Chisel: how to implement a one-hot mux that is efficient? - bus

I have a table, where each row of the table contains state (registers). There is logic that chooses one particular row. Only one row receives the "selected" signal. State from that chosen row is then accessed. Either a portion of the state is connected as an output to the IO of the module, or else a portion of the IO is used as input to update the state.
If I were implementing this with a circuit, I would use pass-gates. The selected signal would turn on one set of pass-gates, which would connect the row's registers to a bus. The bus would then be wired to the IO bundle. This is fast, small area, and low energy.
There is a straight forward way of implementing this in Chisel. It encodes the selected row as a binary number, and then applies that number to the select input of a traditional mux. Unfortunately, for a table with 20 to 50 rows, and state of hundreds of bits, this implementation can be quite slow, and wasteful in area and energy.
The question has two parts:
1) Is there a way to specify busses in Chisel, such that you have pass-gates or traditional tri-state drivers all hung off the bus?
2) Failing that, is there a fast, small area, low energy way of doing this in Chisel?

1) Chisel does not fully support bidirectional wires, but via the experimental Analog type (see example), you can at least stitch a bus through your Chisel code between Verilog Black Boxes.
2) Have you tried Mux1H in chisel3.util? It emits essentially a sum of products of the inputs and their corresponding select bits. I'm not sure how this compares to your proposed implementation. I would love to see a QOR comparison. If this construct is not sufficient and you cannot express precisely what you want in chisel, you can use a parameterized BlackBox to implement your one-hot mux and instantiate it as you please.


Change the transmission signal strength for a specific set of vehicles during the run-time

I started (since about one week) using veins (4.4) under omnet++ (5.0).
My current task is to let vehicles adjust their transmission range according to a specific context. I did read a lot of asked questions like these ones (and in other topics/forums):
Dynamical transmission range in the ieee802.11p module
Vehicles Receive Beacon Messages outside RSU Range
How coverage distance and interference distance are affected by each other
Maximum transmission range vs maximum interference distance
Reduce the coverage area between vehicles
how to set the transmission range of a node under Veins 2.0?
My Question:
How to -really- change the transmission range of just some nodes?
From the links above, I knew that the term "transmission range", technically, is related to the received power, noise,sensitivity threshold, etc. which defines the probability of reception.
Since I am new to veins (and omnet++ as well), I did few tests and I concluded the following:
"TraCIMobility" module can adjust the nodes' parameters (for each vehicle, there is an instance) such as the ID, speed, etc.
I could, also, instantiate the "Mac1609_4" (for each vehicle) and changed some of its parameters like the "txPower" during simulation run-time but it had no effect on the real communication range.
I could not instantiate (because it was global) the "connection manager" module which was the only responsible of (and does override) the effective communication range. this module can be configured in the ".ini" file but I want different transmission powers and most importantly "can be changed during run-time".
The formula to calculate the transmission range is in the attached links, I got it, but it must be a way to define or change these parameters in one of the layers (even if it is in the phy layer, i.e., something like the attached signal strength...)
Again, maybe there is some wrong ideas in what I have said, I just want to know what/how to change this transmission range.
Best regards,
You were right to increase the mac1609_4.txPower parameter to have a node send with more power (hence, the signal being decodable further away). Note, however, that (for Veins 4.4) you will also need to increase connectionManager.pMax then, as this value is used to determine the maximum distance (away from a transmitting simulation module) that a receiving simulation module will be informed about an ongoing transmission. Any receiving simulation module further away will not be influenced by the transmission (in the sense of it being a candidate for decoding, but also in the sense of it contributing to interference).
Also note that transmissions on an (otherwise) perfectly idle channel will reach much further than transmissions on a typically-loaded channel. If you want to obtain a good measurement of how far a transmission reaches, have some nodes create interference (by transmitting broadcasts of their own), then look at how the Frame Delivery Rate (FDR) drops as distance between sender and receiver increases.
Finally, note that both 1) the noise floor and 2) the minimum power level necessary for the simulation module of a receiver to attempt decoding a frame need to be calibrated to the WLAN card you want to simulate. The values chosen in the Veins 4.4 tutorial example are very useful for demonstrating the concepts of Veins, whereas the values of more recent versions of Veins come closer to what you would expect from a "typical" WLAN card used in some of the more recent field tests. See the paper Bastian Bloessl and Aisling O'Driscoll, "A Case for Good Defaults: Pitfalls in VANET Physical Layer Simulations," Proceedings of IFIP Wireless Days Conference 2019, Manchester, UK, April 2019 for a more detailed discussion of these parameters.
I am just giving my opinion in case someone was already in my situation:
In veins (the old version that I am using is 4.4), the "connection manager" is the responsible for evaluating a "potential" exchange of packets, thus, its transmission power is almost always set to the upper-bound.
I was been confused after I changed the vehicles "Mac1609_4" transmission power and "graphically", the connection manager was still showing me that the packets are received by some far nodes which in fact was not the case, it was just evaluating whether it is properly received or not (via the formula discussed in the links above).
Thus: changing the "TxPower" of each vehicle had really an effect beside graphically (the messages were not mounted to the upper layers).
In sum, to make a transmission range aware scheme, this is what must be done:
In the sender node (vehicle), and similarly to the pointer "traci" which deals with the mobility features, a pointer to the "mac1609" must be created and pointed to it as follows:
In "tracidemo11p.h" add ->
#include "veins/modules/mac/ieee80211p/Mac1609_4.h"//added
#include "veins/base/utils/FindModule.h"//added
and as a protected variable in the class of "tracidemo11p" in the same ".h" file ->
Mac1609_4* mac;//added
In "" add ->
mac = FindModule<Mac1609_4*>::findSubModule(getParentModule());
now you can manipulate "mac" as in "traci", the appropriate methods are in the "modules/mac/ieee80211p/ & .h"
for our work, the method will be:
mac->setTxPower(10);//for example
This will have an impact on the simulation in real-time for each node instance.
It may had described it with basic concepts because I am new to omnet-veins, these was done in less than one week (and will be provided for new users as well).
I hope it will be helpful (and correct)

