How to prevent class qualification when using nested enum class in member function arguments - c++11

Consider a nested enum class, which is passed as argument to a member function of that class.
class VerboseClassName {
enum class Unit {KG, TON};
void foo(Unit unit) { /*...*/ }
Using this type of construction always feels kinda awkward to me, as the class name has to be qualified even from within the method call.
void bar() {
VerboseClassName a;;
Would it make sense to consider the class scope available in calls to the classes members? Is there a technical reason why this would lead to trouble?


(Xamarin IOS) What are the relationships between XXXDelegate class, IXXXDelegate interface and XXXDelegate_Extention staic class? When to use which?

I am a little confused about these types.
Especially XXXDelegate_Extention classes. If I want to implement an optional protocol method, will this XXXDelegate_Extention be useful? Or I always need to subclass the XXXDelegate class?
Delegates on iOS can have optional methods. Since the interface IXXDelegate only declares the non-optional functions, XXXDelegate only implements the non-optional functions. The XXXDelegate_Extention adds the optional functionsto the delegate (interface). So you can either inherit from XXXDelegate or implement IXXXDelegate completely on your own. I'd prefer inheriting, unless you really need to have a totally custom implementation.
Extension methods in C# are methods, that can be called like instance methods, but are not declared within the type of this instance.
Example on Extension methods
public class MyClass
public int Foo(int a)
return a + 1;
public static class MyClassExtension
public static int Bar(this MyClass my, int a)
return my.Foo(a+1);
var x = new MyClass();
x.Foo(2); // returns 3
x.Bar(2); // returns 4
More info:

How can I create "static" method for enum in Kotlin?

Kotlin already have number of "static" methods for enum class, like values and valueOf
For example I have enum
public enum class CircleType {
How can I add static method such as random(): CircleType? Extension functions seems not for this case.
Just like with any other class, you can define a class object in an enum class:
enum class CircleType {
companion object {
fun random(): CircleType = FIRST //
Then you'll be able to call this function as CircleType.random().
EDIT: Note the commas between the enum constant entries, and the closing semicolon before the companion object. Both are now mandatory.

C# Function Inheritance--Use Child Class Vars with Base Class Function

Good day, I have a fairly simple question to experienced C# programmers. Basically, I would like to have an abstract base class that contains a function that relies on the values of child classes. I have tried code similar to the following, but the compiler complains that SomeVariable is null when SomeFunction() attempts to use it.
Base class:
public abstract class BaseClass
protected virtual SomeType SomeVariable;
public BaseClass()
protected void SomeFunction()
A child class:
public class ChildClass:BaseClass
protected override SomeType SomeVariable=SomeValue;
Now I would expect that when I do:
ChildClass CC=new ChildClass();
A new instance of ChildClass should be made and CC would run its inherited SomeFunction using SomeValue. However, this is not what happens. The compiler complains that SomeVariable is null in BaseClass. Is what I want to do even possible in C#? I have used other managed languages that allow me to do such things, so I certain I am just making a simple mistake here.
Any help is greatly appreciated, thank you.
You got it almost right, but you need to use properties instead of variables:
public abstract class BaseClass {
protected SomeType SomeProperty {get; set}
public BaseClass() {
// You cannot call this.SomeFunction() here: the property is not initialized yet
protected void SomeFunction() {
public class ChildClass:BaseClass {
public ChildClass() {
You cannot use FomeFunction in the constructor because SomeProperty has not been initialized by the derived class. Outside of constructor it's fine, though. In general, accessing virtual members in the constructor should be considered suspicious.
If you must pass values from derived classes to base class constructor, it's best to do it explicitly through parameters of a protected constructor.

