ListView prevent auto scroll on item tapped? - xamarin

Trying to figure out if I can disable the auto scroll that occurs when a user taps on a cell in a ListView (I'm using a Recycle List View if it matters). I'm already setting the sender.SelectedItem to null to disable the cell highlight.
gridList.ItemSelected += (s, e) => {
((Xamarin.Forms.ListView)s).SelectedItem = null;
UPDATE ItemTemplate Layout
headline = new Xamarin.Forms.Label();
cellImage = new Xamarin.Forms.Image();
LoadingText = new Xamarin.Forms.Label();
LoadingText.Text = "Loading...";
layout = new Xamarin.Forms.Grid();
layout.RowDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.RowDefinition { Height = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) });
layout.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new Xamarin.Forms.ColumnDefinition { Width = new Xamarin.Forms.GridLength(1, Xamarin.Forms.GridUnitType.Star) });
layout.Children.Add(LoadingText, 0, 0);
layout.Children.Add(headline, 0, 0);
layout.Children.Add(cellImage, 0, 0);
layout.Children.Add(activityIndicator, 0, 0);
LoadingText.HorizontalOptions = Xamarin.Forms.LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand;
LoadingText.VerticalOptions = Xamarin.Forms.LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand;
layout.HorizontalOptions = Xamarin.Forms.LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand;
layout.VerticalOptions = Xamarin.Forms.LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand;
cellImage.HorizontalOptions = Xamarin.Forms.LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand;
cellImage.VerticalOptions = Xamarin.Forms.LayoutOptions.CenterAndExpand;
AdView.Content.TranslationY = 5;
AdView.Content.TranslationX = -20;
hasLoadedAdAtLeastOnce = true;
cellImage.WidthRequest = 260;
cellImage.HeightRequest = 173;
_ad = (Controls.Ad)AdView.Content;
View = layout;


