Naming Ruby methods - ruby

Given a class:
class Shell
attr_reader :spiral
def initialize spiral
#spiral = spiral
def ?????
# do stuff...
some_shell =[[1,2],[4,3])
some_shell.spiral #=> [[1,2],
# [4,3]]
some_shell.????? #=> [1,2,3,4]
Does it make more sense to name ?????:
It seems like unwrap_spiral is saying to some_shell, "I want you to unwrap that spiral" and unwrapped_spiral is saying to some_shell, "I want you to give me an unwrapped spiral".
I read in POODR:
The distinction between a message that asks for what the sender wants and a message that tells the receiver how to behave may seem subtle but the consequences are significant.
Which seems like it would be better to choose unwrapped_spiral.
Does that make sense?

Naming things is one of the classical two (out of three) hard things to do.
Jokes aside, I am guided as follows:
Am I inquiring about a property of the object? Then my method name is a noun that represents that property.
Am I converting the object to another form? Then my method name is "to_target". In your case it could be to_unwrapped.
Am I asking the object to carry on some processing internally? Then my method name is a verb. For example, "climb" to climb the spiral.
For completeness; Am I building an object from another? Then my factory method is usually called from "from_source". Hypothetically in your case, "from_unwrapped."

Ruby seems to place unusual emphasis on the intent of names and the implications of them. For example, unwrap_spiral implies that it might do the operation in-place unless there was a compantion method like unwrap_spiral! that made it clear it didn't.
unwrapped_spiral may be a shade too verbose. It's not clear why spiral factors into this so much when unwrapped might suffice.
Another thing to consider is organizing methods that operate on spiral under the same alphabetic ordering: spiral_unwrap or spiral_unwrapped.

I actually think there is already a method called flatten that seems to result in the same result.
If you have a more advanced custom method, I would go with unspiral

My inclination would be that rather than Shell having an Array spiral, to have a Spiral class (which may just be a subclass of Array) which has an unwrap method (which in this case would just alias to Array#flatten).
class Spiral < Array
def unwrap
class Shell
attr_reader :spiral
def initialize(spiral)
# Or if your convention would allow, accept `spiral` as an Array
# and assign #spiral =
#spiral = spiral
> shell =[[1,2],[4,3]])
=> #<Shell:0x000000018286f0 #spiral=[[1, 2], [4, 3]]>
> shell.spiral
=> [[1, 2], [4, 3]]
> shell.spiral.unwrap
=> [1, 2, 4, 3]
The reason this makes sense because the concept you want to operate on in this case is the Spiral, which belongs to the Shell, rather than the shell itself. This opens you up to having additional methods which operate on the spiral itself. As the implementation of Spiral gets more complex, Shell wouldn't have to necessarily get any more complex - it could simply expose and operate on the Spiral's public interface.

Shell < Spiral
In your example, Shell only lives for #spiral, so you might :
define Spiral class
let Shell inherit from Spiral
define Spiral#unwrap (Array#flatten isn't called flattened)
use Shell(Spiral)#unwrap
If Shell is more than just its #spiral, you could :
define Spiral class anyway
define Spiral#unwrap
use Shell#spiral#unwrap : shell.spiral.unwrap


