Xamarin and Managed Extensibility Framework (MEF) - xamarin

I'm thinking about a new mobile/tablet application.
I want to allow the users to develop their own plugins.
Imagine a cash desk application running on a Android tablet. The user could use many alternative when connecting to the credit card reader (Square, Sum'Up, ...).
If my application was an old Win32, I would just publish an API and let Square or Sum'Up developpers create a DLL. This DLL would then be placed somewhere on the computer. At application startup, I just have to look for those DLL and dynamically load them.
In fact, the real question is : Is it possible to create a plugin based application ? I'm thinking about Managed Extensibility Framework here. Many questions come to mind :
How to deploy those plugins ?
Does this work for all the platforms (iOS, Android, UWP) ?
I was unable to find any documentation on this.
Many thanks for your thoughts and indications.

Not sure if this answers your question fully.
However, a MEF like architecture could probably work on Android if you put the DLL's somewhere publicly discoverable, such as in /storage/emulated/0. Alternatively, such plugins could be distributed as separate Apps, providing Services, Content Providers and Activities consumable from other Apps.
However, on iOS you would not be able to publish such an App in the App Store though, as Apple does not allow you to use dynamically linked libraries there. You could maybe do it for Apps that don't go on the App Store, such as for Enterprise distribution.
While it might not be the greatest solution. You would always be able to navigate between Apps on iOS through URLs. However, that is not the greatest experience, since this would mean you would be leaving your App every time you wanted to get into a "plugin" App to do something.


Struggling to find good Examples of iOS app clip & Android instant Apps

I've searched for examples of iOS app clip & Android instant Apps but could not find more than few examples.
I am looking for released apps in App Store/Google Play or open source examples.
good examples could make developing these new features easier and gives developers new creative ideas to use these wonderful tools.
Do you have an app that utilizes App clip or instant app?
How did this affect your app?
What is the challenges you have faced?
Note: I know this is not a typical question but it need to be asked in a community full of great developers who love to share knowledge with others, and I don't think there is a better place than here.
I know it's been 10 months since you posted the question but I just stumbled upon it now... I've developed an app called ARShades for both iOS and Android that allows the user to try glasses on via Augmented Reality and I'm still in charge of development. The app supports both Instant App and App Clip, although I'm facing troubles making the the app banner show for the App Clip.
Firebase issues
As far as I can tell developing App Clips is a tad harder than develeloping Instant Apps, I'll tell you why. The main apps for both systems make extensive use of Firebase Firestore and many other features. This isn't a problem on Android where sockets are supported across the board, while on iOS they are only supported in the main app, so I had to use REST API to read and write data on Firebase when developing the App Clip, it's been a nightmare since it was the first time for me dealing with REST APIs (I just finished yesterday and published the update).
App Size
Another issue I faced is related to reducing the app size. On Android I had to remove all the unused images and compress the remamining ones. On iOS I had to separate the asset catalogues between: used only by the main app, shared, and used only by app clip. And of course I went through some compression works there too. I forgot to mention that I developed a new app as Instant App on Android, while you cannot do the same on iOS since it must be in the same project.
App to site linking
Another insidious part was the linking of the site to the apps. I managed to do it on Android by making changes to the manifest and specifying the host, while I can't seem to find a way to link the App Clip to the site in ay way. I've done everything the documentation says. I've put the apple app site association file in the .well-known folder but nothing, no banner shows up. I'll keep working on that.
Edit: Everything is now solved.
So, to sum up, I've found Instant Apps better on the developing and hassle side of things, the support sockets, hence the full suite of frameworks the full apps have. I hope I kind of answered your question, although I think you have documented yorself elsewhere in these past 10 months XD
Links to Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=it.spaarkly.arshades&hl=en_US&gl=US
Link to iOS: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/arshades-demo/id1586661818
Link for trying Instant App / App Clip

App Development - Finding the right platform to migrate to from an existing infrastructure

