I wanted to try extracting frames at scene changes with ffmpeg, vs. getting the frame numbers with ffprobe and extracting them later.
But I had a surprise: ffprobe seems to be much slower than ffmpeg, while ffmpeg is taking the frames, resizing and saving them as well.
ffmpeg command line:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -y -i d:/test/m/long.mkv -vf "select=gt(scene\,0.4), showinfo, scale=320:-1, tile=12x200" -vsync 0 thumbnails%03d.png
this takes: 488 seconds
ffprobe command line:
ffprobe -show_frames -of compact=p=0 -f lavfi "movie=/test/m/long.mkv,select=gt(scene\,.4)"
this takes: 899 seconds
I am missing something?
I have a folder of exactly 300 images in png format (labelled 1.png, 2.png, ..., 300.png), which I'm trying to convert to a video. I would like the video to be in the webm format, but there seems to be an issue:
using the following command:
ffmpeg -start_number 1 -i ./frames/%d.png -frames:v 300 -r 30 out.webm
does generate an out.webm file, and, according to ffprobe -select_streams v -count_frames -show_entries stream=nb_read_frames,r_frame_rate out.webm (which is presumably quite an inefficient way to get that information, but that's besides the point), it does contain 300 frames and has a framerate of exactly 30/1, however, instead of the expected exactly 10 seconds (from 300 frames being played at 30 fps), the video lasts slightly longer (about 12 seconds).
This discrepancy does seem to scale up with video length; 900 frames being converted to a video the same way and with the same frame rate yield a 36 (instead of 30) second video.
For testing, I also tried generating an mp4 file instead of a webm one, with the following command (exact same as above, but out.mp4 instead of out.webm), and that worked exactly as expected, out.mp4 was a 10-second long video.
ffmpeg -start_number 1 -i ./frames/%d.png -frames:v 100 -r 30 out.mp4
How do I fix this? is my ffmpeg command off or is this a bug within the tool?
The documentation ( https://www.ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg.html ) has an example:
For creating a video from many images: ffmpeg -f image2 -framerate 12
-i foo-%03d.jpeg -s WxH foo.avi
To force the frame rate of the input file (valid for raw formats only)
to 1 fps and the frame rate of the output file to 24 fps: ffmpeg -r 1
-i input.m2v -r 24 output.avi
and also
As an input option, ignore any timestamps stored in the file and
instead generate timestamps assuming constant frame rate fps. This is
not the same as the -framerate option used for some input formats like
image2 or v4l2 (it used to be the same in older versions of FFmpeg).
If in doubt use -framerate instead of the input option -r.
For your case result:
ffmpeg -framerate 30 -i ./frames/%d.png output.webm
Trying to identify both thumbnails and timestamps of keyframes on a set of videos, I'm getting different results from ffmpeg and ffprobe.
Taking a 1 min. long video as an example:
youtube-dl -f 'bestvideo[ext=mp4]+bestaudio[ext=m4a]/mp4' 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BHlAlN3z4ss' --output "test.mp4"
1/ I extract thumbnails and write on the image the timestamp at which it was extracted:
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -q:v 2 -vf select="eq(pict_type\,PICT_TYPE_I)","drawtext=fontfile=/path/to/Arial.ttf:fontsize=45:fontcolor=yellow:box=1:boxcolor=black:x=(W-tw)/2:y=H-th-10:text='Time\: %{pts\:hms}'" -vsync 0 thumbs/preview%05d.jpg
2/ I extract and save the timestamps of all keyframes:
ffprobe -v error -skip_frame nokey -show_entries frame=pkt_pts_time -select_streams v -of csv=p=0 test.mp4 | sort -n > keyframes_timestamps.txt
3/ Comparing results, I figure ffprobe found 29 keyframes, while ffmpeg found only 32. Comparing manually, we can see that specific keyframes are not detected by ``ffprobe` while most are very similar.
ffprobe_ts ffmpeg_ts
0.000000 00:00:00.00
5.366667 00:00:05.367
7.200000 00:00:07.200
8.666667 00:00:08.667
10.100000 00:00:10.100
11.500000 00:00:11.500
14.233333 00:00:14.233
15.333333 00:00:15.333
17.366667 00:00:17.367
NO_TS 00:00:18.833
20.800000 00:00:20.800
24.533333 00:00:24.533
25.700000 00:00:25.700
26.033333 00:00:26.033
On larger videos, this happens for around less that 5% of the keyframes.
