I keep getting this error when running some of my steps:
Container [pid=5784,containerID=container_1482150314878_0019_01_000015] is running beyond physical memory limits. Current usage: 5.6 GB of 5.5 GB physical memory used; 10.2 GB of 27.5 GB virtual memory used. Killing container.
I searched over the web and people say to increase the memory limits. This error is after I already increased to the maximum allowed on the instance I'm using c4.xlarge. Can I get some assistance about this error and how to solve this?
Also, I don't understand why mapreduce will throw this error and won't just swap or even work slower but just continue to work ...
NOTE: This error started happening after I changed to a custom output compression so it should be related to that.
When I am running my application on EC2-user sever, which is related to S3 bucket. I am getting the below error. The RAM size of server is 450MB and free space is 72MB. What can be the issue? Is this error related to RAM size?
I believe its RAM issue. But I would like to know the various reasons this error can occur.
Hortonworks Sandbox running HDP 2.5
Hortonworks HDP 2.5 Hadoop cluster managed by Ambari
We are facing a tricky situation. We run Pig script from Hadoop tutorial. Script is working with tiny data. It works fine on a Sandbox. But fails in real cluster where it complains about insufficient memory for the container.
container is running beyond physical memory limit
message can be seen in the logs.
The tricky part is - Sandbox has way less memory available than real cluster (about 3 times less). Also most memory settings in Sandbox (MapReduce memory, Yarn memory, Yarn container sizes) allow much less memory than corresponding settings in a real cluster. Still it is sufficient for Pig in Sandbox but not sufficient in a real cluster.
Another note - Hive queries doing the similar job also work good (in both environements), they do not complain about memory.
Apparently there is some setting somewhere (within Environment 2), which makes Pig to request too much memory? Can please anybody recommend what parameter should be modified to stop Pig script to request too big memory?
I'm trying to install and configure Hadoop 2.6 on Amazon EC2 t2.micro instance (The Free one, with only 1GB RAM) in Pseudo-Distributed Mode.
I could configure and start all the daemons (ie. Namenode,Datanode,ResourceManager,NodeManager). But When I tried to run a mapreduce wordcount example, it is failing.
I dont know if its failing due to low memory ( Since t2.micro has only 1GB of memory and some of it is taken up by Host OS, Ubuntu in my case). Or can it be some other reason?
I'm using default memory settings. If I can tweak down everything to minimum memory settings will it solve the problem? What is the minimum memory in mb that can be assigned to containers.
Thanks a lot Guys. I'll appreciate if you can provide me with some information.
Without tweaking any memory settings I could run a pi example with 1 mapper and 1 reducer sometimes only on the free tier t2.micro instance, it fails most of the time.
By using the memory optimized r3.large instance with 15GB RAM everything works perfect. All jobs get completed without failure.
I have installed on my desktop machine (with windows 7) SQLServer 2008 R2 Express.
I have only one local server running (./SQLEXPRESS) but the sqlserver process is taking ALL the RAM possible.
With an machine with 3GB of RAM the things starts to get slow, so I limited the maximun amount of RAM in the server, and now, constantly the SQLServer give some error messages that the memory is not enought. It's using 1GB of RAM with only one LOCAL server with 2 databases completely empty, how 1GB of RAM isn't enought ?
When the process start it's using an really acceptable amount of memory (around 80MB) but it's keep increasing until it reaches the maximun defined and start to complain about having not enought memory available. In that point I have to restart the server to use it again.
I have read about an hotfix to solve one of the errors I got from sqlserver:
There is insufficient system memory in resource pool 'internal' to run this query
But it's already installed on my sqlserver.
Why it's using so much memory?
You can try configuring the 'max server memory' configuration option:
For additional details check:
I had the problem like this.
You can increase the cache size of DB.
On MSSQL server properties, choose memory, there have "maximum server memory (in MB)" You can increase this cell.
Or same thing with query:
EXEC sp_configure'Show Advanced Options',1;
EXEC sp_configure'max server memory (MB)',3500;
Weblogic 10.3 gives out of memory
Followings thing I have done
Increased the -Xms512m
Increased the -Xmx1024m
Increased the max perm size in setdomainenv.bat
Is there any other way to resolve this issue I have a 2 GB system?
It is a production machine and the size of the log is around 4 GB .When analysed the log I found many connection refused error
You'll need to profile your application to find the memory leak. It could be open database connections or other resources not being handled properly
Just increasing the Xms and Xmx wont work beyond a point
Take a Heap Dump into an HPROF file and run this using Eclipse Memory Analyzer Tool or VisualVM
or monitor this using JConsole