find -iname not working in script - bash

Following find command.
find Work/Linux4/test/test/test_goal/spyglass_reports/clock-reset/Ac_coherency06/ -iname "Ac_coherency*.csv"
is working fine when run on shell.
But in perl script it return nothing.
echo "##";
echo $REPORT_DIR ;
echo $FIND_CMD ;
if [ "X" == "X${LIST_OF_CSV}" ]; then
echo "No files Found for : '$FIND_CMD' in directory ";
echo " '$REPORT_DIR' " | sed -e 's;Work/.*/test_reports;Work/PLATFORM/test_reports;g';
exit 0;
Output of script:
Work/$PLATFORM_SPECIES/test_reports/clock-reset/Ac_coherency06 -iname "Ac_coherency06*.csv"
No files Found for : '-iname "Ac_coherency06*.csv"' in directory 'Work/PLATFORM/test_reports/clock-reset/Ac_coherency06'

If you're allowing a list of find predicates to be passed, keep them in list form, one argument to find per argument to your script. As an example implemented in this manner:
# read report_dir off the command line, and shift it from arguments
report_dir=$1; shift
# generate a version of report_dir for human consumption
if [[ $report_dir =~ $re ]]; then
# read results from find -- stored NUL-delimited -- into an array
# using NUL-delimited inputs ensure that even unusual filenames work correctly
declare -a list_of_csv
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
list_of_csv+=( "$filename" )
done < <(find "$report_dir" '(' "$#" ')' -print0)
# Use the length of that array to determine whether we found contents
echo "Found ${#list_of_csv[#]} files" >&2
if (( ${#list_of_csv[#]} == 0 )); then
echo "No files found in $report_dir_name" >&2
Here, shift consumes the first argument from your list, and "$#" refers to all the others that remain after that point. This means that the items you want to have passed as separate, individual arguments to find can (and must) be passed as separate, individual arguments to your script.
Thus, with usage yourscript "/path/to/report/dir" -name '*.txt', initially, $1 will be /path/to/report/dir, $2 will be -name, and $3 will be *.txt. However, after shift is run, $1 will be -name, and $2 will be *.txt; and "$#" will refer to both of those, each passed as a separate word.
For details on the use of a while read loop to read items off of a stream, see BashFAQ #001.
For details on the syntax used for bash-native string replacement, see BashFAQ #100 or
For details on shell arrays, including ${#arrayname[#]} to check their length or "${arrayname[#]}" to expand to their contents, see BashFAQ #005.

If you have a command that is running well on the shell but not on your script, the first thing I would try would be to specify Bash on the command being called, see if this works:
bash -c 'find Work/Linux4/test/test/test_goal/spyglass_reports/clock-reset/Ac_coherency06/ -iname "Ac_coherency*.csv"'
Or even better:
/bin/bash -c 'find Work/Linux4/test/test/test_goal/spyglass_reports/clock-reset/Ac_coherency06/ -iname "Ac_coherency*.csv"'
You could also store the result on a variable or other data structure as needed, and pass it later to the script, for example:
ResultCommand="$(bash -c 'find Work/Linux4/test/test/test_goal/spyglass_reports/clock-reset/Ac_coherency06/ -iname "Ac_coherency*.csv"')"
Edit: this answer was edited more than once to fix possible issues.


Looping over shell script arguments and passing quoted arguments to function

I have a script below that sources a directory of bash scripts and then parses the flags of the command to run a specific function from the sourced files.
Given this function within the scripts dir:
function reggiEcho () {
echo $1
Here are some examples of current output
$ reggi --echo hello
$ reggi --echo hello world
$ reggi --echo "hello world"
$ reggi --echo "hello" --echo "world"
As you can see quoted parameters are not honored as they should be `"hello world" should echo properly.
This is the script, the issue is within the while loop.
How do I parse these flags, and maintain passing in quoted parameters into the function?
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
STR="$(find $DIR/scripts -type f -name '*.sh' -print)"
ARR=( $STR )
for f in "${ARR[#]}"; do
if [ -f $f ]
. $f --source-only
if [ -z "$USAGE" ]
echo "$f not found"
TUSAGE="$TUSAGE \t--help (shows this help output)\n"
function usage() {
echo "Usage: --function <args> [--function <args>]"
echo $TUSAGE
exit 1
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do # loop until no args left
if [[ $1 = '--help' ]] || [[ $1 = '-h' ]] || [[ $1 = '--h' ]] || [[ $1 = '-help' ]]; then
if [[ $1 = --* ]] || [[ $1 = -* ]]; then # arg starts with --
if [[ ${#cmd[#]} -gt 0 ]]; then
top=`echo $1 | tr -d -` # remove all flags
top=`echo ${top:0:1} | tr '[a-z]' '[A-Z]'`${top:1} # make sure first letter is uppercase
top=reggi$top # prepend reggi
cmd=( "$top" ) # start new array
echo $1
cmd+=( "$1" )
if [[ "$HELP" = true ]]; then
elif [[ ${#cmd[#]} -gt 0 ]]; then
There are many places in this script where you have variable references without double-quotes around them. This means the variables' values will be subject to word spitting and wildcard expansion, which can have various weird effects.
The specific problem you're seeing is due to an unquoted variable reference on the fourth-from-last line, ${cmd[#]}. With cmd=( echo "hello world" ), word splitting makes this equivalent to echo hello world rather than echo "hello world".
Fixing that one line will fix your current problem, but there are a number of other unquoted variable references that may cause other problems later. I recommend fixing all of them. Cyrus' recommendation of is good at pointing them out, and will also note some other issues I won't cover here. One thing it won't mention is that you should avoid all-caps variable names (DIR, TUSAGE, etc) -- there are a bunch of all-caps variables with special meanings, and it's easy to accidentally reuse one of them and wind up with weird effects. Lowercase and mixed-case variables are safer.
I also recommend against using \t and \n in strings, and counting on echo to translate them into tabs and newlines, respectively. Some versions of echo do this automatically, some require the -e option to tell them to do it, some will print "-e" as part of their output... it's a mess. In bash, you can use $'...' to translate those escape sequences directly, e.g:
tusage="$tusage"$' \t--help (shows this help output)\n' # Note mixed quoting modes
echo "$tusage" # Note that double-quoting is *required* for this to work right
You should also fix the file listing so it doesn't depend on being unquoted (see chepner's comment). If you don't need to scan subdirectories of $DIR/scripts, you can do this with a simple wildcard (note lowercase vars and that the var is double-quoted, but the wildcard isn't):
arr=( "$dir/scripts"/*.sh )
If you need to look in subdirectories, it's more complicated. If you have bash v4 you can use a globstar wildcard, like this:
shopt -s globstar
arr=( "$dir/scripts"/**/*.sh )
If your script might have to run under bash v3, see BashFAQ #20: "How can I find and safely handle file names containing newlines, spaces or both?", or just use this:
while IFS= read -r -d '' f <&3; do
if [ -f $f ]
# ... etc
done 3< <(find "$dir/scripts" -type f -name '*.sh' -print0)
(That's my favorite it-just-works idiom for iterating over find's matches. Although it does require bash, not some generic POSIX shell.)

