How to generate localized report in JasperReports Server? - internationalization

I've created a jrxml report file. I've added the resourceBundles (pl_PL, en_GB and en_US and the default one also in english) named, and so on. And I have added resourceBundle="test" propertety to the tag. I've deployed the report and all related resources.
I am generating my report through rest API v2, namely:
How do I steer in which locale the report is generated? I've tried the Accept-Language in the header (through postman), also I've tried Chrome extensions and Firefox and Opera for all these clientes the report is generated in pl_PL. The only exception is edge browser in which the report is generated in english (default) locale.

Try to pass Locale via userLocale parameter in URL. Like this:

Well, many years after initial question, but anyway: report itself has an embedded parameter REPORT_LOCALE. You could set it as usual, trough URL. Example:


Modx date formatting not using the correct character set

I have a modx site that outputs some dates on a bunch of different pages in both English and French - it worked fine but now the owner is reporting French dates showing 'funny characters'
The database, modx and page are all using UTF8 encoding, the date value (publishedon) is stored as a unix time in the data base and is called like this:
[[+publishedon:strtotime:date=`%B %e, %Y`]]
Which from my understanding is just using the php strtotime function, however on the French pages the date shows up as:
d�cembre 18, 2018
So the Locale functions are working but not the character set, NOW immediately fog that date is some copy from the database:
"Le 18 décembre"
Using the correct characters, so we can see the encoding for the page is correct, but the function appears to be not using the correct character encoding!?
Modx has not been updated.
Does anyone know what might be going on here and how to set the corect encoding for the output?
there are 2 web contexts defined, English and French. Each has a locale defines as en_EN & fr_FR respectively
the modx_charset is UTF-8 set in the system settings
use_multibyte is enabled in the system settings an mbstring is installed & enabled on the server.
modx version is 2.6.5
Use an utf8 capable locale MODX system setting, like fr_FR.utf8 or similar.
You have to look before, which locales are available on your host.
it worked fine but now the owner is reporting French dates showing 'funny characters'
It's interesting what happened and became the cause..maybe some server updates take place? Sometimes hoster makes an indelible contribution :)
What encoding do you have now in php.ini file?
Additionally what MODX version do you use?
Also please let know what stored for next modx system settings(directly or redefined by context settings):
locale, modx_charset, use_multibyte

Exporting Sonarqube reports into Excel - based on major, minor and critical categories

Is there a way to export Sonarqube reports into Excel - based on major, minor and critical categories?
You can use the REST API, to query the data into JSON text and then export that JSON to a CSV file.
I used the command below to get a JSON response:,REOPENED&pageSize=500&pageIndex=1
Where componentRoots is the your sonar project name.
It gave all the issues in JSON and then I converted it in to a CSV.
The only way is to use the api/issues/search web service
Yes you can use the REST APIs provided with SonarQube to query. The documentation of APIs is also embedded into every Sonar instance as different versions expose different APIs.
We use Python for similar work as response will be in JSON and it will be easier to manipulate. Once you have arrived extracted issues of your liking, write them into .CSV or excel.
Link to web services will be in footer of Sonar Instance.
PS: Expanded answer to offset short-sighted answering. What is provided here is only abstract and not complete answer with query details.
Not recommended by community
With DB:- If you have been using Sonar for long and if you won't upgrade SQ too often you can choose to study table structure and understand how data is organised. We have done this too, but it gets messier with every passing upgrade (more inner queries). Cost of querying will be saved on bulk process of data as ES is not involved
Please try the following command to get all issues in JSON format. Then you may consider to parse output by using jason parser programs.
Replace "XXX:XXX" with Sonar Key defined in "sonar.projectKey" variable on "" file
I used F12 developer tools to create the report. Here is step by step solution:
Before opening Sonar report, press F12 to open developer tools in the browser tab (Refer screenshot). Click on Network tab. Initially it'll be empty:
Open Sonar report in the same browser tab.
Now you have to select a request in URL column (Refer screenshot in point # 4). You've to select that request whose URL is of the format - https://sonar:8443/api/issues/search?. Base URL might be different depending upon the name of the server where you have hosted Sonar website.
Click on Response tab (Refer screenshot):
Copy the entire JSON data to clipboard. First press Ctrl + A and then Ctrl + C to copy the contents.
JSON data that you got is in below format:
Data of all the issues is present inside issues key. It is of array type as it contains a list of issues. Paste the entire JSON data into any notepad editor and get the value of issues node. A sample issues node data is shown below:
,"message":"Filename: jquery-ui-1.10.3.custom.js | Reference: CVE-2021-41184 | CVSS Score: 6.1 | Category: CWE-79 | jQuery-UI is the official jQuery user interface library. Prior to version 1.13.0, accepting the value of the `of` option of the `.position()` util from untrusted sources may execute untrusted code. The issue is fixed in jQuery UI 1.13.0. Any string value passed to the `of` option is now treated as a CSS selector. A workaround is to not accept the value of the `of` option from untrusted sources."
,"message":"Filename: jquery.ui.datepicker-ml.min.js | Reference: CVE-2021-41183 | CVSS Score: 6.1 | Category: CWE-79 | jQuery-UI is the official jQuery user interface library. Prior to version 1.13.0, accepting the value of various `*Text` options of the Datepicker widget from untrusted sources may execute untrusted code. The issue is fixed in jQuery UI 1.13.0. The values passed to various `*Text` options are now always treated as pure text, not HTML. A workaround is to not accept the value of the `*Text` options from untrusted sources."
The JSON array data obtained in previous step is of real use. Convert this JSON array data into an EXCEL file using any online converter. I used the following website -
What if my report has more than one page?
Sonar loads 100 records per page. To get the next page you've to click on Show More button at the bottom:
Every time you click on the Show More button, a new request goes to the Sonar server which will show up in the F12 developer tool's Network tab. So for all subsequent pages, repeat same set of steps to create a new Excel sheet per page. Then merge all the Excel sheets manually to create single master report.
Note: While merging the Excel files, remember that every Excel file will have a header row at the top. While merging the files, you'll have to keep the header row from from the first Excel sheet and ignore from the rest.

