Go get not working in Atom - go

So I've installed Atom on Windows 7 and I wanted to try out Go language in that. I installed a package called go-plus, but it needed 2 more things to install:
So I clicked Run Go Get, but I get this error:
I tried it on Debian and on Manjaro and after runing Run Go Get it just works. So I thought about running go get -u ... in my cmd, it worked, but still when I open Atom those 2 messages pop out. How can I deal with it?

The go get command downloads and installs packages in your go workspace, as denoted by the GOPATH environment variable. You must set this first for Atom to be able to download utilities.
You may use the go env command to verify, also you can click on the go-plus icon at the bottom of Atom to see the GOPATH value visible to Atom.
Your screenshots and comments indicate you have an invalid folder value in your GOPATH. Easiest is to set it to a single, absolute folder. You can read more about it here:
How to Write Go Code: The GOPATH environment variable


About warning popup after gopls installation in vscode

I installed gopls using command set GO111MODULE=on and golang.org/x/tools/gopls#latest to use gopls.
After that, I restarted the program and whenever I write and save the source code, a warning window appears like the picture below.
I'm not sure what this warning means.
I am working on GOPATH and have all the packages I need.
But I don't know why i need a module here.
As mentioned in "GOPATH in the VS Code Go extension"
Out of the box, the extension uses the value of the environment variable GOPATH. From Go 1.8 onwards, if no such environment variable is set, then the default GOPATH as deciphered from the command go env is used.
Check if you have set go.gopath or go.inferGopath.
Check what the returned value of go env GOPATH is.
More generally, it is a good idea to initialize a module at the root of your project (wherever your project is, GOPATH or not)
cd /path/to/my/project
go mod init myproject
Some issues mentioned that same error message
You are neither in a module nor in your GOPATH.
Please see https://github.com/golang/go/wiki/Modules for information on how to set up your Go project.
Issue 36120 for instance said:
I believe this is because my GOPATH is a colon-separated string:
But... that was fixed in CL 211304 and commit 74e303f in gopls v0.3.2.

`go run hello.go` cannot find the "hello.go" file

I tried to run the program in command prompt #Go lang- But when i type run "go run hello.go" command i am gettin
CreateFile hello.go:The system cannot find the file specified
Please help to to compile and run the above marked program, Thanks in advance
As you can see from the output of running the dir command
earlier up in your shell session, there is indeed no file named "hello.go"
in the C:\GOCODE\testproject directory.
When you execute the
go run hello.go
command, the go tool tries to find the file named "hello.go" in the current
directory (because the name of that file is relative, so it's being
searched in current working directory). There's no such file,
and that's what go run tells you.
Unfortunately, from the outlook of your shell session, it appears there
are more problems with your setup.
And there are problems with your approach to Go.
First, while it looks like you're following
this guide (and this is the right thing
to do, actually), you misread it.
What it tried to tell you is that you should create the "src"
directory (and then the "hello" directory to contain your test project)
in the so-called workspace, and a list of workspaces known to Go
is stored in the GOPATH environment variable.
As you can see from the go env output, Go thinks you have a single
workspace located in C:\Users\Sitaram\Go.
Now it worth reiterating that—contrary to many (if not most) "mainstream"
languages,—Go is not "project-based"; instead, it requires all your code
to be organized in those workspaces, and it wants to know where these
workspaces are.
By default—if you did not explicitly set the GOPATH environment
variable,—it assumes your single workspace is located in the directory
named "go" placed in your "home folder".
And that's what you see in the go env output.
Now you have two options:
Set the GOPATH env. variable for your user to C:\GOCODE
then start another shell—so that it "sees" that variable and allows
the go tool to also see it and use).
Run go env to verify GOPATH contains C:\GOCODE.
Then follow the rest of the tutorial document:
Make sure there is the "src" folder directly under the C:\GOCODE.
Create your project folder directory under "src".
Let's say, it will be named "hello".
Under "hello", create that "hello.go" file.
Now cd C:\GOCODE\src\hello and then go build — you will have
the hello.exe created there.
Don't mess with GOPATH and just repeat the steps 2-4 from above
in the default workspace—C:\Users\Sitaram\go.
I'd go with the second variant because that inexplicable affection
of certain Windows users for polluting the C:\ with random personal
data is really an anti-pattern; have your personal belongings in your home
folder! Windows has gone a long way getting that right; and almost all
Windows software is finally there—understanding that paradigm. So why deviate?
Second, please unlearn go run.
I'm not sure the Go developers actually regret implementing it,
but people do really misinterpret what this tool is for.
It's for one-off throw-away "scripts".
Real development is done using go install and, sometimes, go build.
In most cases your normal development routine you use go install
exclusively — as it caches the results of compilation of all the packages
your project depends on. go build does not do this, and go run does
not even preserve the result of the compilation of your project itself.
Please read this quick reference card for more info.
After go get gpackage check if there is a yourproject.exe in your bin directory to compile your github package with your project.
If not, you have to do cd src/yourproject and type go install and hit enter.
Try execute the folowing command e check if corrected:
go env -w GOOS=windows

