Google Scripts Web App: How to View User Session - session

I am using Google Apps Script (GAS) to host a web app. I would like to be able to see the "session" so that if the user opens the page more than once, I can see the session information for the given user/browser. I currently control all that on the client side, but it would be MUCH neater if it were all on the server side (for example, what if an error occurs when fetching the page?). This is especially important for properly handling user logins... it's so ugly handling it all on the client side.
I'm used to applications like ASP, ASP.NET, and PHP which have sessions and session variables. Does GAS have anything like that for their web apps? Thanks!
EDIT: To be clear, I'm running the web app as Me, so I can't tell who is logged in by their Google account. Users don't need a Google account to access the page.

Check out the video on using google analytics in google apps script. It was presented by one of the top App Script developers who uses this technique in his tools. It allows tracking users actions/errors individually and in aggregate.


Xamarin Authenticate and Authorize Users with my Web Api

I've been searching for a solution that makes sense for the past few days, so forgive me if I overlooked something or am ignorant to the correct path.
I have an existing Website built with framework MVC where users register for Individual Accounts and are stored in a MSSQL Database. I'm creating a Xamarin.Forms app where we want users to login with their website credentials.
I've been looking at Microsoft docs to try and accomplish this. In the past I created an Apache Cordova app (2014) that communicated in a similar fashion successfully (potentially in an insecure way) that called the /Token endpoint and Authenticated the user with 'grant_password' flow and returned the user data to the app.
So I landed on this documentation:
However, from what I can gather it basically says this should be avoided moving forward and a MSAL approach should be used if possible.
After reading through hours and hours of documentation trying to make sense of it all, I can't seem to grasp what my options are. It seems to me that in any MSAL flow, users will have to login with Microsoft accounts or other social accounts (facebook, google).
Am I missing something?
Am I going to have to go against Microsoft's advice and end up storing the client_id and client_secret within the Xamarin app source code? Which from everything I've read is a big security concern, especially with Android apps.
References: 1. Restrict API requests to only my own mobile app 2. How to secure an API REST for mobile app? (if sniffing requests gives you the "key")
Any help or direction would be really appreciated. Thank you
Your focus should be on requirements + understanding preferred designs rather than jumping to a technology.
Standard modern systems look like this:
Mobile apps use OpenID Connect to sign users in
Authorization Server issues access tokens to the mobile app
APIs authorize requests via JWTs containing scopes and claims
Aim to make iterative steps towards this type of architecture.
Plug in an Authorization Server, which uses your existing database as a credential store
Mobile app uses AppAuth Libraries to sign users in and receives access tokens
Back end can handle JWTs without data security risks
Your existing back end may have no support for mobile clients, and be too web focused - eg requiring cookies to access data, so may need to be split in be into 2 entry points.
Choosing an Authorization Server (while you are learning) is difficult, because you may not know what you want yet.
The mobile app will spin up the system browser and present a login page from the Authorization Server, so the login UX could be unexpected.
Ensure that you can authenticate from the mobile app, then make API calls with JWTs and ensure that requests for data are properly authorized. This could use ropc and involve a temporary API. But the deliverable should be that your back end now supports calls from mobile apps.
Integrate AppAuth into the mobile app, which is tricky but there are resources online such as Curity Mobile Guides. Update the mobile app to use the Code Flow and integrate an Authorization Server, then deal with connecting to credential stores.
This stuff is hard and reflects the cost of modernising architectures. It requires people agreement as well as the technical stuff. Happy to answer follow up questions if it helps.

Google Analytics Embed API: Display specific account data, not authenticated users

I have this example - Embed API Third Party Visualizations - working locally and on a test server, but I'm unsure of what I need to do to ONLY display our organization's Google Analytics data instead of the user's personal GA account.
I created the project and clientID within our org's Google Account, but I'm obviously not understanding something big here.
I'm completely new to both GA's API and oAuth in general, so while I'm sure this has been answered multiple times, I wasn't completely sure which direction to look in. If someone can give a helpful nudge in the right direction I'll happily be on my way.
Thanks everyone!
Embeded API uses Oauth2 to authenticate. Oauth2 requires that a user give you access to their Google Analytics data.
You want to show your person Google Analytics data to other users. Normally I would say you should use a Service account, a service account gives the application direct access to a specific account it has to be set up like you would add a user to Google Analyitcs. The problem is the Embeded API uses JavaScript, for security reasons its probably not a good idea to use a service account with JavaScript. I also think it may be against Googles terms of service to use a service account with JavaScript. That being said I have never found anyone who has gotten a service account to work with JavaScript probably for the reasons I just stated.
Drop the embedded API and switch to a server sided language of some kind and code it yourself. What you want to do cant be done with the embedded API.

