cant find ruby iDE - ruby

I know its a bad title.
I have just downloaded Ruby from because I thought it might be a cool language to learn but I can't find where the IDE is in the folder, is there an IDE with it or not? If so can anyone tell me where it is?

Ruby is just the interpreter and doesn't provide any IDE. You can use the editor of your choice like Atom, Sublime Text or VIM.
However there are also IDEs for ruby, like the awesome RubyMine

The state of Ruby IDEs in 2016 is very sad, the original question does not deserve to be rated down as it addresses a valid point.
Except Intellij Rubymine, there is no actively maintained, fully featured IDE available for Ruby that supports Intellisense (or comparable functionality) and fast, visual debugging.
Unless you shell out more than USD200 in the first year and still more than USD100 each subsequent year to Intellij, you'll have to do with Emacs, Vi(m), Atom, Visual Studio Code etc. like solutions for source code editing without Intellisense support and rely on rdebug, ruby-debug-ide (super slow!) or my favorite debugging console: pry.
I am hoping for someone to enable Intellisense for Ruby in Visual Studio Code and provide a decent debugging plugin there.

There are many IDEs which support Ruby. There is Ruby Mine, from Intellij, Netbeans has a Ruby setting. Atom has a Ruby setting and is my favorite right now. I'm sure Visual Studio and Visual Studio code both have Ruby plugins.
Typically programming languages do not come with a dedicated IDE, because IDEs only help you a little, technically you can just use Notepad. So, it's up to you to find one that you like.


Ruby syntax highlighting in visual studio 2012

I use rake scripts for running builds and would like to be able to get syntax highlighting within visual studio.
Is it possible to get ruby syntax highlighting in Visual Studio 2012?
I've been searching for a while but not come up with a solution yet. I'm only looking for free solutions so Ruby In Steel is out.
Vote here for IronRuby support for visual studio 2012
Unfortunately the IronRuby tools for Visual Studio don't yet support VS2012.
I might be wrong about that though, it seems that the development has been moved to Github.
My preferred external editor is Sublime Text so I've opted use that for Ruby files. You just right click on your rakefile.rb is the VS solution explorer and choose "Open With". In the dialog you can add an editor of your choice and set it to be the default.
There was, at one point in 2008 anyway, a free edition of Ruby in Steel and it seems like the download link on that page does still work. It has a slightly limited feature set compared to pay versions of the software, but does include syntax Highlighting. So have a go and see if that will do what you need for free.
And for the rest of you, Neil specifically asked for VS internal syntax highlighting, not for you to plug your favorite text editor.

Ruby IDE (from a Visual Studio background)

For a university I was advised to learn Ruby before starting. I have a strong .NET background (with C#) and would like to find an IDE for Ruby. I'm currently very familiar with/used to VS2010 and VS2012.
Which IDE has the most similarities with Visual Studio?
Is there a certain prominent IDE that is far better than it's competitors?
I find RubyMine by JetBrains to be the closest to Visual Studio that I've found. It's paid, comes with support, and is built off of Eclipse (I think).
If you're interested in using a text editor, I've found Sublime Text 2 to be a very nice choice. I used to use TextMate all the time, but I'm gradually switching to Sublime Text.
Which IDE has the most similarities with Visual Studio?
Visual Studio, of course!
Is there a certain prominent IDE that is far better than it's competitors?
RubyMine is sometimes cited as the best one. Personally, I haven't used it, so I can't comment on it. RubyMine is basically a lean (i.e. without the Java support) version of IntelliJ IDEA with the IDEA Ruby Plugin pre-installed.
I have always used the NetBeans Ruby Plugin and have been somewhat satisfied with it.
Now, if you have experience with IDEs for other dynamic languages such as Lisp or Smalltalk, then all of the Ruby IDEs, whether that be RubyMine, Eclipse RDT, Eclipse DLTK/Ruby, Ruby in Steel, RadRails or 3rd Rail, or "IDEs" such as Vim, Emacs, TextMate, Sublime, etc. will feel like primitive stone age tools in comparison.
I wrote an IDE called visualruby which works like Visual Basic. You build your forms visually using the glade interface designer.
Take a look at
RubyMine is the closest to Visual Studio, and is a great way to transition into writing Ruby code. Unfortunately, once you join a team that doesn't use an IDE you're going to have a hard time keeping one happy.
IDE's usually require "hints" about the code and with Ruby's dynamic nature it gets really easy to write code the IDE can't understand.
I believe both Netbeans and Eclipse have plugins for Ruby, between the two I personally prefer Netbeans, but I only use them for Java programming. For Ruby I use Vim which you can customize into whatever needs you have.
All the people I know use a text editor for Ruby (at my company either Vim, or Sublime Text 2). Not that Ruby programmers can't use an IDE, but they generally don't.
If you're looking to learn Ruby, might be worth trying it out without a full fledged IDE.
If you already have Visual Studio 2010 installed (seems to always be installed as part of other Microsoft Tools) Ruby In Steel 2.0 is definitely worth a look. Sure, it's using an older shell but it's fast and familiar.