We have an existing cross-platform Mobile Application, that also has an accompanying web application, that uses AWS as a back end (RDS for Database, Four server instances, and a Load Balancer to distribute traffic). APK and IPA files are packaged and sent to the stores, while components are retrieved from our server per request, which enables us to reduce the number of store builds, and make the process easier for getting changes out to clients.
We are at the stage of Development that we need to move to another platform to better facilitate our fast growing client base.
Due to the conditions upon our clients, these things must be considered.
must be cross platform (Android / iOS).
must be offline based (users need to be able to access without an internet connection)
must be able to sync with an existing database when there is a connection
requires Authentication
Cloud based (? may not be the right term, but meaning the ability for us to store components on a server and have a device check for updates and download a local copy - enabling us to work and distribute fixes faster)
Ideally compatible with AWS
We are currently looking at Xamarin to facilitate us for this move, however there is a lot of documentation and plugins out there to do all sorts of different things.
As developers, we all have some .net / c# experience, however none particularly with Xamarin.
We have a particular timeline that we need to adhere to (and need to ramp up in the next couple of weeks), and right now are essentially stuck in Limbo in a research phase, as we can't afford to get some things right. We are unable to move forward until we know Xamarin (or some other framework) is able to do everything that we need it to do.
It's hard to escape from the 'code it all ourselves' mentality - especially as we don't know where to start looking in terms of third party packages for Xamarin, and their documentation itself.
A lot of documentation mentions various systems of Azure - we would not be against moving to Azure over AWS if it _had to be done*, but because of the existing infrastructure with AWS - staying with AWS is obviously the preferred option (users need to access the current system whilst we build the new system)
This stack overflow post is to ask for recommendations, comments, or other observations on anything and everything involved with the process in regards to choosing frameworks, design patterns, methodologies, third party packages, etc.
Obviously we would like to use best practises for everything moving forward for optimum scalability and cleaner, more robust code. It's just hard to know where to start!
Any input will be highly appreciated.
edit: I am aware that this is 'asking for recommendations' which is 'specifically off-topic'. I have read the posting guidelines about open ended discussion, and am quite confident that this case is different. There is an underlying problem here, in that we are seeking advice on combinations of frameworks and plugins that are fully compatible with all of the items in the list (above)
Let's try to breakdown each of your requirement and constraint mentioned in the question.
1. You need a offline first architecture (With Sync mechanism)
Xamarin + Azure would make a good comdo for you, as it would support offline storage out of box (With a simple PullAsync call).
Albeit there are AWS SDK available for Xamarin. Here it goes http://docs.aws.amazon.com/mobile/sdkforxamarin/developerguide/setup.html
So the call is yours. There are few other ways to achieve caching offline storage in Xamarin, you can build upon those strategy in your logic. Alternatively there is a very interesting C# library Akavache for caching and offline storage.
2. OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Xamarin has a very good library named Xamarin.Auth. Though I would not say it is very easily extendible at this but there has been some serious work going on from Xamarin on this library.
But I would say it is very easy to use. The apps I have developed so far that includes - Google OAuth, Facebook integration, Microsoft account integration. It worked fine for all of them.
3. Cloud based distribution
There are nice tools available with Microsoft. Which makes the distribution easy. Have a look at https://mobile.azure.com . Also hockeyApp is good for distribution I found.
Where to start:
A very good starting point for you would be https://channel9.msdn.com . Just go there search with keyword "Xamarin" and view some videos. May be all these cross platform dynamics will be much easier for you.
Overall I found Xamarin a cool product to work with. Because anything that can be done in native Objective C/Swift or Java can very well be done in Xamarin using C#.

