Oneway sync of Windows folders - windows

I have a folder where I don't want to modify any existing files in.
But I want to be able to add and remove files easily and recognize these files easily.
I thought in something like a SymLink but I want one folder where only the added files are shown and then the source folder with all files.
Is there anything like this? Or do you have a better idea?

Okay I found SyncToy from microsoft.
It has an echo mode which does what I wanted.


Warn user for creating file with same filename in same directory but also include sub directories

I'm looking for a solution that checks for the same filename when I'm downloading files, specifically through Firefox on Windows 10. I know that this feature comes standard when it comes to files in the same directory, but as the volume of files scales up, it's getting harder and harder to find what I'm looking for out of the files I've downloaded.
But since Firefox doesn't have an option to scan sub directories when saving files (nor can I find an add-on for Firefox that does something like it), I'm looking for any alternative solutions that would achieve what I'm looking for in the end: something that will notify me that I'm attempting to download (or have just downloaded) a file whose name already exists in the sub directory of a given folder, whether that be via an add-on, or some kind of application or script that can run in the background. Preferably, I would like it to check the folders inside of those sub folders as well.
My memory is terrible, so I opted to keep everything in the same folder so I would immediately get the warning when attempting to download a file I'd already downloaded. But said folder now contains far too many files for me to realistically glean through to find a particular file that I'm looking for.
I would like to be able to sort these files into sub folders of the folder I'm currently storing my downloaded files while keeping the functionality of being able to immediately tell whether or not I'm about to download something I've already downloaded. All I need is a check to see if the same filename exists upon trying to create a file (which is already a feature) - but in the sub directories as well. I do not need any functionality to actually view all the files in each sub folder in the same window.

Move files to folder in same directory but for 2,000 separate directories

I've searched all over and seen many similar questions but nothing I was able to tweak and make work for my situation.
I have files in a folder like this
And I want to move all of them to
This seems so simple but I can't figure it out. I'm happy to use PowerShell or regular command line or a batch file or whatever works. Thanks for your help.

Visual Studio / Properties / Debug / Working Directory want it permanent but don't want to check in the *.user file

The project setting Debugging / Working Directory in Visual Studio 20015 will be saved by default in the *.user file wich I don't check in in to my repo because it's user specific. Still, I would like to have something other than $(ProjectDir) standing there when I do a clean checkout of my project. Is there an other place to store the Working Directory besides the *.user file?
Edit 1: The original idea is that I have a solution with multiple projects and all the binaries (dlls and exes) created end up in a folder called bin. If I want to debug it, I don't want to always edit the working directory again after a clean checkout.
Edit 2: In a post build step of every project within my solution, I copy the binaries in to the bin folder. If I start one of the executables from within VS, it starts them from the $(ProjectDir) folder, and of course not from the bin folder. This is why it does not find the dlls and why I want to set the working directory. I could change the output directory of my projects but then I get a lot of files ending up in the bin folder I don't want there. I will try it anyway; maybe I missed something. To be continued...
Edit 3: As expected, if I change the output directory to the bin folder, everything works fine except for some extra files that end up there and I don't want that (e.g. *.pbo, which would be okay, *.iobj, *.ipdb, etc.) Maybe that is the price I have to pay, but I don't like it.
So, the question remains: How can I have more control over which file ends up where after a build and still be able to run it from VS without changing the working dir?
The working directory should not have to be the directory that contains your DLLs. In fact, you definitely don't want that to be a requirement for running your application. Not only is it a hugely unexpected failure mode, but it could also be a potential security risk.
Put the required DLLs in the same directory as your application's executable. That's the first place that the loader will look. If necessary, use a post-build event in your library projects to copy them there.
Well since no body can help me I decided that I will change the output directory to the bin folder so VS will start my applications from the correct folder.
And how I can get rid of all the extra files that don't belong there I will find a way later.

Create a folder with a custom extension

So I've been looking around for a bit on a way to do this, and here is my idea:
I want to create a folder, with a custom extension. Similar to how java has their .jar folders, is there any way to package things like this, and still be able to move things between the folders?
For example, I want to use .map, and use it as a folder. So lets say I want to put a ma.png and ma.p inside of a folder, and store all of that inside of a folder named maps, so the reference for the ma.p file would be "maps/".
Any ideas?
Windows cannot associate folders with programs the way OS X does. You can name folders with an 'extension', but it doesn't change its behaviour. In OS X, renaming a folder to makes the OS treat the folder as a file (application). Windows doesn't do this.
You mentioned .jar files: Java archives are .zip archives, renamed to .jar.
You can do what you said in your last paragraph, but Windows doesn't care about 'extensions' in directory names. This is an OS X-only thing, if you ever see such a thing, I can almost guarantee it's a renamed .zip, rather than a directory with an extension.

Delete files from disk that aren't in a Visual Studio project

Can anyone think of a way (perhaps using a PowerShell script or similar) where I can look for *.cs files that are on disk in the folder structure, but aren't included in a project file?
This has come about gradually over time with merging in Subversion etc. I'm looking for a way to clean up after myself, basically. :)
All your .cs files will be mentioned in the project file, right? Scrape the XML, list the files and then do a search on the whole system. Works, but is inefficient.
"Show all files" button at the top of Solution Explorer, then manually inspect?
The PowerShell script in my other post will do this. The script will get the list of included files from the project file and compare that against the files on disk. You will get the set of files that are on disk but not included in the project. You can either delete them or pend them as deletes in TFS.
The script is here:
