Watir: Passing dynamic selector - ruby

Is there a way to pass a dynamic set of options to a textarea element in browser?
options = {
:type => 'textarea',
:selector => ':id',
:field => 'id_of_textarea_field',
:value => 'Joe Salesperson'
browser.textarea(options[:selector] => options[:field]).set ''
Error received:
invalid attribute: ":id"
A similar thread is listed here (selecting elements using variables in ruby /watir) but no answer.

options = {
:type => 'textarea',
:selector => :id,
:field => 'id_of_textarea_field',
:value => 'Joe Salesperson'
You can just pass the identifier, no need for quotes.
2017-01-03, Updating with a use case. Here is the declaration of the method I'm using and the call. The actual code is much more verbose and contains different validations than what I've pasted here. In the example, you'll notice a simple switch block which sets the appropriate information based on the element type passed (specifically text areas, text fields, and select elements).
def validateInput(options = {})
success = true
case options[:type]
when 'textarea', 'text_field'
Watir::Wait.until{$browser.textarea(options[:selector] => options[:field]).present?}
$browser.textarea(options[:selector] => options[:field]).set options[:value]
when 'select'
$browser.select_list(options[:selector] => options[:field]).select_value options[:value]
puts "in else"
rescue => e
$message.push("Failed to validate '#{options[:field]}' field. #{e}")
success = false
return success
:type => 'textarea',
:selector => :id,
:field => 'order_approval_comment_name',
:value => 'Joe Salesperson'


Axlsx Gem:Ruby - Creating A dropdown

wb.add_worksheet(name: 'Report') do |sheet|
sheet.add_data_validation("D25", {
:type => :list,
:formula1 => 'list!D11:D17',
:showDropDown => false,
:showInputMessage => true,
:promptTitle => 'blah blah',
:prompt => 'Please select a valid blah'
I have no idea how to populate the dropdown. The template shows a caret which tells me that it knows I want this to be a dropdown.
With your formula1 => 'list!D11:D17' you reference on another Worksheet named list.
If you reference only D11:D17 you get the values from the selected area:
require 'axlsx'
Axlsx::Package.new do |p|
wb = p.workbook
wb.add_worksheet(name: 'Report') do |sheet|
sheet.add_data_validation("A10", {
:type => :list,
:formula1 => 'A1:A9',
:showDropDown => false,
:showInputMessage => true,
:promptTitle => 'blah blah',
:prompt => 'Please select a valid blah'
puts "Wrote simple.xlsx"
You can use your list!-reference, but then you must name your sheet list.
require 'axlsx'
Axlsx::Package.new do |p|
wb = p.workbook
wb.add_worksheet(name: 'list') do |sheet|
1.upto(10){|i| sheet.add_row([i])}
wb.add_worksheet(name: 'Report') do |sheet|
sheet.add_data_validation("A1", {
:type => :list,
:formula1 => 'list!A1:A9',
:showDropDown => false,
:showInputMessage => true,
:promptTitle => 'blah blah',
:prompt => 'Please select a valid blah'
puts "Wrote simple.xlsx"

Can't get value from nested pair in Omniauth hash.

I'll try to keep this simple, my previous wording was maybe a bit too verbose:
Here is the example Omniauth hash: https://github.com/mkdynamic/omniauth-facebook
I can access and save some values from this but not others. The field is writable, so I know its just my syntax (beginner, sorry!)
:provider => 'facebook',
:uid => '1234567',
:info => {
:nickname => 'jbloggs',
:email => 'joe#bloggs.com',
:name => 'Joe Bloggs',
:first_name => 'Joe',
:last_name => 'Bloggs',
:image => 'http://graph.facebook.com/1234567/picture?type=square',
:urls => { :Facebook => 'http://www.facebook.com/jbloggs' },
:location => 'Palo Alto, California',
:verified => true
:credentials => {
:token => 'ABCDEF...', # OAuth 2.0 access_token, which you may wish to store
:expires_at => 1321747205, # when the access token expires (it always will)
:expires => true # this will always be true
:extra => {
:raw_info => {
:id => '1234567',
:name => 'Joe Bloggs',
:first_name => 'Joe',
:last_name => 'Bloggs',
:link => 'http://www.facebook.com/jbloggs',
:username => 'jbloggs',
:location => { :id => '123456789', :name => 'Palo Alto, California' },
:gender => 'male',
:email => 'joe#bloggs.com',
:timezone => -8,
:locale => 'en_US',
:verified => true,
:updated_time => '2011-11-11T06:21:03+0000'
I can do this to get gender and save it.
Obviously though I dont want to save gender to location. I want to get "Palo Alto" and save it. But this doesn't work.
What am I doing wrong? When I try it in console, I'm able to get the value.
try this
or this
Yeah, what you suggested was what I was trying...and it turns out we were right but FB had changed how that hash was set up so it wasn't working. Lesson learned: subscribe FB's notifications next time :)

