show and hide primefaces tab via ajax - ajax

I have following water down version of primefaces tab view.
<p:tab id="1">
<p:selectOneMneu value="#{bean.answer}>
<f:selectItem itemValue="yes"/>
<f:selectItem itemValue="no" />
<p:tab id="2" rendered=#{bean.answer eq 'yes'} >
<h:outputText="answer is Yes."/>
<p:tab id="3" rendered=#{bean.answer eq 'no'} >
<h:outputText="answer is No."/>
There is a managed bean which captures the selected value of either "yes" or "no". When the value is evaluated, depends on the answer, one of the tabs will be hidden. Once you are satisfied with the choice made, he/she clicks a submit button to post the data.
My question is what if a user changes his/her mind before pressing a submit button. Go back to drop down menu (selectOneMenu) then changes the value from "yes" to "no". Then I am hoping dynamically the bean would retrieve updated answer without refreshing entire xhtml page. It seems like ajax is the answer but I am not sure how to resolve it.

Here, it works for me. I hope this is what you need. Now you don't have to refresh the page but you have to update the form. I don't know why but updating tabView doesnt effect anything.
<p:tab title="select">
<p:selectOneMenu value="#{bean.answer}">
<f:selectItem itemValue="none" itemLabel="select" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="yes" itemLabel="yes" />
<f:selectItem itemValue="no" itemLabel="no" />
<f:ajax event="change" render="#form"/>
<p:tab title="yes" rendered="#{bean.answer.equals('yes')}">
<h:outputText value="answer is Yes." />
<p:tab title="no" rendered="#{bean.answer.equals('no')}">
<h:outputText value="answer is No." />


o:validateOrder not applied when using PFS in process attribute

In testing the validateOrder validator in OmniFaces 1.8.1, it seems that the validator is not applied to components when used in conjunction with a Primefaces commandButton that partially submits components based on a PrimeFaces Selector (PFS). A sample is below, which is a stripped-down, but representative, test case of my app's usage.
<p:commandButton value="Show" action="#{}" oncomplete="PF('testDialogJS').show()"/>
<p:dialog header="Test Dialog" widgetVar="testDialogJS" resizable="false" closeOnEscape="false" closable="false" modal="true" dynamic="true">
<p:tab title="Tab 1">
<p:panel header="Tab 1 Panel" styleClass="tab1Panel">
<p:outputLabel value="Test 1"/>
<p:tab title="Tab 2">
<p:panel header="Tab 2 Panel" styleClass="tab2Panel">
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<p:outputLabel for="startDate" value="Start Date: "/>
<p:calendar id="startDate" value="#{testBean.startDate}" navigator="true" pattern="M/d/yyyy"
required="true" requiredMessage="Start Date is required"/>
<p:message for="startDate"/>
<p:outputLabel for="endDate" value="End Date: "/>
<p:calendar id="endDate" value="#{testBean.endDate}" navigator="true" pattern="M/d/yyyy"
required="true" requiredMessage="End Date is required"/>
<p:message for="endDate"/>
<o:validateOrder id="campaignDateRangeValidator" components="startDate endDate" message="Start Date must be before End Date"/>
<p:message for="campaignDateRangeValidator"/>
<p:commandButton value="Save" action="#{}"
process="#form" update="#form"
oncomplete="if (!args.validationFailed) { PF('testDialogJS').hide(); }"/>
Setting the start date to, say, 10/1/2014, and the end date to 9/30/2014, then clicking the save button, the validator error message is properly displayed. However, if the commandButton's process attribute is set to #(.tab2Panel :input) #this, the validator is never called in code. I breakpointed in ValidateOrder's validateValues method - it's never called. And thus, the action is allowed to proceed.
Looking at the AJAX XHR, javax.faces.partial.execute is set to the component ID of the form in the passing case, while it's set to the explicit list of individual field component IDs to bind in the failing case (without the component ID of the form).
Is this a bug? Unsupported? etc? If unsupported, any suggestions on how to handle this desired usage? Thanks!
The OmniFaces multi-field validators are designed as UI components, because it's among others otherwise not possible to get multi-field validation to work inside e.g. a <h:dataTable>. On contrary to standard JSF validators such as <f:validator>, which are basically taghandlers, the <o:validateOrder> component must therefore also be covered in the process attribute of <p:commandButton> (and equivalently also in execute attribute of <f:ajax>).
Your best bet is to explicitly process the entire tab instead of only the tab's input components. E.g.
<p:tabView id="tabs">
<p:tab id="tab2">
<p:commandButton ... process="#this tabs:tab2" />

Validation errors in dialog not updating after failed submit in JSF

So I click a button which opens a dialog. Inside this dialog I want to fill out information in a form and submit and save it. Some of the inputTexts need to be required in order to submit. So I use the required="true" attribute. It stops the submission, but it does not update the field with a red outline of everything. Now, if I hit cancel and open up the dialog again it will show the fields that failed validation with a red outline!
I thought I could solve this by manually updating the dialog whenever I try to submit the form. This just causes the dialog to close though instead of staying open and refreshing the dialog to show the validation failures.
This is the dialog, when I hit the save button is when I submit the form
<p:dialog header="#{headerValue}" widgetVar="#{uniqueId}_editDialog"
modal="false" showEffect="fade" styleClass="dialogGrid"
dynamic="true" draggable="true" resizable="false">
<p:outputPanel style="text-align:center;" layout="block">
<p:messages autoUpdate="true"/>
<ui:insert name="editContent">
Edit Content Here. Use 'selectedModel.whatever'
<p:panelGrid columns="3" styleClass="buttonGrid">
<ui:insert name="saveButton">
<p:commandButton iconPos="left" value="#{}"
rendered="#{'VIEW' != selectedModel.viewState}"
action="#{adapterInjector.add(modelList, selectedModel)}"
update="#widgetVar(#{uniqueId}_itemsDataList) #widgetVar(#{uniqueId}_addButton) #widgetVar(#{uniqueId}_editDialog)"
oncomplete="if(!args.validationFailed) PF('#{uniqueId}_editDialog').hide()"
partialSubmit="true" validateClient="true">
<p:commandButton iconPos="right" value="#{msg.cancel}"
process="#this" oncomplete="PF('#{uniqueId}_editDialog').hide()"
resetValues="true" partialSubmit="true">
This is an inserted component which has the required attribute
<p:selectOneMenu id="licenseCert"
value="#{selectedModel.selectedLicenseCert}" filter="true"
<f:selectItem itemLabel="#{msg.selectOne}" itemValue=""
noSelectionOption="true" />
<f:selectItems value="#{licCert.allLicenseCertMap.entrySet()}"
var="entry" itemValue="#{entry.key}" itemLabel="#{entry.value}" />
Turns out this fixed the problem.
For best practice you should:
move the <h:form> inside the dialog
process the moved <h:form> in the save button.

rich:calendar not triggering f:ajax

I'm new to jsf, and I'm writing my first application using richfaces. I'm having trouble with the ajax tag that I use to update the associated managed bean property on server for rich:calendar components. This is the code:
<rich:panel header="Computing Options">
<h4>Time Interval</h4>
<h:panelGrid columns="4" width="100%">
<h:outputText value="From" />
<rich:calendar id="intervalFrom" value="#{scenarioEditor.intervalFrom}" popup="true" showApplyButton="true" datePattern="yyy-MM-ddTHH:mm">
<a4j:ajax execute="#this" event="change" render="outFrom" />
<h:outputText value="To" />
<rich:calendar id="intervalTo" value="#{scenarioEditor.intervalTo}" popup="true" showApplyButton="true" datePattern="yyy-MM-ddTHH:mm">
<a4j:ajax execute="#this" event="change" render="outTo" />
<h:outputText id="outFrom" value="From: #{scenarioEditor.intervalFrom}" />
<h:outputText id="outTo" value="To: #{scenarioEditor.intervalTo}" />
<h:panelGrid columns="2">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{scenarioEditor.visibilityClashes}" id="clash" >
<f:ajax execute="#this"/>
<h:outputLabel value="Visibility Clashes Evaluator" for="clash" style="width:170px" />
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox value="#{scenarioEditor.xBandInterference}" id="xband" >
<f:ajax execute="#this"/>
<h:outputLabel value="X-Band Interferences Evaluator" for="xband" style="width:170px"/>
checkboxes works fine, but the calendars do not. Why? I`ve tried both f:ajax and a4j:ajax without luck.
To better clarify, I want that right after the user has finished entering a value into the calendar, an ajax request is made that call the setter method for the associated property. And this, for the calendar does not happen while for the checkboxes, it does.
The ajax event is failing because of T in datePattern="yyy-MM-ddTHH:mm" is not a valid date formatting pattern. If you add a <rich:messages/> component to your field, you'll see that a conversion error is occurring on each ajax request. Remove the T and you'll be fine

