I can't delete on row of data in Wakanda - wakanda

In Wakanda Studio Enterprise, I can't delete one row of data, I have a network error
401 (Unauthorized)
or 500 (Internal Server Error)
I enabled CORS and allow all and all request methods.
I would like to know if someone can delete on row of data in their 4D Server.


Laravel api - http client - database error

I have an api endpoint on domain-1
Route::get('users', [UserApiController::class, 'index'])
and i try to retrieve the data from domain-2.
I use the HTTP client to execute a request on the api route.
But the request sends me back a Base table or view not found: 1146 the table 'domain-2-db.users' does not exists
-> trying to find a table on the domain-2 database instead of performing the request on the domain-1-db
I tried hitting the api endpoint
directly in the browser or with Postman, and i can access the data.
I also tried to submit a form from the domain-2, and i retrieve the data.
The error only occurs with the HTTP client.
May be that's pretty obvious, but i can't figure out what's the issue and how to fix it.
Any help appreciated !
Response came from this post https://stackoverflow.com/a/53803441/10309333
The solution was to change the DB_DATABASE const name from the env file

Azure Logic App - Get Response Body with 500 Internal Server Error

Is there any way to get the response body in Azure Logic App even when we get 500 Internal Server Error?
I have made the Logic App in a way that I'm setting the response code to 500 on an issue, and I'm adding some error related information in the response body. I tried returning 504 Gateway timeout as well, in case of a timeout issue I could face, but I'm always receiving a null response body in case of non-200 response codes.
If we are not able to see the response body in case of an error by design, is there a better way to set and fetch error related information from the response object?
Yes you can get the response body in Azure Logic App by adding the response action. According to this Add a Response action section of the Microsoft document.
When you use the Request trigger to handle inbound requests, you can model the response and send the payload results back to the caller by using the built-in Response action.
Following steps would help you to get the response body.
In the Logic App Designer, under the step where you want to add a Response action, select New step.
The under Choose an action, in the search box, enter response as your filter, and select the Response action.
Now add any values that are required for the response message. For the Body, you can select the trigger body output from the dynamic content list.
I would suggest to read the Receive and respond to inbound HTTPS requests in Azure Logic Apps document for more information.
Alternatively you can also create alerts whenever HTTP 500 errors occur in your App and use Application Insights to view it using Azure Monitor. I would also suggest to read this Handle errors and exceptions in Azure Logic Apps Microsoft document for more information.

API server block request from GuzzleHttp

I have 2 servers which are API server and Client server ....
Both server using Google Cloud server and I use Laravel framework to develop my system...
So, currently the problem is, it return 403 error when calling API (to API server) using GuzzleHttp (from Client Server).....
But after I change the user agent to curl/7.65.3, suddenly it is working fine...
But I want to know why??? Is there any other solution without changing the user-agent???
What is your use method? If GET you can refer to:
GET Requests That Include a Body
If a viewer GET request includes a body, CloudFront returns an HTTP status code 403 (Forbidden) to the viewer.

Embedded google drive api to show a pdf returns 204

My website has an iframe pointing to https://drive.google.com/viewer?url=https://mywebsite/myfile.pdf&embedded=true
Most of the times, the pdf loads correctly, but sometimes it doesn't, I get just a blank page. The request seems to be returning 204 (request successful - response empty).
I could even replicate this, by entering the url above directly on the browser, and refreshing multiple times, until I got a 204, so it is not something on my website and/or the iframe.. any idea why this happens? and how to prevent it.
Thanks in advance :)
The error HTTP Status 204 (No Content) indicates that the server has successfully fulfilled the request and that there is no content to send in the response payload body. The server might want to return updated meta information in the form of entity-headers, which if present SHOULD be applied to current document’s active view if any.
By default, 204 (No Content) response is cacheable. If caching needs
to be overridden then response must include cache respective cache
In order to solve this issue, the lost update problem, the server may also include HTTP header ETag to let the client validate client side resource representation before making further update on server:
Lost update problem happens when multiple people edit a resource
without knowledge of each other’s changes. In this scenario, the last
person to update a resource “wins”, and previous updates are lost.
ETags can be used in combination with the If-Match header to let the
server decide if a resource should be updated. If ETag does not match
then server informs the client via a 412 (Precondition Failed)
Please check this site for more details.

Issue with MailChimp delete API?

For DELETE APIs, if we hit the API with invalid data, the API responds with proper error message. If we use the same HTTP connection object to hit another API, the request fails.
This issue is not seen for Create or Update APIs. Also if the Delete request is sent with valid data, then using the same HTTP connection object for next request works fine.
Please note that this behavior has implications for connection pooling in client applications, and we were just wondering if its known issue and if there is any available workaround.
