Maven Guava Dependency "Cannot resolve symbol 'google'" in IntelliJ IDEA - maven

IntelliJ says Cannot resolve symbol 'google'. about this import:
Even though I have added the dependency correctly and it doesn't complain about it:
I have updated my Maven repository. I have Maven auto-import enabled in IntelliJ IDEA. My project is using SDK version 1.8. Based on numerous examples on the web, this should work, but it doesn't.
I found this about a similar (although not the same issue, as my code doesn't compile). I tried invalidating the cache and restarting, but it didn't help. The top answer also suggests deleting the IDEA system directory. I don't know if this is a good idea and how much stuff breaks if I do that.

I had the same problem and was trying all solutions to import Guava cache manager.
But the mistake I made was, did not add dependencies properly. Please do check pom.xml before trying any solution.
<!-- these are the dependencies i missed -->

If anyone else has a similar issue, reading through pom.xml may be helpful. Turns out I had <properties> defined twice. For some reason it was not causing problems before adding the Guava dependency. After removing the duplicate definition, everything started working again.


NoClassDefFoundException while generating jhipster project

I am facing the same problem as many people did in the past. Can't build the spring boot application because i am getting the Exception which is mentioned in the title. Precisely it looks like this:
Error:java: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException
I know that there was a topic about this before i have posted mine but none of the provided solutions helped me. Simply i am literally out of ideas. All i have wanted is to generate back-end and front-end with jhipster.I didnt even write one single line of code yet.
Let's mention that the project is Java 8 and that i tried to solve this by adding some dependencies as its mentioned in the similar topic which is here How to resolve java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/xml/bind/JAXBException in Java 9
I have added this in my pom file becasue i use maven but the exception still occurs
Then i try to solve by adding this becasue its labeled as proper long term solution for all jdk versions
Any help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
Probably there is some problem either in your project configuration or in IntelliJ's Java Compiler settings.
Make sure that Java Compiler is set to 'Same as language level' or set it manually to desired version.
Make sure that all of the following project settings are set to Java 8:
Make sure modules are set to correct version as well:

Adding maven dependency fro Jira plugin development

I am developing a Jira plugin from starter code at
I added some third party maven dependencies
When I started Jira, I faced Jira Locked error. When I removed those maven dependencies and restarted again, everything is normal. Jira is working. Where am I going wrong? Is there any special way to add maven dependencies for Jira plugins?
If you have not tried official Atlassian troubleshooting guide, then this is the first thing you should do.
You can try stop Jira, remove these files:
and try to start Jira again.
Also ensure Jira has sufficient memory.

Find all dependencies that include a given package

I excluded an artifact because it causes conflicts, namely the jsr311-api given below. Yet when I run the generated jar I'm still getting the java.lang.NoSuchMethodError error. I suspect that another dependency is also including this artifact. How can I find out which one? My dependency list is quite large. Which dependencies include the package
<!-- Causes java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:$Status$Family.familyOf(I)Ljavax/ws/rs/core/Response$Status$Family; -->
Go to
and use classname search to find
If you use a Nexus 2.x in your company, you can use classname search there as well.
If you want to find out where a given artifact (that you e.g. found by classnmae search) comes from, use dependency:tree in Maven.
In my case the mistake was that I had to manually add the javaee api and I set <scope>provided</scope> which was a mistake, fixing this solved the problem.
<scope>provided</scope><!-- remove this -->

Maven Dependency Resolution Is Not Working Properly

As far as i read top level depths should be chosen. But as you can see below second level is chosen. Am i missing something?
You're right, it should have worked as per the Dependency Mediation rules, but it doesn't, because of the constraints on the jersey-spring.pom (see here).
The constraint allows only versions 2.5.2 thru 3 of spring-core to be used with itself.
If you know for certain that 4.1.7.RELEASE of spring-core plays well with that 1.19 of jersey-spring, you can try "managing" the dependency and then use it normally like you did.
Dependency management basically trumps all other means.

multiple SLF4J bindings Error with activemq-all-5.6.0.jar

When I upgrade to activemq-all-5.6.0
I get this error during server startup
SLF4J: Class path contains multiple SLF4J bindings
I don't have this issue when using activemq-all-5.5.1
On checking I do find that there StaticLoggerBinder.class in both activemq-all-5.6.0.jar and slf4j-log4j12-1.5.10.jar which is causing the issue
Please do help in debugging this issue
My pom.xml is as follows
The active mq dependency is like this
Old Version 5.5.1 (This works)
New Version 5.6.0 (This gives the error)
Thanks in advance.
The ActiveMQ guys use the Maven Shade Plugin to create the activemq-all "ueber" jar. Somewhere between version 5.5.1 and 5.6.0 they added the org.slf4j:slf4j-log4j12 dependency - hence your problem.
Unfortunately because they used the shade plugin you can not use exclusions in your activemq-all dependency definition in your POM.
Instead you will need to completely replace the activemq-all dependency with all the required individual dependencies (except of course the org.sl4j-log4j12 one).
The following page details all the required dependencies:
Alternatively the following is the list of all dependencies (required and optional) included in the activemq-all jar (taken from the configuration of the shade plugin in the activemq-all pom):
Hope that helps.
I had the same problem while using Spring. What helped me was replacing the dependency of activemq-all with:
Hope this will help anyone...