Is there a Perl extension for Visual Studio?

Does anyone know if there is an extension or plugin for Visual Studio ( any version ) that will recognize Perl syntax highlighting? I want to edit the Perl files in my vs projects, but it gets hard to read sometimes. Thanks.
Old Answer (still applies unless you are using Visual Studio Update 1 RTM (2015) or later)
In short. No, there doesn't seem to be a good plugin for it.
If you use Perl rarely, I would recommend sticking with Visual Studio for Microsoft languages and Padre for Perl.
However, if you use Perl as much or more than Microsoft languages, you might want to check out Emacs, which has support for C#, VB.NET, and Perl. Emacs is designed to be a "one-stop-shop" for all you do all day long, including browsing the web. You can come into work, start using Emacs and never have to leave it until it is time to go home.
disclaimer: The answer above is geared toward the Original Poster. I'm a big fan of vim. Personally, if I were thrust into a situation where I had to work with C# and Perl on the same project, I would get ViEMU for Visual Studio and then use two editors: Visual Studio for C# and vim for Perl.
If this is something you are willing to spend some time on, check out defining your own syntax highlighting for Visual Studio.
Visual Studio Update 1 RTM now (2015) has Perl support, along with Go, Java, R, Ruby, and Swift.
Komodo Edit is quite nice, and free. code folding and other good stuff.
A work-in-progress Visual Studio extension for Perl6 (not the Perl5 asked by the OP) is incrementally more full-featured. It is released under the MIT License and its repository is on GitHub. As a prerequisite, Perl6 (e.g., Rakudo) needs to already be installed.
For Perl syntax highlight ext install perl6
Install this extension To Run Perl and Other languages
A workaround for Visual Studio desktop version is to use C++ syntax highlighting.
Go to Options -> Text Editor -> File Extension
Enter extension "pl" (no dot)
Assign it to "Microsoft Visual C++"
Click "Add"
If necessary, repeat the same steps for "cgi" extension.

What is so great about Visual Studio? [closed]

As it currently stands, this question is not a good fit for our Q&A format. We expect answers to be supported by facts, references, or expertise, but this question will likely solicit debate, arguments, polling, or extended discussion. If you feel that this question can be improved and possibly reopened, visit the help center for guidance.
Closed 12 years ago.
In my admittedly somewhat short time as programmer, I have used many development environments on many platforms. Most notably, Eclipse/Linux, XCode/OSX, CLI/editor/Linux, VisualDSP/Blackfin/Windows and MSVC/Windows. (I used each one for several months)
There are neat features in pretty much all of them. But somehow, I just can't find any in MSVC. Then again, so many people really seem to like it, so I am probably missing something here. So please tell me: What is so great about Visual Studio?
Things I like:
Refactoring tools in Eclipse
Build error highlighting in XCode and Eclipse
Edit-all-in-Scope in XCode
Profiler in XCode
Flexibility of Eclipse and CLI/editor
Data plotting in VisualDSP
Things I don't like
Build error display in MSVC (not highlighted in code)
Honestly, this is not meant to be a rant. Of course I am a Mac-head and biased as hell, but I have to use MSVC on the job, so I really want to like it.
The best thing about visual studio is that it's the host application for Resharper ;)
It depends from programmer to programmer. I preferably like Visual Studio because:
(1) Development is much faster as compared to other IDEs.
(2) Intelli-Sense concept works best in Visual Studio. In some IDEs I noted that the menu opens when you pressed the . and moved ahead. And also the concept of Intelli-Sense started with Visual Studio. I am sorry for hurting if I am wrong.
(3) I use Aptana Studio for PHP development. It is a great IDE as it is built on Eclipse, but still I am able to work faster, specially while working on HTML files, using Visual Studio than in Aptana. But again, Aptana also has some very neat features.
(4) I find debugging a .NET application using Visual Studio much easier than working with other IDEs.
IMHO, Visual Studio has one of the best debuggers in the business. Much easier to use than the many graphical frontends to gdb out there.
Visual Studio is more integrated with its supported languages than anything I have ever experienced (I've been around the block--Aptana, Eclipse, Zend Studio, etc.).
Add ReSharper to the mix, and I'm in heaven.
What I like is the:
Intellisense (code-comletion features)
In-environment documentation
ReSharper is a plug-in which enhances these things and adds some more advanced features like large-scale refactoring, killer object discovery features, code validation against recommended standards (which you can change to fit your own needs).
After close to 10 years using and loving Visual Studio up to version 2008, I have been doing some Java development in Eclipse for a few months and I am quite surprised that, in my opinion, Eclipse is a much more advanced IDE. I just miss a lot of features when I go back to VS.
Perhaps the people that think VS is the best haven't used any other modern IDE lately.
I had the same question myself, since everyone seems to love Studio (and I personally think it's not even close to Eclipse's abilities).
After a lot of reading, I came to the (possibly wrong?) conclusion that: Visual Studio is great for .net languages, but Visual Studio for C/C++ is just not close to as good.
Almost everyone who speaks so highly of Visual Studio is coming from a .net background, and a lot of the wonderful things they keep talking about, I just couldn't find when working on C++.
This, btw, makes a lot of sense: the main effort of Microsoft is to push .net forward, and the tight integration with Studio makes it a very powerful IDE (the same way Eclipse is great for Java development).
If you are using Visual Studio for C or C++ programming, you should really look into Visual Assist X. It adds refactoring and better syntax highlighting and a few extra things.
If you are using Subversion for version-control, you should also look into VisualSVN (best) or AnkhSvn (free).
With those add-ons you might find Visual Studio more to your liking.
'Out of the box', I can write a program without having to go through all the hooplah of installing CDT (or whatever other tools). This is a real PITA for Ubuntu and not much better on windows. (The updates never seem to work right, there are always stupid package incompatibility problems, or special install steps).
The environment 'feels' natural to windows and non-clunky, and that lack of awkwardness counts a lot toward productivity. Shortcuts are common with other windows apps, window behavior is the same, etc.
VS is also not cluttered by a crapload of windows when you open a project. I'm sure that there are ways to save the perspectives in Eclipse so you don't have to do this every time, but it is an extra step.
Visual Studio isn't a great IDE at all - I discovered that when I started C# development.
With Resharper it's pretty nice, with features present in better IDEs like Eclipse andIntelliJ IDEA.
I have no idea why Microsoft doesn't just buy JetBrains and merges Resharper into Visual Studio.
Visual Studio Team System Data Base Edition - all the tools you need: code editor with designer, Source Control, Team View and , what's best - Data Base deployment!
Probably someone else already gave this answer, but:
That's it. Simple as that. Point me to one tool that can debug code as fully as VS can, and I'd marry it (yes, I'm married to VS). When you are targeting .Net, things get even better.
Which one did you use first?
From someone who has been developing since...uhm...punching holes in cards and has seen IDEs evolve I actually like using Visual Studio, but I like other ones too. I find Visual Studio is best with Microsoft specific languages such as VB or C#, and it has many of the features comparable to the points you say you like in others.
I do find that I need time to get used to a new IDE because since I use VS a lot, I'm usually looking for the VS way to do something. So maybe it's just the case of giving it time. And if you don't like it try out the customisations to change it or turn it off.
I dare say that VS introduced some ideas that other IDEs adopted and vice versa.
My top favourite thing is the intelli-sense that never seemed too obtrusive compared to other IDEs, and for C# VS 2003 seemed to get a lot clever at predicting what I wanted to type.
It certainly is not an IDE to despise.
VS is getting better from version to version, with 3rd party tools like resharper it is as good as the other tools. (sames goes to profiling.. the 3rd parties are pretty good).
basically - if you coding dot net - this is the tool, and if you're coding java - you have the others...
so the real question - which framework you like better, and not which IDE....
.... and if you are only using good old c++ I think which ever tool you're used to...
I used to compile c++ on borland on dos and I was happy :-)
I use both Delphi and Visual Studio. While I prefer Delphi (for a lot of reasons), there are some things that Visual Studio does better.
The code editor works better, making writing code smoother, and therefore faster.
The help. It's faster, returns more relevant results and is better integrated into IDE.
It's more of a .Net thing than Visual Studio, but I'm really liking ASP.Net, so I'd have to call that another win for VS.
And for bonus points, I'm also a big fan of Delphi Prism, which is hosted in Visual Studio.
So, if you're writing code for Windows, there are a lot of things to like in the Visual Studio IDE.
The debugger (I primarily use C++). I make sure my projects work in Visual Studio all along, even if my team in my job isn't supporting it, because it always saves our hide in the end. Otherwise its non-standard solution/project system is somewhat annoying.
Also, for someone accustomed to using VS, Eclipse is far too sluggish. It's like an ice hockey fan trying to become a soccer fan. It can happen, but it's not easy.
I tried using VS2010 for working on a Great Plains / eConnect project, and it kept crashing on me.
I would like to like this IDE, but I can't even use it right now. VS2010 has the featureset I need to work on the above (with the newest versions).
I like VS because it is the more responsive one (runs circles around Eclipse for instance). I'm still using 2005 though and not looking forward to the upgrade to 2010 (we skip every other release, so not 2003 and no 2008 here).

