Complexity class of Towers of Hanoi - algorithm

Given a problem
Given n print every step it takes to move n disks from rode 1 to rode
I need to determine the complexity class of this problem with this specific task. It is clearly not in P as it is obvious that complexity of this problem is O(2^n) and we can't do better as we have to print output of exponential size. My next guess would be NP or even NP-hard but I think it can't be the case as not matter how clever the algorithm is, we can't check the exponential size output in polynomial time even on non-determinant machine. So, what's the complexity class?

The correct steps can be determined from the start without needing a trial-error search to make the right decision. Therefore this problem is not a decision problem, to which classes such as NP apply.
This is more of a function problem. The time complexity is indeed determined by the number of steps to be output, which is 2n-1, i.e. O(2n).
The corresponding class would thus be FEXPTIME-Complete, the prefixed F standing for Function, and Complete signifying that it cannot be done in less than exponential time (like P). It is analogous to the EXPTIME-Complete class for decision problems, i.e. O(2polynomial(n)).
Decision problem
There is a confusing aspect in your question: The problem statement is about printing steps, reaffirmed by "... determine the complexity class of this problem". Yet some phrases down the line, you mention "we can't check the exponential size output in polynomial time". So it seems you mix two different problems:
Generating the (correct) list of steps for a given n
Verifying the correctness given n and a list of steps.
The second is a decision problem, and in that case you would say it is in the EXPTIME-Complete class.


NP-hardness. Is it average case or worst-case?

Do we measure the NP-hardness in terms of average-case hardness or worst-case hardness?
I've found this here:
"However, NP-completeness is defined in terms of worst-case complexity".
Does it remain true to NP-hardness?
I don't know what the term "worst-case complexity" means. What is the difference between worst-case complexity and worst-case problems?
An interesting nuance here is that NP-hardness, by itself, doesn’t speak about worst-case or average case complexity. Rather, the formal definition of NP-hardness purely says that there’s a polynomial-time reduction from every problem in NP to any NP-hard problem. That reduction means that any instance of any problem in NP could be solved by applying the reduction and then solving the NP-hard problem. But because this applies to “any instance” and the specific transform done by the reduction isn’t specified, that definition by itself doesn’t say anything about average-case complexity.
We can artificially construct NP-hard problems that are extremely easy to solve on average. Here’s an example. Take an NP-hard problem - say, the problem of checking whether a graph is 3-colorable. We can solve this in time (roughly) O(3n) by simply trying all possible colorings. (The actual time complexity is a bit higher because we need to check edges in each step, but let’s ignore that for now). Now, we’ll invent a contrived problem of the following form:
Given a string of 0s, 1s, and 2s, determine whether
The first half of the string contains a 1 or a 2, or
Whether it doesn’t and the back half of the string is a base-3 encoding of a graph that’s 3-colorable.
This problem is NP-hard because we can reduce graph 3-colorability to it by just prepending a bunch of 0s to any input instance of 3-colorability. But on average it’s very easy to solve this problem. The probability that a string’s first half is all 0s is 1 / 3n/2, where n is the length of the string. This means that even if it takes O(3n/2) time to check the coloring of the graph encoded in the back half of a suitable string, mathematically the average amount of work required to solve this problem is O(1). (I’m aware I’m conflating the meaning of n as “the number of nodes in a graph” and “how long the string is,” but the math still checks out here.)
What’s worrisome is that we still don’t have a very well-developed theory of average-case complexity for NP-hard problems. Some NP-hard problems, like the one above, are very easy on average. But others like SAT, graph coloring, etc. are mysteries to us, where we legitimately don’t know how hard they are for random instances. It’s entirely possible, for example, that P ≠ NP and yet the average-case hardness of individual NP-hard problems are not known.

What is nondeterministic in NP exactly?

