openMP different versions features table - openmp

I searched through web, however I was not able to find any feature table w.r.t different openMP versions?
There is a table showing support of different compilers w.r.t different openMP versions. However, I am interested to see a kind of detailed version. (seeing which features are supported in different compilers)

This is a moving target, so it's hard to keep the table up to date. But the table does link to the documentation associated with each compiler, so that's your best bet.
You can join the OpenMP Forum ( to ask specific questions about implementations.


Find Real Fine-grained Parallel Scientific Applications that use MPI + OpenMP Task

I am currently working on a project that we slightly modified the OpenMP code. We have googled and looked into the OpenMP forum but could not find real fine-grained parallel scientific applications that are based on MPI+OpenMP tasking.
We want to evaluate our changes with some real scientific applications using MPI+OpenMP tasking and understand how it performs.
It would be greatly appreciated if someone could point us to some open-source sites where we could just download and see the numbers. If it is not open-source, we can also try to contact them.

Does anyone know where i can find some training on WebFOCUS?

There are some webpages on commands etc I found online but would you happen to know where there could be videos or better described pages on how using the data in the system to run queries, commands, syntax, build reports, building equations in your reports to use the data.
There is a technical library by the info center of Webfocus but it only lists the commands. I am not sure how and where to use them. Some of the commands seem intuitive but I dont know how to properly use the language.
There is a small video library located here:
There is a lot of fragmenting with IBI though, and there are different things that work on different versions. What version of WebFOCUS are you on?

What reporting suites support EF and DbContext out of the box?

Everywhere I look, I find reporting suites with designers that only understand DataSets (circa 2003?). Even the most promising, Telerik, only supports ObjectContext. I am getting sick of looking to buy a product that costs a lot and is supposed to be up to date and able to handle all modern scenarios.
Does anyone know of such a reporting suite?
Try PdfReport:
It supports multiple data sources including strongly typed list from different ORMs.
Have a look at SharpShooter Reports -
It has EF support in runtime environment (
and also has quite extensive support for multiple datasources.

Resources containing cross-language benchmarks?

What resources are available that use benchmarks for comparing programming languages?
I am interested in both
How quickly a program in a given language can execute a given benchmark?
How many lines of code are required in a given language to implement a given benchmark?
There is a long-standing web site called the Computer Language Benchmarks Game, originally created by Doug Bagley as the "Great Computer Language Shootout". (You can view a little history at Portland Patterns Repository.)
Is anyone aware of other resources that enable programmers to compare performance and size of programs written in different languages?
After a quick google search, I found a couple other sites where benchmarks for various languages have been done. Some other sites mention the programming language shootout site that is currently down.
There is a CPAN module for Perl that uses the same code found on that site.
Google has a directory where pages on this topic can be found. I have not found any yet that are as comprehensive as the page you speak of, but there are certainly other resources out there for comparisons.
Archived / Cached Page
If you're only seeking some information there, you can view archived pages of the site using the Wayback Machine or Google's cached version. Try searching Google with "site:" and click on the "Cached" links for the pages you find.
Find the Author?
Perhaps the best option is to try to contact the owner of the old site and find out what happened. The author mentioned in the BSD licence on this page is "Brent Fulgham". He may or may not be the one to contact.
Wait until Alioth is Fixed
As #ioguy found out, Debian's Alioth server that hosts the site in question is currently under maintenance. I would suggest subscribing to the debian-devel-announce mailing list for updates, and an idea of when it may be fully functional again.
If you find problems in the future, you can probably post to the debian-user list.
Each year there are two or three
isolated blog posts that claim to
compare performance and size of one
or two programs written in different
As a resource the blog posts fail for obvious
reasons, most obviously:
not updated with newer versions of the language implementation
not updated with better programs
Every couple of years someone
dissatisfied with something about
the benchmarks game (often some
detail about the code repository or
website technology) starts a project that will
fix everything they dislike about the benchmarks game.
As a resource the most obvious problem with those
projects is that they never seem to get
close to publishing performance
Every year some group of programmers
campaigns to have language X
included in the benchmarks game,
while some other group demands that
some program is included (or
Sadly, they rarely accept that among
the resources provided by the
benchmarks game are
scripts they can use to make and publish language performance
examples of which basic information (language version, build
commands, run commands, measurement
techniques, ...) is required to provide context for the measurements.
They rarely accept that they are
empowered to create what they wish
to see.
The benchmarks game website is now back to normal!
From Friday 20 May 2011 through Monday 23 May 2011, ALL subdomains were down - because the alioth admins were upgrading "in every way we can find: kernel, Debian release, FusionForge software, hardware, and so on."
In addition, making the benchmarks game website work again required:
installation of the GD library on the new server, for chart generation
basic information about changes to ssh use on the new servers
basic information about the project cvs repository on the new servers
basic information about the project /htdocs location on the new servers
replacement of the long deprecated
$HTTP_GET_VARS by $_GET in a couple
of dozen PHP scripts
Since the performance benchmark site
for Programming Languages (aka
Programming Language "Shootout" & is
permanently down ...
The original question was predicated on a false premise.

