Find account from API or List ID - mailchimp

Here's an odd question...
I have multiple clients for whom I manage MC accounts, and I need to find out which account is associated with a particular API key and List ID. Is there any way of doing this? I have the List ID and API key, but cannot figure out which account the signups are going to!

If you hit the root of MailChip API v3, you'll get the account username as a part of the response. You can use their API Playground to make that call if you're not a developer.


Google API Authentication for App That Only Accesses One Account

Should I use a Service Account or an OAuth 2.0 Client ID?
I'm struggling to understand Google's documentation on authenticating for their APIs. I'm creating a basic application that will help users add and modify Google Calendar events for a single Google account (the account is shared between all users). I only need the application to access that one account, it'll never need to access any others.
It seems to me that Service Account would be best for this, but Google's documentation suggests Service Accounts should only be used for automated processes (unless I'm misunderstanding). For instance this page contains the following, describing when to use Service Accounts.
Would my application qualify as acting on the users behalf?
If so, I would want to use OAuth Client ID credentials, which will ask the user to sign in to a google account. In this case, is there a way I can guarantee they only sign in to the one account I want modified?
I can't find any decent documentation on the OAuth authentication requests to figure this out myself. If there is any could you point me there?
I'm sure I'm misunderstanding something basic here, but thank you for any help!
First off you should know that you can only use service accounts with Google aclendar api if you have a google workspace domain account.
You can then set up a calendar and a domain user that the service account can act on behalf of to control the access of that calendar.
Assuming that your application is going to preform all actions on this calendar then yes i would say that you could use a service account for this. If your app bacly has a ui with a calendar on it your just using google calendar to store the data.
However if you intend to share this calendar with the users themselves, this way they could see it within their own google Calendar account. Im not sure a service account would be the way to go.
If you want the users to be able to see it and make changes then you may want to just use Oauth2. Grant them access to the calendar and then request access to their calendar account.
Drawback to that option is going to be the verification process. You will get access to all the users calendars and your going to need write access.
If you can go with a service account you really should consider it it will save you a lot of hassle with verification.

Get All Calendars in Google Org via Google API

Goal: I'm trying to get all the calendars in my Gsuite org.
Problem: I know I can get a list of calendars using CalendarList.list but that's only if the user or service account has all the calendars in its list and even then it's not always accurate because the calendars don't always get added to the service account's calendar list and a user could potentially remove the calendar from their list.
Question: Is there a way to just grab every calendar in my Google org? Let's say my domain is I want every user's calendar as well as calendars created through the api. I was thinking this might be possible with the GSuite Admin SDK, but I haven't been able to find anything that allows me to do this. It only handles Resources.calendars which is different than a Calendar object.
Any help appreciated! Thanks!
You need to use the service account to get a token for each user, for this you need each user's email which you can get making a Users.list request [1]. With each token you can do a CalendarList.list request [2] for each impersonated user which will retrieve you the user's calendars it's subscribed to.
You can filter the results to get the calendars with the accessRole [3] field set to owner, if you want the calendars created by the user. You could get the deleted calendars as well by setting the showDeleted parameter to true [2].
unfortunately you cant. The only way to get a list of calendars that the user has access to is though the calendarlist.list method. The issue with this is that you must be sure that all of the users calendars where actually added to calendarlist which is not always the case.
What you can do is prompt the user asking them to share with you any other calendars but thats not going to work very well with a service account.
Considering the official documentation provided by Workspace(formerly G-Suite), this can be achieved by using service accounts with domain-wide authority delegation.
Please check the documentations below:
Google Calendar API - Domain Resources
Delegating domain-wide authority to the service account

Google Ads API accounts missing

I'm developing integration with Google Ads API using their Ruby gem library.
I have an approved oAuth2 account for the Ads scope with an approved developer token that allows any external user to connect with our API.
I have a Google Ads account that manages our own Ads account and two other accounts.
When I authenticate with the API and approve it, I then grab the account with
graph = get_accounts_graph()
This surprisingly returns just ONE Ads account, and one that belongs to a client that we manage. Our own two Ads accounts are missing.
So I tried to compare between our client's account and our own.
Under I can clearly see we have admin rights to our two ad accounts, just like we do to the client account.
Am I missing some setting somewhere? Has anyone experienced this before?
I ran into this issue at the beginning. The sample in the API client libraries (which I'm going to assume you are using here), calls the customer service
There's actually two different services for retrieving customer account IDs. The customer service only allows access to accounts that are added as direct admins on each account. This is an important distinction as manager accounts don't fall into this category.
What you need to call is the regular GoogleAdsService (not the customer service!) and put your request in the query itself..
query = "SELECT customer_client_link.client_customer FROM customer_client_link"
This will give you a list of account IDs as resource names, not accessible accounts. And you can iterate over them as usual.
Hope that helps.

Microsoft Graph Get Calendars of All Users

I'm trying to use the Microsoft Graph API to get the calendars of all the users in an organization. Is there a way for an admin with the appropriate permissions can get all user calendars with one request to the API? I'm aware that it is possible by first retrieving a list of all the users then using the user IDs to send a request for each's calendars. I'd like to avoid this approach so that I can avoid making too many calls to the API. I'd also like to be able to do this without every using having to share their calendars with the admin. Does support for something like this exist? Thanks.
No, it is not possible to get all Calendars of all users in one request.
You can do it only over the way you described.
There are two part to your question:
1: Get all calendars of all users in call: This is not possible.
2: Get access to calendars with users explicitly sharing the calendars. This is possible using app-only access tokens.

How do I programmatically determine a Google Account USERID token from a Gmail address without credentials?

I'm developing something with the Google Books API, but I think this can be generalized across many of Google's APIs.
Suppose I have an app that's got a social aspect where I can add friends and see their Google Books collection. From the API docs, it says I can retrieve anybody's collection if I know their userid, but I can't find any way to retrieve it programmatically. The only thing I can expect a user to know is their friend's gmail address (or Google Account Login, which, for these purposes, is the same thing). The only way I can somehow get it is through a URL on their web interface for Google books. Making users do it that way is an obscure form of torture.
Does anyone know if this is possible with any Google service?
Specifically, suppose I had a gmail address:, could I then query some Google service to get the userid for that user? A userid is a basically a really big number (around 20 digits)
Here's a similar question with a solution/workaround from Nick Johnson:
The current workaround is to create a
User object, store it to the
datastore, and fetch it again. If the
email corresponds to a valid Google
account, the User object in the
returned entity will have its user_id
field populated.
