I want to segment a video file, create a playlist, encrypt it with AES 128 bit and stream it and play it using FFMPEG on windows platform.
I am able to segment the video file, create playlist. But i need help with AES encryption.
Below is the command i am using:
ffmpeg -i C:\Videos\Sample.mp4 -hls_time 30 -hls_key_info_file file.keyinfo -hls_segment_filename C:\Videos\Output\file%03d.ts C:\Videos\Output\out.m3u8
In my Output directory, I have 15 segmented video files with .ts extension(file000.ts - file014.ts) and 1 playlist file (out.m3u8).
Now out.m3u8 file is as below:
Why is out.m3u8 file showing only file010.ts - file014.ts ?
Why is is not encrypting all the files?
What about the remaining files ?
What am i missing ?
I am trying to play from local storage an encrypted video using ExoPlayer. The command used to encrypt the video using FFMPEG is as follows:
-i /storage/emulated/0/Download/20210125_193031.mp4 -vcodec copy -acodec copy -c:v libx264 -encryption_scheme cenc-aes-ctr -encryption_key b42ca3172ee4e69bf51848a59db9cd13 -encryption_kid 09e367028f33436ca5dd60ffe6671e70 /storage/emulated/0/Download/out_enc.mp4 - the file is playable using openkey and ffplay, but it won't play on ExoPlayer
The main issue seems the PSSH box seems to be missing when generating the encrypted file
Is there a command option in order to add the PSSH box inside the mp4 file? I think that's why the ExoPlayer is unable to play the file.
I have a single ts file and created a single-file m3u8 using ffmpeg. It looks like the following
The m3u8 file works perfectly but in its creation, ffmpeg re-creates the ts file. I wanted to avoid this and thought I could simply create the m3u8 file myself. I used the following command to get the byte offset of keyframes. However, none of the keyframe locations agrees with the offsets in the m3u8 file.
ffprobe -loglevel error -skip_frame nokey -select_streams v:0 -show_entries frame=pkt_pos -of compact video.m3u8
All of the offsets disagree by 376 bytes. That number is twice the mpeg-ts package size (which is 188). Both locations contains the ASCII character "G" which is the package header for MPEG-TS.
How can I get the correct offset positions using ffprobe that I can use to create an HLS playlist? Does Ffmpeg just subtract 2 packages for safety, is it important?
ffmpeg re-creates the ts file (which is a byte-wise copy of the original)
No, it’s not a bytewise copy. Ffmpeg still parses and repackages the file. You you need an exact copy, downlod with curl, or wget.
The package the offset points to is a PAT (Program Association Table), followed by a PMT (Program Mapping Table). Each packet takes 188 bytes which makes a total of 376. After this meta data, the actual keyframe starts.
In simple cases the m3u8 offset can point to the keyframe directly and the file will play correctly. However, in general cases, it makes sense for the decoder to be given the list of programs right away when seeking into the middle of a transport stream.
I am attempting to create a online radio application using FFMPEG - an audio only DASH stream.
I have a directory of mp3 clips (all of the same bitrate and sample size) which I am encoding to the AAC format and outputting to a mpd.
This is the current command I am working with to stream a single mp3 file:
ffmpeg -re -i <input>.mp3 -c:a aac -use_timeline 1 -use_template 1 -window_size 5 -f dash <out>.mpd
(Input and output paths have been substituted for < input >.mp3 and < output >.mpd in this snippet)
I am running a web server and have made the mpd accessible on it. I am testing the stream using VLC player at the moment.
The problem:
Well, the command works, but it will only work for one clip at a time. Once the next command is run immediately proceeding the completion of the first, VLC player will halt and I need to refresh the player to continue.
I'm aiming for an uninterrupted stream wherein the clips play in sequence.
I imagine the problem is that a new mpd is being created with no reference to the previous one, and what I ought to be doing is appending segments to the existing mpd - but I don't know how to do that using FFMPEG.
The question: Is there such a command to append segments to a previously existing mpd file in FFMPEG? or am I coming at this problem all wrong? Perhaps I should be using FFMPEG to format the clips into these segments, but then adjusting the mpd file manually.
Any help or suggestions would be very much appreciated!
I'm trying to setup a wowza live test server and then I can play hls from my mobile app. It do work without any problem for vod. I can play it in my app. I can also see the .m3p8 file if I enter this uri in the browser.
I tried to do the same in live mode (my goal is to test some streaming parameters for live streaming). I tried to use ffmpeg to create the live stream:
ffmpeg -re -i "myInputTestVideo.mp4" -vcodec libx264 -vb 150000 -g 60 -vprofile baseline -level 2.1 -acodec aac -ab 64000 -ar 48000 -ac 2 -vbsf h264_mp4toannexb -strict experimental -f mpegts udp://
I created a "source file" and connected it to the "Incoming Streams".
I can see in my application's Monitoring / Network tab that it do getting the data from ffmpeg.
My problem is how to get the playlist.m3p8 file so I can play it from inside my app (hls based)?
Again, for now I need a way to test playing with the streaming settings and in real live I'll have a real live streaming source.
If I understand your issue correctly and since you said that it works for you with a VoD and its own m3u8 uri, you seem to not know how to construct an m3u8 uri for live sources referenced by a stream file (not source file as you incorrectly wrote).
Considering you named your stream file for example udp.stream (that's the file including the udp:// address), simply point your hls player application to http://{yourwowzaserver}/{yourliveapp}/udp.stream/playlist.m3u8
You could push it to Wowza as rtsp (much better than udp) and then stream it further on to where you want. To push it to Wowza you probably will need to setup a username and password (Server > Source authentication) and then the output stream from ffmpeg can look something like this: rtsp://{user}:{pass}#{yourwowzaserver}/{yourliveapp}/mystream.
In Wowza you will see mystream in Incomming streams. From there you can access it with the classic http(s)://wowzaip:wowzaport/{yourliveapp}/mystream/playlist.m3u8
Anyways, Wowza support both rtsp and udp so you could use directly. If you want transcoding, ffmpeg will be kinder to server resources than Wowza.
To change the output of ffmpeg to -f rtsp rtsp:// and use it as the input in wowza.
I use ffmpeg to record rtsp stream, it work good but the output file got some proble, when I use use K-Lite Codec Pack to open the output (avi) file the video cant be seek, forward, backward and dont display video time. It lock like i am viewing streaming.
here is the command i used
ffmpeg -i rtsp://27.74.xxx.xxx:55/ufirststream -acodec copy -vcodec copy abc.avi
video playing error with K-Lite Codec Park image
Looks like header file not been updated on output file. It's recommended to close output file by pressing "q" button while ffmpeg reads input stream to properly finalize output file.