Missing wuau.adm policy template from windows\inf folder - windows

I'm using Windows 10 OS, I get missing wuau.adm from windows\inf folder. Can I just replace this file from other server or download it, or copy it back from the sysvol folder?

You may replace the file in either the windows\inf directly or replace it in SYSVOL. And you may replace it from another server or download it. Note: *.adm files have long been phased out by Microsoft. Windows 10 should be using *.admx files instead. Here's a link to the same problem described in the MS TechNet forums. It is from 2009 and earlier OS but it still applies: missing wuau.adm from windows\inf folder


How Can I Package a Unity3D 5 Windows Application into a single exe file?

I am new to Unity3d development. I have created two versions of a 3D puzzle app, one for Mac and the other for Windows. Mac applications are created with the package contents contained within it. The Windows application is created with the exe file and a separate data folder with the same name as the exe file + suffix _Data. I want to create a single exe file to distribute on Amazon and other downloadable platforms. The problem I'm having is finding something where the data folder and the exe file have to be located at the same level.
I'm used to Apple devices but recently purchased a Windows laptop for testing.
I could not find anything in the Unity3D documentation on how to do this. The documentation talks about how to distribute the application to the Windows Store, something I don't plan to do. The only thing I could find on their forum was one question that was asked in 2011.
One of the suggested solutions, Enigma Virtual Box, I could not get to work because Unity3D requires that the exe file and the data folder be at the same level. I have also tried the trial for Smart Packer Pro but I need a dll file as a starting point which I could not find in my Unity3D project folder.
All of the information I'm finding related to Windows packaging into a single exe file are at least five years old. None of them relate to packaging Unity3D applications. I have also searched microsoft.com and windows.com but could not find anything there.
UPDATE 5/12/2016 14:15
I installed Inno Setup and attempted to create a script for my application. It copied the exe file but created an empty data folder instead of copying the data folder I need to run the exe file. I checked to make sure that the folder name was correct in the script.
; -- myapplication.iss --
; Demonstrates copying 3 files and creating an icon.
OutputDir=userdocs:Inno Setup Examples Output
Source: "myapplication.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"
Name: "{app}\myapplication_Data";
Packing a Unity3D application is not not possible without 3rd party software.
a bit more recent url (2014) suggests using smart packer, this however is a tool I personally never used before.
I tend to use inno setup as it seems a bit more professional, it eases up moving files, creating links (short-cuts) and uninstalling quite a bit as well. Simply said, this allows you to extract the exe and _data folder to the same folder, and create a shortcut to the exe.
Follow up on edit
I installed Inno Setup and attempted to create a script for my application. It copied the exe file but created an empty data folder instead of copying the data folder I need to run the exe file. I checked to make sure that the folder name was correct in the script.
After selecting the main exe file during the application files part of the setup wizard, you can add a folder. Here you can select yourgame_data folder to be included in the installer. This however does require an additional step. After adding the folder, you need to set the destination subfolder to yourgame_data for it to be able to properly create the subdirectories. You can refer to this picture guide for more information. I included the relevant step(s) below.

Watch a folder constantly for new files

I have a web folder on a Mac (running MAMP Pro) and have files been added within it on the fly, whose URL is as follows .
I have another Windows machine that should constantly watch this folder and download any new file that gets dumped to this web folder to c:\macfolder\ (The files are always tsv's).
I know I can use wget to acquire files and run whatever program that would do this as a scheduler in windows to watch constantly, but whats the best way to watch this folder for the new files.
P.S I do not know what are the best tags for this question. Help me out with that too.. :P
Since the directory already is mounted on Windows, your question appears to be a duplicate of this (and related) - assuming you're OK using C# to build such a tool:
Monitoring a directory for new file creation without FileSystemWatcher
If not so keen on the C# tool, there are command line solutions like this one here:
batch file to monitor additions to download folder

Unblocking a DLL on a company machine. How?

