Implementing SSO using OpenID Connect and usage of tokens - access-token

Scenario - Legacy application(s) which needs to be authenticated using OpenID connect. We are using keycloak as the IP.
All, I really need is a single authentication mechanism for multiple applications. After authenticating, I also need is the 'user-id' information (claim).
I have the access_token (scope openid). Do I also need an id_token to access the "user-id" information? or DO I need to decode "access_token?

You really need the id_token because only that token tells you who the user is that signed in, where the user signed in to and whether the token was actually issued for your application and not swapped for some other.
The access_token has different semantics: it tells you nothing on its own but could be used to access protected resources. Moreover, the access token could be swapped in by a man-in-the-middle.


Token authentication and SSL

I'm relatively new to this area of securing API. Most of my career was in developing internal products for the use of the organization, or joining a product that has already implemented security (which usually does not change)
When reading about JWT and Identity server, I understood the role of signing and the need to separate authorization and authentication. But, one thing strikes me as odd:
If my user is about to get a signed token and use it to authenticate himself, and there is a "Man in the middle", listening and copying that token, could he impersonate my user? (I believe the answer is yes)
So my best option here is to use SSL on every call to my API. The token being temporary and all is not much less of a threat to security.
So, my question here is:
If I end up using SSL on my API calls, what is the signing good for? with SSL the traffic is hidden anyway and no one could tamper with it. The browser can possibly use the username and password as plain text and they won't be exposed.
What am I missing here?
I think all boils down to what purpose JWT serves in OpenID Connect protocol (OIDC).
In OIDC, ID token is a JWT. And if you go through RFC7519 - JSON Web Token, then you come across Trust Decisions section.
The contents of a JWT cannot be relied upon in a trust decision
unless its contents have been cryptographically secured and bound to
the context necessary for the trust decision
From OIDC perspective, trust decision is to authenticate the end user based on claims contained in the ID token. This can be only done if validation adhere to JWT specification. So basically it is a requirement by OIDC protocol and JWT specification.
Now about SSL. OIDC contains several other calls required to obtain final token response. These calls contain client identifiers, secrets and authorization code (depending on the flow). OIDC is built on OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 2.0 mandate SSL (TLS being the new name). Thus OIDC too require SSL.
In combination, SSL (TLS) prevents attacks during request and responses flow in wire. And JWT's signature guarantee token's authenticity independent of how it was received or which component of your application process it.

JWT and Session: how JWT should be properly used instead of Session

I am working on a project with PHP and angular. For the user sign in, we're using JWT. Still can't understand why we should use JWT instead of Sessions if each time the user browse a component we need to send the token to server code to check if the user still signed in or not.
Username and password will be sent to server code, where the authentication process will happen, and then generate a token and send it back to angular then save at the local storage.
Any comment on how JWT should be properly used.
My question is about the process of checking the JWT when user surf the site and go from component into another.
If you use session for your application... Then while horizontal scaling sharing the session data becomes a burden either need a specialised server .. Jwt are stateless and have no such requirement. It contain following data
Header - information about the signing algorithm, the type of payload (JWT) and so on in JSON format
Signature - well... the signature
Payload - the actual data (or claims if you like) in JSON format
Your JWT already is a proof of your authentication. So you have to send it with each request but you can simplify the authentication logic on server-side.
While on the login you will have to check the credentials you can rely on the JWT's signature and expiryDate. If the signature is still correct the token is valid and you do not have to authenticate anymore.
So regarding your horizontal authentication.
If the called service needs to be authenticated you have to check the JWT for validity on each request (normally works reasonably fast). If there are open api calls you can of course ignore the JWT on server side.
At the end of the day there is no difference to your "session" which will also send some "secret" key which maps your session context. Therefore, it will also be validated.
For some backends you can also use the JWT as your session key to get both worlds involved.
lets say you have two api roots:
(Note that the secured and open are only here for demonstrative purposes)
The secured part will contain all the services you want to be authenticated.
The open part can contain insensitive data as well as your login services:
api/open/login -> returns your token
api/open/token/* -> refresh, check re-issue whatever you might need
So now lets say the user accesses your site. You will want to provde an authentication error if he tries to access any api/secured/* URL without a proper JWT.
In this case you can then redirect him to your login and create a token after authenticating him.
Now when he calls an api/secured/* URL your client implementation has to provide the JWT (Cookie, Request header, etc...).
Depending on your framework, language etc. you can now provide an interceptor/filter/handler on server side which will check:
If the JWT is present
if the signature is valid (otherwise the token was faked)
if the JWT is still valid (expiryDate)
Then you can act accordingly.
So to sum up:
There is no need to "authenticate" unless you want to create a new token.
In all other cases it is enough to check the validity of your JWT