bash script not filtering

I'm hoping this is a simple question, since I've never done shell scripting before. I'm trying to filter certain files out of a list of results. While the script executes and prints out a list of files, it's not filtering out the ones I don't want. Thanks for any help you can provide!
# Purpose: Identify all *md files in H2 repo where there is no audit date
# Example call:
# If that call doesn't work, try ./
# NOTE: Script assumes you are executing from within the scripts directory of
# your local H2 git repo.
# Process:
# 1) Go to H2 repo content directory (assumption is you are in the scripts dir)
# 2) Use for loop to go through all *md files in each content sub dir
# and list all file names and directories where audit date is null
#set counter
# Go to content directory and loop through all 'md' files in sub dirs
cd ../content
FILES=`find . -type f -name '*md' -print`
for f in $FILES
if [[ $f == "*all*" ]] || [[ $f == "*index*" ]] ;
# code to skip
echo " Skipping file: " $f
# find audit_date in file metadata
adate=`grep audit_date $f`
# separate actual dates from rest of the grepped line
aadate=`echo $adate | awk -F\' '{print $2}'`
# if create date is null - proceed
if [[ -z "$aadate" ]] ;
# print a list of all files without audit dates
echo "Audit date: " $aadate " " $f;
echo $count " files without audit dates "
First, to address the immediate issue:
[[ $f == "*all*" ]]
is only true if the exact contents of f is the string *all* -- with the wildcards as literal characters. If you want to check for a substring, then the asterisks shouldn't be quoted:
[[ $f = *all* ]] a better-practice solution. (Note the use of = rather than == -- this isn't essential, but is a good habit to be in, as the POSIX test command is only specified to permit = as a string comparison operator; if one writes [ "$f" == foo ] by habit, one can get unexpected failures on platforms with a strictly compliant /bin/sh).
That said, a ground-up implementation of this script intended to follow best practices might look more like the following:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
while IFS= read -r -d '' filename; do
aadate=$(awk -F"'" '/audit_date/ { print $2; exit; }' <"$filename")
if [[ -z $aadate ]]; then
(( ++count ))
printf 'File %q has no audit date\n' "$filename"
printf 'File %q has audit date %s\n' "$filename" "$aadate"
done < <(find . -not '(' -name '*all*' -o -name '*index*' ')' -type f -name '*md' -print0)
echo "Found $count files without audit dates" >&2
An arbitrary list of filenames cannot be stored in a single bash string (because all characters that might otherwise be used to determine where the first name ends and the next name begins could be present in the name itself). Instead, read one NUL-delimited filename at a time -- emitted with find -print0, read with IFS= read -r -d ''; this is discussed in [BashFAQ #1].
Filtering out unwanted names can be done internal to find.
There's no need to preprocess input to awk using grep, as awk is capable of searching through input files itself.
< <(...) is used to avoid the behavior in BashFAQ #24, wherein content piped to a while loop causes variables set or modified within that loop to become unavailable after its exit.
printf '...%q...\n' "$name" is safer than echo "...$name..." when handling unknown filenames, as printf will emit printable content that accurately represents those names even if they contain unprintable characters or characters which, when emitted directly to a terminal, act to modify that terminal's configuration.
Nevermind, I found the answer here:
bash script to check file name begins with expected string
I tried various versions of the wildcard/filename and ended up with:
if [[ "$f" == * ]] || [[ "$f" == * ]] ;
The link above said not to put those in quotes, and removing the quotes did the trick!

How can I use multiple Bash arguments in loop dynamically without using long regex strings?

I have a directory with the following files:
I have a bash function named filelist and it looks like this:
filelist() {
if [ "$1" ]
shopt -s nullglob
for filelist in *."$#" ; do
echo "$filelist" >> created-file-list.txt;
echo "file created listing: " $#;
filelist=`find . -type f -name "*.*" -exec basename \{} \;`
echo "$filelist" >> created-file-list.txt
echo "file created listing: All Files";
Goal: Be able to type as many arguments as I want for example filelist jpg png and create a file with a list of files of only the extensions I used as arguments. So if I type filelist jpg it would only show a list of files that have .jpg.
Currently: My code works great with one argument thanks to $#, but when I use both jpg and png it creates the following list
It looks like my for loop is only running once and only using the first argument. My suspicion is I need to count how many arguments and run the loop on each one.
An obvious fix for this is to create a long regex check like (jpg|png|jpeg|html|css) and all of the different extensions one could ever think to type. This is not ideal because I want other people to be free to type their file extensions without breaking it if they type one that I don't have identified in my regex. Dynamic is key.
You can rewrite your function as shown below - just loop through each extension and append the list of matching files to the output file:
filelist() {
if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
shopt -s nullglob
for ext in "$#"; do
printf '%s\n' *."$ext" >> created-file-list.txt
echo "created listing for extension $ext"
find . -type f -name "*.*" -exec basename \{} \; >> created-file-list.txt
echo "created listing for all files"
And you can invoke your function as:
filelist jpg png
Try this
while [ -n "$1" ]
echo "Current Parameter: $1 , Remaining $#"
#Pass $1 to some bash function or do whatever
Using the shift you shift the args left and get the next one by reading the $1 variable.
See man bash on what shift does.
shift [n]
The positional parameters from n+1 ... are renamed to $1 .... Parameters represented by the numbers $# down to $#-n+1 are
unset. n must
be a non-negative number less than or equal to $#. If n is 0, no parameters are changed. If n is not given, it is assumed to
be 1. If n
is greater than $#, the positional parameters are not changed. The return status is greater than zero if n is greater than
$# or less
than zero; otherwise 0.
Or you can iterate like as follows
for this in "$#"
echo "Param = $this";

Creating a which command in bash script

For an assignment, I'm supposed to create a script called that will "do the same thing as the Unix command, but do it using a for loop over an if." I am also not allowed to call which in my script.
I'm brand new to this, and have been reading tutorials, but I'm pretty confused on how to start. Doesn't which just list the path name of a command?
If so, how would I go about displaying the correct path name without calling which, and while using a for loop and an if statement?
For example, if I run my script, it will echo % and wait for input. But then how do I translate that to finding the directory? So it would look like this?
path=(`echo $PATH`)
echo -n "% "
read ans
for i in $path
if [ -d $i ]; then
echo $i
I would appreciate any help, or even any starting tutorials that can help me get started on this. I'm honestly very confused on how I should implement this.
Split your PATH variable safely. This is a general method to split a string at delimiters, that is 100% safe regarding any possible characters (including newlines):
IFS=: read -r -d '' -a paths < <(printf '%s:\0' "$PATH")
We artificially added : because if PATH ends with a trailing :, then it is understood that current directory should be in PATH. While this is dangerous and not recommended, we must also take it into account if we want to mimic which. Without this trailing colon, a PATH like /bin:/usr/bin: would be split into
declare -a paths='( [0]="/bin" [1]="/usr/bin" )'
whereas with this trailing colon the resulting array is:
declare -a paths='( [0]="/bin" [1]="/usr/bin" [2]="" )'
This is one detail that other answers miss. Of course, we'll do this only if PATH is set and non-empty.
With this split PATH, we'll use a for-loop to check whether the argument can be found in the given directory. Note that this should be done only if argument doesn't contain a / character! this is also something other answers missed.
My version of which handles a unique option -a that print all matching pathnames of each argument. Otherwise, only the first match is printed. We'll have to take this into account too.
My version of which handles the following exit status:
0 if all specified commands are found and executable
1 if one or more specified commands is nonexistent or not executable
2 if an invalid option is specified
We'll handle that too.
I guess the following mimics rather faithfully the behavior of my which (and it's pure Bash):
show_usage() {
printf 'Usage: %s [-a] args\n' "$0"
illegal_option() {
printf >&2 'Illegal option -%s\n' "$1"
exit 2
check_arg() {
if [[ -f $1 && -x $1 ]]; then
printf '%s\n' "$1"
return 0
return 1
# manage options
while (($#)); do
[[ $1 = -- ]] && { shift; break; }
[[ $1 = -?* ]] || break
while [[ $opt ]]; do
case $opt in
(a*) show_only_one=false; opt=${opt#?} ;;
(*) illegal_option "${opt:0:1}" ;;
# If no arguments left or empty PATH, exit with return code 1
(($#)) || exit 1
[[ $PATH ]] || exit 1
# split path
IFS=: read -r -d '' -a paths < <(printf '%s:\0' "$PATH")
# loop on arguments
for arg; do
# Check whether arg contains a slash
if [[ $arg = */* ]]; then
check_arg "$arg" || ret=1
for p in "${paths[#]}"; do
if check_arg "${p:-.}/$arg"; then
"$show_only_one" && break
((this_ret==1)) && ret=1
exit "$ret"
To test whether an argument is executable or not, I'm checking whether it's a regular file1 which is executable with:
[[ -f $arg && -x $arg ]]
I guess that's close to my which's behavior.
1 As #mklement0 points out (thanks!) the -f test, when applied against a symbolic link, tests the type of the symlink's target.
#Get the user's first argument to this script
#Set the field separator to ":" (this is what the PATH variable
# uses as its delimiter), then read the contents of the PATH
# into the array variable "paths" -- at the same time splitting
# the PATH by ":"
IFS=':' read -a paths <<< $PATH
#Iterate over each of the paths in the "paths" array
for e in ${paths[*]}
#Check for the $exe_name in this path
find $e -name $exe_name -maxdepth 1
This is similar to the accepted answer with the difference that it does not set the IFS and checks if the execute bits are set.
for i in $(echo "$PATH" | tr ":" "\n")
find "$i" -name "$1" -perm +111 -maxdepth 1
Save this as (or some other name) and run it as ./my_which java etc.
However if there is an "if" required:
for i in $(echo "$PATH" | tr ":" "\n")
# this is a one liner that works. However the user requires an if statment
# find "$i" -name "$1" -perm +111 -maxdepth 1
if [[ ( -f "$cmd" || -L "$cmd" ) && -x "$cmd" ]]
echo "$cmd"
You might want to take a look at this link to figure out the tests in the "if".
For a complete, rock-solid implementation, see gniourf_gniourf's answer.
Here's a more concise alternative that makes do with a single invocation of find [per name to investigate].
The OP later clarified that an if statement should be used in a loop, but the question is general enough to warrant considering other approaches.
A naïve implementation would even work as a one-liner, IF you're willing to make a few assumptions (the example uses 'ls' as the executable to locate):
find -L ${PATH//:/ } -maxdepth 1 -type f -perm -u=x -name 'ls' 2>/dev/null
The assumptions - which will hold in many, but not all situations - are:
$PATH must not contain entries that when used unquoted result in shell expansions (e.g., no embedded spaces that would result in word splitting, no characters such as * that would result in pathname expansion)
$PATH must not contain an empty entry (which must be interpreted as the current dir).
-L tells find to investigate the targets of symlinks rather than the symlinks themselves - this ensures that symlinks to executable files are also recognized by -type f
${PATH//:/ } replaces all : chars. in $PATH with a space each, causing the result - due to being unquoted - to be passed as individual arguments split by spaces.
-maxdepth 1 instructs find to only look directly in each specified directory, not also in subdirectories
-type f matches only files, not directories.
-perm -u=x matches only files and directories that the current user (u) can execute (x).
2>/dev/null suppresses error messages that may stem from non-existent directories in the $PATH or failed attempts to access files due to lack of permission.
Here's a more robust script version:
For brevity, only handles a single argument (and no options).
Does NOT handle the case where entries or result paths may contain embedded \n chars - however, this is extremely rare in practice and likely leads to bigger problems overall.
# Assign argument to variable; error out, if none given.
name=${1:?Please specify an executable filename.}
# Robustly read individual $PATH entries into a bash array, splitting by ':'
# - The additional trailing ':' ensures that a trailing ':' in $PATH is
# properly recognized as an empty entry - see gniourf_gniourf's answer.
IFS=: read -r -a paths <<<"${PATH}:"
# Replace empty entries with '.' for use with `find`.
# (Empty entries imply '.' - this is legacy behavior mandated by POSIX).
for (( i = 0; i < "${#paths[#]}"; i++ )); do
[[ "${paths[i]}" == '' ]] && paths[i]='.'
# Invoke `find` with *all* directories and capture the 1st match, if any, in a variable.
# Simply remove `| head -n 1` to print *all* matches.
match=$(find -L "${paths[#]}" -maxdepth 1 -type f -perm -u=x -name "$name" 2>/dev/null |
head -n 1)
# Print result, if found, and exit with appropriate exit code.
if [[ -n $match ]]; then
printf '%s\n' "$match"
exit 0
exit 1