I am studying NP-Completeness and I have a question about the definition of the NP problems.
Material says
nondeterministic refers to the fact that a solution can be guessed out
of polynomially many options in O(1) time
Here, what does it mean by polynomially many options in O(1) time?
For example, in the case of famous 3SAT problem, isn't there a exponentially many options?
(b.c. each literal can be true or false and if there are are n literals, total number of options are 2*2*2* ... * 2 = 2^n)
However, it says 3SAT problem is NP problem. How can it be NP problem even though there are exponentionally many certificates?
That quote seems to be a weird way of phrasing it, but it might refer to something similar to being able to pick a random number between 1 and n in O(1) - there are n possibilities, but only picking one of them takes O(1).
See also: nondeterministic algorithms.
"Nondeterministic polynomial time" is the full definition of NP - "polynomial time" is important - each decision you make might take O(1), but there are polynomially many such decisions, leading to something that can theoretically be solved in polynomial time, if you can make the right choice at every step or execute all options at the same time.
Picture a k-ary tree with height p(n). You can get to the correct leaf in O(p(n)) if you (randomly) pick the correct child at each step from the root, or if you can somehow visit all paths concurrently.
Of course, in practice, you can't rely on making correct random choices, nor do you have infinitely many processors - if you were to visit all nodes sequentially, that will take O(kp(n)).
For 3SAT, we can randomly pick true or false for every literal, which leads us to a polynomial time algorithm which would produce the correct result if all our random choices were correct.

NP - Non deterministic polynomial time

I have seen multiple definitions of NP and I am a little confused calling it as non-deterministic polynomial time.
"NP is the set of languages that can be recognized in non-deterministic polynomial time."
What I understand is that a regular computer (with no randomness) cannot recognize the language in polynomial time but a computer which has some form of non-determinism (coin flips?) can solve that in polynomial time?
Can someone correct me on this? Can you provide me an example where coin flipping actually solves the problem in polynomial time which would have been exponential otherwise?
I do understand the definition that NP includes languages which can be verified in polynomial time but I don't get how can they be recognized using non-determinism.
In fact, coin flip is about randomness and some people mistakenly describe non-determinism with randomness. Let’s say you have the following problem:
There are n doors, and behind one of them there is prize that you want to find. Now, let’s analyze different approaches:
(Note that in order to simplify the description I don’t use asymptotic notations such as big O)
Deterministic: An example of a deterministic algorithm could be opening all doors from left to right one by one; hence, worst case complexity of n operations
Randomized: I flip a coin, if I got tail I will start checking doors from left to right and if I got head I check them right to left. So, in the expected sense I will get n/2 operations. (Exercise: why?) And in randomized algorithms we look for a good average (expected) behaviour
Nondeterministic: Nondeterminism is a completely different story, which is not possible in the real world. If you have the power of nondeterminism, when faced with multiple choices you can try all of them simultaneously. So, a nondeterministic algorithm can open all n doors at the same time; hence 1 operations to find the prize.
Now, an example of something that can be solved polynomially using nondeterminism. Let’s say you are faced with 2 doors (at depth 1), you choose one and you again see 2 doors (at depth 2) and so on until depth n. So in fact, there are 2^n doors at the last depth, behind one of which there is a prize.
Finding a prize using a deterministic approach takes 2^n operations. However, using non-determinism you can open both doors at depth one simultaneously, open the four doors at level 2 simultaneously, and so on. So, you can find the prized after n (nondeterministic) operations
Non-determinism in this case refers to the ability of the computational model to, in some technical sense, "guess" the right (execution) path from among all possible execution paths. A. Mashreghi describes it nicely in his answer.
An equivalent way of characterizing NP is that it is comprised of those problems for which, given an instance I of the problem and a "certificate" C(I) (of which you can think of as a hint to the algorithm), we can verify whether the instnace has a solution in time polynomial in the size of the instance and the size of the certificate. (There is a formal proof of equivalence between these two characterizations. See, for example, the book by Arora and Barak.)