Static method Uses

if i have a static method Only advantage is that we have single copy.Need not have a object to call the Method. The same can be done be creating an object i.e we can call method with object. Why should we have static method. Can someone provide a example to explain?
Static methods can be useful when you have private constructors, because you want to abstract the instantiation process.
For example in C++:
class Foo {
Foo() {}
static Foo *create() {
return new Foo;
In that example the abstraction just called an otherwise in accessible constructor, but in practice you might want to have a pool of objects which is shared and so the create() method would be managing this for you.
Sometimes when you have const members which need to be initalised at construction time it can be cleaner to move the logic for this into a private static method, e.g.:
struct Foo;
struct Bar {
Bar() : f(make()) {
const Foo f;
static Foo make() {
// Create it here
The static method is used when developer is really sure the method is only have one instance in the class. There are no other instance that can change that.
eg :
public class People
public static Int32 GetValue(Int x)
return x + 3;
So even you are make instances of object people, the return from getvalue static method only produce x + 3.
It is usually used when you are really sure to make a functional method like math or physics method.
You can refer to functional programming that using static point of view.
Some of the old school guys are overusing the static method instead of doing OOP approach.
public class People
public static DataSet GetPeopleById(String personId)
{ .... implementation that using SQL query or stored procedure and return dataset ... }
public static DataSet GetXXXXXXX(String name, DateTime datex)
{ .... implementation ... }
The implementation above can be thousands of lines
This style happens everywhere to make it like OOP style (because it happen in the class) but thinking like procedural approach.
This is a help since not all people understand OOP style rather than like OOP style.
The other advantage using static are saving memory footprints and faster.
You can see in the blogs :

Visual Studio code generated when choosing to explicitly implement interface

Sorry for the vague title, but I'm not sure what this is called.
Say I add IDisposable to my class, Visual Studio can create the method stub for me. But it creates the stub like:
void IDisposable.Dispose()
I don't follow what this syntax is doing. Why do it like this instead of public void Dispose()?
And with the first syntax, I couldn't work out how to call Dispose() from within my class (in my destructor).
When you implement an interface member explicitly, which is what the generated code is doing, you can't access the member through the class instance. Instead you have to call it through an instance of the interface. For example:
class MyClass : IDisposable
void IDisposable.Dispose()
// Do Stuff
IDisposable me = (IDisposable)this;
This enables you to implement two interfaces with a member of the same name and explicitly call either member independently.
interface IExplict1
string InterfaceName();
interface IExplict2
string InterfaceName();
class MyClass : IExplict1, IExplict2
string IExplict1.InterfaceName()
return "IExplicit1";
string IExplict2.InterfaceName()
return "IExplicit2";
public static void Main()
MyClass myInstance = new MyClass();
Console.WriteLine( ((IExplcit1)myInstance).InstanceName() ); // outputs "IExplicit1"
IExplicit2 myExplicit2Instance = (IExplicit2)myInstance;
Console.WriteLine( myExplicit2Instance.InstanceName() ); // outputs "IExplicit2"
Visual studio gives you two options:
Implement explicit
You normally choose the first one (non-explicit): which gives you the behaviour you want.
The "explicit" option is useful if you inherit the same method from two different interfaces, i.e multiple inheritance (which isn't usually).
Members of an interface type are always public. Which requires their method implementation to be public as well. This doesn't compile for example:
interface IFoo { void Bar(); }
class Baz : IFoo {
private void Bar() { } // CS0737
Explicit interface implementation provides a syntax that allows the method to be private:
class Baz : IFoo {
void IFoo.Bar() { } // No error
A classic use for this is to hide the implementation of a base interface type. IEnumerable<> would be a very good example:
class Baz : IEnumerable<Foo> {
public IEnumerator<Foo> GetEnumerator() {}
System.Collections.IEnumerator System.Collections.IEnumerable.GetEnumerator() { }
Note how the generic version is accessible, the non-generic version is hidden. That both discourages its use and avoids a compile error because of a duplicate method.
In your case, implementing Dispose() explicitly is wrong. You wrote Dispose() to allow the client code to call it, forcing it to cast to IDisposable to make the call doesn't make sense.
Also, calling Dispose() from a finalizer is a code smell. The standard pattern is to add a protected Dispose(bool disposing) method to your class.