Making a button visible after its past the current time using Xamarin.Forms

I have a list-view which displays the current user medication schedule it currently sorts the list by the next due date and any medications that are past the current time are moved to the bottom of the list.
I was looking to make the medications that are past the current time to have a 'Tomorrow' button visible to it. Is this possible to do?
Currently this is how I am populating my listview:
/// <summary>
/// Gets User Medication list
/// </summary>
/// <returns>The user meds.</returns>
async public Task GetUserMedsOverdue()
MedicationListOverdue.ItemsSource = null;
UserMedTimesOverdue.Clear(); //Clears the list before calling API (prevents duplication)
if (!CrossConnectivity.Current.IsConnected)
NoMeds.Text = "No Internet Connection - Please check your connection";
NoMeds.Margin = new Thickness(35, 35, 20, 20);
BusyIndicator.IsRunning = false;
BusyIndicator.IsRunning = true;
//var usermed = await medicinemanager.CurrentClient.InvokeApiAsync<IEnumerable<usermedication>>("getusermednamejoin?userid=" + Helpers.Settings.UserKey + "", System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Get, null);
var usermeddosagetimeoverdue = await medicinemanager.CurrentClient.InvokeApiAsync("getUserMedDosageTimeOverdue?userid=" + Helpers.Settings.UserKey, null, HttpMethod.Get, await App.LoadAPIKeyAsync(), null);
var responseContentoverdue = await usermeddosagetimeoverdue.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
var useroverdue = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<ObservableCollection<UserMedDosagePayLoadOverdue>>(responseContentoverdue);
//var usermeddosagetime = await medicinemanager.CurrentClient.InvokeApiAsync<IEnumerable<UserMedDosagePayLoad>>("getusermeddosagetime?userid=" + Helpers.Settings.UserKey + "", HttpMethod.Get, API, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);
//null, System.Net.Http.HttpMethod.Get, API, System.Threading.CancellationToken.None);
Debug.WriteLine("UserMedDosageTime" + usermeddosagetimeoverdue);
foreach (UserMedDosagePayLoadOverdue item in useroverdue)
catch (Exception ex)
//Get the List of meds the user is on
//UserMedList = await usermedicationmanager.getUserMedication();
//foreach (usermedication item in usermed)
// if (item.IsActive != false)
// {
// UserMedList.Add(item);
// }
if (UserMedTimes.Count != 0)
MedicationListOverdue.ItemsSource = UserMedTimesOverdue;
BusyIndicator.IsRunning = false;
Label MedLogo = new Label();
MedLogo.Text = peoplewithfonticon.meds;
MedLogo.FontFamily = "icomoon";
MedLogo.FontSize = 80;
MedLogo.Margin = new Thickness(30, 80, 0, 0);
Label MedTitle = new Label();
MedTitle.Text = "No \r\nMedications";
MedTitle.FontSize = 50;
MedTitle.FontAttributes = FontAttributes.Bold;
MedTitle.Margin = new Thickness(30, 0, 0, 0);
Label NoMeds = new Label();
NoMeds.Margin = new Thickness(30, 0, 0, 0);
NoMeds.Text = "You haven't added any medications to your medication cupboard yet";
BusyIndicator.IsRunning = false;
MedicationListOverdue.ItemsSource = UserMedTimesOverdue;
BusyIndicator.IsRunning = false;
//Order the collection of times so the next due is always first
TimeComparison = new List<TimeSpan>(TimeComparison.OrderBy(h => h.Hours).ThenBy(m => m.Minutes));
List<string> UserMedIDs = new List<string>();
for (int i = 0; i < TimeComparison.Count(); i++)
