Consul set up without docker for production use - microservices

I am doing a POC on Consul for supporting service discovery and multiple microservice versions. Consul clients and server cluster(3 servers) are set up on Linux VMs. I followed the documentation at Consul and the set up is successful.
Here is my doubt. My set up is completely on VMs. I've added a service definition using HTTP API. The same service is running on two nodes.
The services are correctly registered:
curl http://localhost:8600/v1/catalog/service/my-service
gives me the two node details.
When I do a DNS query:
dig # -p 8600 my-service.service.consul
I am able to see the expected results with the node which hosts the service. But I cannot ping the service since the service name is not resolved.
ping -c4 my-service or ping -c4 my-service.service.consul
ping: unknown host.
If I enter a mapping for my-service in /etc/hosts file, I can ping this, only from the same VM. I won't be able to ping this from another VM on the same LAN or WAN.
The default port for DNS is 53. Consul DNS interface listens to 8600. I cannot use Docker for DNS forwarding. Is it possible I missed something here? Can consul DNS query work without Docker/dnsmasq or iptables updates?
To be clear, here is what I would like to have as the end result:
ping my-service
This needs to ping the nodes I have configured, in a round robin fashion.
Please bear with me if this question is basic, and I've gone through each of the consul related questions in SO.
Also gone through this and this and these too says I need to do extra set up.

Wait! Please don't do this!
Please. You can, but don't. Instead do the following:
Run a caching or forwarding DNS server on your VMs. I'm bias toward dnsmasq because of its simplicity and stability in the common case.
Configure dnsmasq to forward the TLD .consul to the consul agent listening on (the default).
Update your /etc/resolv.conf file to point to as your nameserver.
There are a few ways of doing this, and the official docs have a write up that is worth looking into:
That should get you started.

This can be a pretty complicated topic, but the simplest way is to change consul to bind to port 53 using the ports directive, and add some recursers to the consul config can pass real DNS requests on to a host that has full DNS functionality. Something like these bits:
"recursors": [
"ports": {
"dns": 53
Then modify your system to use the consul server for dns with a nameserver entry in /etc/resolve.conf. Depending on your OS, you might be able to use a port in the resolv.conf file, and avoid having to deal with Consul needing root to bind to port 53.
In a more complicated scenario, I know many people that use unbound or bind to do split DNS and essentially do the opposite, routing the .consul domain to the consul cluster on a non-privileged port at the org level of their DNS infrastructure.


map local ip to external/host IP... IP forwarding?

I am running solr inside minikube for a POC. I am trying to figure out how to access the solr inside the minikube. As per my knowledge I cant access solr using my host IP, it is only accessible using the minikube IP - My objective is to hit the solr server when accessing it from a remote box.
One of my team mates suggested that I can maybe use something that will forward incoming request to a local IP.
Any suggestions??
You would need to expose the solr service using the kubectl expose command for external access.
There are four ways to expose a service for external access in k8s:
LoadBalancer service type which sets the ExternalIP automatically. This is used when there is an external non-k8s, cloud-provider's load-balancer like CGE, AWS or Azure, and this external load-balancer would provide the ExternalIP for the nginx ingress service per
ExternalIPs per
NodePort: In this approach, the service can be hit from outside the cluster using NodeIP:NodePort/url/of/the/service.
First you need to get URL of your Service for solr.
$ minikube service <service-name> --url
Here, 30000 is your solr Service NodePort.
Now you need to create SSH tunnel.
For that try this
$ ssh -i ~/.minikube/machines/minikube/id_rsa docker#$(minikube ip) -L \*:30000:
Note: To keep SSH tunneling in Background, add & at the end of (ssh -i .....) &
Now you can access this solr Service using your Host IP address

Kibana web interface not loading

Despite ElasticSearch and Kibana both running on my production server, I'm unable to visit the GUI over the public IP:
Localhost curls return 200 but console errors on the browser report timeouts after a few images are retrieved.
I've successfully installed, run, and accessed Kibana on my local (Windows 10) and on my staging AWS EC2 Ubuntu 14.04 environment. I'm able to access both over port 5601 on localhost and the staging environment is accessible over the public IP address and all domains addressed accordingly. The reverse proxy also works and all status indicators are green on the dashboard.
I'm running Kibana 4.5, ElasticSearch 2.3.1, Apache 2.4.12
I've used the same exact volume from the working environment to attach to the production instance, so everything is identical on the two volumes, except that the staging environment's apache vhost uses a subdomain while the production environment's servername is the base domain. Both are configured for SSL wildcards. Both are in separate availability zones at Amazon. I've tried altering the server block to use a subdomain on the production server, just to see if the domain was impactful but the error remains.
I also tried running one instance individually, in case EC2 had some kind of networking error with but I'm unable to come to a resolution. All logs and configurations are identical between the two servers for ElasticSearch and Kibana.
I've tried deleting and re-creating the kibana index, tried alternate settings inclusive of the host, elasticsearch url, extending the max ping and timeout, max retries, extended the apache limits, http.cors to allow different origins. I've tried other ports but both servers are indicating that 5601 is listening in the same way.
I also had the same problem on a completely different volume that was previously attached to this instance.
The only difference I can see is that the working version pings fine while the non-working version has a 100% packet loss when pinging the IP, although I can't imagine why that would be, as I'm able to reach the website on 80, just fine. I can also access various other tools running on other ports. I assume there might be some kind of networking conflict. Any ideas?
May be port 5601 is blocked by firewall
Allow incoming connections to port 5601 by:
sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 5601 -j ACCESS
For security:
Modify above mentioned command and accept connection only from specific address. (See man iptables)
or use Shield plugin for elasticseach
Sorry, forgot to update this question. The answer turned out being that I simply needed to deploy a new instance. Simply by creating a clone of the instance, I was able to resolve the issue. I've had networking problems at AWS, before, with their internal dns/ip conflicts, so I've had to do so, in the past and this turned out to be the quickest and cleanest solution, albeit not providing any definitive insight into the cause.