Ruby method operating on hash without side effects

I want to create a function that adds a new element to a hash as below:
numbers_hash = {"one": "uno", "two": "dos", "three": "tres", }
def add_new_value(numbers)
numbers["four"] = "cuatro"
I have read that immutability is important, and methods with side effects are not a good idea. Clearly this method is modifying the original input, how should I handle this?
Ruby is an OOP language with some functional patterns
Ruby is an object oriented language. Side-effects are important in OO. When you call a method on an object and that method modifies the object, that's a side-effect, and that's fine:
a = [1, 2, 3]
a.delete_at(1) # side effect in delete_at
# a is now [1, 3]
Ruby also allows a functional style, where data is transformed without side-effects. You've probably seen or used the map-reduce pattern:
a = ["1", "2", "3"] # => 6
# a is unchanged
Command Query Separation
What may have confused you is a rule invented by Bertrand Meyers, the Command Query Separation Rule. This rule says that a method must either
Have a side effect, but no return value, or
Have no side effect, but return something
But not both. Note that although it's called a rule, in Ruby I would treat it as a strong guideline. There are times when violating this rule makes for better code, but in my experience this rule can be adhered to most of the time.
We have to clarify what we mean by "has a return value" in Ruby, since every Ruby method has a return value--the value of the last statement it executed (or nil if it was empty). What we mean is that the method has an intentional return value, one that is part of this method's contract and that the caller can be expected to use.
Here's an example of a method that has a side-effect and a return value, violating this rule:
# Open the valve if possible. Returns whether or not the valve is open.
def open_valve
#valve_open = true if #power_available
and how you'd separate that into two methods to adhere to this rule:
attr_reader :valve_open
def open_valve
#valve_open = true if #power_available
If you choose to adhere to this rule, you may find it useful to name side-effect methods with verb phrases, and returning-something methods with noun phrases. This makes it obvious from the start what kind of method you are dealing with, and makes naming methods easier.
What is a side-effect?
A side effect is something that changes the state of an object or or external entity like a file. This method that changes the state of its object has a side effect:
def register_error
#error_count += 1
This method that changes the state of its argument has a side effect:
def delete_ones(ary)
This method that writes to a file has a side effect:
def log(line), "a") { |f| f.puts(line) }
I would not necessarily agree that you should always avoid mutation an argument. Especially in the context of your example it seems like the mutation is the only purpose the method exists. Therefore it is not a side-effect IMO.
I would call it an unwanted side-effect when a method changes input parameters while doing something unrelated and that it is not obvious by the methods name that is also mutates input arguments.
You might prefer to return a new hash and keep the old hash unchanged:
numbers_hash_1 = {"one": "uno", "two": "dos", "three": "tres", }
def add_new_value(numbers)
numbers.merge(four: "cuatro")
numbers_hash_2 = add_new_value(numbers_hash_1)
#=> {:one=>"uno", :two=>"dos", :three=>"tres", :four=>"cuatro"}
#=> {:one=>"uno", :two=>"dos", :three=>"tres"}
Quote from the docs of Hash#merge:
merge(*other_hashes) → new_hash
Returns the new Hash formed by merging each of other_hashes into a copy of self.