Minimum Cut in undirected graphs

I would like to quote from Wikipedia
In mathematics, the minimum k-cut, is a combinatorial optimization
problem that requires finding a set of edges whose removal would
partition the graph to k connected components.
It is said to be the minimum cut if the set of edges is minimal.
For a k = 2, It would mean Finding the set of edges whose removal would Disconnect the graph into 2 connected components.
However, The same article of Wikipedia says that:
For a fixed k, the problem is polynomial time solvable in O(|V|^(k^2))
My question is Does this mean that minimum 2-cut is a problem that belongs to complexity class P?
The min-cut problem is solvable in polynomial time and thus yes it is true that it belongs to complexity class P. Another article related to this particular problem is the Max-flow min-cut theorem.
First of all, the time complexity an algorithm should be evaluated by expressing the number of steps the algorithm requires to finish as a function of the length of the input (see Time complexity). More or less formally, if you vary the length of the input, how would the number of steps required by the algorithm to finish vary?
Second of all, the time complexity of an algorithm is not exactly the same thing as to what complexity class does the problem the algorithm solves belong to. For one problem there can be multiple algorithms to solve it. The primality test problem (i.e. testing if a number is a prime or not) is in P, but some (most) of the algorithms used in practice are actually not polynomial.
Third of all, in the case of most algorithms you'll find on the Internet evaluating the time complexity is not done by definition (i.e. not as a function of the length of the input, at least not expressed directly as such). Lets take the good old naive primality test algorithm (the one in which you take n as input and you check for division by 2,3...n-1). How many steps does this algo take? One way to put it is O(n) steps. This is correct. So is this algorithm polynomial? Well, it is linear in n, so it is polynomial in n. But, if you take a look at what time complexity means, the algorithm is actually exponential. First, what is the length of the input to your problem? Well, if you provide the input n as an array of bits (the usual in practice) then the length of the input is, roughly said, L = log n. Your algorithm thus takes O(n)=O(2^log n)=O(2^L) steps, so exponential in L. So the naive primality test is in the same time linear in n, but exponential in the length of the input L. Both correct. Btw, the AKS primality test algorithm is polynomial in the size of input (thus, the primality test problem is in P).
Fourth of all, what is P in the first place? Well, it is a class of problems that contains all decision problems that can be solved in polynomial time. What is a decision problem? A problem that can be answered with yes or no. Check these two Wikipedia pages for more details: P (complexity) and decision problems.
Coming back to your question, the answer is no (but pretty close to yes :p). The minimum 2-cut problem is in P if formulated as a decision problem (your formulation requires an answer that is not just a yes-or-no). In the same time the algorithm that solves the problem in O(|V|^4) steps is a polynomial algorithm in the size of the input. Why? Well, the input to the problem is the graph (i.e. vertices, edges and weights), to keep it simple lets assume we use an adjacency/weights matrix (i.e. the length of the input is at least quadratic in |V|). So solving the problem in O(|V|^4) steps means polynomial in the size of the input. The algorithm that accomplishes this is a proof that the minimum 2-cut problem (if formulated as decision problem) is in P.
A class related to P is FP and your problem (as you formulated it) belongs to this class.

TSP vs. Word Unscrambler

Would the task of outputting whether or not a given scrambled word is a real english word be an equivalent problem to the traveling salesman problem? A well known strategy is to generate all permutations of a given word and compare all of them to all the words in the English dictionary. This algorithm would have a time complexity of O(N!). I could imagine that the two differ in an important aspect: once you find a permutation that matches a word, you can stop generating permutations, whereas with the TSP you have to try out every combination of routes regardless. However, I wrote an algorithm which, instead of generating all permutations of a given word with length n, it instead sorts the letters in the given word and performs the same algoritm on the words of the dictionary, then compares the two sorted strings (this method works 100% of the time). My algorithm uses the default Java sort, and after researching, I found that it runs at O(n log n). In total, my program runs at O(n log n) because this term grows the largest as n approaches infinity. This algorithm runs in less than polynomial time.
So, if the problems are equivalent, couldn't you use a similar method to solve the TSP problem? How would this relate to P vs. NP?
Sorry if any of this didn't make sense or I wasn't using the terminology correctly, I'm not that experienced in this field
The fact that there exist algorithms of the same complexity for solving two problems doesn't necessarily mean that the problems have the same complexity, because there could exist more efficient algorithms for one of the problems but not for the other.
The proper way of relating the complexities of different problems is reduction: If you can show that any instance of problem A can be transformed into an instance of problem B in such a way that the answer to the transformed instance is the same as the answer to the original instance, then problem B is at least as complex as problem A (because the algorithm that solves B also can solve A). If you can show a reduction in the opposite direction too, A and B are equally complex.
In your case, there is no currently known way to transform an arbitrary TSP problem to an equivalent unscrambling problem, so it is (to the best of our knowledge) not the case that the problems have the same complexity.