compile: version "go1.9" does not match go tool version "go1.9.1"

I am getting this error when I tried to run an example helloworld code I got onlie.
compile: version "go1.9" does not match go tool version "go1.9.1"
My computer has go1.9.1. What does the error mean and how can I fix this?
If you are installing using OSX homebrew you may need to set the $GOROOT in your .bashrc, .zshrc, etc:
export GOROOT=/usr/local/opt/go/libexec
I had the same error this morning when I updated from 1.9 -> 1.9.1 though according to several post the $GOROOT shouldn't have to be set and I had not set it until today. This may be a bug?
Edit: not a bug, for more details see answer below.
This is a mismatch between the GOROOT environment variable and the default path to your go command. One or the other needs to be changed; the one that needs to be changed depends on the specific setup on your computer. You could determine this by updating your Go to the latest version using your preferred method, running either which go (on Linux/macOS/BSD) or where go (on Windows), and then checking which of the files listed has the newer timestamp.
To change the GOROOT to match the default path of your go command, run type go and strip off the /bin/go part at the end to yield the directory path containing your Go installation. Then, add it to your .bashrc or other appropriate init file like this:
export GOROOT=/path/to/go-installation
To instead change the go command path to match your GOROOT, add this to the bottom of your init file:
export PATH="${GOROOT}/bin:${PATH}"
To change the GOROOT to match the default path of your go command, run where go take the first line of output, and strip off the \bin\go.exe part at the end. Then, go to "Edit the system environment variables" in Settings, click "Environment Variables...", find the "GOROOT" variable and edit to read the path you created earlier.
To instead change the go command path to match your GOROOT, first save the output of echo %GOROOT%\bin. Then, go to "Edit the system environment variables" in Settings, click "Environment Variables...", and find the
find the "Path" row in the bottom pane, click New, put in the path you created earlier, and finally click Move Up until it's at the top.
You'll need to open up a new command prompt to see the effects.
in case you are using mac with homebrew, just run:
brew cleanup
to clean all the legacy package, this fixed my problem.
In mac OS , if you downloaded and installed go package without brew, running brew update commands will cause this problem to occur
for fix this problem you can do :
brew uninstall --ignore-dependencies go
uninstalling go from brew will fix problem
This error happens when you forgot to delete previous golang install ... just delete its directory ... so identify go install location ... on linux issue
type go
typical output is
go is hashed (/usr/local/go/bin/go)
so just remove its grandparent directory ( go install dir not just the go binary )
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go # NOTE this is not /usr/local/go/bin/go
now just install go and you'll be fine
For M1 Mac, the following steps helped me!
Check for which go from VSCode Terminal and check from system terminal.
from vscode terminal
user#mac % which go
from my mac terminal
user#mac % which go
Whichever corresponds to the GOROOT shown go env, keep it and delete the other one
user#mac % go env GOROOT
in this case
rm -rf /opt/homebrew/bin/go
close and reload the vscode and terminal
For Windows delete the GOROOT System variables in the Enviroment Variables and restart the PC.
if you use VsCode, you just add this in setting.json.
"go.goroot": "/usr/local/Cellar/go/1.x.x/libexec",
For me, it's caused by GOROOT env, using gotip before, change to brew version.
# curret go env
cat "$(go env GOENV)"
# make sure this is correct
go env GOROOT
# unset GOROOT if setted before
go env -u GOROOT
you may also want to set a proper GOROOT to match the go version.
In my case, I had a scripts that look like this:
[[ -s "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm" ]] && source "$HOME/.gvm/scripts/gvm"
Hanging around in my .bashrc/.zshrc file from a previous installation of go / trying to use gvm.
Removing this and restarting terminal solved it for me.
I had the same issue when I used getgo to update my Go version from 1.19 to 1.20. In my case, getgo created a .bash_profile and set its own export path w/c is not consistent with what's in my .bashrc.
#my .bash_profile;
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/.go/bin
export PATH=$PATH:/home/user/go/bin
#my .bashrc;
export GOROOT=/usr/local/go/
export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$/home/user/go/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
I just replaced my export PATH in bashrc w/
export PATH=$PATH:$/home/user/.go/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH
<Note the '.go' change w/c is now consistent to what's in my .bash_profile>.
So whether source is ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile, it will always point to the same path for Go. Hope this helps. I'm also new to Go and Ubuntu. I know how painful it is to get these variables right on your own.
Took a simple approach(Linux), I had different versions of Go installed in my system.
$ whereis go
helped me to find the available go runnables, removed all, installed a fresh one and ensured to create a link for this new Go runnable in one of the $PATH folder to ensure below gives the correct version of what installed now.
$ go version

