I've downloaded Cygwin here( setup-x86_64.exe). I have chosen to install from local directory.
Root directory: C:\cygwin64 . Local package directory: C:\Users\hp\Downloads. And there's no packages to install. How do I fix this? mintty.exe does not exist on my bin folder.
When you choose “Install from Local Directory”, Cygwin will try to pull packages
from your cache. In my case, my cache is:
My mirror is:
and my packages can be found:
Unless you have stuff there, you will be unable to install anything. Better
option is to choose “Install from Internet”. This will download
packages if needed.
I am trying to install the meld(https://meldmerge.org/) package into Rhel6.5. I found an rpm on rpmbone(http://rpm.pbone.net/info_idpl_16047923_distro_redhatel6_com_meld-1.4.0-1.el6.rf.noarch.rpm.html).
I do not have root privileges and internet access. Thus I try to use 'https://github.com/mathieucaroff/user-yum.sh' this repository to install the meld into my home directory.
After I installed the rpm with the 'user-yum', the meld could not start because of the following error.
import meld.paths ImportError: No module named meld.paths
After I search the meld package, it requires python-site packages(https://mail.gnome.org/archives/meld-list/2016-May/msg00007.html). And it is not possible to install meld as python package on the user environment on Rhel6.5.
Therefore, Instead of installing as an rpm, creating a bundle with all the required files solves the problem.
Download bundle here!
Installation steps are:
Transfer the tar file to your home directory.
tar -xf meld-1.6.0.tar.xz - Extract files.
cd ~/meld-1.6.0/bin - Navigate the meld binary directory.
echo "PATH=\"$(pwd):\$PATH\"" >> ~/.bashrc - Add current directory to path.
source ~/.bashrc - Source the bashrc.
meld - Run meld to verify.
I installed poetry to windows using get-poetry.py. I cloned the entire poetry-master folder from the github to my desktop, unzipped it, then ran the install file. It asked me if I would like to modify something but responding both yes and no didn’t allow me to input any addiditonal information. The .poetry file ended up in my user directory. (Ex: C:\Users\CursedDog19\ .poetry)
I need poetry to install a package from GitHub for testing but my install of poetry only runs from one directory (\ .poetry\bin) Poetry claims to run from all directories.
After I have run
anaconda-project add-packages python=3.5
there downloaded some dependencies.
Where those downloading locate in? and How could I delete those files by anaconda command line?
If you had created a virtual environment, then you can find the location of the packages by
The packages are stored inside lib/ directory. You can delete the files manually or use conda remove --force
The real problem here is, anaconda-project run under a installed env, it will install the absent packges in this env by default.
By default nodejs is installed in /usr/local/bin/node but this location needs root access rights.
If I then install a global package like grunt-cli or a yeoman generator they also need root access rights. But I don't want to install all global packages with sudo.
So I tought why not install node and its global packages under something like opt/bin/node for example and give this location user access rights.
I used to download the installer from the nodejs website but with that I can't change location of the installation. So the question is:
How can I install nodejs in a differnt location than the default location on OSX and Windows?
Search engines are your friend.
Taken directly from the node docs:
On Windows
The http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/ directory contains executables of
the last version of Node.js engine (the engine only, i.e. without
32bit version: http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/node.exe
64bit version: http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/x64/node.exe
The http://nodejs.org/dist/npm/ directory contains the latest .zip
archive of npm (such as npm-1.1.16.zip when npm v1.1.16 was the
Manual installation steps:
Make a clean directory and add that directory to your system's PATH variable.
Download the latest node.exe to that directory.
Download the latest npm's .zip file and unpack its contents to the same directory.
Then, with the usual help of PATH, you'll be able to run scripts (node
scriptname.js) and install modules (npm install modulename) in any
...and just below that...
Installing on Mac
The http://nodejs.org/dist/latest/ directory contains the latest .pkg
package (such as node-v0.6.15.pkg when Node v0.6.15 was the latest).
we have discussed your issue with some unix guru´s.
in UNIX / MAC:
we believe the best way to install a node package "global" (non-project-specific respectively in your user environment) is to install node in folder
/opt/node or /home/user/.node and change the user-right, as you mentioned.
we believe its the wrong way, to change the /usr/ folder-rights or install global-packages with sudo.
in my case, i think the solution to change npm-config (mentioned in many other stackoverflow topics) did not changed anything, because node is still installed in /usr/bin.
still we belief, as a developer its more recommended to build such frequently updated applications like node by yourself instead of using the unix package manager. because mostly the resources ain't up to date.
I've had great success with nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm. It's a version manager for node, but one of the best parts of it (for me) is that it installs each version of node in your home directory. This means that your npm global install is also in this home directory. It's a Mac/Unix solution.
For Windows, though I've never tried it, there is the (similar) nvmw project: https://github.com/hakobera/nvmw.
I just installed ruby with the Heroku Toolbelt, probem is that when I do bundle install it gives me this error:
sh.exe": /c/Program Files (x86)/ruby-1.9.3/bin/bundle: "c:/Program: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
Acording to this question Bundle command not found. Bad Interpreter I should change the PATH, but I dont know how to do this, I have changed windows PATH enviorment variable, even changed to C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin I get a similar error:
sh.exe": /c/ruby-1.9.3/bin/bundle: "c:/Program: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
When I try to reinstall the Toolbelt I change the install direcotry to c:\ but still the wizard install git and ruby folders at Program Files (x86) directory.
Any suggestions?
You probably don't have the Bundler gem installed.
Assuming you have Ruby installed:
gem install bundler
should do the trick.
Well I found the solution, so I'm posting here.
Problem seems to be the bunlder installation in windows x64 machines, to solve this I did this.
Copy the following directories to C:/
C:\Program Files (x86)\Heroku
C:\Program Files (x86)\Git
C:\Program Files (x86)\ruby-1.9.2
Change windows environment "Path" variable, to do this right click Computer > Properties > Advance Settings > environment variables. Path is under "System Variables" section. Edit them to this:
Go to C:\ruby-1.9.2\bin and open the "bunlde" file with note pad (not the bundle.bat), change the first line from #!"c:/Program Files (x86)/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe"## to !#!c:/ruby-1.9.2/bin/ruby.exe##
Now go to C:\Git and change the properties (right click > properties) of the Git Bash direct access, and change the target from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i" to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\cmd.exe /c ""C:\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i"
Hope it helps someone
For Windows users:
I used gitbash to install bundler.
gem install bundler
and the bundler was installed successfully.
Even after that i was facing the same issue.
Found out that it was due to some permission issue in my case.
Here is what i did:
I fired up a command prompt (Note: with administrator privilege )
I did gem install bundler once again and it installed.
Now i could do something like bundle -v, It gave me the bundler version currently installed.
I tried the same bundle -v using Git Bash but it still is not working somehow.
I restarted my laptop, And surprisingly now it is works.
Hope this is helpful to anyone.
I had these issues, and for me the only problem was the spaces in the file paths. Simply adding 's around the path fixed the problem for me:
'C:\Program Files (x86)\git\bin';'C:\Program Files (x86)\Heroku\ruby-1.9.2\bin'
That's it!