DateTime NextDue = DateTime.Now.Add(TimeComparison[i]);
DateTime NextDueToCompare = new DateTime(NextDue.Year, NextDue.Month, NextDue.Day, NextDue.Hour, NextDue.Minute, 0);
string NextDueComparisonString = NextDueToCompare.ToString("HH:mm:ss");
foreach (UserMedDosagePayLoad item in UserMedTimes)
if (item.Time == NextDueComparisonString && !UserMedIDs.Contains(item.Usermedid))
UserMedTimes = medtimes;
MedicationList.ItemsSource = UserMedTimesFilteredList.OrderBy(X => NextDue);
BusyIndicator.IsRunning = false;

Add a texture on a sphere by Urhosharp

I'm using Xamarin.Forms + Urhosharp, I've got a problem to set texture from an image on a sphere. The problem is that texture.Load or texture.SetData always returns false. I did try different methods like SetData, Load, resize texture and image (to a power of 2 number) and ... but none of them worked. Here is my code:
private async void CreateScene()
_scene = new Scene();
_octree = _scene.CreateComponent<Octree>();
_plotNode = _scene.CreateChild();
var baseNode = _plotNode.CreateChild().CreateChild();
var plane = baseNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
plane.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Sphere;
var cameraNode = _scene.CreateChild();
_camera = cameraNode.CreateComponent<Camera>();
cameraNode.Position = new Vector3(10, 15, 10) / 1.75f;
cameraNode.Rotation = new Quaternion(-0.121f, 0.878f, -0.305f, -0.35f);
Node lightNode = cameraNode.CreateChild();
var light = lightNode.CreateComponent<Light>();
light.LightType = LightType.Point;
light.Range = 100;
light.Brightness = 1.3f;
int size = 3;
baseNode.Scale = new Vector3(size * 1.5f, 1, size * 1.5f);
var imageStream = await new HttpClient().GetStreamAsync("some 512 * 512 jpg image");
var ms = new MemoryStream();
var image = new Image();
var isLoaded = image.Load(new MemoryBuffer(ms));
if (!isLoaded)
throw new Exception();
var texture = new Texture2D();
//var isTextureLoaded = texture.Load(new MemoryBuffer(ms.ToArray()));
var isTextureLoaded = texture.SetData(image);
if (!isTextureLoaded)
throw new Exception();
var material = new Material();
material.SetTexture(TextureUnit.Diffuse, texture);
material.SetTechnique(0, CoreAssets.Techniques.Diff, 0, 0);
await _plotNode.RunActionsAsync(new EaseBackOut(new RotateBy(2f, 0, 360, 0)));
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }
Please help!
To Create a material from a 2D Texture, you can use Material.FromImage .
Refer following documentation for more detail.
private async void CreateScene()
_scene = new Scene();
_octree = _scene.CreateComponent<Octree>();
_plotNode = _scene.CreateChild();
var baseNode = _plotNode.CreateChild().CreateChild();
var plane = _plotNode.CreateComponent<StaticModel>();
plane.Model = CoreAssets.Models.Sphere;
var cameraNode = _scene.CreateChild();
_camera = cameraNode.CreateComponent<Camera>();
cameraNode.Position = new Vector3(10, 15, 10) / 1.75f;
cameraNode.Rotation = new Quaternion(-0.121f, 0.878f, -0.305f, -0.35f);
Node lightNode = cameraNode.CreateChild();
var light = lightNode.CreateComponent<Light>();
light.LightType = LightType.Point;
light.Range = 100;
light.Brightness = 1.3f;
int size = 3;
baseNode.Scale = new Vector3(size * 1.5f, 1, size * 1.5f);
Renderer.SetViewport(0, new Viewport(_scene, _camera, null));
await _plotNode.RunActionsAsync(new EaseBackOut(new RotateBy(2f, 0, 360, 0)));
catch (OperationCanceledException) { }