Hide and show components depending on h:selectOneMenu value

I have a page with a <h:selectOneMenu> and I want to show some fields or others depending on the chosen value of the menu. Is this possible and if so, how?
<h:selectOneMenu id="productname" value="#{product.productname}" required="true">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="select" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Detetgent" itemValue="Detergent"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Dishwash" itemValue="Dishwash" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Powder" itemValue="Powder" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Liquid" itemValue="Liquid" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="Detergernt">
<p>This will be shown if the selected item Detergent.</p>
<h:panelGroup >
<p>This will be shown if the selected item Dishwash.</p>
<h:panelGroup >
<p>This will be shown if the selected item equal to powder.</p>
<h:panelGroup >
<p>This will be shown if the selected item equals to Liquid.</p>
You just need to check in the rendered attribute if #{product.productname} returns the desired value. In order to update all those components, you should add an <f:ajax> to the menu which updates a common parent component —which is always rendered— of all conditionally rendered components.
<h:selectOneMenu id="productname" value="#{product.productname}" required="true">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="select" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Detetgent" itemValue="Detergent"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Dishwash" itemValue="Dishwash" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Powder" itemValue="Powder" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Liquid" itemValue="Liquid" />
<f:ajax render="groups" />
<h:panelGroup id="groups">
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{product.productname == 'Detergent'}">
<p>This will be shown if the selected item Detergent.</p>
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{product.productname == 'Dishwash'}">
<p>This will be shown if the selected item Dishwash.</p>
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{product.productname == 'Powder'}">
<p>This will be shown if the selected item equal to Powder.</p>
<h:panelGroup rendered="#{product.productname == 'Liquid'}">
<p>This will be shown if the selected item equals to Liquid.</p>
See also:
Conditionally displaying JSF components
Why do I need to nest a component with rendered="#{some}" in another component when I want to ajax-update it?
<h:selectOneMenu id="productname" value="#{product.productname}" required="true">
<f:selectItem itemLabel="select" itemValue="null" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Detetgent" itemValue="Detergent"/>
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Dishwash" itemValue="Dishwash" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Powder" itemValue="Powder" />
<f:selectItem itemLabel="Liquid" itemValue="Liquid" />
<p:ajax event="onselect" update="selectedOp" listener="#{product.updateSelectedValue}" />
<h:panelGroup rendered="{product.updateSelectedValue ne null}" id="selectedOp">
<p>This will be show selected value</p>
This is how you can display the selected value from drop down on the page. I assume that you are using PrimeFaces, so using an ajax event tag <p:ajax> inside <h:selectOneMenu >. Also adding the condition on <h:panelGroup rendered="{product.updateSelectedValue ne null}">, so that it will be displayed when selected value is other than null.
Yea, you can achieve this . Please do paste your page , so that it is easy for me to explain on the page itself.
The idea is to use an <a4j:outputPanel> as a container and <h:panelGrourp layout="block" rendered="#{}"> as a wrappper for the fields which are need to hidden.
The selected value of selectOneMenu will be used in the rendered attribute of <h:panelGroup>.

Fields are cleared when update p:tabView

I have a popup with three tabs in primefaces tabPanel. In the middle is a table called "composicao", this tab is rendered when user marks checkbox that is located in first tab.
The tables have a lot of inputs, selects and checkboxes that user can fill in any order, so if the user fill all fields and then mark the checkbox, all fields are cleared cause that checkbox update the tabView. I tryied set some fields immediate attribute to true and set p:ajax process attribute to #all, but with this approach nothing happens.
This is the code of tabPanel:
<h:panelGroup id="abasCadastroProduto">
<p:tab title="base">
<ui:include src="../../tabs/abaEdicaoBaseProduto.xhtml"/>
<p:tab id="abaComposicao" title="composicao" rendered="#{produto.composto}">
<ui:include src="../../tabs/abaEdicaoComposicaoProduto.xhtml"/>
<ui:include src="../../tabs/abaEdicaoTributacaoProduto.xhtml"/>
this is part of the code of first tab:
<h:panelGroup layout="block">
<p:fieldset legend="geral">
<h:panelGroup layout="block">
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="produtoAtivoCheck"
<h:outputLabel value="ativo" for="produtoAtivoCheck"/>
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="produtoMovimentoCheck"
<h:outputLabel value="movimento" for="produtoMovimentoCheck"/>
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="produtoCompostoCheck"
<p:ajax event="change" update="abasCadastroProduto" process="#all"/>
<h:outputLabel value="composto" for="produtoCompostoCheck" />
<h:panelGroup layout="block">
<h:outputLabel value="descricao"/>
<p:inputText value="#{produto.descricao}" required="true" immediate="true"
<h:outputLabel value="complemento"/>
<p:inputText value="#{produto.descricaoComplementar}"/>
Is there a way I can solve this problem??
I think is unnaceptable to user see fields they spend some time to fill, been cleared when you click in a checkbox...
The problem was validation of required fields, so I've created a REQUIRED parameter and set it to false when user clicks checkbox:
<h:selectBooleanCheckbox id="produtoCompostoCheck"
value="#{produto.composto}" styleClass="popup-produto-geral-check">
<f:param name="REQUIRED" value="false"/>
<f:ajax event="change" immediate="true" render="abasCadastroProduto" execute="#form" />
<h:selectOneMenu value="#{produto.idClasse}" immediate="true"
required="#{param['REQUIRED']}" validatorMessage="#{cadastroMsg['popup.cadastro.produto.base.classe.invalido']}"
<f:selectItems value="#{selectItemClasse.itens}"/>
<f:ajax event="change" immediate="true" render="selectSubclasse"/>
and I've made submit button set "REQUIRED" parameter to true.
instead of this:
<p:ajax event="change" update="abasCadastroProduto" process="#all"/>
try this:
<p:ajax render="#form" />