API Authentication and use of OAuth2

I’m trying to get my head around how I would introduce token-based (key-based?) authentication to a web API (currently looking at Sinatra, but maybe Rails too) that would be used by a mobile client and how OAuth would fit into the picture.
So, let’s say I want to create a web service that uses Facebook for authentication and grabbing basic user data. Here, my API would be a client to Facebook’s OAuth Server, requesting an access token upon a user’s successful login to Facebook. This would then grant me access to the user’s data which I would use to create an entry in my database, storing this user-specific token with any other application information I would like linked to them.
I think I got that part right so far, but here’s where I’m a bit confused.
I think that my API would also need some form of API key to grant access to a mobile user, since I wouldn’t want to transmit and store the Facebook key on their device. Would I have to have a separate store of keys which I provide to the client to access my service? Are there any ‘best practice’ ways of doing this?
Would I have to have a separate store of keys which I provide to the client to access my service?
Are there any ‘best practice’ ways of doing this?
The simplest way would be to generate a separate authentication token on every User creation and expose that to the mobile client. Then send it with every subsequent request header.
Devise provides a simple example how to achieve that. You don't need devise for that, just provide some token generation mechanism.
def self.friendly_token
SecureRandom.urlsafe_base64(15).tr('lIO0', 'sxyz')
This mechanism can be extended to provide more security in following ways
Being an oauth2 provider itself.
On successfull login with facebook, you would generate an :authorization_code which the client can exchange for your own Oauth2 Bearer or MAC token within a next step. Then you can send your own Oauth2 token with every request for user authentication.
See rack-oauth2
Implement HMAC token encryption.
Generate and expose a secret_key to every client after singning in. Use this secret to sign messages along with a unique client id. The server can then lookup the secret_key for the specific client_id and verify the message.
See api-auth

