Upload app on Itunes connect without developer account - xcode

I am new to IOS development. I develop a simple app for someone.I don't have an
developer account so he added me on his Itunes Connect account as with the App manager role.
When i try to upload its asks for bundle ID and when i go to developer page it ask me to enroll and all.
So my question is how can i archive my app in this case and upload on the itunes connect.
Okay i think there is some confusion.The case is that I am added as a APP manager in someones Itunes connect account. So Can i upload an app there.
When i try to do that its aks for a bundle ID and I am not able to create a bundle id from the develper link. though I have already setup the develope account but its not paid yet.

You can go through the step by step tutorial here and its part 2 is here.
It is really helpful.
You can skip most of the first link as you already have an existing iTunes Connect account.

It is your App's Bundle Id.in Xcode go to Project Navigator then select general in identity there is Bundle Identifier further check the image.
And for Developer account on Apple is free just go to this link and click on "Create Account"
If this answer helped you? you can accept it.


No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for the team

I got this error when submitting an iOS app to the App Store. Product → Archive, clicking "Distribute App" in the Organizer in Xcode 10.
No accounts with App Store Connect access have been found for the team "[My Team Name]". App Store Connect access is required for App Store distribution.
I've logged into App Store Connect as the correct user account and verified that I have administrative access.
App Store Connect used to be called "iTunes Connect," and so this question was answered by another Stack Overflow answer.
When this happens to me, closing Xcode completely and re-opening it solves the problem.
Restarting Xcode fixed the problem for me, too.
Hopefully now that I've posted this question, someone can Google for "App Store Connect" and find the right answer.
Awesome. Quick restart and fixed.
If you don't have an account in App Store Connect the provided solution (i.e. closing and re-opening Xcode) will not work.
Kindly see the following section from official Apple documentation (https://developer.apple.com/support/app-store-connect/).
The person who enrolled in the Apple Developer Program is the main account holder and has the Legal role in App Store Connect, which includes binding authority for contracts, full access to App Store Connect, and more.
The Legal user can provide access to additional team members by setting up accounts for them in App Store Connect. Please note that adding members to a development team on the Apple Developer website will not automatically create accounts for those members in App Store Connect.
Add users by entering their names and email addresses in Users and Access. You can limit each user’s access level for App Store Connect and specific apps. If a user needs full access to App Store Connect, you can assign them the Admin role.
In my case, we had a lot of expired iOS distribution certificates. Yes, not Mac ones, iOS ones. Deleting those solved the problem ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Quitting the XCode completely and restarting it still gets the issue fixed. But check if your certificates are still valid if this problem persists.

iTunes Store Operation Failed ERROR ITMS-90159: "Invalid provisioning profile...."

Unfortunately I have a problem, when uploading my app... here is the situation:
I built an iOS App for a client, but he wants to upload the app via his Developer account. He created a provision profile and added me to his team on iTunes connect (admin).
But when I wanted to upload my app to the App store (in xCode) the following error showed up:
This app contains an embedded provisioning profile that is not associated with your account. Please use a provisioning profile associated with Team ID XXXXXXXX."
What do I need to do? Do he has to give me more rights on iTunes connect/Apple Developer? Have I installed the provisioning profile wrong?
Thank you very much in advance, I have no idea what to do next.
So the answer to the question is in my case that this is only possible with the Apple Developer Agent plan. Then you another Person can add you as a role on the Developer Portal and you are able to upload the project on his name.

Xcode does not show all my teams

Here is what I see at Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts:
Here is what I see at developer.apple.com -> Certificates, Identifiers & ProfilesWill:
However, according to iTunesConnect I am on another team:
How I got into this situation:
I have previously used my account to upload and release software to iTunesConnect
The admin for Kim Rubin has not made any changes to my access level in the meantime
I have purchased a new MacBook (now regretting) and allowed Xcode to create a new certificate (always clicking whatever the default Xcode response was)
Please explain why Xcode does not recognize my other team membership.
Downstream this is also causing other problems. (Specifically, I cannot upload to iTC because Xcode is trying to sign with the wrong team.) But right now I am only asking about the root cause above.
I tried to get more information in my comments, but without more information, I can explain what I think is happening. You state that your access hasn't changed, but you previously used the account to upload and submit the app through iTunes Connect. You never mention that you used your account to actually build and sign the application that you submitted. I'm guessing you either did not, or if you did it was using manual signing and the old Mac had the iOS distribution code signing identity on it.
It appears you have been granted an iTunes Connect role, but not Apple Developer role. In order to have the team show up in Xcode and allow for things like creation of a certificate / profile, you need to be at least an Admin role on the developer account. When you clicked "Fixed issue" in Xcode, because you only had your personal dev account available, Xcode tried to create a cert and profile on your new account. That will result in a build that was improperly signed, as you need it to be signed with the correct account's certificate and profile.
You can either have the owner of the account add you as a development team admin, or you can have someone on the team send you the iOS distribution certificate and provisioning profile.
In case of my team member who's role was "Customer Support", changing the role to "Developer" was not enough. The solution was to delete his account and recreate it with "Developer" role in Itunes Connect, and only after accepting new invitation the team was showing up in Xcode.

xcode submission app unable to upload

I've got a problem uploading an app on the app store. I have a developer account since this morning.
I've done all the certificate but when I arrive in the organizer, when I click on download dsyms it's said that I've no account (and the upload button is greyed out).
When I click on add account, I see my account
(See the screenshots)
Thanks for your help
Go to iTunesconnet and sign in there, then create your app details there, remember, you must have to provide the exact version of your app to the iTunesconnect. Then, when everything you done in iTunesconnet, then try to upload your app with your correct distribution profile.

Mac app direct distribution: "Your account does not have permission to create Mac App Direct Distribution certificates"

I want to distribute my mac application outside the App Store (as file downloadable from our servers), but every attempt to export archive from Xcode with option "Export a Developer ID-signed Application" ends with a "Permission failure":
Your account does not have permission to create Mac App Direct
Distribution certificates
I've downloaded and added all certificates to my keychain (system).
I'm using an Organization Apple Developer account, so is it possible to use this type of account to sign applications outside the App Store or must I have an Enterprise Program Account to do it? Or is there other problem?
I consulted this problem with Apple and their answer is:
You certainly don’t need an Enterprise account to distribute Developer
ID signed apps. One gotcha here is that you must be the Team Agent in
order to issue Developer ID certificates. Please double check that.
Problem was, that I have Admin role in our team, but only user with Team Agent role has permission to generate certificates for distribution of app outside the App Store (Developer-ID signed apps). So, I generated a Certificate Signing Request and sent it to our Team Agent, then he creeated and sent a certificate for me and now I can sign apps.
This seems to be a bug or poorly described feature in iTunes Connect & the Apple Developer portal.
I had a developer that joined my team, initially as a "member", but wasn't able to create certificates, even after giving him admin access. It turns out, that I believe we were only giving him admin access to Itunes connect, but not to the developer page.
The correct fix was to go to the developer portal, click the "People" tab (or go to this URL https://developer.apple.com/account/#/people/), remove his access, then use the Invite as Admins to add him to the account. He then had to go into Xcode and remove his developer account information, add it back in, and then he was finally able to upload builds to Testflight without this error.
In my case, I signed the app with another team. Change the team and re-achieve the app solves the issue.
