What happen if max pending submits buffer is full in kannel - sms

My question is quite simple. I'm working on a project using Kannel to send SMS. In some times it is slow and after hard work i could find it is related to 'max pending submits' buffer. Now i need to confirm it. So I need to know what happen if that buffer is full.


Purpose of zeromq send high watermark

The first time I skimmed the zeromq docs, I assumed that the sender high watermark was there to ensure that the sender did not get too far ahead of the receiver. Now that I'm looking at it more carefully, it seems that this can't possibly be true, since the wire protocol doesn't have any concept of ACKs so the sender can't know whether the receiver is keeping up or is way behind. After staring at jeromq code in the debugger for way too long, it seems that the watermark is actually a purely "within-same-process" mechanism to ensure that the application thread that's writing to the ZMQ socket does not get too far ahead of the background thread that's responsible for taking messages off the ZMQ socket and writing bytes into the OS's TCP socket.
It seems like a rather fringe thing to worry about, relative to how much attention it's given in the docs. It doesn't even seem like a great way to control memory usage, because if you have a high water mark of 10, then 15 messages of 2kb each is not allowed, but 5 messages of 100 megs each is allowed, so things are still pretty un-predictable.
Am I understanding all this correctly or am I hopelessly confused.
I think that another thing that says it's not to prevent a sender getting too far ahead of the receiver is that if one set the HWM to 0, that's taken as infinity not actually zero. For 0 to mean zero, it'd have to have some too-ing and fro-ing with the receiver to know whether the socket was actually empty throughout the whole connection.
I wish that 0 did mean zero, because then ZeroMQ could implement both Actor Model and Communicating Sequential Processes architectures. But it doesn't, so it can't.
Possible Uses
None the less, a potential useful aspect is related to the fact that ZeroMQ is Actor Model. Suppose one were sending messages, and it kind of mattered whether or not those messages got through. In the situation where the link has collapsed (something that ZeroMQ's heartbeat can tell you, pretty quickly), messages already sent are potentially lost forever. However, if the HWM is being used to throttle the rate of messages being sent by the application, then the number of lost messages when the link breaks is minimised.
Obviously with CSP - the perfect architecture so far as I'm concerned! - you lose no messages (because the acts of sending and receiving are an execution rendezvous; the send won't complete until the receive has also completed).
What I have done in the past is to queue up messages for transmission in the sending application, sending them as and when the socket / connection can ingest them. Having the outbound message queue in the sending application's control (instead of in ZeroMQ's control) means that sender state can potentially get ahead of the transfer of messages, but still recover easily from a network connection fault.
I have written systems where a sender has a choice of two pathways to send messages through - prime and spare - and if the link to prime has collapsed the sender continues to send to spare instead. Having queued the messages inside the application and not in the socket allows the sender's state can get ahead of the actual transfer of messages, knowing that if a link goes down it's still got all the unsent outboud messages that have been generated in the meantime. These can then be directed at spare instead, without having to rewind the sender's internal state (which could be really tricky) to the last known successful transfer.
Something like that, anyway.
"Why not send to both prime and spare anyway?" is a valid question. Well, sometimes things can be complicated...

Cancel last sent message ZeroMQ (python) (dealer/router and pushh/pull)

