How to clear OBIEE cursor cache (presentation server) - obiee

I'm having an issue with a prompt in OBIEE 10g, such that it displays old database value due to the prompt query being serviced from cursor cache (presentation service). For example, if the prompt drop-down shows 1 value initially since there is 1 database row and when i delete this row from database, the prompt still shows the same database value unless i manually delete the cursor cache through analytics
Setting > Administration > Manage sessions > clear cache/cursors
Tried checking OBIEE presentation service config file instanceconfig.xml, however there is no such parameter to permanently disable this cache. I referenced the following link, OBIEE 10G/11G - Presentation Service (Query|Result|Cursor) Cache
Resetting these parameters didn't seem to have any impact on the cursor cache, these are still getting generated and are not cleared after the timeouts set. (I have restarted the OBIEE services after changing these parameters). Am I missing something here.
Would appreciate any pointers to get this done i.e. getting cursor cache cleared/disabled without manual intervention as mentioned above (through Settings > Administration).

At some point I also faced that issue. The presentation cache in OBIEE is a bit shady sometimes.
What I did is to add some dummy comparison on the query of the prompt, involving sysdate with enough precision so it makes each query different to the cache.
It's a bit shabby, but at least you don't need any manual intervention... Maybe it can help you.
Good luck!

You may see this issue if using a Presentation variable as well, rather than a Prompt built using a SQL query.
The problem may be due to shared Presentation Services Query Cache, which means
that even when the user logs out, the query cursor cache is still being shared by other users, so it does not refresh the new data after the user logs in again.
The cache file is in
See this document for more detail.
You can configure the Virtual Private Database option in the repository
physical database object and mark session variables as Security Sensitive in
the repository to make the query cache not shared among users. See this
documentation for more detail.


Get time and number of OBIEE 12c users login

My requirement is just to monitor and know how many a user log in per month.I need to count number of logins for a user with the time they login
Can anyone please help me in how to do this?
Is there any log file such as obis1-query log file for queries processing monitoring in OBIEE to get these info?
Not familiar with obiee and if users log in via a connection pool, but if they log in as an Oracle defined user ID, you want a System Trigger in PL/SQL:
create trigger user_logged_in
after logon database
insert into some_audit_table
(user_id, login_time)
values (sys_context('USERENV', 'CURRENT_USER'), sysdate);
Not tested, but that should give you a start. Above example derived from Oracle PL/SQL Language Reference Example 9-21.
User tracking is your friend. You can set up to log information in the OBIEE RCU database (that database you create/configure as part of OBIEE installation), and it includes the login information. Look how to set up it in Oracle documentation, as well as blog posts (look for OBIEE User tracking in Google). Keep in mind your OBIEE version, as the details to set it up have changed in different versions, basically it involves two steps:
Set up the RPD to query to the RCU database and table (mainly, in
your XXX_BIPLATFORM DB user, the S_NQ_ACCT table for general
information, and the S_NQ_DB_ACCT table for the physical
Modify the OBIEE config file or in the EM Beans (depending on
your OBIEE version) referencing the RPD Physical layer you have set
I am going to share with you my finding about my question which has asked. As you may know, OBIEE repository tables, which can be used to show to end users as subject area that this is usgae tracking utility, just track information around sent queries to BI server and not more about users specifically. In this occasion, you can use a method which called enhanced usage tracking for OBIEE that is presented completely here:
This is exactly what you want. All detail information about users activities in OBIEE and even some redundant ones. You can create a physical table, then add it to repository file and display as subject area to end user with any permission. Of course, according to your software environment or implementation structure, you are supposed to make some changes in this manner.
I hope this goes well.

Azure redis cache multiple databases

Whenever I am inserting a key in any one db of the redis cache, it gets inserted in all 16 dbs and removing the key from any one db deletes the same from all DBs. Attached is the screen shot showing the same. As per my knowledge, the DBs are independent of each other and at a time any key should be inserted/removed from the current DB in use. Could anyone please explain the observed behaviour?
The Azure Redis Portal Console currently doesn't handle the Select statement correctly (because each command goes out on a new connection), so you are actually doing a get on DB 0. This is a known issue and we are in the process of creating the V2 of the portal console, which will fix this issue. Rough ETA is sometime in the next couple of months.

