How to handle windows pop up in IE using Ruby - ruby

Please help me how to handle this pop ups.

Based on your last question, I assume you are using Watir-Classic (even though you have also listed Watir-Webdriver).
As #orde mentioned in the comments, Watir has an Alert class for handling these types of dialogs. Unfortunately, in terms of clicking buttons, Watir-Classic only has an #ok method defined:
# Press the "OK" button on the JavaScript dialog.
def ok
dialog.button(:value => "OK").click
This will not work for this dialog as there is a "Yes" and "No" button rather than an "OK" button. You will need to duplicate this functionality with the right value.
Note that the dialog is a RAutomation window and no longer Watir specific code. As a result, the button values are not always intuitive - it is not always just the text you see. To get the right values, you should ask the dialog what values it sees:
#=> ["&Yes", "&No"]
We can then make the same calls as the #ok method, but with the correct value:
alert = browser.alert
alert.send(:dialog).button(:value => '&Yes').click

This code is working fine to handle this type of pop ups:
save_dialog ="AutoItX3.Control") save_dialog.ControlClick("Windows Internet Explorer", "Yes", "[CLASS:Button;INSTANCE:1]")


Capybara will not click button for Stripe SCA authentication

I cannot get Capybara to click on the SCA/3DS ‘Complete authentication’ button when running RSpec tests. Similar tests which do not trigger SCA pass just fine, and if I run VNC to view what Firefox is doing, the button is visible and I can click it myself in the browser.
My problem seems very similar to what’s discussed in the comments here, but the solutions do not work: I have tried changing the browser used, and flattening the iframe traversal.
Test code:
scenario "SCA required" do
create_payment_method(account, payment_method: "stripe", last_four: "1234")
visit "/billing"
click_on "Enter Card Payment"
within "#main-content" do
within_frame(find("iframe")) do # Stripe payment form is in an iframe.
find("input#Field-numberInput").set("4000002760003184") # SCA-required test card.
# Stripe nests the popup in several layers of iframes.
stripe_frame = find("body > div > iframe") # Popup is prepended to the body element.
challenge_frame = find("iframe#challengeFrame")
fullscreen_frame = find("iframe.FullscreenFrame")
click_on "Complete authentication"
expect(page).to have_content "ends in 3184"
Is there some way to debug what Selenium is doing under the hood here? I don’t see any movement on the page when running click_on "Complete authentication", but if I click on the button myself in the Firefox instance being controlled by Selenium it does work.
Running click_on "Complete authentication" returns the element clicked, which appears to be the expected element when I drop into Pry and call native.dom_attribute("id").
I can see an error of some kind in the browser container’s logs:
1654078084345 Marionette WARN TimedPromise timed out after 500 ms: stacktrace:
It’s a bit odd because it mentions #chrome but this is a headless Firefox instance.
Assuming no error is returned by the click_on call then I'm guessing the button is being clicked before it's ready to be clicked. You can test that by sleeping for a few seconds before calling 'click_on'/navigating through the frames. If that fixes it then you'd need to look at what changes on the button to indicate that the page has finished whatever work it's doing and the button is ready to be clicked.
I have solved this by clicking on the button directly with JavaScript:
execute_script(%Q{ document.querySelector("button#test-source-authorize-3ds").click() })
However, this does not in any way explain why click_on is not working, and if anything makes it more strange that it is not. If anyone has a better solution or a way to dig into why Capybara/Selenium are failing then that would be welcome.

Check if an element with varying text casing is displayed in Appium and perform logic accordingly