Ironruby IDE

Which IDE if any, are people using to develop Ironruby in?
If you are looking for an integrated Visual Studio editor, with intellisense etc, Microsoft has nothing in plan yet (according to this article with John Lam -> But there is an integrated editor which works pretty good - SappireSteel - at
If you just want to edit in VS and don't care about intellisense and such, you could try and set up an external tool from within VS and call the ir.exe (
There are numerous editors with support for ruby highlightning which you can try out as well, but there is no one (I think) with intellisense-like support for the .NET framework. Scite ( is pretty popular, Scott Hanselman blogged about Ruby support/highlightning in Notepad2 ( On Codeplex you can find a tool called IronEdit ( which I've not tried myself yet.
I ran RubyMine ( for a while, which seems to be a really good Ruby IDE (costs money), but doesn't have any specific support for IronRuby. I hope the JetBrains will release something which plugs into Visual Studio eventually...
Personally I think Sapphire will come up with something really good eventually. I hope this helps.
I use Vim as my IDE with some custom settings that I blogged about some time ago.
Visual Studio?
According to the IronRuby website Visual Studio C# Express can be used (and in turn, any commercial version of Visual Studio 2005+ I'll assume).
From the home page:
Today, you must check the source code out of the IronRuby Subversion repository on Rubyforge. You will need a Subversion client: we recommend TortoiseSVN. To build the sources from the command line, you must also have Ruby installed on your computer already: we recommend the Ruby one-click installer. You can also build the sources using Visual Studio; if you don't already own a copy, you can download a free copy of Visual C# Express 2008.
Ruby in Steel from Sapphire Steel is build on the Visual Studio Shell (integrated mode) that will merge with Visual Studio 2008 if you already have it installed or simply be a standalone installation if you don't have Visual Studio already installed.
Also, no use to you, but Microsoft are going to be releasing IronRuby Studio (and IronPython Studio) at some point in the future. I couldn't find much about these on the web though - they were mentioned by a speaker at Teched Europe a few weeks ago.
You might interested in IronEditor. which similar to SciTE. get it at
Sapphire has a version now specifically targeted at IronRuby. Furthermore, not only is the alpha free now but they claim production will be free as well.
edit:forgot to include linkage
IronRuby integration in VS2010 can be found here:
The IronRuby tools are a good place to start but I think the best IDE for doing Ruby or in more detail Rails is VIM. by using a plugin such as rails.vim you can keep all your shortcuts and scripts across the boundaries such as Windows / Linux or IronRubyOnRails / RubyOnRails ...
JetBrains is offering a great IDE with RubyMine. I can remember that I've read an article about how to configure RubyMine to support IronRuby.
But as already mentioned IronRuby Tools for VS2010 are a good place to start.
The current version(s) of IronRuby now contain Ruby Tools for Visual Studio, which install along with IR itself. This is true for versions 1.1 and later.