Legal Issue: Remove/Hide links on Google Login page

For the background:
I'm developing a device application which offers connection to Google Drive. My end-users will need to login to their Google Account and authorize my application to access their Google Drive.
I'm using OAuth 2.0 to do this. But my concern is that I don't want users to navigate away from my application using the links on the Google Login page. Basically, I don't want them to use my application to browse the internet.
Will I violate any terms of service/usage if I hide or change the href the links using GreaseMonkey or TamperMonkey? The changes will only be on the client side and I won't alter any processing at all.
I already checked but I found no item related to modifying the pages on client side.
Thanks in advance.
What kind of device? If you’re on Android, check out the Google Drive API and GoogleAuthUtil, you probably don’t need to code your own OAuth 2 support. On iOS we’ve been shipping a bunch of library-ware to help you similarly.
But if you’re doing OAuth 2 via a browser, it would be highly inappropriate to screw around with the Google Login page. Also I suspect that the page will try to resist such attempts, but I don’t know the details.

Using OAuth 2.0 for Devices - Google API - Google Drive

I took a look in some docs at and some questions here in stackoverflow and I really would like to found an objective answer about use the Google OAuth Server to authenticate an application and grant access to download docs into a Google Drive account with NO BROWSER interaction.
As far as I could look, docs like "Using OAuth 2.0 for Server to Server Applications", "Using OAuth 2.0 for Devices", answers here, I couldn't found an article saying "Is possible to authorize an application to get files from a common Google Drive account in Devices with no browser...".
Anyone have tried and had success in this jorney?
The Devices flow is meant for applications that run on devices where no browser is present (fancy example could be a wristwatch that shows new G+ notifications) and requires the user to do manual steps on a device that has a browser. Also this is for getting access to data on the user's account.
As you say you have an embedded application running without a browser available and want to access data on behalf of a user, this is definitely the way to go. This however still needs the user to login (once) on another device with a browser. After you got an access token using this flow, you can then access the Google Drive API either manually or by using some library.
So you want to access data on Google Drive that belongs to a special account and only your application can access it without a browser involved?
A Service Account (the Server-to-Server flow) would be exactly what you need. These however are only for usage on a web server, as otherwise your private keyfile would have to be deployed to a client, where it could easily be extracted.
One thing you could do is use your own web server that fetches data from your Google account using a Service Account and have a client application that only connects to your own web server. This has of course also its downsides, especially when it comes to locking down your web server so no third party clients could access it.
It can be done, but a browser does need to be used. I've successfully gotten OAuth 2.0 working on an IBM i (AS/400, iSeries, System i, whatever the name is today) which doesn't have a browser. I've so far implemented the Calendar and Google Cloud Print APIs.
During the OAuth 2.0 negotiation you will be returned a URL and a code. You need to display the URL for the user to go to, then the code to enter to grant authority for that specific API/scope. I have an example in our documentation here:
But, the issue now is that the drive API is not yet available to devices. But, Google has said that soon it should be.

How to create an FB app without a secure canvas URL

I have a simple app I want to create, which allows you to place any website within your Facebook page on a tab.
Previously, I could just do this without a secure canvas URL, but now it is telling me that I must have this to create the app.
Is there a way around this, as the app does not take any info from anybody, it just shows a site from my server on the page.
Short answer: No. You do not need to provide an encrypted connection if the app runs in sandbox mode but otherwise it is mandatory.
Well, actually people using secure browsing will just see an error message at the moment but judging from recent announcements apps without an encrypted connection will be blocked a bit further down the road.