I can't find an explanation about that, does anyone have a clue ? or an advice on where/what I should inquire further ?
Thanks for your help !
Not all I-frames are keyframes. -skip_frame nokey will skip non-KF I-frames.
So I have a constant 59.94 fps (i.e. 60000/1001) video and when I attempt to extract one second:
ffmpeg -y -i input60fps.avi -ss 0 -t 1 -c:v huffyuv -an output60fps.avi
ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 ./output60fps.avi
it returns 1.001 seconds, which I now understand is appropriate since it is the multiple of the video's frame time (60000/1001 seconds) nearest to the requested duration.
Repeating this experiment on a 59.94 fps video that was previously converted from a 29.97 fps source, I'd expect similar results, but I'm seeing that's not actually the case:
ffmpeg -i input30fps.avi -vcodec huffyuv -r 60000/1001 -an output60fps.avi
ffmpeg -i ./output60fps.avi -ss 0 -t 1 -c:v huffyuv -an test.avi
ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 ./test.avi
This actually results in 0.984317 seconds.
Why is this behavior different? Is there some way for me to control how the total frames get distributed evenly such that each boundary occurs every 60000/1001 milliseconds? My expectation here is that since I'm just doubling the frame rate, I should expect a frame every 1001/60000 seconds.
AVI is a variable frame rate muxer. In addition to -r, you need to enable constant frame rate so
ffmpeg -i input30fps.avi -vcodec huffyuv -r 60000/1001 -vsync cfr -an output60fps.avi
I have the following command line:
ffmpeg -hide_banner -ss 5 -i test.mp4 -y -vf
mpdecimate,showinfo,scale=320:240,tile=12x25" -vsync 2 out%%03d.png
As you can see, I make a mosaic of 12x25 (=300) tiles per output image. But I'd like to cap the output to a single image.
Is there a way to have ffmpeg stop processing the video after it found 300 frames?
Additionally, when grabbin the I-frames, is there a way to just keep 1/x for example
After playing with different options, I couldn't find any way to do this.
ffmpeg -hide_banner -ss 5 -skip_frame nokey -i test.mp4 -y -vf "framestep=7,mpdecimate,showinfo,scale=320:240,tile=12x25" -vsync 0 -vframes 1 out.png
framestep value sets x in 1/x. You probably don't need mpdecimate if you're skipping x-1 keyframes. I've added -skip_frame nokey to avoid using the select filter. This method is much faster.
I want to convert video to images, do some image processing and convert images back to video.
Here is my commands:
./ffmpeg -r 30 -i $VIDEO_NAME "image%d.png"
./ffmpeg -r 30 -y -i "image%d.png" output.mpg
But in output.mpg video I have some artefacts like in jpeg.
Also I don't know how to detrmine fps, I set fps=30 (-r 30).
When I use above first command without -r it produces a lot of images > 1kk, but than I use -r 30 option it produce same number of images as this command calculationg number of frames:
FRAME_COUNT=`./ffprobe -v error -count_frames -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=nb_read_frames -of default=nokey=1:noprint_wrappers=1 $VIDEO_NAME`
So my questions are:
How to determine frame rate ?
How to convert images to video and don't reduce initial quality?
Seems this helped, after I removed -r option
Image sequence to video quality
so resulting command is :
./ffmpeg -y -i "image%d.png" -vcodec mpeg4 -b $BITRATE output_$BITRATE.avi
but I'm still not sure how to select bitrate.
How can I see bitrate of original .mp4 file?
You can use the qscale parameter instead of bitrate e.g.
ffmpeg -y -i "image%d.png" -vcodec mpeg4 -q:v 1 output_1.avi
q:v is short for qscale:v. 1 may produce too large files. 4-6 is a decent range to use.