I'm using Appium with the Cucumber Framework and utilizing the Ruby language.
My scenario is my app has multiple buttons that I want to call with a single Gherkin statement "I press the "*" button" where * is modular. I use it for Save, Back, Cancel, Expand, Yes, No, etc buttons with simple text. Here's an example:
And I press the "Create a Note" FAB button
And I am on the Create a Note Screen
Then I tap Back
>> And I press the "Yes" button
Now currently with my app on android there are multiple versions of the "Back" button and they're not all formatted the same. Some have texts that reads "BACK", some are "Back", and some are "back". I designed a series of if statements to handle this discrepancy until I can get the developers to standardize the text they use for these buttons:
Then(/^I press the "([^"]*)" button$/) do |button_text|
sleep 1
#button_text = button_text
if find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").displayed? == true
find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").click()
if find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").displayed? == true
find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").click()
if find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").displayed? == true
find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").click()
if find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").displayed? == true
find_element(xpath: "//android.widget.Button[#text='#{#button_text}']").click()
fail("Could not find a permutation of that button")
sleep 2
My thinking is that I'll save the button_text argument to a variable, #button_text, and then use the .displayed? method to check if that version of the button is available. If it is I pass the .click() method, and if it isn't I alter the text of the variable via the .capitalize, .upcase, and .downcase methods. I'm sure that using nested if statements isn't the most ideal way to do this so I would love some assistance on a better way to write that statement.
The issues I receive is I get "An element could not be located using the given search parameters" error whenever I get to this line of code. It seems like the .displayed? method doesn't return a value and triggers appium to stop the test.
I want appium to check if that version of the button is present, then adjust the variable and check the new version for upcase, downcase, and capitalize. Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated.
When you're finding the elements, try setting their text to all uppercase, and then checking for one version of the word that you're searching for.
I.e. BacK or back or BACK would all become "BACK"

How to use if in applescript

I'm making a game application in AppleScript. But when I was done it said this "Expected end of line but found ":".". The code I used was
display alert "By taping ok you accept the following rules: Do not hack, do not cheat, edit komponents or download our site to your desktop! If you do not follow these rules you could get banned"
if {button returned:"OK"}
tell application "/Applications/"
open location
end tell
Can anyone help?
A couple of things. First, display alert with no buttons parameter will just display an OK button, so there's no real reason to check the result. However, if you still want to, or plan on adding additional buttons, you get the result by saving the display alert return value then testing the button returned property of the value, something like this:
set alertResult to display alert "By tapping OK you accept the following rules: Do not hack, do not cheat, edit components, or download our site to your desktop! If you do not follow these rules you could get banned."
if button returned of alertResult is "OK" then
display alert "OK was pressed"
end if
And finally, if you're using this as some form of DRM, it's pretty weak.

click_no_wait doesn`t act click

I have some code like this:
puts 2
autoit ="AutoItX3.Control")
puts 3
autoit.WinWait "XXXX"
puts 4
autoit.ControlClick "","OK","Button1"
After click the Submit button,a alert box will pop out,and the code after will click OK of that.The function "click" will hang program there so I need to use "click_no_wait".
But as a result,I can get the puts of 3,and the submit button doesn`t been licked.
Why?And what is the best solution?
If you are dealing with javascript popups, see this page:
If the #click_no_wait does not open the dialog, but regular #click will, then it does not work for some reason. I have written a blog post about debugging #click_no_wait problems at
In short, set $DEBUG to true before #click_no_wait to get more troubleshooting information:

How can I know what element is clicked in IE?

I'm automating IE with watir, and I want to know what html element(s) are clicked (selected). Can this be done using watir? win32ole? In a last chance, without ruby?
Something like:
Click a button -> button with id=213 and class=btn_class was clicked.
Click a text field -> text field with id=123 and value=my_text was clicked.
Try one of the recorders, Selenium IDE for example.
I'm not sure if I completely understand either, but would a custom function like this work?
def click(item, how, what)
#browser.item(how, what).click
puts "#{item} with #{how}->#{what} was clicked"
click("button", ":id", "awesome")
Edit: If you're attempting to identify page elements so that you can then use them in a Watir script, the Developer Toolbar is perfect for this application, much like Firebug for Firefox.
Your comment to me & your response to Zeljko appear to contradict each other. If you want to use WATIR for this task, the code above will execute a mouse click and post the information to console. The only other way to get information is to locate the object in WATIR and fish for more details:
object = #browser.button(:name, /myButton/)
object.height, etc.
#browser.divs.each do |div|
puts, div.title
I'd recommend a strong look at the capabilities of the various developer tools, such as are provided with Chrome, Firefox, and IE. those are generally the best means to get this kind of information.
Watir is really about driving the browser, and getting info out of the DOM. it's not really setup to report on manual interactions with the browser.