Proxying Docker Containers as Subdomains

I'm looking to proxy docker containers as subdomains of the docker host as below. I've seen several solutions that can accomplish something similar, but none really fit our need.
Host Machine: Corporate VPS running RHEL 7.2
Host Domain: (fakename - but it's behind a corporate intranet, not reachable from public)
DNS Server: DNS for is delegated to the host machine, so I need to run a dns server on :53 (this is new, which is why one isn't already setup)
Host IP:
Docker: v1.10
Subnet: dockernet
Subnet dns (docker created): dnsmasq on
dnsmasq on host machine to serve from
proxy all subdomains (* to subnet dockernet so that any container joined to dockernet would be reachable by,,, etc.
have this happen automatically for any container that connects to dockernet
to have containers treated as hosts so we don't have to manually open up ports through docker: ex:
Questions / Issues:
can't start dnsmasq on host machine because docker has already bound - I believe I can configure dnsmasq to not listen on a specific IP, but I'm new to this
what's a relatively easy way to configure this? I was hoping I could configure dnsmasq and iptables to do this, but I'm not sure how to go about it, or if these two could accomplish my goal.
I assume that docker's built in dns for user defined networks is the easiest way to automate container name resolution, but is there an easier way?
My apologies for any ambiguity as I'm new to dns, subnets, etc. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I implemented such dynamic subdomains per containers using nginx-proxy.
This article also explains how to achieve the same from nginx base image and dockergen to generate nginx conf from docker events.

Amazon EC2 and getting a response from my IP address without using the Amazon public DNS

I have tried everything, I can get to my application using the, I cannot ping the address.
However, when I do ping the amazon DNS, it identifies with the IP address of but does not respond to ping.
When I put the IP address in the browser, it times out and gives me the Chrome "Oops", I have went through the Security vgroup several times.
I have checked the server, including the IPtables and the ports that Apache is listening to.
I don't have a lot of knowledge in this area, But I tried everything in the forum and more.
I even created another Elastic IP and associated it with the instance.
Please help.
By default, you cannot ping an EC2 instance, since it is blocked by the firewall (see why can't I ping my instance):
Ping uses ICMP ECHO, which by default is blocked by your firewall.
You'll need to grant ICMP access to your instances by updating the
firewall restrictions that are tied to your security group.
ec2-authorize default -P icmp -t -1:-1 -s
Check out the latest developer guide for details.
Section: Instance Addressing and Network Security -> Network Security
-> Examples
As for HTTP requests - your instance is available and looks fine (I suggest you remove the real DNS name from your post though)...
For ec2 best options is
1) open port 5060 and 10000-20000 udp on firewall(security group)
2) order and attach elastic IP.
3) in sip.conf add
Every time you start/stop that instance attach same elastic IP.
For web access you also need open port 80 in security group

Docker Minecraft Host

I am trying to host Minecraft servers in docker containers on an ec2 instance, and point a different subdomain to each container, for example -> container 1 -> container 2 -> container 3
...and so on.
If these containers were running a website, I could forward the traffic with Apache, or node-http-proxy, etc. But because these servers are running TCP services, I cannot route the traffic this way.
Is this possible? And if so, how?
The Minecraft client has supported SRV DNS records for a while now (since 1.3.1 according to google). I suggest you assign your Docker containers a stable set of port mapping with the -p flag, and then create SRV records for each FQDN pointing to the same IP but different ports.
Google gives several hits on the SRV entry format - this one is from the main MCF site:
I have four MC servers running on the same physical host with a single IP address, each with a separate friendly entry for players to use in the Minecraft client, so none of my users need to remember a port. It did cause confusion for a couple of my more technical players when they had a connectivity issue, tested with dig/ping, then thought the DNS resolution was broken when there was no A record to be found. Overall, I think that's a very small downside.
Doesn't HAProxy route tcp traffic?