I am trying to test out MVVMLight but the DLLs that come with it are BLOCKED. I have read about it and I am told to click the UNBLOCK in the file property.. but that doesnt exist for me.. Then I found out of a program called STREAMS that is suppose to unblock.. that didnt work... any other idea how to fix this?
Error 7
Could not load the assembly
file:///C:\MIX10-MVVM-Samples\Mix10.MvvmDemo2 -
. This assembly may have been downloaded from the Web. If an assembly has been downloaded from the Web, it is flagged by Windows as being a Web file, even if it resides on the local computer. This may prevent it from being used in your project. You can change this designation by changing the file properties. Only unblock assemblies that you trust. See http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=179545 for more information. Mix10.MvvmDemo2
The file contains an alternate data stream that indicates that the content was retrieved from the Internet and is not secure. This is a feature of the NTFS file system, one that's unfortunately well hidden because Explorer has no support for showing their content. You can see them from the command prompt with the DIR /R command option. And type their content with TYPE filename:streamname. And delete them with DELETE filename:streamname
Other tricks is to copy the file to a file system that doesn't support alternate data streams, that slices them off the file. A flash drive for example. Or a zip utility.
Later versions of Windows, I think starting with Win7, has built-in support for this in Explorer. Right-click the file, Properties and click "Unblock".
SysInternals has a great command line utility called Streams. This proved very useful for me.
Streams v1.56 - Enumerate alternate NTFS data streams Copyright (C) 1999-2007 Mark Russinovich Sysinternals - www.sysinternals.com
usage: streams [-s] [-d] <file or directory>
-s Recurse subdirectories
-d Delete streams
Execute the following command in the directory you wish to remove streams from (same effect as copying to USB/FAT32 drive)
streams.exe -d -s *.*
Unblock the zip file first, and then extract the dll's. Actually that's what they instruct to do here.
Only for general understanding. NTFS supports streams (see http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa364404%28VS.85%29.aspx). The full name of a stream is filename:stream_name:stream_type. So one can easy write some additional information about a file in an additional stream of file. If you download a file from the internet Internet Explorer write some simple information in a stream with the name Zone.Identifier. If you have a file test.dll downloaded from the internet you can use
more < test.dll:Zone.Identifier
to see information from the stream. You will see something like
Unblocking is not much more as deleting of this stream. I recommend you to read http://weblogs.asp.net/dixin/archive/2009/03/14/understanding-the-internet-file-blocking-and-unblocking.aspx for more detaild information
I simply opened the dll file in notepad++ and saved it with a different name.
If it helps anyone, I pulled down two blocked DLLs from TFS.
My solution:
Inside of Windows Explorer, delete the two blocked DLLs.
Inside of TFS, do a 'Get Specific Version' operation on the folder, and make sure that 'Overwrite all files even if the local version matches the specified version' is checked so that you will pull down fresh copies of the deleted DLLs.
Rebuild your solution.

Set directory permissions with inheritance during application installation?

I found a thread on the Microsoft Forums where the answer tells how to set directory permissions using the LockPermission table. I tried it, but it doesn't seem to set the inheritance for any of the subdirectories. I need to be able to set the permissions for a particular folder that I create and have those permissions be inherited by all of the files and directories within and beneath it. Is there a way to do this without having to add a line in the LockPermission table for each and every directory (and file) that I want to affect?
For anyone looking to know the joys and pains of using MsiLockPermissionsEx, here is a tutorial, some best practices and a helper script. The helper script extracts SDDL from existing system resources - so you just use Regedit and Windows Explorer to set permissions and the helper script extracts them for you.
The article also discusses the challenge of supporting XP and Windows 7 permissions with a single package.
You can check it out here: http://csi-windows.com/toolkit/csigetsddlfromobject
You can either see if the MsiLockPermissionsEx support in MSI 5 handles this (and is an acceptable dependency for you as currently it's only available on Windows 7), or you can implement custom support. The LockPermissions support available in earlier versions of Windows Installer has the limitation you describe (and others).

How to Deploy VB6 Applications?

How to run the exe file to other system?
Using VB 6
I copied the exe file to other system, then run that exe file, it not working it showing error
“component comdlg32.ocx or one its dependencies not correctly registered a file is missing or invalid”`
Can any one help me how to avoid this error?
When deploying VB6 applications, you should create a Setup, this will manage the DLL's that the VB6 application depends on. Since it is not enough to just copy the .Exe and .Dll's. You also need to register them.
The creation of the setup is included in the VB6 environment.
You can read this http://support.microsoft.com/kb/830761 which is very comprehensive.
1: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/830761 for more information.
Or if you just want the redistributable files check this kb http://support.microsoft.com/kb/290887
Copy and register the comdlg32.ocx on other system. Link: Fix Missing Comdlg32.ocx Run time Error in Portable apps.
Create an installer for your program.
Unless you are deploying your program to really old versions of Windows (prior to XP), one nice alternative is to create an XCopy package using reg-free COM. This is fairly easy for most simple programs using Make My Manifest though it can be done by hand or using other tools if you invest in a little study.
Even then a formal installer package is usually desireable though, if nothing else to create Start Menu shortcuts and set up application workspace directories.
Keep in mind that even the PDWizard is difficult to use blindly. Packaging and deployment is a topic that requires some learning investment.
Outdated or missing comdlg32.ocx runtime library is causing this error. Here is a copy of comdlg32.ocx (~60 Kb Zip). Download the file to the Desktop and extract the comdlg32.ocx to your the Windows\System32 folder.
Note: If you already have a copy of comdlg32.ocx, backup the existing file to a different folder and delete it from System32 folder.
1. Download comdlg32.zip and save to Desktop.
2. Unzip the file using WinZip or any other utility.
3. Extract comdlg32.ocx to Windows\System32 folder.
4. Type the following command from Start, Run dialog:
regsvr32 %Systemroot%\System32\comdlg32.ocx
Typically a VB 6 app will consist of an .exe some .dll libraries and a config.ini file. The exe is the starting place and it consumes the dll's and config.ini and other resources to run => you have to have all parts in the same directory for the app to run typically called "packaging" an app. E.g. An installer simply ensures that all those files in a packaged app are placed on a users computer in an Windows application directory, and creates a shortcut launch icon so that a user can click the shortcut in the start bar and the app will run.
To "package" your app (put the dll's and exe in the same folder) you can use an Add-In called "Package and Deployment Wizard":
And here is a demo of using it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XT7jaoAiKDo
You can either package and create an installer and package or just create a package:
Now if the Deployment Wizard doesnt show as an add-in on your VB6 Editor Installation, go to editor's program folder and find the tools Tools folder, i.e:
Then you should be able to find the Deployment Wizard there:
Open it to use it.