JMeter: url encoded embedded resources

I'm setting up some tests with JMeter, and I've seen that it's throwing out an error where trying to download embedded resources inside a web page, that have a path like the following:{someID}
The problem is that the characters need to be URL-encoded, so the following URL should follow this pattern:
Now, how could instruct JMeter to replace these characters, when found on URLs from embedded resources in the web page? I've been looking at BeanShell PreProcessors, but I'm not sure how's the best way to handle this scenario.
You are facing this bug:
Until bug is fixed, your option is to disable embedded download and use :
CSS/ JQuery Post Processor to extract URLs
Use ForEach Controller to iterate over urls
This will only simulate serial download not parallel one.
Update 15th july 2015:
Bug has been fixed yesterday night, you can give nightly build a try:
Installing JMeter runtime
Download the _bin and _lib files
Unpack the archives into the same directory structure
The other archives are not needed to run JMeter.
What about this built in Jmeter function?

Manual Url Culture Rewriting in DotNetNuke Request

I'm working with dotnetnuke 7.
I'm not using any rewriting modules and don't want to use them.
When content localization is enabled, url has the following view:
I want to change manually the display url so, that instead of full culture in query, the two letter culture (neutral culture) will show:
Does anyone have similar problem ?
If you ever change your mind about using a rewriting module, UrlMaster is the module for that. If not, then DNN 7.1 now adds support for creating url providers as extensions. More details at
I am using Open URL Rewriter for DNN - it does exactly what you ask for with it's default installation - no further config required.
And it's open source in comparison with UrlMaster.
In case of you use version 1.3.1 of Open URL Rewriter with DNN 7.04 to get two letters only for multilingual sites you have to make sure:
you create site aliases for each language with the two letter part you desire and
enable those entries as primary aliases (you need one primary alias for each language), for example for two languages (en & fr) you need to set three primary aliases like the following:
✔ us-US
✔ fr-FR

How to get firefox language setting? (REALLY)

I know this question has been answered before, but the answer given is not the complete story:
I went into Firefox's Options->Content and removed all languages except German/Germany, and navigator.language hasn't changed - it's still en-GB (I'm in the UK).
I'm told if I get the German Firefox INSTALL it will work, but I shouldn't need to do that, right?
The useragent string still contains en-GB, too; but the accept-language on HTTP headers IS set correctly. So this seems to be a bug in Firefox, I spent a bit of time wading through their bugzilla, but I can't see this exact bug logged, though to me it seems a pretty huge oversight?
Both navigator.language and the HTTP User-Agent header use the value of the preference "general.useragent.locale", which is hard-coded in to the locale of the Firefox build you downloaded:
Or for your en-GB build:
If you'd like to change it for your build, just load about:config, find general.useragent.locale, double-click it, and change the value.
I would recommend to use a Firefox Add-on for this task. Simple Locale Switcher, Locale Switcher or Quick Locale Switcher etc. (* Caution some of this Add-ons may contain ad ware or may not work if you've just updated firefox).
*Another solution is to download a different old firefox version using the language/locale. (Caution) You need and install it in a different folder so you won't overwrite your existing version. Download here I'm using firefox 28 in Spanish. I disabled updates and I rejected using it as my default browser. Only one firefox version should be running at the same time if you do this.
I would assume that navigator.language returns it's interface language (I assume is GB English), not one that it wants documents in. User-agent string too report which version of firefox was downloaded.
Accept-language is what destination server should check.
I consider this behavior of his quite correct (assuming that it's interface (menus and such) are really in GB english).
in firefore, about:config, modify the value of "intl.accept_languages", to your required locale, let's say de-DE will do.
If you want the Accept-Language value, you can't retrieve if using client-side JavaScript. You'll have to get it from your server.
If you really want this value in client-side JavaScript, then read it on the server and write it back to the client:
<script type="text/javascript">
// setting the accept language HTTP header value
// in client-side JavaScript from PHP
var acceptLanguage = '<?php echo $_SERVER["HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE"]; ?>';
