Watson IoT QoS1/2 Retries - watson-iot

Does anyone know what the Watson IoT broker does if publishes a QoS1 o 2 message and doesn't receive the appropriate acknowledgement from the client? Does it implement a time out (say 20 seconds or so) and then resend the message again? It seems that some brokers do this while others only resend the message on a new connection (if retain is set to 1 of course). The MQTT spec is a little vague on this point.

the message would be considered in-flight for the client that hasn’t acknowledged it, and that message redelivery will only occur when that client disconnects and reconnects (but only if the client was clean session = 0)
For QoS1 and 2:
At least once (QoS1)
With quality of service level 1 (QoS1), the message is always delivered at least once. If a failure occurs before an acknowledgment is received by the sender, a message can be delivered multiple times. The message must be stored locally at the sender until the sender receives confirmation that the message was published by the receiver. The message is stored in case the message must be sent again.
Exactly once (QoS2)
The "exactly once" quality of service level 2 (QoS2) is the safest, but slowest mode of transfer. The message is always delivered exactly once and must also be stored locally at the sender, until the sender receives confirmation that the message was published by the receiver. The message is stored in case the message must be sent again. With quality of service level 2, a more sophisticated handshaking and acknowledgment sequence is used than for level 1 to ensure that messages are not duplicated
MQTT keep alive interval
The MQTT keep alive interval, which is measured in seconds, defines the maximum time that can pass without communication between the client and broker. The MQTT client must ensure that, in the absence of any other communication with the broker, a PINGREQ packet is sent. The keep alive interval allows both the client and the broker to detect that the network failed, resulting in a broken connection, without needing to wait for the TCP/IP timeout period to be reached.
If your Watson IoT Platform MQTT clients use shared subscriptions, the keep alive interval value can be set only to between 1 and 3600 seconds. If a value of 0 or a value that is greater than 3600 is requested, the Watson IoT Platform broker sets the keep alive interval to 3600 seconds.
Retained messages
Watson IoT Platform provides limited support for the retained messages feature of MQTT messaging. If the retained message flag is set to true in an MQTT message that is sent from a device, gateway, or application to Watson IoT Platform, the message is handled as an unretained message. Watson IoT Platform organizations are not authorized to publish retained messages. The Watson IoT Platform service overrides the retained message flag when it is set to true and processes the message as if the retained message flag is set to false.


Acknowledge messages in NSQ

I'm new to NSQ and was wondering whether it is possible to acknowledge that a message was consumed (just like in Google PubSub). I'm using Golang, and while going through the NSQ documentation (https://github.com/nsqio/nsq/blob/v1.2.1/nsqd/channel.go#L350) I've found the method FinishMessage which according to its comment, it's supposed to successfully discards an in-flight message. Would that be considered the same as acknowledged? If a message is not acknowledged in NSQ, how is it ensured it's gone once consumed so it won't be consumed over again?
NSQ automatically removes a message from the queue after sending it to a consumer. And automatically re-queues the message if there is no response from the consumer after a set timeout.
And yes, depending on which programming language client you are using you have to send 'finish'.
Here are the docs for Golang
But because of the way NSQ is designed you have to re-queue a message from your app if the intended action was not successful.
Here is an excerpt from their website
NSQ guarantees that a message will be delivered at least once, though duplicate messages are possible. Consumers should expect this and de-dupe or perform idempotent operations.
This guarantee is enforced as part of the protocol and works as follows (assume the client has successfully connected and subscribed to a topic):
client indicates they are ready to receive messages
NSQ sends a message and temporarily stores the data locally (in the event of re-queue or timeout)
client replies FIN (finish) or REQ (re-queue) indicating success or failure respectively. If client does not reply NSQ will timeout after
a configurable duration and automatically re-queue the message)
You can read more here: https://nsq.io/overview/design.html
Hope my answer helps you.

Is it a violation of the MQTT spec for a client to resend a QoS 1 message from a previous session when cleanSession=1?

The MQTT 3.1.1 spec, section says
If CleanSession is set to 1, the Client and Server MUST discard any
previous Session and start a new one. This Session lasts as long as
the Network Connection. State data associated with this Session MUST
NOT be reused in any subsequent Session [MQTT-3.1.2-6].
The Session state in the Client consists of:
· QoS 1 and QoS 2 messages which have been sent to the Server,
but have not been completely acknowledged.
· QoS 2 messages which have been received from the Server, but
have not been completely acknowledged.
Meaning the client must discard unacked QoS 1 messages and not reuse any data from them in the new session.
However, there seem to be plenty of examples in the wild of clients resending unacked QoS 1 messages on a clean session reconnect.
Resending unacked messages is almost indistinguishable in this case from sending a new message with the same content, except for the DUP flag - is it wrong for a client to set the DUP flag when retrying unacked messages on a clean session?
Also, surely it's a violation to retry QoS 2 messages on a clean session reconnect, since that could potentially break the at most once delivery guarantee?