How would one cancel the last sent message ?
I have this set up
The idea is that the client can ask for different types of large data.
The server reads the request from the client and answers an acknowledgement.
Once its data is ready, it pushes it through the other socket.
This enables queueing task on the server side when multiple clients are connected.
However, if the client decides that it does not need the data anymore, it can send a cancel message to the server.
I'm using asyncio.Queue for queueing messages, so I can easily empty the queue, however, I don't know how to drop a message that is in the push/pull pipe to free up the channel?
The kill switch example (Figure 19 - Parallel Pipeline with Kill Signaling) in https://zguide.zeromq.org/docs/chapter2/ is used to end the process. I just want to cancel it.
My idea was to close the socket on the server side and reopen it, but even with linger set to 0, the messages are not dropped.
EDIT: The messages are indeed dropped, but I feel the solution is wrong.
It doesn't really make any sense for ZeroMQ itself to have such a feature.
Suppose that it did have a cancel message feature. For it to operate as expected, you would be critically dependent on the speed of the network. You might develop on a slow network and their you have the time available to decide to cancel, submit the request and for that to take effect before anything has moved anywhere. But on a fast network you won't.
ZeroMQ is a bit like the post office. Once you have posted a letter, they are going to deliver it.
Other issues for a library developer would include how messages are identified, who can cancel a message, etc? It would get very complex for the library to do it and cater for all possible use cases, so it's not unreasonable that they've left such things as an exercise for the application developers.
Chop the Responses Up
You could divide the responses up into smaller messages, send them at some likely rate (proportionate to the network throughput) and check to see if a cancellation has been received before sending each chunk.
It's a bit fiddly, you'd need to know what kind of rate to send the smaller messages so that you don't starve the network, but don't over do it either.
Or, Convert to CSP
The problem lies in ZeroMQ implementing Actor Model, where the transport buffers messages. What you need is Communicating Sequential Processes, which does not buffer messages. You can implement this quite easily on top of ZeroMQ, basically all you need to do is have a two way message exchange going on basically like:
Peer1->Peer2: I'd like to send you a message
time passes
Peer2->Peer1: Okay send a message
Peer1->Peer2: Here is the message
time passes
Peer2->Peer1: I have received the message
And in doing this the peers would block, ie peer 1 does nothing else until it gets peer 2's final response.
This feels clunky, but it's what you have to do to reign in an Actor Model system and control where your messages are at any point in time. It's slower because there's more too-ing and fro-ing going on between the peers (in systems like Transputers, this was all done down at the electronic level, so it wasn't an encumberance on software).
The blocking can be a blessing, if throughput matters. Basically, if you find the sender is being blocked too much, that just means you haven't got enough receivers for the tasks they're performing. Actor Model can deceive, because buffering in the network / actor model implementation can temporarily soak up an excess of messages, adding a bit of latency that goes unnoticed.
Anyway, this way you can have a mechanism whereby the flow of messages is fully managed within the application, and not within the ZeroMQ library. If a client does send a "cancel my last request" message (using the above mechanism to send it), that either arrives before the reponse has started to be sent, or after the response has already been delivered to the client (using the mechanism above to send it). There is no intermediate state where a response is already on the way, but out of control of the applications.
CSP is a mode that I'd dearly like ZeroMQ to implement natively. It nearly does, in that you can control the socket high water marks. Unfortunately, a high water mark of 0 means "inifinite", not zero.
CSP itself is a 1970s idea, that saw some popularity and indeed silicon in the 1980s, early 1990s (Inmos, Transputers, Occam, etc) but has recently made something of a comeback in languages like Rust, Go, Erlang. There's even a MS-supplied library for .NET that does it too (not that they call it CSP).
The really big benefit of CSP is that it is algebraically analysable - a design can be analysed and proven to be free of deadlock, without having to do any testing. However, with Actor model systems you cannot do that, and testing will not confirm a lack of problems either. Complex, circular message flows in Actor model can easily lead to deadlock, but that might not occur until the network between computers becomes just a tiny bit busier. Deadlock can happen in CSP too, but it's basically guaranteed to happen every time, if the system has accidentally been architected to deadlock. This shows up in testing quite readily (so at least you know early on!).
As I alluded to early, CSP also doesn't deceive you into thinking there is enough compute resources in a system. If a sender has a strict schedule to keep, and the recipient(s) aren't keeping up, the sender ends up being blocked trying to send instead of waiting for fresh input. It's easy to detect that the real time requirement has not been met. Whereas with Actor model, the send launches messages off into some buffer, and so long as the receiver(s) on average keeps up, all appears to be OK. However, you have no visibility of whether messages are building up inside the (in this case) ZeroMQ's own buffers, so there is little notice of a trending problem in the overall system.

ZeroMQ: Can I use kvmsg class to add sequence numbers to messages? If yes, how?

I'm implementing a mechanism to detect packet loss in ZeroMQ PUSH/PULL socket type.
1) I was wondering if kvmsg can be used for the same?
2) I would like the client to detect gaps in sequence numbers if there are any loss of packets and implement a resend mechanism accordingly.
Assuming that kvmsg can cope with arbitrary message structures, then yes. Alternatives include Google Protocol Buffers, XML, etc.
In general one does this by adding a field to the messages that you send, perhaps called "sequence". The software you've written for the PUSH end will set this to zero for the very first message, 1 for the next, incrementing by 1 for each message. The PULL end then simply checks the sequence.
However, the real question is, why is this required by your application? ZMQ guarantees ( in normal circumstances ) delivery of messages. That's kinda the whole point of it. PUSH/PULL means that exactly one PULLer will receive a PUSHed message. If you have one PUSH and one PULL, every PUSHed message will be delivered in the correct order with no loss to the PULLer, barring catastrophic network failures. AFAIK it will even deal with temporary network problems for you, managing reconnection, etc, and still deliver messages in the correct order.
Messages that cannot be sent because the outgoing queue on the PUSH end is full will result in the zmq_send() returning an error, so the PUSH end already knows that a message wasn't sent.
Is there something else more complex about the application?