Overriding the << method for instance variables

Let's suppose I have this class:
class Example
attr_accessor :numbers
def initialize(numbers = [])
#numbers = numbers
def validate!(number)
number >= 0 || raise(ArgumentError)
I would like to run the #validate! on any new number before pushing it into the numbers:
example =[1, 2, 3])
example.numbers # [1, 2, 3]
example.numbers << 4
example.numbers # [1, 2, 3, 4]
example.numbers << -1 # raise ArgumentError
Below is the best I can do but I'm really not sure about it.
Plus it works only on <<, not on push. I could add it but there is risk of infinite loop...).
Is there a more "regular" way to do it? I couldn't find any official process for that.
class Example
attr_accessor :numbers
def initialize(numbers = [])
#numbers = numbers
bind = self # so the instance is usable inside the singleton block
#numbers.singleton_class.send(:define_method, :<<) do |value|
# here, self refers to the #numbers array, so use bind to refer to the instance
bind.send(:validate!, value)
def validate!(number)
number >= 0 || raise(ArgumentError)
Programming is a lot like real life: it is not a good idea to just run around and let strangers touch your private parts.
You are solving the wrong problem. You are trying to regulate what strangers can do when they play with your private parts, but instead you simply shouldn't let them touch your privates in the first place.
class Example
def initialize(numbers = [])
#numbers = numbers.clone
def numbers
def <<(number)
#numbers << number
def validate(number)
raise ArgumentError, "number must be non-negative, but is #{number}" unless number >= 0
example =[1, 2, 3])
example.numbers # [1, 2, 3]
example << 4
example.numbers # [1, 2, 3, 4]
example << -1 # raise ArgumentError
Let's look at all the changes I made one-by-one.
cloneing the initializer argument
You are taking a mutable object (an array) from an untrusted source (the caller). You should make sure that the caller cannot do anything "sneaky". In your first code, I can do this:
ary = [1, 2, 3]
example =
ary << -1
Since you simply took my array I handed you, I can still do to the array anything I want!
And even in the hardened version, I can do this:
ary = [1, 2, 3]
example =
class << ary
remove_method :<<
ary << -1
Or, I can freeze the array before I hand it to you, which makes it impossible to add a singleton method to it.
Even without the safety aspects, you should still do this, because you violate another real-life rule: Don't play with other people's toys! I am handing you my array, and then you mutate it. In the real world, that would be considered rude. In programming, it is surprising, and surprises breed bugs.
cloneing in the getter
This goes to the heart of the matter: the #numbers array is my private internal state. I should never hand that to strangers. If you don't hand the #numbers array out, then none of the problems you are protecting against can even occur.
You are trying to protect against strangers mutating your internal state, and the solution to that is simple: don't give strangers your internal state!
The freeze is technically not necessary, but I like it to make clear to the caller that this is just a view into the state of the example object, and they are only allowed to view what I want them to.
And again, even without the safety aspects, this would still be a bad idea: by exposing your internal implementation to clients, you can no longer change the internal implementation without breaking clients. If you change the array to a linked list, your clients are going to break, because they are used to getting an array that you can randomly index, but you can't randomly index a linked list, you always have to traverse it from the front.
The example is unfortunately too small and simple to judge that, but I would even question why you are handing out arrays in the first place. What do the clients want to do with those numbers? Maybe it is enough for them to just iterate over them, in which case you don't need to give them a whole array, just an iterator:
class Example
def each(...)
return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?
If the caller wants an array, they can still easily get one by calling to_a on the Enumerator.
Note that I return self. This has two reasons:
It is simply the contract of each. Every other object in Ruby that implements each returns self. If this were Java, this would be part of the Iterable interface.
I would actually accidentally leak the internal state that I work so hard to protect! As I just wrote: every implementation of each returns self, so what does #numbers.each return? It returns #numbers, which means my whole Example#each method returns #numbers which is exactly the thing I am trying to hide!
Implement << myself
Instead of handing out my internal state and have the caller append to it, I control what happens with my internal state. I implement my own version of << in which I can check for whatever I want and make sure no invariants of my object are violated.
Note that I return self. This has two reasons:
It is simply the contract of <<. Every other object in Ruby that implements << returns self. If this were Java, this would be part of the Appendable interface.
I would actually accidentally leak the internal state that I work so hard to protect! As I just wrote: every implementation of << returns self, so what does #numbers << number return? It returns #numbers, which means my whole Example#<< method returns #numbers which is exactly the thing I am trying to hide!
Drop the bang
In Ruby, method names that end with a bang mean "This method is more surprising than its non-bang counterpart". In your case, there is no non-bang counterpart, so the method shouldn't have a bang.
Don't abuse boolean operators for control flow
… or at least if you do, use the keyword versions (and / or) instead of the symbolic ones (&& / ||).
But really, you should void it altogether. do or die is idiomatic in Perl, but not in Ruby.
Technically, I have changed the return value of your method: it used to return true for a valid value, now it returns nil. But you ignore its return value anyway, so it doesn't matter.
validate is probably not a good name for the method, though. I would expect a method named validate to return a boolean result, not raise an exception.
An exceptional message
You should add messages to your exceptions that tell the programmer what went wrong. Another possibility is to create more specific exceptions, e.g.
class NegativeNumberError < ArgumentError; end
But that would be overkill in this case. In general, if you expect code to "read" your exception, create a new class, if you expect humans to read your exception, then a message is enough.
Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Information Hiding
Those are three subtly different but related concepts, and they are among the most important concepts in programming. We always want hide our internal state and encapsulate it behind methods that we control.
Encapsulation to the max
Some people (including myself) don't particularly like even the object itself playing with its internal state. Personally, I even encapsulate private instance variables that are never exposed behind getters and setters. The reason is that this makes the class easier to subclass: you can override and specialize methods, but not instance variables. So, if I use the instance variable directly, a subclass cannot "hook" into those accesses.
Whereas if I use getter and setter methods, the subclass can override those (or only one of those).
Note: the example is too small and simple, so I had some real trouble coming up with a good name (there is not enough in the example to understand how the variable is used and what it means), so eventually, I just gave up, but you will see what I mean about using getters and setters:
class Example
class NegativeNumberError < ArgumentError; end
def initialize(numbers = [])
self.numbers_backing = numbers.clone
def each(...)
return enum_for(__callee__) unless block_given?
def <<(number)
numbers_backing << number
attr_accessor :numbers_backing
def validate(number)
raise NegativeNumberError unless number >= 0
example =[1, 2, 3])
example.each.to_a # [1, 2, 3]
example << 4
example.each.to_a # [1, 2, 3, 4]
example << -1 # raise NegativeNumberError

Accepting a parameter either as individual object or as array of objects

I have a bunch of functions that take in either an array of objects, or a single object designed to be treated as an array containing one object, and I am looking for a cleaner way to accomplish this. Basically, I want to know how I could make the unless part in the following function more concise:
def foo(bar_or_bars)
unless bar_or_bars.is_a?(Array)
bar_or_bars = [bar_or_bars]
bar_or_bars.each { |baz| ... }
Any help will be appreciated! Thanks.
The simplest solution is to use Kernel method Array:
Array(5) #=> [5]
Array([1, 2, 3]) #=> [1,2,3]
def foo(bar_or_bars)
Array(bar_or_bars).each { |bar| ... }
This will even work on nested arrays that have arrays as elements (they wont be flattened out).
One case this won't work for is Hashes:
Array(a: 1, b: 2) #=> [[:a, 1], [:b, 2]]
If you want to iterate through unchanged Hash objects, best use Array.wrap from ActiveSupport.
First thing you could do is to write the unless logic in a single line:
bars = bar_or_bars.is_a?(Array) ? bar_or_bars : [bar_or_bars]
As you see, I give it a new name here, as it's no longer a bar or bars, it's now definitely a collection.
The problem with this and your original approach is that although your function could work on any Enumerable, you will force your users to give you an argument of a specific type, which breaks duck typing.
A neat trick to partially solve that issue is the following:
def foo(bar_or_bars)
bars = [*bar_or_bars]
bars.each { |baz| ... }
I wouldn't exactly call that readable, though. It actually smells a lot like bad API design. Probably you should better take multiple arguments like this:
def foo(*bars)
bars.each { |baz| ... }
And let the caller decide whether he wants to pass a single object or an array:
ary = ["abc", "def"]
I am currently using this:
bars = [bar_or_bars].flatten

Where and when to use Lambda?

I am trying to understand why do we really need lambda or proc in ruby (or any other language for that matter)?
def add a,b
c = a+b
#using proc
def add_proc a,b
f = {|x,y| x + y } a,b
#using lambda function
def add_lambda a,b
f = lambda {|x,y| x + y} a,b
puts add 1,1
puts add_proc 1,2
puts add_lambda 1,3
I can do a simple addition using: 1. normal function def, 2. using proc and 3. using lambda.
But why and where use lambda in the real world? Any examples where functions cannot be used and lambda should be used.
It's true, you don't need anonymous functions (or lambdas, or whatever you want to call them). But there are a lot of things you don't need. You don't need classes—just pass all the instance variables around to ordinary functions. Then
class Foo
attr_accessor :bar, :baz
def frob(x)
bar = baz*x
would become
def new_Foo(bar,baz)
def bar(foo)
# Other attribute accessors stripped for brevity's sake
def frob(foo,x)
foo[0] = foo[1]*x
Similarly, you don't need any loops except for loop...end with if and break. I could go on and on.1 But you want to program with classes in Ruby. You want to be able to use while loops, or maybe even array.each { |x| ... }, and you want to be able to use unless instead of if not.
Just like these features, anonymous functions are there to help you express things elegantly, concisely, and sensibly. Being able to write some_function(lambda { |x,y| x + f(y) }) is much nicer than having to write
def temp(x,y)
x + f(y)
some_function temp
It's much bulkier to have to break off the flow of code to write out a deffed function, which then has to be given a useless name, when it's just as clear to write the operation in-line. It's true that there's nowhere you must use a lambda, but there are lots of places I'd much rather use a lambda.
Ruby solves a lot of the lambda-using cases with blocks: all the functions like each, map, and open which can take a block as an argument are basically taking a special-cased anonymous function. { |x| f(x) + g(x) } is the same as { |x| f(x) + g(x) }) (where the & just makes the lambda "special" in the same way that the bare block is). Again, you could write out a separate deffed function every time—but why would you want to?
Languages other than Ruby which support that style of programming don't have blocks, but often support a lighter-weight lambda syntax, such as Haskell's \x -> f x + g x, or C#'s x => f(x) + g(x);2. Any time I have a function which needs to take some abstract behavior, such as map, or each, or on_clicked, I'm going to be thankful for the ability to pass in a lambda instead of a named function, because it's just that much easier. Eventually, you stop thinking of them as somehow special—they're about as exciting as literal syntax for arrays instead of empty().append(1).append(2).append(3). Just another useful part of the language.
1: In the degenerate case, you really only need eight instructions: +-<>[].,. <> move an imaginary "pointer" along an array; +- increment and decrement the integer in the current cell; [] perform a loop-while-non-zero; and ., do input and output. In fact, you really only need just one instruction, such as subleq a b c (subtract a from b and jump to c if the result is less than or equal to zero).
2: I've never actually used C#, so if that syntax is wrong, feel free to correct it.
Blocks are more-or-less the same thing
Well, in Ruby, one doesn't usually use lambda or proc, because blocks are about the same thing and much more convenient.
The uses are infinite, but we can list some typical cases. One normally thinks of functions as lower-level blocks performing a piece of the processing, perhaps written generally and made into a library.
But quite often one wants to automate the wrapper and provide a custom library. Imagine a function that makes an HTTP or HTTPS connection, or a straight TCP one, feeds the I/O to its client, and then closes the connection. Or perhaps just does the same thing with a plain old file.
So in Ruby we would put the function in a library and have it take a block for the user .. the client .. the "caller" to write his application logic.
In another language this would have to be done with a class that implements an interface, or a function pointer. Ruby has blocks, but they are all examples of a lambda-style design pattern.
1) It is just a convenience. You don't need to name certain blocks
special_sort(array, :compare_proc => lambda { |left, right| left.special_param <=> right.special_param }
(imagine if you had to name all these blocks)
2) #lambda is usually used to create clojures:
def generate_multiple_proc(cofactor)
lambda { |element| element * cofactor }
[1, 2, 3, 4].map(&generate_multiple_proc(2)) # => [2, 3, 5, 8]
[1, 2, 3, 4].map(&generate_multiple_proc(3)) # => [3, 6, 9, 12]
It comes down to style. Lambdas are a a declarative style, methods are an imperative style. Consider this:
Lambda, blocks, procs, are all different types of closure. Now the question is, when and why to use an anonymous closure. I can answer that - at least in ruby!
Closures contain the lexical context of where they were called from. If you call a method from within a method, you do not get the context of where the method was called. This is due to the way the object chain is stored in the AST.
A Closure (lambda) on the other hand, can be passed WITH lexical context through a method, allowing for lazy evaluation.
Also lambdas naturally lend themselves to recursion and enumeration.
In case of OOP, you should create a function in a class only if there should be such an operation on the class according to your domain modeling.
If you need a quick function which can be written inline such as for comparison etc, use a lambda
Also check these SO posts -
When to use lambda, when to use
C# Lambda expressions: Why should I use them?
When to use a lambda in Ruby on Rails?
They're used as "higher-order" functions. Basically, for cases where you pass one function to another, so that the receiving function can call the passed-in one according to its own logic.
This is common in Ruby for iteration, e.g. some_list.each { |item| ... } to do something to each item of some_list. Although notice here that we don't use the keyword lambda; as noted, a block is basically the same thing.
In Python (since we have a language-agnostic tag on this question) you can't write anything quite like a Ruby block, so the lambda keyword comes up more often. However, you can get a similar "shortcut" effect from list comprehensions and generator expressions.
I found this helpful in understanding the differences:
But in general the point is sometimes your writing a method but you don't know what you're going to want to do at a certain point in that method, so you let the caller decide.
def iterate_over_two_arrays(arr1, arr2, the_proc)
arr1.each do |x|
arr2.each do |y|
# ok I'm iterating over two arrays, but I could do lots of useful things now
# so I'll leave it up to the caller to decide by passing in a proc,y)
Then instead of writing a iterate_over_two_arrays_and_print_sum method and a iterate_over_two_arrays_and_print_product method you just call:
iterate_over_two_arrays([1,2,3], [4,5,6], {|x,y| puts x + y }
iterate_over_two_arrays([1,2,3], [4,5,6], {|x,y| puts x * y }
so it's more flexible.