xamarin Forms - Is it possible to get Grid row selection event?

How do i get row id of grid row selection? I want to add row unique id and i want it on tapped or on clicked. please suggest me if anyone have any idea.
I want to do some thing like this, if i click on the row and i get id. with this id i will fetch another records and send user on another page. for this i need unique id of the row.
i have grid like bellow:
Below is the code i use:
public BusList(Common busdata)
this.BindingContext = this;
List<BusDetail> Bus = new List<BusDetail>
new BusDetail("Nita Travel","Mumbai", "Navsari",new DateTime(2017, 3, 9), "10:15 AM", "09:15 AM")
Label header = new Label
Text = "GridView Demo",
FontSize = Device.GetNamedSize(NamedSize.Large, typeof(Label)),
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.Center
var controlGrid = new Grid
RowSpacing = 2,
ColumnSpacing = 2,
Margin = new Thickness(5, Device.OnPlatform(5, 0, 0), 5, 5)
controlGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(30) });
for (int i = 0; i < Bus.Count(); i++)
controlGrid.RowDefinitions.Add(new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(30) });
controlGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) });
controlGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) });
controlGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) });
controlGrid.ColumnDefinitions.Add(new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star) });
Bus = Bus.Where(x => x.FromDest.ToLower().Contains(busdata.FromDest.ToLower()) && x.FromDate == busdata.FromDate).ToList();
controlGrid.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "ID", Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Large).WithAttributes(FontAttributes.Bold), BackgroundColor = Color.Gray }, 0, 0);
controlGrid.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "Travel Name", Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Large).WithAttributes(FontAttributes.Bold), BackgroundColor = Color.Gray }, 1, 0);
controlGrid.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "Arr Time", Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Large).WithAttributes(FontAttributes.Bold), BackgroundColor = Color.Gray }, 2, 0);
controlGrid.Children.Add(new Label { Text = "Dep Time", Font = Font.SystemFontOfSize(NamedSize.Large).WithAttributes(FontAttributes.Bold), BackgroundColor = Color.Gray }, 3, 0);
for (int i = 0; i < Bus.Count(); i++)
var clickableRow = new ContentView();
var tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer();
tapGestureRecognizer.SetBinding(TapGestureRecognizer.CommandProperty, "RowTappedCommand");
tapGestureRecognizer.SetBinding(TapGestureRecognizer.CommandParameterProperty, i.ToString());
clickableRow.BindingContext = i.ToString();
controlGrid.Children.Add(clickableRow, 0, i);
Grid.SetColumnSpan(clickableRow, 3);
controlGrid.Children.Add(new Label { Text = Bus[i].TravelName, BindingContext = Bus[i].TravelName, BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }, 1, i + 1);
controlGrid.Children.Add(new Label { Text = Bus[i].ArrivalTime, BindingContext = Bus[i].ArrivalTime, BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }, 2, i + 1);
controlGrid.Children.Add(new Label { Text = Bus[i].DepartureTime, BindingContext= Bus[i].DepartureTime, BackgroundColor = Color.LightGray, VerticalTextAlignment = TextAlignment.Center }, 3, i + 1);
this.Padding = new Thickness(10, Device.OnPlatform(20, 0, 0), 10, 5);
this.Content = new StackLayout
Children =
public void RowTappedCommand(string index)
var tappedRow = int.Parse(index);
You could add a ContentView to each row on the first column and span it across all columns by using the ColumnSpan property. Then you'd handle the taps with a TouchGestureListener. When creating the Command, you'd also include a CommandParameter which contains the index of the row in question.
Outside the constructor, define this:
public ICommand RowTappedCommand { get; private set; }
Then add the following code somewhere after InitializeComponent:
RowTappedCommand = new Command<string>(RowTapped);
Then create the clickable ContentView controls for each row:
var clickableRow = new ContentView {
HorizontalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand,
VerticalOptions = LayoutOptions.FillAndExpand
var tapGestureRecognizer = new TapGestureRecognizer();
tapGestureRecognizer.SetBinding(TapGestureRecognizer.CommandProperty, "RowTappedCommand");
var binding = new Binding();
binding.Source = i.ToString();
tapGestureRecognizer.SetBinding(TapGestureRecognizer.CommandParameterProperty, binding); // This is the index of the row
controlGrid.Children.Add(clickableRow, 0, 0);
You also need to define the method that matches the name defined in the CommandProperty. If you have a view model defined for the view you need to do it there. Otherwise, you'll need to add the method to your view's code behind file (xaml.cs).
void RowTapped(string index)
var tappedRow = int.Parse(index);
// Do something with the value
Remember to set the BindingContext correctly so that your command gets called. Here's more information about Commands in Xamarin.Forms:
Update: There were a few mistakes that needed to be fixed.
Command wasn't defined correctly.
The binding for the command property needs to be pointing to a static value
Simplifying Events with Commanding

