how to access "application data" folder in windows 10 phone? - windows-10-mobile

I need access to raw files (hidden and system) stored on my phone, how to do it ? Do I need to 'root' it, download a special file explorer ?
I cannot find it on google because all I get are answers for win 10 destkop.


Is there a way to password protect a file in Windows 10?

I was looking through some of the files of an application I downloaded and tried to view the contents of some of them, however, I was prompted to enter a password to the file which triggered me to ask how that was possible and how I could do it.
I tried using the "Encrypt contents to secure data" option of file explorer and then changing the encryption key with certmgr, but it didn't work.
I tried seeing if there was a built-in windows zip folder password option but it seems that it was removed (I know that 7zip works but I mean its not the same)
So is there a way to password protect files?
I am using Windows 10 Pro Education with a KMS server

Why access using IE browser and access using Windows explorer of INetCache folder shows different folder structure on WIN8.1-IE11?

When I access C:\Users\shan\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache using Windows explorer, it shows following folder structure:
But when I access the same using IE11 browser, Tools->Internet Options->General->Browsing history-> Settings(click)->View files(click), I get different folder structure as follows:
Why folder structure differing in above 2 cases, even though both are referring to the same physical location on Windows 8.1, IE11 Browser ?
I need to write a script which clears this INetCache folder contents(Cache). But not able to get the exact content of this folder. Because it always refers to Folder which contains Low(folder), Virtualized(folder) and counters.dat(file). In my script I want to refer the folder which contains favicon.ico files.
The same behavior is observed on IE10-win7 and IE11-win7 as well, while referencing Temporary Internet Files.
There is an internal api in the IE libraries that controls clearing of the 'Internet Cache'....
there are two... one for 'normal' integrity processes (64 bit tab processes and ActiveX (flash)), another for low integrity processes (32 bit tab processes and ActiveX (flash))
Use GPO (Start>Run>gpedit.msc) to configure user profiles on a domain network to empty the TIF(s) on exit from the browser.
For computers on a public access network (library workstations), you can default to inPrivate Mode from a desktop or Taskbar link
iexplore.exe -private
which does not retain any personally identifiable data of the user in history, or cookies or flash cookies.....
questions about GPO management of IE should be posted to the TechNet support forum for IE.

smb (windows share links) open protocol change

Is it possible to instruct my windows 8.1 machine to open links like these:
smb://c:\path to some folder\
in windows explorer?
Right now, Internet Explorer automatically comes up in response to a request to open smb:// link and says No apps are installed for this type of link (smb) - [Look for an app in the Store]
(The reason I have this problem is because I use mediawiki on my machine and have links to folders and files on some pages. I'd like to be able to click them from any computer on my network and be able to see the file/folder right away).
Many thanks.
Suppose you have a link like:
In windows you can open that in the file explorer this way:

Windows 7 Profile Default Image Files Location

I'm looking for the location to the images that are used next user's accounts when a user logs into a windows 7 system. Can someone point me in the right direction.
The following is a screenshot of the pictures I'm referring to:
Need the location so that I can add/edit/remove images via a program (E.g. Different icons for different employee types.)
Not really a programming question, but the location appears to be C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures.
I only have access to Windows XP here, but looking in the source code of picturespage.js inside nusrmgr.cpl (the users Control Panel applet), it loads the pictures using this code:
EnumPics(top.window.GetShell().NameSpace(35).Self.Path + "\\Microsoft\\User Account Pictures\\Default Pictures");
Namespace 35 (0x23) is apparently ssfCOMMONAPPDATA.
The 'Common App Data' path is [generally] C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ on XP, and C:\ProgramData\ on Vista and above. That path can retrieved through the Windows API by calling SHGetKnownFolderPath with CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA.
You can find it here:
All - Default Pictures
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\Default Pictures
Standard - Administrator
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\user.bmp
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\User Account Pictures\guest.bmp

Copying files from XP to Vista in a bach file or command prompt

I am trying to setup a batch file to copy files from my XP laptop
to my Vista desktop on a workgroup network.
But I am getting a Access denied error. Same in a command prompt.
I can copy the files fine using Windows Explorer.
Any ideas please?
I'm assuming you've setup a share on Vista that you are accessing in XP.
In Vista, make the share accessible to everyone anonymously:
Right-click the folder you're sharing, and click Properties.
Click the Sharing tab, then Advanced Sharing
Click Permissions.
Click Add.
Under "Enter the object names to select", type "Everyone" (without quotes).
Click OK.
Select Everyone in the "Group or user names" box.
Under "Permissions for Everyone", check the Allow box for Full Control.
Click OK three times.
You should probably map that share as a network drive on your XP computer.
That should work.
EDIT: I have tested this with the exact same conditions you described, and it worked.