Providing web services through XCode

I'm writing an extensive iPad application with a Core Data based data model. Because the app requires a lot of user input / typing, I would also want to make the functionality available as a web page, so that users can use standard PCs to key in some of the data.
I'm not particularly worried about the UI for that web app, but I do want to re-use the application logic and Core Data model that I'm using for the iOS app, so my preferred approach would be to expose the functionality as web services on a Mac (using the built-in Apache web server, most likely), using XCode for MacOS.
(1) Are there any existing XCode-based frameworks that simplify the generation of web services?
(2) Am I missing something obvious i.e. is there a better approach to tackle the problem "exposing iOS functionality through a web environment"? Obviously, I could've immediately focused on writing the app in HTML5, but I did want to leverage all the goodies that come with iOS/Cocoa.
(3) Alternatively, I could write a native Mac OS app. That facilitates the re-use of Core Data, etc., but I heard it takes a lot of work to port iOS apps to Mac OS. The question then is what's more work - exposing the functionality as web services or porting it to Mac OS... in both cases, I would need to rewrite the UI.
thanks everyone,
If you want iPhone/iPad users to be able to access the App through the PC web browser to send data/files to the App then take a look # this one:
Check this question too:
I did some more research and came across the WebAppKit framework. It allows you to easily set up a web server capability and handle requests and responses. It's lightweight, easy to understand - exactly what I wanted.

Best way to approach WP7 app development?

I have some knowledge of basic PHP developing however right now I am thinking about developing a phone app. I do however have a bit of a conundrum in that I love WP7 and I have so many ideas for features which can't be done on iOS and Android, however at the same time I am completely aware that my target users (filmmakers) generally have iOS or android phones.
Is there a way I can develop the app, which I will get a developer to do rather than myself, with WP7 as the lead platform and then make a relatively simple conversion to the other platforms or do apps generally have to be completely reworked for each platform?
Also, just to though it out there, any idea of where to go to find a freelance app developer?
I think you have a few options, but the first question I would have is: where comes the data from. Are you the owner of the data, and do you already have a datasource from where you can get the data from? If not I would suggest take some time to write a decent 'backend' from which the different platforms easily can get the data from.
Also all different platforms have their own pro/cons which you cannot share that easily. If you build a WP7 app in silverlight/xna, you cannot directly port it to a ios/android variant, also functionality will probably look/react different. You will need different solutions foreach platform with this approach.
Another option would be to use an platform like phonegap which can create a solution that will work on multiple platforms. (It uses HTML5 to get it work on the different platforms)
Build your app on iOS and android first, and when you have an app to base WP7 development then contact a developer that has made similar apps to yours.

how to make web application?

I want to implement web application using xcode?is it possible?if yes then then please advicse me?
While I have no personal experience with it I think you are looking for Dashcode rather than Xcode for developing web applications such as the one you linked.
It's located in /Developer/Applications/Dashcode after installing the developer tools.
You can read more about using Dashcode to develop web applications in the Dashcode User Guide.
Is it possible? Yes.
Is it convenient or pleasant? No.
I'm sorry but from the question, it appears you are trying to run before you can walk. Or possibly even crawl.
XCode is not required to build an iPhone styled website, only to write an iPhone application. You would be better off starting with some HTML-CSS tutorials.
XCode is an IDE. You can use it to build a web application but you must use some kind of web application framework in the first place.
The best option is to use one of the frameworks becoming available and maturing.
In the first instance as has been said look at Dashcode, particularly the latest release as this has templates for web based apps and will actually generate the code for dual, Browser and iPhone app so the resultant code will function in both.
The there are a number of third party solutions of varying quality, ease of use and documentation.
In no particular order there is:
IUI library
jqtouch (this is jquery based)
quickconnect (which has large parts of an OReilly book devoted to it)
All of these give you the javascript and the css to make a web app look and feel and act like a native iPhone app (to one degree or another).
Dashcode is excellent for some solutions as it gives you access to all the Apple tools and has reasonable IDE. The result then runs on a normal web server.
Quickconnect actually has Dashcode templates which you load into Dashcode and build the first part of the app in, then this is exported and imported into Xcode and you completed the project in Xcode and deliver it as a Web App for the iPhone.
Thee other frameworks can be used and developed with any tools, Textmate, Eclipse etc. and the resulting code it then run on a normal web servers
In my opinion, yes.
And while xCode does not target to the web development as other software (like Brackets, DW, etc.) it has a nice feature: a drop-down menu of javascript functions, which would be extremely useful to have in other web development IDEs...
