Bash find and remove files in directory, but do not remove directory - bash

For example I have a directory with backups, I want to remove files in the directory older than 6 days, but leave the directory in tact.
I currently have;
find /backups/daily/{databases,logs} -mtime +6 -exec rm -rf {} \;
This however, removes the directory AS WELL as the file inside. How do I leave the directories in tact but remove the files inside that are older than 6 days?

find Test -type f -mtime -1 -exec rm -rf {} \;
The type -f did the trick, thanks


How to remove all subdirectories? (unix shell scripting)

I have a directory called "cdrs-roaming". Everyday I receive one or more .zip files and unzip them with this:
for i in *.zip
mkdir $j
cd $j
unzip ../$i
cd -
Then I have for example:
"" and "example1"; "" and "example2"
I'm removing all zip files (in this case: "" and "") with this:
#! /bin/bash
find /dados/cdrs-roaming/*.zip -mtime +1 -exec rm {} \;
So I want to remove the directories (or folders - I really don't know the difference) "example1" and "example2". I've tried this:
#! /bin/bash
find /dados/cdrs-roaming/ -type d -mtime +1 -exec rm -rf {} \;
But it also removes "cdrs-roaming". I've also tried to use:
find /cdrs-roaming/ -type d -mtime +1 -exec rm -rf {} \;
But it returns: find: ‘/cdrs-roaming/’: No such file or directory
Any idea for doing this? I need to delete only the directories within "cdrs-roaming" but I can't remove anything else inside it (my .sh files are inside of it)
Since you are using bash, how about
rm -rf /dados/cdrs-roaming/*/
The final slash ensures that bash only expands the pattern to directories.
Use -mindepth 1 option:
find /dados/cdrs-roaming/ -mindepth 1 -type d -mtime +1 -exec rm -rf {} \;

Removing all subfolders older than 3 days inside a folder, but keep the main folder

I have a directory structure like this:
news_images folder -> subfolder with current date ex. 20140626 -> files
I would like to remove all subfolders with files inside news_images directory that are older than 3 days.
This does remove only files inside news_images directory but do not touch the subfolders.
find news_images -mtime +3 -exec rm {} \;
Did you try to find only subdirectories of news_images (then remove them recursively) ?
Something like (not tested but I think it should work):
find news_images -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -mtime +3 -type d -exec rm -r {} +
rm without options is not able to delete directories. Try option -r.

Copy changed files, create a changeset and maintain directory structure

I want to copy just the files i've created/edited today into a separate directory "changeset" whilst maintaining their directory structure
I came up with the following script
cd ./myproject/
find ./* -mtime -1 -daystart -exec cp {} ../changeset/{} \;
The drawbacks of the above is that directories aren't created and the copy throws an error.
I've manually gone into ../changeset/ and create the folder structure until the command runs without errors.. but thats a little tedious.
Is there a simple solution to this?
find * -mtime -1 -daystart -print0 | cpio -pd0 ../changeset
cpio is an old, oddball archival program that is occasionally the best tool for the job. With -p it copies files named on stdin to another directory. With -d it creates directories as needed.
I've found another solution which isn't as elegant as John's but which isn't reliant on cpio, which i dont have.
cd ./myproject/
# Create all directories
find ./* -type d -exec mkdir ../changeset/{} \;
# Copy files
find ./* -mtime -1 -daystart -exec cp {} ../changeset/{} \;
# Delete empty directories, run this several times because after moving a child the parent directory needs to be removed
find ../changeset/ -type d -empty -exec rmdir {} \;

