Golang : After installed revel command tool, not working properly - go

Here I followed revel FW document and installed successfully. But try to use revel command in both Git bash and cmd, it is not working
Please anyone give some suggestion for that...

Run: go get github.com/revel/revel
Run: go get github.com/revel/cmd/revel
Now revel should be available from any place. If not, make sure you have $GOPATH/bin set.
If have problems installing github.com/revel/cmd/revel, try removing completely github.com/revel, and re-installing both packages.


Need help on setting up Beego and Bee dev tool

Go is already installed in my system.
and path variable is in .bashrc file.
# Golang
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin
$ go version
go version go1.16.14 linux/amd64
Now, I am willing to work with Beego and bee dev tools. For that, I installed Beego and Bee by using these commands.
$ go get -u github.com/beego/beego/v2
$ go get -u github.com/beego/bee/v2
both got successfully installed. but when I am using the command bee version it is resulting this in the Terminal.
Command 'bee' not found, did you mean:
command 'tee' from deb coreutils (8.30-3ubuntu2)
command 'see' from deb mime-support (3.64ubuntu1)
Try: sudo apt install <deb name>
I am a beginner in the programming world. I am not sure How to resolve it. Can Someone help me with this?
I had the same issue. When using the command bee is installed in home/go/bin. What I did was copy the bee file from there and paste it in usr/local/go/bin. Also I used go install instead of go get and at the end of the url I added the version I wanted, eg. #v2.0.2
You need to have GOPATH determination. If you don't, create a folder which named as go and it needs to have src,pkg,bin folders.
When you install successfully, you can see bee file in bin folder.
NOTE: You can see go environment with go env command.

How do I add packages to go / golang in VS code?

Git hub gives instructions on how to install various packages to go.
But when I enter these in PowerShell, for example
go get -u github.com/disintegration/gift
I get a message
package github.com/disintegration/gift: exec: "git": executable file not found in %PATH%
How do I add a package to path?
go get uses git to fetch packages. You need to have git installed and add it to your %PATH%.
A tutorial on how to install git can be found here.
If you have any further questions, dont be afraid to ask.
Install git or setup it properly (PATH and so) before trying to use go, as in go get github.com/**

How Do I Solve "Trufle Init 'command not found'" Terminal Issue on Mac?

I'm trying to set up the tools needed to develop a decentralised application.
I would need to input truffle init to my terminal as part of the process. I've tried multiple times to solve the "command not found" message I keep getting when I input truffle init, but I have not found a solution. I'm not sure if there are any other ways I could bypass this issue. It seems as though a lot of the developer tools I've tried to install for blockchain development have been difficult to install or integrate with my Mac.
Thank you for any assistance provided.
Have you tried to install truffle globally?
sudo npm install -g truffle#latest
Please verify that you have installed truffle properly using
truffle -version

Debugging GO on VSCode using Delve

I want to debug GoLang on VSCode editor. In their documentation they say it is possible. I am following the following Link to install the debugging features on the IDE.
And to install Delve they ask to follow these instructions
Once installation is completed they ask to run the following code
$ mingw32-make install
But there is an error
mingw32-make: *** No rule to make target 'install'. Stop.
Does anybody know whats wrong with this? Has anything changed other than these instructions?
I managed to get this resolved. You don't want to install mingw for this. Instead run this code and make sure the dlv.exe which is created in any directory which is in your PATH variable in your computer.
$go get -u github.com/derekparker/delve/cmd/dlv
I also did an writeup about debugging Golang using VSCode and Delve. If you are interested you can read it here.
Run mingw32-make install command from directory created by git clone https://github.com/derekparker/delve command.

Laravel5 on windows7 xampp

I installed laravel5 on windows successfully. but showing errors when i copy codes from here want to install any other dependencies?
i got something like this(screenshot). also it is keep saying to update loadash and graceful-fs.. How to do that?
You need to install a better command line tool then Command Prompt. Try installing Git Bash
Once you've done this I would suggest going through the Laravel installation here
