filtering and searching not working in magento 2 custom grid in product edit page - ajax

i have created one custom grid as new tab in product edit is displaying in grid form.searching or sorting is not working there.if i put
then every time total product page is reloading.if i put ajax as true giving ajax what we have to define in grid if we writing that as custom tab in product admin


filter in nextjs using API on click radio buttons

How can i implement the filter using buttons on product page. those are filter by all and most viewed products. so i have two buttons one is All product and second is most viewed product also i have both the data in API (all and most viewed respectively). Now i want to display the data accordingly. by default data will be shown as all product and when i will click on most viewed products it will change or filter accordingly. same for all product.]
these are the following requirements:
action will be on radio buttons named as all and recent.
both the buttons will call data from two different API's.
By default all the data of the product will be displaying.

Product Slide show in Magento

Hi i have tried to add a product in slide show on magento home page but it not working can you please give suggestion for How to add a product on slide show in magento?
What you need to do is :
Create a static block (something/filename.phtml).
Load product collection in the static block and filter the products which you would want to see on the slider.
Create appropriate HTML markup for the section of the page.
Use a suitable jQuery / JavaScript plugin to render the slider.
Call the static block that was created in step 1, from the CMS Page meant for homepage. This can be done using Layout Updates Section.

Orchard Ajax Request

Currently we have a few products defined in Orchard.
We managed do display these products by using a query in combination with projection.
I executed the same steps as described in this tutorial, Defining and rendering the ProductCatalog Content Type
There is also a menu to navigate inside products catalog. When selecting category, the full page is refreshed. How can we implement a ajax request each time user select a product category in menu?
Here i will show you an example of the screen:
I guess your best bet is to do something along those lines:
Create a module with a custom ApiController
Write an alternate for your category navigation in which you send an ajax request to your controller
Use IContentManager in your controller to query for your products and return them as a json result
Update your page from your result

Apply Custom Option via Ajax to a product

Has anyone had any success in Applying a custom option to the product object via Ajax.
ie. A ajax request will get triggered when ever I select a custom option which changes the product price.
I have a ajax Block in the Product View page that depends on the Product Price. Since Magento Applies the Custom Options after the product is added to the cart , I am finding it difficult to render the ajax block with my updated product price.
Any idea's ?
Try this module, its good ajax cart and it has exactly what you need and you can customize it easily

Magento:- Add Grid in Admin Form

Iam generating a form in Magento Adminhtml.
I have two list boxes Category and SubCategory which are populated cascadingly.
Now after click or change event of subcategory list i want to display magento grid(grid with paging filtering) JUST below that subcategory list.
I dont know which block to use to show that grid.
Help appreciated.
Try to look in Mage files , magento already using grid into form,
look in this file : core/Mage/Adminhtml/Block/Catalog/Category/Tap/Product.php
Product.php is a grid , to check the result from back-office, check catalog->manage categories then click on category products tab
There are many tutorials on creating a grid.
Maybe this one will help?