bash picking arguments

I want to write a function for when I have something like the following
echo 1 2 3|pick
Pick will then take the arguments and I will do something with them.
How do I do this?
Are you looking for xargs?
pick() {
read -r arg1 arg2 remainder
echo first arg is $arg1
echo The remaining args are $remainder
--EDIT (response to question in comment)
One way to loop through the arguments:
pick() {
read args;
set $args;
while test $# -ne 0; do
echo $1
On each iteration of the loop, $1 refers to an argument.
If I'm not mistaken, the OP wants the same thing I do: you feed it a string, and if the string containes multiple {words,lines}, it presents you a menu, and you pick one, and it returns the one you pick on stdout.
If there's only one item, it just returns it.
This is useful for--to use my particular use-case--a log file viewer script: you give it a substring of a filename, and it greps through find /var/log -name \*$arg\* -print to see what it can find. If it gets a unique hit, it hands it back to your script, which runs less against it. If it gets more than one hit, it shows you a menu, and lets you pick one.
ISTR that KSH has a builtin for this, but that I wasn't all that impressed with it; I don't recall if bash has one.
I am here because I was searching to see if someone had already written it before writing it myself. :-)
UPDATE: Nope; I wrote it myself:
Here's some example code:
[ $UID = 0 ] || exec sudo su root -c "$0 $*"
[ $# -eq 1 ] &&
FILE=`find /var/log/ -name \*$1\* -print |
egrep -v '2011|.[0-9]$' |
echo "$FILE"
less +F $FILE
Since I'm piping the name to less +F I want to grep out archived log files; this is for interactive log viewing.
# Present the user a bash Select menu, and let them pick
# Try to be smart about multi-line responses
# must take input on stdin if it might be multiline
# get multiline input from stdin
while read LINE </dev/stdin
# add on anything specified as arguments
while [ $# -gt 0 ]
CHOICES+=( $1 )
# if only one thing to pick, just pick it
if [ ${#CHOICES[*]} -eq 1 ]
# eval set $CHOICES
select CHOSEN in ${CHOICES[#]}
echo $CHOSEN
done </dev/tty