MPI - communicate 1 element of a big type or more elements of a small type?

In the specific problem I'm dealing with, the processes arranged in a 3D topology have to exchange portions of a 3D array A(:,:,:) with each other. In particular, each one has to send a given number of slices of A to the processes in the six oriented directions (e.g. A(nx-1:nx,:,:) to the process in the positive 1st dimension, A(1:3,:,:) in the negative one, A(:,ny-3:ny,:) in the positive y-dimension, and so on).
In order to do so I'm going to define a set of subarray types (by means of MPI_TYPE_CREATE_SUBARRAY) to be used in communications (maybe MPI_NEIGHBOR_ALLTOALL, or its V or W extension). The question is about what the better choice, in terms of performance, between:
define 3 subarrays (one for each dimension), each one being actually a 2D array, and then make the communications send along each dimension a different number of these types in the two directions, or
define 6 subarray (one for each oriented direction), each one still being a 3D array, and then make the communications send along each dimension one element of the two types in the two directions?
Finally, to be more general, as in the title, is it better to define more "basic" MPI derived data types and use counts greater than 1 in the communications, or to define "bigger" types and and use counts = 1 in the communications?
MPI derived datatypes are defined to provide the library a means of packing and unpacking the data you send.
For basic types (MPI_INT, MPI_DOUBLE, etc.) there's no problem since the data in memory is already contiguous: there are no holes in memory.
More complex types such as multidimensional arrays or structures, sending the data as is may be inefficient due to the fact that you are probably sending useless data. For this reason, data is packed into a contiguous array of bytes, sent to the destination and then unpacked again to restore its original shape.
That being said, you need to create a derived datatype for each different shape in memory. For example, A(1:3,:,:) and A(nx-2:nx,:,:) represent the same datatype. But A(nx-2:nx,:,:) and A(:,nx-2:nx,:) don't. If you specify correctly the stride access (the gap between consecutive datatypes), you can even specify a 2D derived datatype and then vary the count argument to get better flexibility of your program.
Finally, to answer your last question, this probably worths benchmarking, although I think the difference will not be very noticeable, since it results in a single MPI message in both cases.

How to display a sentence with VHDL on a FPGA board

I am just wondering if it is possible to display a sentence, for example "SOLD OUT", on the 7-segment display of the FPGA board where I can only show four letters.
I want it to display SOLD then OUT.
If it is possible to implement that, how can I do it? Clock divider?
You start by researching what the board does. How does it connect to the LCD display? What are the waveforms required to drive a value to the display. It will be different for different boards. The Digilent boards tend to be common Anode. Some Altera boards connect all four 7-segment displays directly to FPGA IO (wastes IO, but who cares when you have plenty).
Next you determine, how do I display a character on the display. What holds the value? What translates the value from an internal representation, such as ASCII to the value on the display.
WRT clocks, my preference is to use a common FPGA clock and use load enables that provide periodic indication it is time to load the other image.
Think about how fast you should be switching the display? My recommendation is to make sure you display each value for 1 sec before switching and adjust after you see it working. If you decrease the display time too much, your display will blur because neither value is displayed long enough.
Next how do I display 4 characters?
Next how do I make the characters shift or alternate between different values. This could be a character wide shift register, it could be two different display registers.
In each of these steps you should be drawing a picture of the hardware before writing any code.

