Integrate key-value database with Spark - hadoop

I'm having trouble understanding how Spark interacts with storage.
I would like to make a Spark cluster that fetches data from a RocksDB database (or any other key-value store). However, at this moment, the best I can do is fetch the whole dataset from the database into memory in each of the cluster nodes (into a map for example) and build an RDD from that object.
What do I have to do to fetch only the necessary data (like Spark does with HDFS)? I've read about Hadoop Input Format and Record Readers, but I'm not completely grasping what I should implement.
I know this is kind of a broad question, but I would really appreciate some help to get me started. Thank you in advance.

Here is one possible solution. I assume you have client library for the key-value store(RocksDB in your case) that you want to access.
KeyValuePair represents a bean class representing one Key-value pair from your key-value store.
/*Lazy iterator to read from KeyValue store*/
class KeyValueIterator implements Iterator<KeyValuePair> {
public KeyValueIterator() {
//TODO initialize your custom reader using java client library
public boolean hasNext() {
public KeyValuePair next() {
class KeyValueReader implements FlatMapFunction<KeyValuePair, KeyValuePair>() {
public Iterator<KeyValuePair> call(KeyValuePair keyValuePair) throws Exception {
//ignore empty 'keyValuePair' object
return new KeyValueIterator();
Create KeyValue RDD
/*list with a dummy KeyValuePair instance*/
ArrayList<KeyValuePair> keyValuePairs = new ArrayList<>();
keyValuePairs.add(new KeyValuePair());
JavaRDD<KeyValuePair> keyValuePairRDD = javaSparkContext.parallelize(keyValuePairs);
/*Read one key-value pair at a time lazily*/
keyValuePairRDD = keyValuePairRDD.flatMap(new KeyValueReader());
Above solution creates an RDD with two partitions by default(one of them will be empty). Increase the partitions before applying any transformation on keyValuePairRDD to distribute the processing across executors.
Different ways to increase partitions:


Spring Batch - use JpaPagingItemReader to read lists instead of individual items

Spring Batch is designed to read and process one item at a time, then write the list of all items processed in a chunk. I want my item to be a List<T> as well, to be thus read and processed, and then write a List<List<T>>. My data source is a standard Spring JpaRepository<T, ID>.
My question is whether there are some standard solutions for this "aggregated" approach. I see that there are some, but they don't read from a JpaRepository, like:
Spring Batch - Item Reader and ItemProcessor with a list
Spring Batch- how to pass list of multiple items from input to ItemReader, ItemProcessor and ItemWriter
I'm looking for a solution that would work for a rapidly changing dataset and in a multithreading environment.
I want my item to be a List as well, to be thus read and processed, and then write a List<List>.
Spring Batch does not (and should not) be aware of what an "item" is. It is up to you do design what an "item" is and how it is implemented (a single value, a list, a stream , etc). In your case, you can encapsulate the List<T> in a type that could be used as an item, and process data as needed. You would need a custom item reader though.
The solution we found is to use a custom aggregate reader as suggested here, which accumulates the read data into a list of a given size then passes it along. For our specific use case, we read data using a JpaPagingItemReader. The relevant part is:
public List<T> read() throws Exception {
ResultHolder holder = new ResultHolder();
// read until no more results available or aggregated size is reached
while (!itemReaderExhausted && holder.getResults().size() < aggregationSize) {
process(, holder);
if (CollectionUtils.isEmpty(holder.getResults())) {
return null;
return holder.getResults();
private void process(T readValue, ResultHolder resultHolder) {
if (readValue == null) {
itemReaderExhausted = true;
In order to account for the volatility of the dataset, we extended the JPA reader and overwritten the getPage() method to always return 0, and controlled the dataset through the processor and writer to have the next fresh data to be fetched always on the first page. The hint was given here and in some other SO answers.
public int getPage() {
return 0;