Shell script to delete directories older than n days

I have directories named as:
How would I delete the directories that are older than 10 days with a bash shell script?
This will do it recursively for you:
find /path/to/base/dir/* -type d -ctime +10 -exec rm -rf {} \;
find: the unix command for finding files / directories / links etc.
/path/to/base/dir: the directory to start your search in.
-type d: only find directories
-ctime +10: only consider the ones with modification time older than 10 days
-exec ... \;: for each such result found, do the following command in ...
rm -rf {}: recursively force remove the directory; the {} part is where the find result gets substituted into from the previous part.
Alternatively, use:
find /path/to/base/dir/* -type d -ctime +10 | xargs rm -rf
Which is a bit more efficient, because it amounts to:
rm -rf dir1 dir2 dir3 ...
as opposed to:
rm -rf dir1; rm -rf dir2; rm -rf dir3; ...
as in the -exec method.
With modern versions of find, you can replace the ; with + and it will do the equivalent of the xargs call for you, passing as many files as will fit on each exec system call:
find . -type d -ctime +10 -exec rm -rf {} +
If you want to delete all subdirectories under /path/to/base, for example
but you don't want to delete the root /path/to/base, you have to add -mindepth 1 and -maxdepth 1 options, which will access only the subdirectories under /path/to/base
-mindepth 1 excludes the root /path/to/base from the matches.
-maxdepth 1 will ONLY match subdirectories immediately under /path/to/base such as /path/to/base/dir1, /path/to/base/dir2 and /path/to/base/dir3 but it will not list subdirectories of these in a recursive manner. So these example subdirectories will not be listed:
and so forth.
So , to delete all the sub-directories under /path/to/base which are older than 10 days;
find /path/to/base -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d -ctime +10 | xargs rm -rf
find supports -delete operation, so:
find /base/dir/* -ctime +10 -delete;
I think there's a catch that the files need to be 10+ days older too. Haven't tried, someone may confirm in comments.
The most voted solution here is missing -maxdepth 0 so it will call rm -rf for every subdirectory, after deleting it. That doesn't make sense, so I suggest:
find /base/dir/* -maxdepth 0 -type d -ctime +10 -exec rm -rf {} \;
The -delete solution above doesn't use -maxdepth 0 because find would complain the dir is not empty. Instead, it implies -depth and deletes from the bottom up.
I was struggling to get this right using the scripts provided above and some other scripts especially when files and folder names had newline or spaces.
Finally stumbled on tmpreaper and it has been worked pretty well for us so far.
tmpreaper -t 5d ~/Downloads
tmpreaper --protect '*.c' -t 5h ~/my_prg
Original Source link
Has features like test, which checks the directories recursively and lists them.
Ability to delete symlinks, files or directories and also the protection mode for a certain pattern while deleting
rm -rf `find /path/to/base/dir/* -type d -mtime +10`
Updated, faster version of it:
find /path/to/base/dir/* -mtime +10 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

Recursively unzip files and then delete original file, leaving unzipped files in place from shell

I've so far figured out how to use find to recursively unzip all the files:
find . -depth -name `*.zip` -exec /usr/bin/unzip -n {} \;
But, I can't figure out how to remove the zip files one at a time after the extraction. Adding rm *.zip in an -a -exec ends up deleting most of the zip files in each directory before they are extracted. Piping through a script containing the rm command (with -i enabled for testing) causes find to not find any *.zips (or at least that's what it complains). There is, of course, whitespace in many of the filenames but at this point syntaxing in a sed command to add _'s is a bit beyond me. Thank for your help!
have you tried:
find . -depth -name '*.zip' -exec /usr/bin/unzip -n {} \; -exec rm {} \;
find . -depth -name '*.zip' -exec /usr/bin/unzip -n {} \; -delete
or running a second find after the unzip one
find . -depth -name '*.zip' -exec rm {} \;
thx for the 2nd command with -delete! helped me a lot..
just 2 (maybe helpful) remarks from my side:
-had to use '.zip' instead of `.zip` on my debian system
-use -execdir instead of -exec > this will extract each zip file within its current folder, otherwise you end up with all extracted content in the dir you invoked the find cmd.
find . -depth -name '*.zip' -execdir /usr/bin/unzip -n {} \; -delete
THX & Regards,
As mentioned above, this should work.
find . -depth -name '*.zip' -execdir unzip -n {} \; -delete
However, note two things:
The -n option instructs unzip to not overwrite existing files. You may not know if the zip files differ from the similarly named target files. Even so, the -delete will remove the zip file.
If unzip can't unzip the file--say because of an error--it might still delete it. The command will certainly remove it if -exec rm {} \; is used in place of -delete.
A safer solution might be to move the files following the unzip to a separate directory that you can trash when you're sure you have extracted all the files successfully.
Unzip archives in subdir based on the file name (../ -> ../file/..):
for F in $(find . -depth -name *.zip); do unzip "$F" -d "${F%.*}/" && rm "$F"; done
I have a directory filling up with zipped csv files. External processes are writing new zipped files to it often. I wish to bulk unzip and remove the originals as you do.
To do that I use:
unzip '*.zip'
find . | sed 's/$/\.zip/g' | xargs -n 1 rm
It works by searching and expanding all zip files presently in the directory. Later, after it finishes there are potentially new unzipped new files mixed in there too that are not to be deleted yet.
So I delete by finding successfully unzipped *.csv files, and using sed to regenerate the original filenames for deletion which is then fed to rm via the xargs command.
