jmeter-maven-plugin libraries management - maven

I have such plugin configuration in my pom.xml
<!-- Custom property file -->
<!-- Some properties that I pass into jmeter -->
After I run mvn clean verify I get such libsat /target/jmeter/lib/:
and in log file I see that jmeter fails from time to time with such exception:
jmeter.extractor.json.jsonpath.JSONPostProcessor: Error processing JSON content in Select Team Name, message:Could not compile inline filter : [?("29011")]
Note that this [?("29011")] is only a part of expression. Full expression is looks like similar to this: $.teamData[?("29011")].name
I expect that this error somehow related to this multiple libs

Use last version of the plugin which has solved this issue as described in release notes:


swagger maven plgin executions do not run independant

I use the latest swagger-maven-plugin from the io.swagger.core.v3 to generate my static swagger api documentation.
In my project, I have to separate apis so I want to get a json and yml representation for each api within one package process.
the execution creates the expected json and yml files for each execution
The problem is, that the seconAPI files are a copy of the swagger files.
I've read the documentation and I thought that configuration in the plugin root is shared between multiple executions. Configurations within the execution tag are individually used per execution.
Is there a way to run the executions in parallel with individual configuration?
Or is it a problem with the plugin itself?
Each execution works as expected when there is only one execution defined in the executions tag.

I am getting an error "Error generating the report: java.lang.NullPointerException" while running the JMeter script using JMeter-Maven plugin

I am getting an error "Error generating the report: java.lang.NullPointerException" while running the JMeter script using JMeter-Maven plugin.
Below is the screen shot of the error I am getting:
Below is my pom.xml file:">
<!--Access Portal Login page URL -->
<!-- base URL -->
<!-- Number of users to simulate to execute the performance test plan -->
<!-- Time in seconds to get all users activated -->
<!-- Number of times the plan executed by every user -->
<!-- JMeter Dashboard output file report name -->
<jmeterReportTitle>Performance Dashboard</jmeterReportTitle>
<!-- if below is true then doesn't show summary of events in console log -->
<!-- Generate JMeter report with only transaction labels and data without sub samplers -->
Your test didn't execute successfully:
therefore results file is empty therefore JMeter fails to generate the HTML Reporting Dashboard.
Actually a not-properly-handled NPE indicates that a big problem in the code as yoiu shouldn't normally see issues like this in more or less mature software so you can report the issue via JMeter Bugzilla as JMeter shouldn't throw a NPE, it should rather report a human-readable message that the results file is empty suggesting inspecting jmeter.log file for possible reasons.
So you should see your_test_script_name.jmx.log file under target/jmeter/logs folder., I'm pretty much sure that you will find the root cause of your test script failure there.
Check out How to Use the JMeter Maven Plugin article for more information on running JMeter tests via Apache Maven
Run the test from GUI Mode once and confirm that test is getting executed properly. then run from the CLI Mode.

Using sonar.test.exclusions with Sonarqube 6.3

I'm currently evaluating Sonarqube 6.3 (a big upgrade from my current 5.5 instance) and I'm getting confused trying to work out the functionality of the sonar.test.exclusions setting.
There's this question: Sonar Maven Plugin: How do I exclude test source directories? which seems to indicate that it is used to exclude test files from analysis (which is what I'm after - I don't want my sonar ruleset run over my unit tests). The documentation also indicates that it is used to 'exclude unit test files' (perhaps this can be expanded upon to make it clearer?)
Thing is, when I add sonar.test.exclusions with a value of **/src/test/** and then run my analysis, I'm still getting code smells and the like being found for:
When I use sonar.exclusions instead, they don't show up. Why is sonar.test.exclusions not doing what I expect?
First of all: if you have a Maven project, you should use the scanner for Maven (mvn sonar:sonar). It will simplify your configuration, and will automatically register src/test/java folder as a test directory.
Now if you want to do the configuration manually, or understand what is going on under the hood, here is the explanation: SonarQube scanner work with 2 sets of files, main and test. Main source files are configured using the property sonar.sources. Test source files are configured using sonar.tests.
On top of that, you can filter some content using the sonar.[test.]exclusions properties.
In you case your problem is that Foo/src/test/java/foo/bar/ seems to be considered as a main source file. That's why sonar.test.exclusions has no effect.
Using maven with verfication goal (mvn clean verify sonar:sonar install), I have used this configuration without problems:
Coverage exclusion configuration, inside properties (up) and jacoco plugin configuracion:

Setting properties in maven with gmaven

I am trying to overwrite the following property in maven using gmaven:
But I get this error:;
[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.gmaven:gmaven-plugin:1.5:execute (setproperty) on project my-project: startup failed, script139276
2592853.groovy: 1: expecting ''', found '<EOF>' # line 1, column 84.
[ERROR] 1 error
What is wrong with the above groovy snippet?
Value of a property which is set using gmavenplus-plugin displays correctly when accessed using the plugin. It will display correctly even if it is accessed using different instances of the same plugin.
Problem arises when value of a property which is already initialized outside the plugin is altered by the plugin and it is accessed outside the plugin. Now the value of the property is not the value as updated by plugin. The updated value is now scoped within the plugin. As a workaround to solve this issue if a property has to be updated by the plugin and is required to be accessed outside the scope of plugin: do not declare or initialize it, in case it needs to be then declare and initialize the property through the plugin.
I agree with #khmarbaise that this is a little weird to do, but if you must...I'm not sure offhand why it isn't working. That plugin isn't really maintained anymore. <shamelessPlug>I think this should work:
For more info on this mojo, check out
</shamelessPlug>. However, be aware that I believe this will be scoped within the plugin.

Configuring Javadoc aggregation in Maven

I'm trying to create an aggregate Javadoc site for all the modules in my project, but I can't seem to configure the plugin in a way that is satisfactory. Mainly, I can't seem to get it to aggregate the javadocs all the while detecting links and excluding certain packages. Essentially, it appears the configuration of the plugin is ignored entirely.
I have a root pom.xml that refers to a bunch of submodules and contains the following configuration:
But when I run mvn javadoc:aggregate with this setup, I end up with a javadoc site that has no links to any of the referenced libraries and still includes all the testing classes.
I don't even see the plugin attempting to download the package-list for each declared link source.
On the other hand, generating the javadoc for each individual module works well and as expected.
What am I getting wrong?
Plugin configurations can be placed on two levels; inside the execution tag or outside of it ("global").
When the configuration is inside the execution tag it belongs to that particular execution. In your case you will have to run mvn site for it to execute since it is bound to that phase.
When the mvn javadoc:aggregate command is used it looks for the "global" configuration. In your pom there is no such configuration and thus it uses the default configuration.
Change your plugin configuration to this instead:
You can place a configuration inside the execution part to override and specialize the configuration for that execution.
BTW The <groupId> is wrong in your pom. It should be
and not