Access variables programmatically by name in Ruby

I'm not entirely sure if this is possible in Ruby, but hopefully there's an easy way to do this. I want to declare a variable and later find out the name of the variable. That is, for this simple snippet:
foo = ["goo", "baz"]
How can I get the name of the array (here, "foo") back? If it is indeed possible, does this work on any variable (e.g., scalars, hashes, etc.)?
Edit: Here's what I'm basically trying to do. I'm writing a SOAP server that wraps around a class with three important variables, and the validation code is essentially this:
[foo, goo, bar].each { |param|
if param.class != Array
puts "param_name wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: param_name wasn't an Array"
My question is then: Can I replace the instances of 'param_name' with foo, goo, or bar? These objects are all Arrays, so the answers I've received so far don't seem to work (with the exception of re-engineering the whole thing ala dbr's answer)
What if you turn your problem around? Instead of trying to get names from variables, get the variables from the names:
["foo", "goo", "bar"].each { |param_name|
param = eval(param_name)
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
return "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
If there were a chance of one the variables not being defined at all (as opposed to not being an array), you would want to add "rescue nil" to the end of the "param = ..." line to keep the eval from throwing an exception...
You need to re-architect your solution. Even if you could do it (you can't), the question simply doesn't have a reasonable answer.
Imagine a get_name method.
a = 1
Everyone could probably agree this should return 'a'
b = a
Should it return 'b', or 'a', or an array containing both?
[b,a].each do |arg|
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a' ?
def do_stuff( arg )
Should it return 'arg', 'b', or 'a', or maybe the array of all of them? Even if it did return an array, what would the order be and how would I know how to interpret the results?
The answer to all of the questions above is "It depends on the particular thing I want at the time." I'm not sure how you could solve that problem for Ruby.
It seems you are trying to solve a problem that has a far easier solution..
Why not just store the data in a hash? If you do..
data_container = {'foo' => ['goo', 'baz']} is then utterly trivial to get the 'foo' name.
That said, you've not given any context to the problem, so there may be a reason you can't do this..
[edit] After clarification, I see the issue, but I don't think this is the problem.. With [foo, bar, bla], it's equivalent like saying ['content 1', 'content 2', 'etc']. The actual variables name is (or rather, should be) utterly irrelevant. If the name of the variable is important, that is exactly why hashes exist.
The problem isn't with iterating over [foo, bar] etc, it's the fundamental problem with how the SOAP server is returing the data, and/or how you're trying to use it.
The solution, I would say, is to either make the SOAP server return hashes, or, since you know there is always going to be three elements, can you not do something like..
{"foo" => foo, "goo" => goo, "bar"=>bar}.each do |param_name, param|
if param.class != Array
puts "#{param_name} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{param.class}"
puts "Error: #{param_name} wasn't an Array"
OK, it DOES work in instance methods, too, and, based on your specific requirement (the one you put in the comment), you could do this:
local_variables.each do |var|
puts var if (eval(var).class != Fixnum)
Just replace Fixnum with your specific type checking.
I do not know of any way to get a local variable name. But, you can use the instance_variables method, this will return an array of all the instance variable names in the object.
Simple call:
to get an array of all instance variable names.
Building on joshmsmoore, something like this would probably do it:
# Returns the first instance variable whose value == x
# Returns nil if no name maps to the given value
def instance_variable_name_for(x)
self.instance_variables.find do |var|
x == self.instance_variable_get(var)
There's Kernel::local_variables, but I'm not sure that this will work for a method's local vars, and I don't know that you can manipulate it in such a way as to do what you wish to acheive.
