Spring Data CrudRepository custom ID generator - spring

I am using spring boot(1.4),spring data and jpa. And using #Repository(CrudRepository)
One of my Table/Entity, the ID column, I want to generate customised string.
Start with some specific string plus creation data and time, and end with next value from db.
so here I can't use #TableGenerator, I need some native query like "select nextvalue "
Is there better way can achieve this.

Add a "normal" ID column using #Id and #GeneratedValue and then manually fill your special column after the entity has been stored the first time.


Retrieve the deleted record spring JPA

I am working on a spring application.
We have a specific requirement where when we get a specific event, we want to look it up in the DB. If we find the record in the DB, then we delete it from DB, create another event using the details and trigger it.
Now my concern is:
I do not want to use two different calls, one to find the record and another to
delete the record.
I am looking for a way where we can delete the record using a custom
query and simultaneously fetch the deleted record.
This saves two differnet calls to DB, one for fetch and another for delete.
What I found on the internet so far:
We can use the custom query for deletion using the annotation called #Modifying. But this does not allow us to return the object as a whole. You can only return void or int from the methods that are annotated using #Modifying.
We have removeBy or deleteBy named queries provided by spring. but this also returns int only and not the complete record object that is being deleted.
I am specifically looking for something like:
FulfilmentAcknowledgement deleteByEntityIdAndItemIdAndFulfilmentIdAndType(#Param(value = "entityId") String entityId, #Param(value = "itemId") String itemId,
#Param(value = "fulfilmentId") Long fulfilmentId, #Param(value = "type") String type);
Is it possible to get the deleted record from DB and make the above call work?
I could not find a way to retrieve the actual object being deleted either by custom #Query or by named queries. The only method that returns the object being deleted is deleteById or removeById, but for that, we need the primary key of the record that is being deleted. It is not always possible to have that primary key with us.
So far, the best way that I found to do this was:
Fetch the record from DB using the custom query.
Delete the record from DB by calling deleteById. Although, you can now delete it using any method since we would not be requiring the object being returned by deleteById. I still chose deleteById because my DB is indexed on the primary key and it is faster to delete it using that.
We can use reactor or executor service to run the processes asynchronously and parallelly.

Handling filtering by a particular field in JPA Spring Boot

I want to implement a filtering feature based on the properties of an entity that I have stored in my db.
I'm using a JPA query to do so. The problem that I'm facing is concerned with entity manager which requires the class of the object that is required to return.
public List<CountryEntity> getSortedCountries(String field, String type) {
return entityManager.createQuery(GET_ALL_SORTED.concat(field).concat(" " + type), CountryEntity.class).getResultList();
When I select only one field, let's say the name of the country, the query returns a String and not an object of type CountryEntity.
What is the best approach to handle this problem? Should I create classes for every single case or is there another way that I'm missing?

Search for a String in a column of List of Strings using Spring jpa query

I have a Spring Boot application and I am using Spring Data JPA to query a PostgreSQL database.
I have a column of List type in my database. Now I need a query to search all those rows where my input parameter is present in this list.
eg. I have a column of type List containing any of these values: ["cat","dog","cow"].
I need to find all those rows where "cat" is one among the list.
Can you help me with the format of this query? Thanks in advance.
From what I could understand, you have a DB table, let's say Sample. Now this table has multiple columns with one column whose values can be either of "cat","dog","cow". Let's assume the column name to be 'sampleName'.
So, in your code you must be having an #Entity class for Sample with #Column sampleName, and a corresponding JPA repository - SampleRepository.
Now, the code for requirement should look like as shown below:
public interface SampleRepository extends JpaRepository<Sample, Long> {
Optional<Sample> findBySampleName(String sampleName);
In above JPA repository, I have assumed that you have an #Id field of type Long in your entity Sample. Also, I have made use of method-name strategy. Spring boot will automatically translate this method name to a SQL query at run time like - SELECT * FROM sample WHERE sampleName = 'cat'. This value cat will be provided to your repository method as an argument from #Service layer.
Hope this helps!
In addition to this, you can also choose to use the native query approach. Please refer - https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-jpa-query for more details.

Spring data. How can I update an entity, having the id modified?

Spring data jpa + postgres.
Have an entity
class Entity {
#GeneratedValue// generator from here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/60989691/how-to-manually-set-a-value-for-generatedvalue/61007375#61007375
private int id;
private String value;
And what I wish to do is to UPDATE an existing entity, setting a different id (be it a bad practice or not) value.
By default it of course is treated as a new entity and is attempted to be INSERTed.
Going by the flow of #Modifying seems to do the job right, but currently struggling to find if I can pass the whole entity instead of pinpointing every field:
update Entity e set e.id=?1, e.value=?2 where...
update Entity e set e=?1
So the questions here would be:
1. Is there a way to gracefully do an "UPDATE" with modified id in terms or regular spring-data-jpa flow?
2. If not, is there a way to provide the full entity to be consumed by the #Query?
Is there a way to gracefully do an "UPDATE" with modified id in terms or regular spring-data-jpa flow?
If you are using GenerationType.AUTO strategy for #GeneratedValue (AUTO is the default strategy), then you can set id of Entity to null before calling save. It will insert a new record with rest of the fields being the same as original. id of new record will be generated automatically by database engine.
If you are using GenerationType.AUTO strategy for #GeneratedValue
If not, is there a way to provide the full entity to be consumed by the #Query?
You can chose not use #Query. A far simpler approach can be using default save method provided by JPA repositories to directly pass an Entity object.

Spring Hibernate Double ID Every Server Restart

I have multiple entity and all their Id fields set with this. And I am using Spring Data JPA btw.
#GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE)
When I restart Tomcat every time DB's ID column double itself like this. And entity doesnt matter. All table's ID like this. Not only this one.
As you see Id column change sequence itself. I delete all the DB and try again, but not working.