How do I correctly call Magento SOAP API with Ruby Savon for Category Product Links?

I am trying to call the catalog_product_link.list API method using Savon. However, I keep receiving the error Error cannot find parameter.
Here is what I am using, though I have tried several variations of the call and still cannot get it to go through correctly:
client = Savon.client(wsdl: 'http://localhost/index.php/api/soap/?wsdl')
response = client.call(:login){message(username: 'user', apiKey: 'key')}
session = response.body[:login_response][:login_return]
#These all do not work
client.call(:call){message(:session => session, :method => 'catalog_product_link.list', :type => 'up_sell', :productId => '166')}
client.call(:call){message(:session => session, :method => 'catalog_product_link.list', :type => 'up_sell', :product => '166')}
client.call(:call){message(:sessionId => session, :resourcePath => 'catalog_product_link.list', :args => {:type => 'up_sell', :product => '166'})}
client.call(:call){message(:sessionId => session, :resourcePath => 'catalog_product_link.list', :args => {:type => 'up_sell', :productId => '166'})}
client.call(:call){message(:sessionId => session, :resourcePath => 'catalog_product_link.list', :arguments => {:type => 'up_sell', :product => '166'})}
Is there a different way to format to get this to work?
UPDATE: If I try removing the type parameter, it gives the error Given invalid link type, so it appears it does not like something about multiple parameters.
response = client.call(:call){message(:session => session, :method => 'catalog_product_link.list', :product => '166')}
I was able to get this to work using Builder:
class ServiceRequest
def initialize(session, type, product)
#session = session
#type = type
#product = product
def to_s
builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new()
builder.instruct!(:xml, encoding: "UTF-8")
"xmlns:env" => "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/",
"xmlns:ns1" => "urn:Magento",
"xmlns:ns2" => "http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap",
"xmlns:xsd" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema",
"xmlns:xsi" => "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
) do |envelope|
envelope.tag!("env:Body") do |body|
body.tag!("ns1:call") do |call|
builder.sessionId(#session, "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
builder.resourcePath("catalog_product_link.list", "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
builder.args("xsi:type" => "ns2:Map") do |args|
args.item do |item|
item.key("type", "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
item.value(#type, "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
args.item do |item|
item.key("product", "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
item.value(#product, "xsi:type" => "xsd:string")
client.call(:call, xml: ServiceRequest.new(session, 'up_sell', '166').to_s)
Thanks to #rubiii for the direction.

