Calls at the end of script execution are failing in jmeter - jmeter

We observed that while executing the below scenario, calls at the end of script execution are failing and they are counted as part of error %,
Number of threads : 100 (even for 50 , 150 200 users, only the calls which are shown at the end of results tree are failing)
Ramp up period : 5s
Scheduler duration : 600s
We also observed that though the sceduled time is for 10mins(600s), jmeter runs for 11mins. Is there any option in jmeter for a ramp-down period?

This may happen when JMeter forcibly terminates running threads, ideally that should not be happening and threads should be stopped gracefully.
The most possible reason is simply lack of resources as you are using JMeter in a not very correct way.
You should not use JMeter GUI for tests execution, GUI mode is only for tests development and debugging
You should not use any listeners during test execution. Run your test in non-GUI mode, store results into .jtl file and after test finishes either generate HTML Reporting Dashboard or open the results file with the listener of your choice, but do this after test completion, not during the test.
With regards to "ramp-down" period: there are some custom Thread Groups available via JMeter Plugins project like Stepping Thread Group or Ultimate Thread Group which allow you to set up arbitrary rampdown patterns:


Negative Active Thread Count in JMeter

We're getting negative thread count in JMeter for active threads.
The test plan contains various Http Web Test Plan related components and samplers using Parallel Controller. This is creating problems for us in getting correct metrics as JMeter is emitting the same -ve values to the listeners for active threads. Any insights what might be wrong and how to fix this?
Here's the screenshot from the test plan while executing -
First of all don't run JMeter in GUI mode, it's only for tests development and/or debugging, when it comes to test execution you should run JMeter in command-line non-GUI mode
I don't think you should have Parallel Controller as the first parent sampler, the most obvious use case is simulating AJAX requests, concurrency should be set on Thread Group level

Jmeter How to stop the execution of all threads when find error in thread

I am new to Jmeter
I just wanted to stop the execution of all threads when find error in any of the threads.
I gone through many blogs and I used Action to be taken after Sampler error as Stop Thread and Stop thread etc.
Still I didn't see threads getting stopped in Jmeter GUI.
What to use if I want to see thread stopping when find any error while running threads.
Threads :500
Rampup: 5 Sec
If thread fail at 450 thread then I should see
#samples as 450 amd error % as 0.01(or something )in Summary report.
Is it possible?
It is possible only if you run your test with 1 thread, when you have more than one thread you will run into the situation when there are several threads online executing Samplers and when the error occurs JMeter will either ask threads to stop or tell them to stop resulting in more sample results than you expect.
Also according to JMeter Best Practices you're not supposed to be running your test in GUI mode, it's only for tests development and debugging, when it comes to test execution you need to run your JMeter tests in command-line non-GUI mode like:
jmeter -n -t test.jmx -l result.jtl
However it doesn't explain the results you're getting, I wouldn't expect exactly 1000 sample results given your configuration so if you want to get to the bottom of the issue you will need update your question with test plan overview, .jtl file and jmeter.log file contents.

Ubuntu : Execution was not ending properly before test completion

Ubuntu: Execution was not ending properly before test completion
I have two questions
1) I am running 4500 users test from two machines (2250+2250). Duration of the test is 1 hr 30 min.
At the end test was not closing and it's not giving a consolidated summary in the console.
2) after closing the test by keys(ctrl +C). If I open the jtl report from the master system its showing 2250 users in the (Active threads over time) Lisner.
Using ctrl+c is not enough for terminating the running process.
End your test by executing the (or bat depending on your environment) to signal the running process to properly and gracefully end its execution. See here:
Edit: you can use the stoptest.cmd|sh for forcing a stop.
Looking into your execution log file my expectation is that your are kicking off 9000 threads. When it comes to remote testing JMeter Remote Engines are absolutely independent so each engine is executing the Test Plan it receives from the master.
If you define 4500 threads in the Thread Group(s) it means that every JMeter slave will kick off 4500 virtual users.
The fact that JMeter doesn't respond to Shutdown event indicates the fact that JMeter engines are overloaded so they even cannot gracefully shutdown in a reasonable time. Make sure you have monitoring of at least baseline CPU and Memory stats of JMeter load generators to ensure that they have enough headroom to operate as if they will be lacking resources it will result in the increased response time (and impossibility to shut the test down as well).
So my recommendations are:
Make sure the load you deliver matches your expectations as I am under the impression you are delivering twice as many users
Make sure you have monitoring of CPU, RAM, Network and Disk capacity on JMeter load generators, you can use i.e. JMeter PerfMon Plugin for this.
Make sure you're following JMeter Best Practices and recommendations from the 9 Easy Solutions for a JMeter Load Test “Out of Memory” Failure

Run All Thread groups for every 1 hour once

1.In My Test plan I have 5 Scripts(5 Thread groups)
2.For every 1 hour once i want to trigger this script.(All the thread groups should run once)
3.Once the first run is completed it should wait one hour time again the script should run..
Can Any Help me please how to do this scenario
The easiest way is using your operating system scheduling mechanism, i.e. :
Windows Task Scheduler
Linux Crontab
MacOSX launchd
Alternative way would be running JMeter via continuous integration server like Jenkins, this way you will get scheduling, parameterization, build history and performance trend charts via Performance Plugin
One more option would be running a JMeter test non-stop, i.e. set Thread Groups to run Forever. You can create a 1-hour delay between iterations by adding Test Action sampler configured to pause threads for 3600000 milliseconds. Optionally you can add Synchronizing Timer to act as a "rendezvous point" so Test Action sampler would be executed by all threads simultaneously.

Threads keep running even after test finishes in Jmeter

I am running 24 Hr load test on jmeter with 3256 threads. But even after 28 hrs some of the threads keep running and does not get ramp down. There are several errors in the run.
Even when I choose to stop the threads,"Shutting down all the threads, please be patient" Pop up appears and stays forever and no threads are ramping down.
For your information:- Number of threads-3256; Ramp up period-300; Loop Count-192
Considering all the think/wait time in the script , scenario should run for 24Hrs.
How can I close all the threads forcefully.
There are following options available:
JMeter is listening to shutdown messages on port 4445. There are 2 scripts in /bin folder of your JMeter installation:
shutdown.cmd(sh) - send graceful shutdown request to all threads
stoptest.cmd(sh) - force stop threads
Use Test Action Sampler "Stop Now" option for "All Threads"
Use Beanshell Sampler with the following code:
However in that way you can get lots of errors caused by force shutting down of test threads which will be in your test results.
Actually I think that behavior your're experiencing is being caused by lack of resources on your load generator (JMeter) side. Try following recommendations from JMeter Performance and Tuning Tips guide to see if it helps (you don't need to wait all 24h, it will be enough to wait till all threads are ramped up).
If adjusting JMeter parameters won't help it looks like that you'll need to consider distributed testing and generate the load from more than one host.