Heroku pgAdmin4 hide databases which I am not allowed to access

As the title states, if I connect to my heroku posgresql DB via pgAdmin4 I see many other databases which I am not allowed to access.
I know there must be a restrction DB field somewhere but I cant find it.
In pgAdmin4 its not in the advanced tab as stated here:
StackOverflow similar Question pgAdmin3
Actually, you can hide the rest of databases.
When you fill in all credentials and connections parameters for the serevr, in order to avoid parsing so many databases, we have to white list only those databases we care about.
Go to the Advanced tab and under db restriction copy the database name (it’s the same value as the Maintenance database field filled earlier). Remember - you have to set up this parameter BEFORE you hit "Save" as you cannot modify this field after saving.
You're probably using a Hobby-Dev or Hobby-Basic database. These used shared infrastructure. Although you can see the other (obfuscated) DB's in the list, you do not have access to them. To avoid seeing them, specify the DB name in your connection settings in pgAdmin.

Locking entire database while running a delayed job

My delayed job has something to do with exporting slightly edited version of most of the tables in the app's database, and while doing so, it is critical that none of the current data is being edited.
Is it possible to lock the entire database while running this delayed job?
More Information:
The database to be exported is in PostgreSQL, Heroku's postgresql database, to be more specific.
The flow is something like (all below should be done automatically by the code):
site would be put in maintenance mode,
freeze then export the database, then
when exporting is complete, re-activate the site back
Given there is not a lot of information with your question, I am going to answer you as best I can.
1) What is the database type and model? Is it a standalone DB like MS Access or Informix SE?
2) If not a standalone engine, does this database support replication. I used to work a lot with MS SQL Server, and replication had implications while the database was live and being edited. That is the implications were whether edited data was replicated. In this case, consult the docs. Is it an option to use replication to preserve the current database?
3) What kind of task is this? It sounds like maintenance. Our Informix SE databases lock when being imported or exported. On the production server, it is my job to make sure no local server applications are trying to access the locked DB, and that our external payments web site cannot interfere while the db is locked.
4) If this is a production site that is not in maintenance mode, then I suggest you probably do not want to lock an entire database.
I am sorry for not answering your question directly, but more information is needed like are you asking if this can be done from the Ruby DB interface on some model of db.

Is there a tool for tracing SQLs executed on Oracle

Is there a tool (that already comes with Oracle) for tracing SQLs that have been executed? In DB2 there is something called an 'event monitor' which I use to track the tables that have been updated. Is there an equivalent tool in Oracle?
I plan to
enable tracing
go on the website (that uses the db) and change an entry
disable tracing
see output file and record which table has been updated.
There is a table I am looking that should be updated when the entry is changed. I do not know what the name of the table is (and there are many tables), and so I need to trace the SQL executed to find out.
I have tried:
ALTER SESSION SET sql_trace = true;
-- go on website and change an entry
ALTER SESSION SET sql_trace = false;
tkprof the_trace_file.trc file.out EXPLAIN=system/manager SYS=no
However when following those steps above, no SQLs were recorded.
Is there a tool that Oracle provides? (I would like to avoid downloading external software)
There is a table I am looking that
should be updated when the entry is
changed. I do not know what the name
of the table is (and there are many
tables), and so I need to trace the
SQL executed to find out.
I'm thinking you are using the word "trace" here with another meaning than what is usually meant in the Oracle world.
You basically hit some button in the app, and by looking at what SQL queries are running, you want to find what table that code was referencing? Did I get it right?
In that case, you could have a look at v$sql, and look at columns SQL_TEXT and SQL_FULLTEXT.
The ALTER SESSION commands work at the session level (ie your current connection).
The website will use a different session (probably from a connection pool).
You can enable tracing for all sessions using the ALTER SYSTEM SET sql_trace = true;
The main reason you didn't get anything in the trace file is because you didn't do anything in the session where trace was enabled.
If you'd have done:
alter system set sql_trace = true;
-- fiddle around with the website
alter system set sql_trace = false;
You'd have gotten one or more trace files, one for each session which had activity while you were fiddling with the website.
The problem is that if the website uses connection pooling, your user activity may have been spread across several connections, and may be intermingled with other concurrent user activity.
Maybe Oracle Audit will help you.
Here is a good explanation:
You have to enable audit by setting the parameter AUDIT_TRAIL.
That is at server level. You can audit at client level using a third party sql tracer for OCI:
I find the Enterprise Manager the most useful tool for this. As has already been noted you have to alter the session that the web site is using and not your own. If you set your connection pool limit to 1 connection, you can easily find the session in the enterprise manager and then turn on the tracing. Usually a find the the top queries display in the enterprise manager tells me what queries are taking too long without having to trace anything.