Nats.io QueueSubscribe behavior on timeout

I'm evaluating NATS for migrating an existing msg based software
I did not find documentation about msg timeout exception and overload.
For Example:
After Subscriber has been chosen , Is it aware of timeout settings posted by Publisher ? Is it possible to notify an additional time extension ?
If the elected subscriber is aware that some DBMS connection is missing and cannot complete It could be possible to bounce the message
NATS server will pickup another subscriber and will re-post the same message ?
For your first question: It seems to me that you are trying to publish a request message with a timeout (using the nc.Request). If so, the timeout is managed by the client. Effectively the client publishes the request message and creates a subscription on the reply subject. If the subscription doesn't get any messages within the timeout it will notify you of the timeout condition and unsubscribe from the reply subject.
On your second question - are you using a queue group? A queue group in NATS is a subscription that specifies a queue group name. All subscriptions having the same queue group name are treated specially by the server. The server will select one of the queue group subscriptions to send the message to rotating between them as messages arrive. However the responsibility of the server is simply to deliver the message.
To do what you describe, implement your functionality using request/reply using a timeout and a max number of messages equal to 1. If no responses are received after the timeout your client can then resend the request message after some delay or perform some other type of recovery logic. The reply message should be your 'protocol' to know that the message was handled properly. Note that this gets into the design of your messaging architecture. For example, it is possible for the timeout to trigger after the request recipient received the message and handled it but before the client or server was able to publish the response. In that case the request sender wouldn't be able to tell the difference and would eventually republish. This hints that such type of interactions need to make the requests idempotent to prevent duplicate side effects.

Resend behavior in MQ Light

I am experimenting with assured delivery in MQ Light.
I am using Node-RED with a modified mqlight input node. I have added the following options the the subscribe() call:
qos: mqlight.QOS_AT_LEAST_ONCE, autoConfirm: false, ttl: (60 * 60 * 24 * 1000)
This requires that I call delivery.message.confirmDelivery() to acknowledge to MQ Light the receipt of the message.
The screenshot below is when the subscription from mqlight_NodeREDClient is set up with autoConfirm false, a message was received, BUT no delivery.message.confirmDelivery() was called. This was to simulate some sort of error occuring in the Node-RED flow.
I have since modified the Node-RED flow to do a confirmDelivery(), and any messages consumed by the flow now are acknowledged OK, even if Node-RED isn't running at the time of publish. The message is held by MQ Light since there is a TTL on the destination and arrives as soon as i start up Node-RED again.
However, the message in this screenshot, which has been sent once already but never confirmed, is never resent. A restart of Node-RED does not change this, the message is still pending. What are the criteria that needs to be fulfilled in order for MQ Light to retransmit a message already sent before but never confirmed by a client?
If you hadn't restarted NodeRED I'd say that it was because MQ Light won't redeliver to a connected client because it thinks the client is still processing the message. However since you have it must be something else.
I've just tried the same basic setup (without NodeRED) and the behaviour is as you'd expect - when you reconnect the receiving client MQ Light redelivers the message and the MQ Light UI ticks it off.
The remaining things I can think of are:
Is it possible when that particular message was sent you had a QoS 0
What TTL are you setting on the message at the sender?
What destination TTL have you set on your subscribe call?
If 2. is too low, the message will have been expired from the destination regardless of the QoS of the subscriber or the value of 3.
If 3. is too low and NodeRED was stopped for long enough, the entire destination will have been expired.

Is there a Message Bus provider that allows for Durable Subscribersand full replay?

I am trying to find a message bus provider that supports Durable Subscribers and allows me to replay, in order, based on the message timestamp, all messages for a given topic. Futhermore, I would like the message bus to reset each durable consumer's checkpoint when a message arrives late. E.g.
Client subscribes to topic 1 at 2009-12-22 12:00:00
Message 1 arrives, Timestamped 2009-12-22
Client receives Message 1
Client disconnects
Message 2 arrives, Timestamped 2009-12-21 18:00:00
Client connects
Client receives Message 2, then Message 1
I would strongly prefer an open source provider. Does anyone know of a message bus provider that supports this? I've tried to read the intro documentation for ActiveMQ, Mass Transit, etc but I have to admit that I am behind the curve on message bus terminology, so a lot of it went over my head.
AMQP (implemented by RabbitMQ, et al) lets you define durable queues and attach them to the same exchange. Each client that wants to receive messages first sets up its own durable queue, which will hold messages received from the exchange even while the client is disconnected.
The only limitation of this is that clients that have never connected, and which arrive on the scene unexpectedly, cannot belatedly setup a queue and request a dump of all previous messages. AMQP 1.0 might allow such universal persistence, but I don't know the new model that well, so I can't say for sure.
you may want to look at the spring integration project.