Second order low-pass filter algorithm

I need to filter some noise from a signal and a simple RC first order filter seems not to be enough. I've been looking around but I haven't found algorithms for other filters (although many examples of how to do it with analogue circuits). Can somebody pinpoint where can I find such algorithms? Or at least write one here?
For clarification: I take the signal from an oscilloscope, and I only have one cycle. This cycle looks a little bit like:
125 * (x > 3 ? exp(-(x - 3) / 2) : exp(5*(x - 3)))
Now, the signal not always have that shape and I need to compute the derivate of the signal, which is easy if not because when one zooms the signal enough (each point is 160 nano seconds appart) you can see a lot of noise. So, before computing derivatives I need to flattern the signal.
If you are asking for how to design a higher order filter than a simple first order, how about choosing a filter from here:wiki on Filter_(signal_processing)
Just hypothesizing about your question, so here are a couple of design points.
1) You probably don't want to have ripple (varying gain) in your pass band, as that would distort your signal.
2) You probably don't care about having ripple in your stop band, as the signal should be close to 0 there anyway.
3) The higher the order of the filter, the more it looks like a ideal square shaped filter.
4) The higher the rolloff the better, you want to cut down on the noise outside of your passband as quickly as possible.
5) You may or may not care about "group delay", which is a measure of the distortion caused by different frequencies taking different times to pass through the filter. For audio, you probably want a not too high group delay, as you can imagine having different frequency components undergoing different time (and thus phase) shifts will cause some distortion.
Once you select the filter you want based on these (and possibly other) considerations, then simply implement it using some topology, like those mentioned here
With only a vague description of your requirements it's hard to give any specific suggestions.
You need to specify the parameters of your filter: sample rate, cut-off frequency, width of transition band, pass-band ripple, minimum stop-band rejection, whether phase and group delay are an issue, etc. Once you have at least some of these parameters pinned down then you can start the process of selecting an appropriate filter design, i.e. basic filter type, number of stages, etc.
It would also be helpful to know what kind of signal you want to filter - is it audio, or something else ? How many bits per sample ?
You need a good definition of your signal, a good analysis of your noise, and a clear understanding of the difference between the two, in order to determine what algorithms might be appropriate for removing one and not eliminating information in the other. Then you need to define the computational environment (integer or float ALU, add and multiply cycles?), and set a computational budget. There's a big difference between a second-order IIR and a giga-point FFT.
Some very commonly used 2nd-order digital filters are described in RBJ's biquad cookbook.

Algorithm to decide if digital audio data is clipping?

Is there an algorithm or some heuristic to decide whether digital audio data is clipping?
The simple answer is that if any sample has the maximum or minimum value (-32768 and +32767 respectively for 16 bit samples), you can consider it clipping. This isn't stricly true, since that value may actually be the correct value, but there is no way to tell whether +32767 really should have been +33000.
For a more complicated answer: There is such a thing as sample counting clipping detectors that require x consecutive samples to be at the max/min value for them to be considered clipping (where x may be as high as 7). The theory here is that clipping in just a few samples is not audible.
That said, there is audio equipment that clips quite audible even at values below the maximum (and above the minimum). Typical advice is to master music to peak at -0.3 dB instead of 0.0 dB for this reason. You might want to consider any sample above that level to be clipping. It all depends on what you need it for.
If you ever receive values at the maximum or minimum, then you are, by definition, clipping. Those values represent their particular value as well as all values beyond, and so they are best used as outside bounds detectors.
For digital audio data, the term "clipping" doesn't really carry a lot of meaning other than "max amplitude". In the analog world, audio data comes from some hardware which usually contains a "clipping register", which allows you the possibility of a maximum amplitude that isn't clipped.
What might be better suited to digital audio is to set some threshold based on the limitations of your output D/A. If you're doing VOIP, then choose some threshold typical of handsets or cell phones, and call it "clipping" if your digital audio gets above that. If you're outputting to high-end home theater systems, then you probably won't have any "clipping".
I just noticed that there even are some nice implementations.
For example in Audacity:
Analyze → Find Clipping…
What Adam said. You could also add some logic to detect maximum amplitude values over a period of time and only flag those, but the essence is to determine if/when the signal hits the maximum amplitude.
