygems.
How do I fix this?
It seems to be the same problem like here: Ruby: require 'irbtools' raises LoadError
The gem author published the gem with wrong permissions. You should contact the gem author.