When I create pdf with itextg from ListView only the same listview child appears

I am trying to create a pdf from listview items. This is my listview:
This is the result:
Below is my code:
ListView def = (ListView) findViewById(;
ListAdapter adapter = def.getAdapter();
int itemscount = adapter.getCount();
/*int itemsposition = adapter.getItem(position);*/
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), itemscount + " temaxia", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
int allitemsheight = 0;
List<Bitmap> bmps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
for (int i = 0; i < itemscount ; i++) {
View childView = adapter.getView(i, null, def);
/*View childView = def.getChildAt(1);*/
View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
childView.layout(0, 0, childView.getMeasuredWidth(),
Bitmap bigbitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(def.getMeasuredWidth(),
childView.getMeasuredHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Canvas bigcanvas = new Canvas(bigbitmap);
Paint paint = new Paint();
bigbitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);
Image myImg = Image.getInstance(stream.toByteArray());
myImg.scalePercent(45, 60);
// add image to document
doc.add( new Paragraph());
I just cant find why it only gets childview in first position despite it is inside a for loop. Can anyone help me? Thanks.
I changed all the consept to: Create a big image from all childviews and then cut it to multiple pages A4 size.See below....NOTICE that first doc is never opened and never closed,but after creating image document is opened and closed properly ...............
File file = new File(dir, flname + ".pdf");
FileOutputStream fOut = new FileOutputStream(file);
FileOutputStream fOut2 = new FileOutputStream(file);
pdfWriter.getInstance(doc, fOut);
// open the document
ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
ListView def = (ListView) findViewById(;
ListAdapter adapter = def.getAdapter();
int itemscount = adapter.getCount();
/*int itemsposition = adapter.getItem(position);*/
Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), itemscount + " temaxia", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
View childView =null;
int allitemsheight = 0;
List<Bitmap> bmps = new ArrayList<Bitmap>();
for (int i = 0; i < itemscount ; i++) {
childView = adapter.getView(i,null,def);
/*childView = def.getChildAt(i);*/
View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED));
childView.layout(0, 0, childView.getMeasuredWidth(),
Bitmap bigbitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(def.getMeasuredWidth(),
allitemsheight , Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
Paint paint = new Paint();
Canvas bigcanvas = new Canvas(bigbitmap);
for (int i = 0; i < bmps.size(); i++) {
Bitmap bmp = bmps.get(i);
bigcanvas.drawBitmap(bmp, 0, iHeight, paint);
bigbitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, stream);
Image myImg = Image.getInstance(stream.toByteArray());
myImg.scalePercent(45, 60);
/*if(myImg.getWidth() >= doc.getPageSize().getWidth() || myImg.getHeight() >= doc.getPageSize().getHeight()){
myImg.setAbsolutePosition((doc.getPageSize().getWidth() - myImg.getScaledWidth()) / BaseField.BORDER_WIDTH_MEDIUM, (doc.getPageSize().getHeight() - myImg.getScaledHeight()) / BaseField.BORDER_WIDTH_MEDIUM);
doc.add( new Paragraph());*/
Document document = new Document();
PdfWriter pdfWriter2 = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, fOut2);;
PdfContentByte content = pdfWriter2.getDirectContent();
myImg.setAbsolutePosition(0, 0);
float width = PageSize.A4.getWidth();
float heightRatio = myImg.getHeight() * width / myImg.getWidth();
int nPages = (int) (heightRatio / PageSize.A4.getHeight());
float difference = heightRatio % PageSize.A4.getHeight();
while (nPages >= 0) {
content.addImage(myImg, width, 0, 0, heightRatio, 0, -((--nPages * PageSize.A4.getHeight()) + difference));
} catch (DocumentException de) {
Log.e("PDFCreator", "DocumentException:" + de);
} catch (IOException e) {
Log.e("PDFCreator", "ioException:" + e);
} finally {

Visifire.Charts How to disable vertical lines. WP

Chart is created by code. But I can't disable vertical lines in chart.
It is a code of creating chart:
public void CreateChart() {
visiChart = new Chart()
ToolTipEnabled = true,
Width = 400,
Height = 200,
Padding = new Thickness(0),
Margin = new Thickness(0, 6, 0, -12),
Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.White),
ChartGrid grid = new ChartGrid()
Enabled = false
DataSeries dataSeries = new DataSeries();
DataPoint dataPoint;
Axis yAx = new Axis()
AxisLabels = new AxisLabels() { Enabled = false },
Grids = new ChartGridCollection() {grid}
int i = 0;
var deps = App.CurrentAgreement.Deposits.Deposit.Where(x => x.DepositIliv + x.DepositLink > 0).ToList();
foreach (var dep in deps) {
dataPoint = new DataPoint();
dataPoint.YValue = dep.DepositIliv + dep.DepositLink + dep.UValue + dep.WarrantyValue;
dataPoint.XValue = i;
dataPoint.LabelText = dataPoint.YValue.Out();
dataPoint.AxisXLabel = DateTime.Parse(dep.DepositDate).ToString("MMM yyyy");
dataPoint.MouseLeftButtonUp += dataPoint_MouseLeftButtonUp;
dataSeries.LabelEnabled = true;
dataSeries.RenderAs = RenderAs.Column;
dataSeries.Color = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Green);
But i dont need vertical lines visible. It is a screen of chart.
How i can disable lines??
Help me, please.
You have to disable the Grid lines from AxisX also.
ChartGrid grid = new ChartGrid()
Enabled = false
Axis xAx = new Axis();