Spring Batch multiple readers for different DB's

I have an existing spring batch project which reads data from MySQL or ArangoDB(NoSql database) based on feature toggle decision during startup and does some process and again writes back to MySQL/ArangoDB.
Now the reader configuration for MySQL is something like below,
public HibernatePagingItemReader reader(
#Value("#{jobParameters[oldMetadataDefinitionId]}") Long oldMetadataDefinitionId) {
Map<String, Object> queryParameters = new HashMap<>();
queryParameters.put(Constants.OLD_METADATA_DEFINITION_ID, oldMetadataDefinitionId);
HibernatePagingItemReader<Long> reader = new HibernatePagingItemReader<>();
reader.setSessionFactory(((HibernateEntityManagerFactory) entityManagerFactory.getObject()).getSessionFactory());
return reader;
and i have another arango reader like below,
public ListItemReader arangoReader(
#Value("#{jobParameters[oldMetadataDefinitionId]}") Long oldMetadataDefinitionId) {
List<InstanceDTO> instanceList = new ArrayList<InstanceDTO>();
PersistenceService arangoPersistence = arangoConfiguration
List<Long> instanceIds = arangoPersistence.getDefinitionInstanceIds(oldMetadataDefinitionId);
instanceIds.forEach((instanceId) ->
InstanceDTO instanceDto = new InstanceDTO();
return new ListItemReader(instanceList);
and my step configuration is below,
public Step InstanceMergeStep(ListItemReader arangoReader, ItemWriter<MetadataInstanceDTO> arangoWriter,
ItemReader<Long> mysqlReader, ItemWriter<Long> mysqlWriter) {
Step step = null;
if (arangoUsage) {
step = steps.get("arangoInstanceMergeStep")
.<Long, Long>chunk(1)
((TaskletStep) step).registerChunkListener(chunkListener);
else {
step = steps.get("mysqlInstanceMergeStep")
.<Long, Long>chunk(1)
((TaskletStep) step).registerChunkListener(chunkListener);
return step;
The MySQL reader has pagination support through HibernatePagingItemReader so that it will handle millions of items without any memory issue.
I want to implement the same pagination support for arango reader to fetch only 250 documents per iteration how can modify the arango reader code to acheive this?
First of all documentation of ListItemReader says that - Useful for testing so don't use it for production. Return an ItemReader instead from all your reader beans instead of actual concrete types.
Having said that, Spring Batch API or Spring Data doesn't seem to supporting Arango DB . Closest that I could find is this
( I have not worked with Arango DB before ) .
So in my opinion, you have to write your own custom arango reader that implements paging by possibly implementing abstract class - org.springframework.batch.item.database.AbstractPagingItemReader
If its not doable by extending above class, you might have to implement everything from scratch. All of pagination readers in Spring Batch API extend this abstract class including HibernatePagingItemReader.
Also, remember that arango record set should have some kind of ordering to implement pagination so we can distinguish between page - 0 & page -1 etc ( similar to ORDER BY clause , BETWEEN Operator & less than , greater than operators etc in SQL. Also FETCH FIRST XXX ROWS OR LIMIT clause kind of thing would be needed too ) .
Implementing by your own is not a very tough task as you have to calculate total possible items , order them and then divide into pages and fetch only one page at a time.
Look at API for implementations like - HibernatePagingItemReader etc to get ideas.
Hope it helps !!

Save Spark Dataframe into Elasticsearch - Can’t handle type exception

I have designed a simple job to read data from MySQL and save it in Elasticsearch with Spark.
Here is the code:
JavaSparkContext sc = new JavaSparkContext(
new SparkConf().setAppName("MySQLtoEs")
.set("", "true")
.set("es.nodes", "")
.set("", "id")
.set("spark.serializer", KryoSerializer.class.getName()));
SQLContext sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc);
// Data source options
Map<String, String> options = new HashMap<>();
options.put("driver", MYSQL_DRIVER);
options.put("url", MYSQL_CONNECTION_URL);
options.put("dbtable", "OFFERS");
options.put("partitionColumn", "id");
options.put("lowerBound", "10001");
options.put("upperBound", "499999");
options.put("numPartitions", "10");
// Load MySQL query result as DataFrame"Loading DataFrame");
DataFrame jdbcDF = sqlContext.load("jdbc", options);
DataFrame df ="id", "title", "description",
"merchantId", "price", "keywords", "brandId", "categoryId");;"df.count : " + df.count());
EsSparkSQL.saveToEs(df, "offers/product");
You can see the code is very straightforward. It reads the data into a DataFrame, selects some columns and then performs a count as a basic action on the Dataframe. Everything works fine up to this point.
Then it tries to save the data into Elasticsearch, but it fails because it cannot handle some type. You can see the error log here.
I'm not sure about why it can't handle that type. Does anyone know why this is occurring?
I'm using Apache Spark 1.5.0, Elasticsearch 1.4.4 and elaticsearch-hadoop 2.1.1
I have updated the gist link with a sample dataset along with the source code.
I have also tried to use the elasticsearch-hadoop dev builds as mentionned by #costin on the mailing list.
The answer for this one was tricky, but thanks to samklr, I have managed to figure about what the problem was.
The solution isn't straightforward nevertheless and might consider some “unnecessary” transformations.
First let's talk about Serialization.
There are two aspects of serialization to consider in Spark serialization of data and serialization of functions. In this case, it's about data serialization and thus de-serialization.
From Spark’s perspective, the only thing required is setting up serialization - Spark relies by default on Java serialization which is convenient but fairly inefficient. This is the reason why Hadoop itself introduced its own serialization mechanism and its own types - namely Writables. As such, InputFormat and OutputFormats are required to return Writables which, out of the box, Spark does not understand.
With the elasticsearch-spark connector one must enable a different serialization (Kryo) which handles the conversion automatically and also does this quite efficiently.
Even since Kryo does not require that a class implement a particular interface to be serialized, which means POJOs can be used in RDDs without any further work beyond enabling Kryo serialization.
That said, #samklr pointed out to me that Kryo needs to register classes before using them.
This is because Kryo writes a reference to the class of the object being serialized (one reference is written for every object written), which is just an integer identifier if the class has been registered but is the full classname otherwise. Spark registers Scala classes and many other framework classes (like Avro Generic or Thrift classes) on your behalf.
Registering classes with Kryo is straightforward. Create a subclass of KryoRegistrator,and override the registerClasses() method:
public class MyKryoRegistrator implements KryoRegistrator, Serializable {
public void registerClasses(Kryo kryo) {
// Product POJO associated to a product Row from the DataFrame
Finally, in your driver program, set the spark.kryo.registrator property to the fully qualified classname of your KryoRegistrator implementation:
conf.set("spark.kryo.registrator", "MyKryoRegistrator")
Secondly, even thought the Kryo serializer is set and the class registered, with changes made to Spark 1.5, and for some reason Elasticsearch couldn't de-serialize the Dataframe because it can't infer the SchemaType of the Dataframe into the connector.
So I had to convert the Dataframe to an JavaRDD
JavaRDD<Product> products = df.javaRDD().map(new Function<Row, Product>() {
public Product call(Row row) throws Exception {
long id = row.getLong(0);
String title = row.getString(1);
String description = row.getString(2);
int merchantId = row.getInt(3);
double price = row.getDecimal(4).doubleValue();
String keywords = row.getString(5);
long brandId = row.getLong(6);
int categoryId = row.getInt(7);
return new Product(id, title, description, merchantId, price, keywords, brandId, categoryId);
Now the data is ready to be written into elasticsearch :
JavaEsSpark.saveToEs(products, "test/test");
Elasticsearch's Apache Spark support documentation.
Hadoop Definitive Guide, Chapter 19. Spark, ed. 4 – Tom White.
User samklr.

