Spring Mongodb findandModify fails to update entire document - spring

I am new to mongodb and struggling to understand how document update works.
I have a document called 'menu':
"list" : [{
which maps to my entity:
#Document(collection = "menu")
public class Menu {
private String id;
private String someid;
private String someProperty;
private List<SomeClass> list;
// accessors
when I try to find and update this document like this it does not update the document. It sure does find the menu as as it returns the original entity with Id:
public Menu update(Menu menu) {
Query query = new Query(
Update update = Update.update("menu", menu);
return mongoOperations.findAndModify(query, update,
FindAndModifyOptions.options().returnNew(true), Menu.class);
But if I change it to this, it works:
public Menu update(Menu menu) {
Query query = new Query(
Update update = new Update().set("someProperty", menu.getSomeProperty())
.set("list", menu.getList());
return mongoOperations.findAndModify(query, update,
FindAndModifyOptions.options().returnNew(true), Menu.class);
I don't really like this second method where each element of the document is individually set, as you might imagine I have a rather large document and is prone to errors.
Why does the first method not work? And what could be a better approach to update the document?

Check out the docs for findAndModify - it returns the version of the document before the fields were modified. If you do a new find() straight after, you will see that your changes were actually saved to MongoDB.


I want to get the findAndModify return value of MongoTemplate as a modified value

I am currently using mongoTemplate in Spring boot like this:
public MyEntity update(MyDto dto) {
MyEntity result = mongoTemplate.findAndModify(
query, update, MyEntity.class);
return result;
query puts in the Criteria that finds the MyEntity to be modified, and update puts the contents to change. However, the returned value is the data before the update. How can I get the modified value right away?
When using findAndModify on the mongoTemplate, you have to explicitly configure it if the updated record shall be returned instead of the original one.
This may be done the following way:
FindAndModifyOptions findAndModifyOptions = FindAndModifyOptions.options().returnNew(true);
MyEntity result = mongoTemplate.findAndModify(query, update, findAndModifyOptions, MyEntity.class);
return result;

MongoDB embedded Document Array: Get only one embedded document with a spezific attribute

I want to get one Embedded Document with a specific field (version) from an array with mongodb and spring boot.
This is the data structure:
"_id": 5f25882d28e40663719d0b52,
"versions": [
"versionNr": 1
"content": "This is the first Version of some Text"
"versionNr": 2
"content": "This is the second Version of some Text"
Here are my entities:
#Document(collection = "letters")
public class Letter {
private ObjectId _id;
private List<Version> versions;
//There is no id for embedded documents
#Document(collection = "Version")
public class Version{
private String content;
private Long version;
And this is the query that doesn't work. I think the "join" isn't correct. But can't figure out the right way.
public Optional<Version> findByIdAndVersion(ObjectId id, Long version) {
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(id).and("versions.version").is(version));
return Optional.ofNullable(mongoTemplate.findOne(query,Version.class,"letters"));
EDIT: This is a working Aggregation, I'm sure it isn't a pretty solution but it works
public Optional<Version> findByIdAndVersion(ObjectId id, Long version) {
MatchOperation match = new MatchOperation(Criteria.where("_id").is(id).and("versions.version").is(version));
Aggregation aggregate = Aggregation.newAggregation(
AggregationResults<Version> aggregateResult = mongoTemplate.aggregate(aggregate, "letters", Version.class);
Version version = aggregateResult.getUniqueMappedResult();
return Optional.ofNullable(mongoRawPage);
Query query = new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(id).and("versions.version").is(version));
return Optional.ofNullable(mongoTemplate.findOne(query,Version.class,"letters"));
You are querying the Letter document but your entity class is specified as Version.class, since findOne from MongoDB doesn't return the subdocument by itself but rather the whole document, you need to have Letter.class as return type and filter (project) what fields to get back. So you can either project the single version subdocument that you want to receive, like so:
Query query = new Query()
.fields().position("versions", 1);
Optional.ofNullable(mongoTemplate.findOne(query, Letter.class))
or use aggregation pipeline:
Note -- I typed this on a fly.

How to retrieve data by property in Couchbase Lite?

My documents have the property docType that separated them based on the purpose of each type, in the specific case template or audit. However, when I do the following:
The results of them are always the same, it returns every time all documents stored without filtering them by the docType.
Below, you can check the query function.
public static Query getData(Database database, final String type) {
View view = database.getView("data");
if (view.getMap() == null) {
view.setMap(new Mapper() {
public void map(Map<String, Object> document, Emitter emitter) {
emitter.emit(document.get("_id"), null);
}, "4");
return view.createQuery();
Any hint?
This is not a valid way to do it. Your view function must be pure (it cannot reference external state such as "type"). Once that is created you can then query it for what you want by setting start and end keys, or just a set of keys in general to filter on.

Cannot figure where clause in Linq that excludes values.

I am creating a repository that using entity framework (also domain objects) and I need to query all records that does not contain value "BADGE/" (undesired value). I found a method that is ".Contains", but cannot find something equivalent to "notContains" or way to exclude records that have the undesired value. I would like the replace "p.Lname.Contains("BADGE/") with something like "p.Lname.NotContains("BADGE/") or something like that where it excludes the values during the return. Here is what I have so far:
public IQueryable<Personnel> NoBadgePersonnels
get {
return Context.Personnels.Where(p => p.Lname.Contains("BADGE/"));
additionally, this what my context looks like:
public class EmployeeRepository
private readonly EFContextProvider<EmployeeDbContext>
_contextProvider = new EFContextProvider<EmployeeDbContext>();
private EmployeeDbContext Context
get { return _contextProvider.Context; }
thanks community
return Context.Personnels.Where(p => p.Lname.IndexOf("BADGE/") == -1);
This excludes any strings which contain your target string.

How do I update Object with Spring Data and MongoDB?

How do I update Object with Spring Data and MongoDB?
do I just do a template.save()?
public Person update( String id, String Name )
logger.debug("Retrieving an existing person");
// Find an entry where pid matches the id
Query query = new Query(where("pid").is(id));
// Execute the query and find one matching entry
Person person = mongoTemplate.findOne("mycollection", query, Person.class);
* How do I update the database
return person;
If you read the javadoc for MongoOperations/MongoTemplate you will see that
performs an:
So yes you can just update your object and call save.
You could probably do both 'find' and 'update' operations in one line.
mongoTemplate.updateFirst(query,Update.update("Name", name),Person.class)
You can find some excellent tutorials at
Spring Data MongoDB Helloworld
You can just use template.save() or repository.save(entity) methods for this. But mongo has also Update object for this operations.
For example:
Update update=new Update();
Below code is the equivalent implementation using MongoTemplate for update operation.
public Person update(Person person){
Query query = new Query();
Update update = new Update();
update.set("name", person.getName());
update.set("description", person.getDescription());
return mongoTemplate.findAndModify(query, update, Person.class);
