Highlight specific keywords in the terminal as they appear - terminal

In iTerm2 you can create triggers that highlight a line if your regex matches. This is great for some cases but I was wondering if it was possible to highlight only a word on a specific line.
The purpose of this is to help read my server logs where specific keywords can be easily pointed out. Highlighting the entire line is a bit distracting

A Profile-based trigger can highlight as much or little of a line as you choice (via the regex).
To highlight just a "word" in a line, you can create a simple Highlight Text trigger, i.e.:
Results in:
Ref: https://iterm2.com/documentation-triggers.html
Below is where you will find Triggers

As an additional usage of the selected answer, I'd like to suggest adding a tigger for "smart quotes" with the regex [”“’‘]
This will save you some day when a coworker sends you a line of code via a chat mechanism (like Slack) and the quotes get automagically "improved". The trigger won't fire as you paste/type them, but they will happen after the line scrolls up your terminal. So, it won't prevent the mistake, but it will save you time wondering why the command failed.


Ruby - stop program from executing in certain way

I wrote a parser, which recognizes elements of text based on certain pattern.
My program is able to recognize paragraph, chapter etc. The problem is it shouldn't recognize elements, when there's a quote. For example:
Paragraph 1
Something here...
would be proceed as Paragraph.
Paragraph 1
"Paragraph 2"
shouldn't. But as my program is based on regexp patterns, it looks for the word "Paragraph". I'm going line by line and recognize patterns for each line. I don't know how to tell my program: if you see quotes mark, leave text alone without doing anything? My mentor told me to use raise, but I'm not sure how to do it.
OK, so I'm still a bit of a beginner, I don't know if there is a way to direct the regex to ignore things inside quotes, but if I wanted to solve this problem, I would first make a copy of the text to be parsed, run a regex over that and delete everything inside quotes, then run the parser over the remaining text.
A bit kludgy and inelegant I admit, and may have performance issues over a large enough text, but it would get the job done.
See HERE for link to documentation of ruby regex. About a third of the way down it discusses quotes:
/\p{Pi}/ - 'Punctuation: Initial Quote'
/\p{Pf}/ - 'Punctuation: Final Quote'
You may be able to bake that into the regex with the ^ to direct it to ignore items in quotes.

SPSS: Create links/anchors in syntax

Is there a way to create links or anchors within SPSS syntax? Something like linking to a bookmark.
I am making changes and additions to a syntax file, and document these changes at the bottom of the file as comments. In these comments I would like to link to the part of the syntax that was changed. Now I just write the line number, but that changes as I add more syntax, so the reference becomes incorrect.
Bookmarks were the closest thing I found to what I want to do, but I can't turn them into a link. Moreover, I can only create a maximum of 9 bookmarks, which is not enough.
Trying to think creatively here:
instead of bookmarking all the changes, you could break up your syntax into many small syntaxes - each of which contains one of the parts where a change was made.
you can name and number the small syntaxes accordingly.
Then you create one syntax which contains a series of INSERT commands, which calls each of the small syntaxes in turn. You can add titles and remarks between the insert commands, so other users can follow the process and study the relevant small syntax that they need separately.
The Statistics Syntax Editor supports bookmarks - you can have up to 10. Generate a few in the SE and save the syntax file to see how these are represented (hint: look at the COMMENT BOOKMARK lines.

Xcode auto completion to replace function call name - how to drop placeholders?

Xcode's auto-completion is often getting in my way by giving me argument placeholders when I already have them. Here's an example:
I want to change that second MoveToPoint to AddLineToPoint, so I delete part of the name, and hit control + space for the Show Completions command. I get something like:
You see the annoyance. I tab complete the name, but now I have to delete the 3 arguments, the commas, and the parentheses. This kind of thing annoys me and throws off my flow when writing code.
Ideally I'd like a way to delete these placeholders with one command, or have a separate auto-complete command, so along with Show Completions (control + space), I could bind something like Show Completions without Placeholders. Does anyone know how to do that?
XCode does support this actually. They call it "Select Previous Completion". Check it out here (under Code Sense).
You essentially just hit ⌃> (hold control and press >) for XCode to choose your previous completion. It think it only works well though if the new method you're calling takes the same number of arguments as the previous one.
Hope this helps

Bash keyboard shortcut to add comment character (#) to beginning of command line

When using Mac OS X including iTerm, I can simply press
Shift+$ and the line in bash that I am currently tiping will get a # added to the beginning and the line returns. I like this very much as it prevents from actually executing that command while still editing it and I don't have to jump to the beginning of the line to insert that # character there.
However, when I log onto our cluster, this functionality is lost. I tried to search for this feature but only found posts about using sed etc. so suggestions which are not for the interactive kind of using bash that I am referring to.
Could somebody please point me to a resource where this functionality is explained (bash-guide?) so I could look up how to make it work when logging in to other machines? Or is this something Mac/iTerm-specific? But then, I would expect it to work also on our cluster, as long as I use my machine of course.
This might work for you
See insert-comment (M-#)

few vim autoinserts for ruby needed

I want to try the following things in vim insert mode:
to have closing bracket/parenthesis inserted (after the cursor) every time I type the opening one
to have #{} inserted whenever I type # inside "" (optionally, inside %() too)
I know it is possible, but my competence in this part of vim does not even reach the self-starter level.
This script will do the first one (auto inserting the closing bracket and placing the cursor between the brackets.)
lh-brackets helps define brackets related mappings. It also provides a few functions aimed at defining context-sensitive mappings and abbreviations (see Map4TheseContext).
If in ruby %() is associated to a syntax highlighting, Map4TheseContext will also solve your last request. If not, you'll have to play with searchpair() to detect the current context. Let me know if you have troubles to come up with a working solution.