LeaseExpiredException with custom UDF in Hive

I have a Hive UDF which is supposed to extract the device from an UA string. It uses the ua-parser library:
The UDF is rather simple:
public class DeviceTypeExtractTest extends UDF{
private Text result = new Text();
private static final Parser uaParser;
static {
try {
uaParser = new Parser();
catch(IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Could not instantiate User-Agent parser.");
public Text evaluate( Text uaField){
if (uaField == null ) {
return null;
String uaString = uaField.toString();
Client client = uaParser.parse(uaString);
return result;
catch(Exception e)
return null;
And it works just fine when run on a small dataset.
create table categories(
cat string);
insert overwrite table categories select DEVICE_TYPE_EXTRACT(user_agent) from raw_logs;
However, when testing this on a larger dataset of over 10 million rows, I get this LeaseExpiredException on every attempt:
And my map and reduce processes remain stuck at 0% for hours. Note that if I take out this udf and use some internal Hive UDFs just for testing, this behavior does not take place.
I am running this on an Amazon EMR cluster with AMI version 2.4.5 (Hive and Hadoop 1.0.3).
I tried increasing the performance of the cluster by deploying better hardware, but I get the same problem with any hardware scenario.
Any ideas?
Okay, scratch that. It seems that after upgrading my instance, things started to move around but I was just not waiting long enough for the mapping to happen. And the LeaseExpiredError was actually thrown because of little ol' me when I was killing the processes.
Still, the parsing is taking an immense amount of time and I would love some suggestions to further optimize this UDF.

What's the best way to pass a huge collection to a Spring Batch Step?

Use case:
A one-time read of data set X (from database) into a Collection C. [Collection size could be say 5000]
Use Collection C to process/enrich items in a Spring Batch Step (say enrichStep)
If C is much greater than what can be passed via ExecutionContext, how can we make it available in the ItemProcessor of the enrichStep?
In your enrichStep add a StepExecutionListener.beforeStep and load your huge collection in a HugeCollectionBeanHolder bean.
In this way you will load collection only once (when step start or re-start) and without persist it into execution context.
In your enrich processor wire the HugeCollectionBeanHolder to access huge collection.
class HugeCollectionBeanHolder {
Collection<Item> hudeCollection;
void setHugeCollection(Collection<Item> c) { this.hugeCollection = c;}
Collection<Item> getHugeCollection() { return this.hugeCollection;}
class MyProcessor implements ItemProcessor<Input,Output> {
HugeCollectionBeanHolder hcbh;
void setHugeCollectionBeanHolder(HugeCollectionBeanHolder bean) { this.hcbh = bean;}
// other methods...
You can also look at Spring Batch: what is the best way to use, the data retrieved in one TaskletStep, in the processing of another step