Creating a class and adding methods dynamically in Ruby

How do I go about creating a new class and adding a few methods to it without resorting to "eval"?
Here's what I'm trying to do; I'd like to transform this structure:
obj = [
:scope => 'account',
:fields => [
{ :title => 'title', :length => 64, :required => true },
{ :title => 'email', :length => 256, :required => true, :type => 'email' }
:before_save => Proc.new{
#do something here
:scope => 'product',
:fields => [
{ :title => 'title', :length => 64, :required => true },
{ :title => 'description', :length => 256, :required => true },
{ :title => 'cost', :required => true, :type => 'decimal' }
into this:
class Account
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial
property :title, String, :length => 64, :required => true
property :email, String, :length => 256, :required => true
def before_save
#do something here
As Andrew already said, there are different ways to create class dynamically. This could be one of them:
Say you start with one DM model (haven't used DM, taking the first one from the docs):
class Post
include DataMapper::Resource
property :id, Serial # An auto-increment integer key
property :title, String # A varchar type string, for short strings
property :body, Text # A text block, for longer string data.
property :created_at, DateTime # A DateTime, for any date you might like.
and you want to create it dynamically, from a metadata given in a hash of the form
{:ClassName => {:field1 => :Type1, :field2 => :Type2 ...}}
You could do:
require 'data_mapper'
models = {:Post => {
:id => :Serial,
:title => :String,
:body => :Text
models.each do |name, fields|
klass = Class.new do
include DataMapper::Resource
fields.each do |field_name, field_type|
property(field_name, const_get(field_type))
Object.const_set(name, klass)
Key methods:
If you want to look at a real-world example, please consult the code in this library: https://github.com/apohllo/rod/blob/v0.7.x/lib/rod/model.rb#L410

How do I work with checkboxes with DataMapper and Sinatra?

I'm trying to make a simple room management service. The rooms have these properties:
class Room
include DataMapper::Resource
validates_is_unique :number
property :id, Serial
property :number, Integer
property :guest, String
property :status, Enum[ :free, :occupied ], :default => :free
Then I create a new room like this
post '/new' do
content_type :json
#room = Room.new :guest => params[:guest],
:number => params[:number],
:status => params[:status]
if #room.save
{ :number => #room.number, :guest => #room.guest, :status => #room.status }.to_json
through this haml form
%form#new_message{:action => '/new', :method => 'post'}
%input{:type => "text", :id => "number", :name => "number"}
%input{:type => "text", :id => "guest", :name => "guest"}
%input{:type => "checkbox", :id => "status", :name => "status", :value => "occupied"}
%input{:type => "submit", :value => "post"}
When the box is checked the :status is "occupied" but when I leave it unchecked the object won't save. I thought it would work since it is defaulted to "free" but no...
For whatever stupid reason, checkboxes do not get submitted if they are not clicked. This means they are not in the hash that hits your app. When you say :status => params[:status] you are really saying :status => nil. Since you have set a value, it checks that against your enum, and nil is not in your enum, so it fails validations. (based on how you are using this, doesn't it seem like it should be a boolean called either "occupied" or "available" ?)
Anyway, you could either explicitly set it to free, or not set it at all, and let the default take care of it. That is what I opted for when checking it, by moving it into a mass assignment. The code I used is below.
require 'rubygems'
require 'sinatra'
require 'haml'
require 'dm-core'
require 'dm-validations'
require 'dm-types'
require 'dm-migrations'
require 'sqlite3'
configure do
class Room
include DataMapper::Resource
validates_uniqueness_of :number
property :id, Serial
property :number, Integer
property :guest, String
property :status, Enum[ :free, :occupied ], :default => :free
set :sessions , true
DataMapper::Logger.new($stdout, :debug)
DataMapper.setup( :default , "sqlite3://#{Dir.pwd}/development.sqlite3" )
get '/' do
#rooms = Room.all
haml :index
post '/new' do
p params
#room = Room.new params[:room]
if #room.save
session[:flash] = "room reserved"
redirect '/'
session[:flash] = #room.errors.to_a
redirect '/new'
get '/new' do
haml :new
= session[:flash].inspect
= yield
%form#new_message{:action => '/new', :method => 'post' , :name => 'room' }
%input{:type => "text", :id => "number", :name => "room[number]"}
%input{:type => "text", :id => "guest", :name => "room[guest]"}
%input{:type => "checkbox", :id => "status", :name => "room[status]", :value => "occupied"}
%input{:type => "submit", :value => "post"}
- #rooms.each do |room|
%td= room.number
%td= room.guest
%td= room.status
View the HTML source of your web-form! There should be a hidden field which sets the unchecked checkboxes to '0' as the default , in case nobody checks them...
see also:
http://railscasts.com/episodes/17-habtm-checkboxes?autoplay=true (towards the end)