Do we need complex sending strategies for GCM / FCM?

Currently I'm working on a SaaS with support for multiple tenants that can enable push notifications for their user-bases.
I'm thinking of using a message queue to store all pushes and send them with a separate service. That new service would need to read from the queue and send the push notifications.
My question now is: Do I need to come up with a complex sending strategy? I know that with GCM has a limit of 1000 devices per request, so this needs to be considered. I also can't wait for x pushes to fly in as this might delay a previous push from being sent. My next thought was to create a global array and fill it with pushes from the queue. A loop would then fetch that array every say 1 second and send pushes. This way pushes would get sent for sure and I wouldn't exceed the 1000 devices limit.
So ... although this might work I'm not sure if an infinite loop is the best way to go. I'm wondering if GCM / FCM even has a request limit? If not, I wouldn't need to aggregate the pushes in the first place and I could ditch the loop. I could simply fire a request for each push that gets pulled from the queue.
Any enlightenment on this topic or improvement of my prototypical algorithm would be great!
Do I need to come up with a complex sending strategy?
Not really. GCM/FCM is pretty simple enough. Just send the message towards the GCM/FCM server and it would queue it on it's own, then (as per it's behavior) send it as soon as possible.
I know that with GCM has a limit of 1000 devices per request, so this needs to be considered.
I think you're confusing the 1000 devices per request limit. The 1000 devices limit refers to the number of registration tokens you add in the list when using the registration_ids parameter:
This parameter specifies a list of devices (registration tokens, or IDs) receiving a multicast message. It must contain at least 1 and at most 1000 registration tokens.
This means you can only send to 1000 devices with the same message payload in a single request (you can then do a batch request (1000/each request) if you need to).
I'm wondering if GCM / FCM even has a request limit?
AFAIK, there is no such limit. Ditch the loop. Whenever you successfully send a message towards the GCM/FCM server, it will enqueue and keep the message until such time that it is available to send.

Detect dropped messages in ZeroMQ Queues

Since it does not seem to be possible to query/inspect the underlying ZeroMQ queues/buffers sockets to see how much they are utilized, is there some way to detect when a message is dropped due to full buffers in a Publisher socket when sent/queued?
For example, if the publisher queue is full, the zmq_send operation will simply drop the message.
Basically, what I want to achieve is a way to detect situations where the queues are getting stressed and/or full to be able to (later on) tune the solution to work better. One alternative way would be to add a sequence number to each message and do a simple calculation in the subscriber but I can never be sure that a message was lost due to full buffers in the publisher.
There is an example for this in the ZeroMQ Guide (which you should read and digest if you want to use 0MQ happily): http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#Slow-Subscriber-Detection-Suicidal-Snail-Pattern
The mechanism is as you answered yourself, to add a sequence number in the message, and allow the subscriber to detect gaps and take appropriate action. For most pubsub scenarios you can raise the default HWM, which is 1,000, to something much higher; it depends on your average message size.
I know this is an old post but here is what I did when recently facing the same issue.
I opted to use a DEALER/ROUTER and set the ZMQ_SNDHWM option to 1. Also I provided the timeout parameter on each zmq_send(). The timeout could be anything between 10 ms to 3 seconds, depending on what your scenario is ( a local or remote send ).
If the message is not sent within the timeout or the send-buffer is full the zmq_send() will return false. That enabled me to set up a retry queue in front of zmq. I know it's not a perfect solution but for me it worked just fine. What puzzles me though is the meaning of true/false returned by the DEALER-socket zmq_send(). I have not been able to find the answer to that question. Whether it indicates that the message has been buffered or that the message has been delivered to the ROUTER has eluded me. In my case I got the results needed anyway.
Just for the record this was done using netmq but I guess it applies to ZeroMQ as well.
I do agree wtih james though. ZeroMQ ( and netmq ) should at least provide a way to inspect the queue ( and get the messages out ) and also a way to tell the various sockets not to drop messages. The best option would be to send messages not delivered in timely fashion according to the configured options to some sort of deadletter queue. The deadletter queue could then be handled separately.