Should app using VCL migrate?

Is VCL dead, or does it have a future as a GUI library? As CLX ended, is there any chance for cross-platform support in future releases?
I've had to do some work with legacy app that uses Borland's VCL(BCB6). Now that new features have to be implemented, it's necessary to revalue alternatives. Whether to stick with VCL or migrate to some other library/framework.
I've never read much what's happening in the field Embarcadero(Borland) tools. At least there seems to be only few VCL tagged questions here in SO and no much luck with google either.
Whether to continue using VCL in your project, or migrate to an alternative depends alot on your requirements. The VCL framework is powerful and mature, with lots of 3rd party components, which makes it a good idea to consider. The alternatives have been improving rapidly, and to point out one as the ultimate choice really requires you to carefully consider your requirements, and validate the strengths and weaknesses of the different frameworks.
Considering that cross platform is on the road map, I remind you that so has 64 bit support been for quite a while. We might see cross platform support, perhaps on schedule, perhaps delayed as we have seen with many previous features. I want to believe its coming because I truly like the VCL framework, but I always have a natural doubt concerning the official road map of the RAD studio series - sorry David. ;)
If you've researched the different alternatives, and found VCL to be the best choice based on its relevance to your project, then I'd consider using the VCL framework, especially if it is a framework you are familiar with. Learning a new framework can - while often a good idea - be a time consuming job. So even though there might be a risk of the framework not being held alive (as will there be with any alternatives) you might save a lot of work staying with the familiar framework, if it is the framework that suits your project the most.
If you do consider going with C++ Builder and the VCL, you might find that the C++ Builder Journal is a valuable source of information, they have a relatively quite forum, but with some interesting posts in it, and some free hints on their website:
Of course there is also the embarcadero forums, and this site, it may be a good idea to search the Delphi forums and categories, since it seems there are more active users on these, and by far more posts. One good thing though, is that conversion from Delphi to C++ in VCL related questions is quite simple.
VCL is undergoing continued development.
Cross platform is on the current roadmap.
The embarcadero forums are still a valuable resource.
As a user of VCL I must say that your observations are truly correct. VCL might appeal to you, but the resources available compared to QT and other toolkits is poor at least esp. at SO. Our team have also found several bugs in their components, and have more than once patched components to make our application stable. Still for me the main reason to migrate is that VCL locks you in with a single set of development tools. I must admit that I have a hard time trying to find any really good reasons to continue to use it if you have the resources to migrate.
Given that bcc32 and its libraries is also very buggy, the lockin gets even more serious, The last months me and my team have spent more time fixing issues caused by the compiler than actually developing features. For me this is such a serious impediment that its cost overweight its benefits tenfold. Unfortunately the costs of migrating for us is so high that we at least for now have to endure its pains.