Great question. I fully understand your motivation. Let me start by noting, that there are certain kinds of special objects, that, under certain circumstances, have knowledge of the variable, to which they have been assigned. These special objects are eg. Module instances, Class instances and Struct instances:
Dog = # Dog
The catch is, that this works only when the variable, to which the assignment is performed, is a constant. (We all know that Ruby constants are nothing more than emotionally sensitive variables.) Thus:
x = # creating an anonymous module #=> nil # the module does not know that it has been assigned to x
Animal = x # but will notice once we assign it to a constant #=> "Animal"
This behavior of objects being aware to which variables they have been assigned, is commonly called constant magic (because it is limited to constants). But this highly desirable constant magic only works for certain objects:
Rover = #=> raises NoMethodError
Fortunately, I have written a gem y_support/name_magic, that takes care of this for you:
# first, gem install y_support
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class Cat
include NameMagic
The fact, that this only works with constants (ie. variables starting with a capital letter) is not such a big limitation. In fact, it gives you freedom to name or not to name your objects at will:
tmp = # nameless kitty #=> nil
Josie = tmp # by assigning to a constant, we name the kitty Josie #=> :Josie
Unfortunately, this will not work with array literals, because they are internally constructed without using #new method, on which NameMagic relies. Therefore, to achieve what you want to, you will have to subclass Array:
require 'y_support/name_magic'
class MyArr < Array
include NameMagic
foo = ["goo", "baz"] # not named yet #=> nil
Foo = foo # but assignment to a constant is noticed #=> :Foo
# You can even list the instances
MyArr.instances #=> [["goo", "baz"]]
MyArr.instance_names #=> [:Foo]
# Get an instance by name:
MyArr.instance "Foo" #=> ["goo", "baz"]
MyArr.instance :Foo #=> ["goo", "baz"]
# Rename it: = "Quux" #=> :Quux
# Or forget the name again:
MyArr.forget :Quux #=> nil
# In addition, you can name the object upon creation even without assignment
u = [1, 2], name: :Pair #=> :Pair
v = [1, 2, 3], ɴ: :Trinity #=> :Trinity
I achieved the constant magic-imitating behavior by searching all the constants in all the namespaces of the current Ruby object space. This wastes a fraction of second, but since the search is performed only once, there is no performance penalty once the object figures out its name. In the future, Ruby core team has promised const_assigned hook.
You can't, you need to go back to the drawing board and re-engineer your solution.
Foo is only a location to hold a pointer to the data. The data has no knowledge of what points at it. In Smalltalk systems you could ask the VM for all pointers to an object, but that would only get you the object that contained the foo variable, not foo itself. There is no real way to reference a vaiable in Ruby. As mentioned by one answer you can stil place a tag in the data that references where it came from or such, but generally that is not a good apporach to most problems. You can use a hash to receive the values in the first place, or use a hash to pass to your loop so you know the argument name for validation purposes as in DBR's answer.
The closest thing to a real answer to you question is to use the Enumerable method each_with_index instead of each, thusly:
my_array = [foo, baz, bar]
my_array.each_with_index do |item, index|
if item.class != Array
puts "#{my_array[index]} wasn't an Array. It was a/an #{item.class}"
I removed the return statement from the block you were passing to each/each_with_index because it didn't do/mean anything. Each and each_with_index both return the array on which they were operating.
There's also something about scope in blocks worth noting here: if you've defined a variable outside of the block, it will be available within it. In other words, you could refer to foo, bar, and baz directly inside the block. The converse is not true: variables that you create for the first time inside the block will not be available outside of it.
Finally, the do/end syntax is preferred for multi-line blocks, but that's simply a matter of style, though it is universal in ruby code of any recent vintage.