Golang: Getting started - "go" is not recognized as an internal or external command"

Trying to get started with Go but I cant manage to set up the work environnement properly.
EDITED for future reference.
You set your 'GOROOT' wrong. Set it to C:\Go\
Include C:\Go\bin to your 'Path'
Aside from #Xeph's answer, just make sure if you recently installed Go that you use a fresh terminal/cmd window.
Run command "go env" and check the path for variable "gopath" that's where you should keep your project. Else where if you run go command you will get error "go is not recognized as internal or external command"
here's what made it work for me, assuming you hadnt change anything from a fresh GO install in windows 10.
set GOROOT in user variables: C:\Go\
GOROOT User Variable screen shot
add path in user variables: %USERPROFILE%\Go\bin
Add path to User Variables screen shot
add path in system variables: C:\Go\bin
Add path to System Variables screen shot
I read various answers as well articles and most effective steps that helped me were :
My Computer -> RC -> Properties
Advanced System Settings -> Environment Variables
Under System Variables Section -> New -> GOPATH -> Project Location
Select Path -> New ->path to bin of installed go
Save and close.
Restart the cmd / system .
Run go in the cmd to check the working .
If you are not able to solve the problem even after adding environment variables, you can check if you have installed Go extension from VSCode, install it if you haven't already. Then, when you create a new GO file to work in the working directory, "gopls command not available" will be popped up,click install all to get full support inside VSCode.
I solved the issue like this, I hope that helps.

How to set GOPATH on MAC after installing go1.4.1.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.pkg

I have run go1.4.1.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.pkg to install go on my MAC. It install go in /usr/local/go/bin/go.
Can you tell me what should my GOPATH set to? I tried '/usr/local/go' and '/usr/local/go/bin/go'. But both does not seem to be the right path.
Thank you.
GOPATH is an environmental variable used to define the location of your workplace directory. It's used by the Go tools for various reasons.
For example:
go get -u github.com/nsf/gocode
will download the source code and place it at
Compile that source code and
place the binary at $GOPATH/bin
Place symbol and package information at $GOPATH/pkg/architecture/github.com/nsfs
The path is also used in other tools:
go build github.com/nsf/gocode
go install github.com/nsfs/gocode
github.com/nsfs/gocode in the above commands is resolved automatically to $GOPATH/src/github.com/nsfs/gocode and thus you can run these commands without actually being in your workplace (the point of $GOPATH)
The $GOPATH location for your workplace directory can be put anywhere on your machine, but it must minimally have 3 folders (because go get and other tools need these folders).
This environmental variable can be set like any other environmental variable. If you're using go from the Terminal.app, you can set it by opening the file:
vi ~/.bashrc
and then setting it
export GOPATH=~/goworkplace
~/goworkplace is a location to the workplace directory with those 3 folders. It can be anywhere on your system, such as, ~/Development/goworkplace, ~/Desktop/goworkplace, as long as it has those 3 folders
For information, take a look at this: https://golang.org/doc/code.html
Try this
First you can check the golang is install or not. Run go env
After that you can show the list of go env variables..
then you check where you can install the go
after that set $GOPATH
like:- export GOPATH=/var/projects/go
and also set $GOBIN
like:- export =$GOPATH/bin