Using JWT to implement Authentication on web API

I have been reading about JWT.
But from what I read it is not an authentication mechanism but more like a crucial component in a Authentication mechanism.
I have currently implemented a solution which works, but it was just to try out JWT and see how it works. But what I am after now is how one should make use of it. From my experience of it its basically just an encryption mechanism that gives you a unique encrypted key. You are also able to put information inside of this token.
I am wanting to implement it in terms on a ASP.NET web api 2 to be consumed by a mobile application.
So step 1:
app => Server : Login (user, pasword)
Server => app : Login OK, heres your JWT
app => server : Get my profile (sends JWT with request)
Server then decrypts JWT and determines the requests Identity.
Now this is just my understanding of it, Look I could be on the totally wrong path.
Is the Ideal of JWT so that you dont have to authenticate on every request? I just authenticate the users credentials once (on the initial login) and there on after the server can simply use JWT and no have to lookup the users pw and user in the DB?
I just want to use the JWT to Identity who the user is. I will then authorize then after i have authenticated them. As I know there is a big confused with the new MVC and Authentication and Authorization.
So what my question comes down to.
How can I safely and effectively Implement a Authentication Mechanism Using JWT?
I don't want to just cough something up that seems to work and not have any Idea of the security implications. I am sure that there exists a source some where that has possibly designed a secure mechanism that would suit my requirements.
My requirements are:
Must only have to check db for users credentials once off per session? Due to the use of bcrypt using a lot of resources to compare passwords.
Must be able to identify the user from their request. (I.e who they are, userId will be sufficient) and preferably without accessing the DB as well
Should be as low overhead as possible, with regards to resources on the server side processing the request.
If an intruder had to copy a devices previous request, then he should not be able to access the real users data. (obviously)
Your understanding of JWTs is good. But here are a couple corrections and some recommendations.
Authentication and Authorization
JWTs have nothing to do with authentication. Hitting your DB and hashing passwords only happens when you authenticate on creation of the JWT. This is orthogonal to JWTs and you can do that in any way you like. I personally like Membership Reboot, which also has a good example of using JWTs.
Theoretically, you could have the user enter a password once a year and have the JWT be valid that entire year. This most likely not the best solution, if the JWT gets stolen at any point the users resources would be compromised.
Tokens can, but don't have to be encrypted. Encrypting your tokens will increase the complexity of your system and amount of computation your server needs to read the JWTs. This might be important if you require that no one is able to read the token when it is at rest.
Tokens are always cryptographically signed by the issuer to ensure their integrity. Meaning they cannot be tampered with by the user or a third party.
Your JWTs can contain any information you want. The users name, birthdate, email, etc. You do this with claims based authorization. You then just tell your provider to make a JWT with these claims from the Claims Principle. The following code is from that Membership Reboot example and it shows you how this is done.
public override Task GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(OAuthGrantResourceOwnerCredentialsContext context)
var svc = context.OwinContext.Environment.GetUserAccountService<UserAccount>();
UserAccount user;
if (svc.Authenticate("users", context.UserName, context.Password, out user))
var claims = user.GetAllClaims();
var id = new System.Security.Claims.ClaimsIdentity(claims, "MembershipReboot");
return base.GrantResourceOwnerCredentials(context);
This allows you to control with precision whom is accessing your resources, all without hitting your processor intensive authentication service.
A very easy way to implement a Token provider is to use Microsoft's OAuth Authorization Server in your WebAPI project. It give you the bare bones of what you need to make a OAuth server for your API.
You could also look into Thinktecture's Identity Server which would give you much easier control over users. For instance, you can easily implement refresh tokens with identity server where the user is authenticated once and then for a certain amount of time (maybe a month) they can continue getting short lived JWTs from the Identity Server. The refresh tokens are good because they can be revoked, whereas JWTs cannot. The downside of this solution is that you need to set up another server or two to host the Identity service.
To deal with your last point, that an intruder should not be able to copy the last request to get access to a resource, you must use SSL at a bare minimum. This will protect the token in transport.
If you are protecting something extremely sensitive, you should keep the token lifetime to a very short window of time. If you are protecting something less sensitive, you could make the lifetime longer. The longer the token if valid, the larger the window of time a attacker will have to impersonate the authenticated user if the user's machine is compromised.
I've written detailed blog post about configuring the OWIN Authorization server to issue signed JSON Web Tokens instead of default token. So the resource servers (Audience) can register with the Authorization server, and then they can use the JWT tokens issued by Token issuer party without the need to unify machineKey values between all parties. You can read the post JSON Web Token in ASP.NET Web API 2 using Owin
For the formal concept . The Authentication is the process of verifying who a user is, while authorization is the process of verifying what they have access to.
Let’s see the real life example
Imagine that your neighbor has asked you to feed his pets while he is away. In this example, you have the authorization to access the kitchen and open the cupboard storing the pet food. However, you can’t go into your neighbor’s bedroom as he did not explicitly permit you to do so. Even though you had the right to enter the house (authentication), your neighbor only allowed you access to certain areas (authorization).
For more detailed and for users who like more STEP BY STEP implementation on practical use of JSON Web Token in WEB API. This is must read post Secure WebAPI Using JSON WEB TOKEN
Updated to use: System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt -Version 5.1.4

ASP.NET Web API - Authenticated Encrypted JWT Token - Do I need OAuth?

I'm considering using authenticated encrypted JWT tokens to authenticate / authorized access to an ASP.NET Web API application.
Based on what I've read so far, it seems to me like it is an option to generate JWT tokens from a token service and pass them to Web API via the http authorization header.
I have found some good code examples on implementing the JWT creation and consumption (Pro ASP.NET Web API Security by Badrinarayanan Lakshmiraghavan).
I'm trying to understand if I need a full OAuth implementation to support this, or if I can simply pass the tokens along in the auth header.
Assuming the tokens are properly encrypted and signed, is there any inherent security flaw in keeping things simple without having to use OAuth?
Trying to keep things as simple as possible for my needs without compromising security.
It is not that you must always OAuth when you use tokens. But given the fact that your application is a JavaScript app, you would be better off implementing a 3-legged authentication. Thinktecture identity server does support implicit grant. But if the client application getting access to the user credential is not a problem for you, your JavaScript app can get the user ID and password from the user and make a token request from a token issuer ensuring the user ID and password are not stored any where in JavaScript app (including DOM). This request for token can be a simple HTTP POST as well and it does not need to be anything related to OAuth. If your end user will not enter the credentials in the client application, OAuth implicit grant is the way. BTW, you don't need to encrypt JWT. TIS issues signed JWT and that will ensure token integrity. But if you are worried about the confidentiality, you can use HTTPS to both obtain the token as well as present the token.
It looks like you don't really need auth delegation as the one provided by OAuth. Isn't HMAC authentication enough for your scenario ?. With HMAC, you will not have to deal with JWT at all. This is an implementation I made for HMAC authentication for .NET
