Do I need to add CHAR(13) in put_line() statement in Oracle to use fflush()? - oracle

I've read that to use fflush() function in oracle, every line in the output should end with a new line character. Will put_line() automatically introduce a new line character that needs fflush() to work ?
What is the new line character (\r\n or \n or depends on OS) that fflush() needs ? And what is the new line (\r\n or \n or depends on OS) character that put_line() introduces if at all it does ?

Yes, put_line() adds the required new line character(s). From the documentation for put_line():
This procedure writes the text string stored in the buffer parameter to the open file identified by the file handle. The file must be open for write operations. PUT_LINE terminates the line with the platform-specific line terminator character or characters.
That's really the difference between put() and put_line():
No line terminator is appended by PUT; use NEW_LINE to terminate the line or use PUT_LINE to write a complete line with a line terminator.
It's slightly confusing that the description of fflush() refers to just "a newline character" while put_line() refers to "line terminator character or characters", but they do mean the same thing - to flush the buffer must end with the operating-system line terminator character(s).
Note that it means the database server's operating system, not your client operating system, since utl_file (and all PL/SQL) is on the server and doesn't know anything about the client environment. It's generally safer to use put_line() or new_line() than to manually add \n or \r\n; even if you know the OS your database is running on now, it may move to a different OS one day.


how to read a file if EOL char is LF

I receive a file from internet, and the lines are separated by 0x0D char
I display it using this tool
When I read that file into Rexx using "linein()", all the file comes into one sigle line. Obviously linein() works fine when file has 0x0D0A as End Of Line char.
How do I specify to Rexx to split lines using 0x0D char instead of 0x0D0A ?
Apart from getting the file sent to you with proper CRLF record markers for Windows instead of the LF used in Unix-like systems there are a couple of ways of splitting the data - but neither will read the file a record at a time but will extract each record from the long string read in.
1 - Use WORDPOS to find the position of the LF and SUBSTR to remove that the record
2 - Use PARSE to split the data at the LF position
One way to read one record at a time is to use CHARIN to read a byte at a time until it encounters the LF.

How to have a Multi Character Delimiter in Informatica Cloud?

I have a problem I need help solving. The business I am working for is using Informatica cloud to do alot of their ETL into AWS and Other Services.
We have been given a flat file by the business where the field delimiter is "~|" Currently to the best of my knowledge informatica only accepts a single character delimiter.
Does any one know how to overcome this?
Informatica cannot read composite delimiters.
First you could feed each line as one single long string into an
Expression transformation. In this case the delimiter character should
be set to \037 , I haven't seen this character (ASCII Unit Separator)
in use at least since 1982. Then use repetitive invocations of InStr()
within the EXP to identify the positions of those double pipe
characters and split up each line into fields using SubStr().
(easier in the mapping, more work with the session) you could feed the
file into some utility which replaces those double pipe characters by
the character ASCII 31 (the Unit Separator mentioned above); the
session has to be set up such that it reads the output from this
utility (input file type = Command instead of File). Then the source
definition should contain the \037 as the field delimiter instead of
any pipe character or so.

Why does carriage return come before new line

There are lots of questions asking what the correct order of the carriage return and new line characters is on Windows (it's \r\n) but I have not found any real explanation as to why this is the case.
\n is the new line character, and \r is carriage return. So, if you have \r first, which returns the cursor to the beginning of the current line - and then \n afterwards, wouldn't that logically insert the \n at the beginning of the current line and just move the current line down one instead of creating a line after?
I mean I understand that when simply writing these to a file it doesn't really matter, but when parsing/reading and outputting the text, it seems backwards to me.
The order is a homage to the typewriter days.
Early mechanical printers were too slow to return the carriage in the time it took to process one character. Therefore the time spent sending the line feed was not wasted (often several more characters had to be sent to ensure the carriage return had happened before sending a printing character). This is why the carriage return was always sent first.

newline sequence counts as one character?

Does the newline sequence or even all escape sequences in a file count as only one character, even though it's written \n?
After I separated a one-line-file into multiple lines, only one character per line was added according to the wc -m output of the terminal.
\n is a way of representing a newline character in various languages and programs but as the name suggests, a newline is only stored in a file as a single character.
The backslash helps both computers and humans to realise you are referring to a newline character without you having to actually type one, which would be confusing in a lot of instances.
The \n notation is usually used for a single character. Use a hexdump to see the actual bytes, for example xxd.

What does \n\r mean?

When reading from a pseudo-terminal via java, I'm seeing "\n\r" in the text. What is that representative of? Note its not "\r\n" which I'm familiar with.
\n is a line feed (ASCII code 10), \r is a carriage return (ASCII code 13).
Different operating systems use different combinations of these characters to represent the end of a line of text. Unix-like operating systems (Linux, Mac OS X) usually use only \n. MS-DOS and Windows use \r\n (carriage return, followed by a line feed).
The code you're using uses \n\r (line feed, carriage return). There are operating systems that use that sequence, but probably it's a mistake and it should have been \r\n.
See Newline on Wikipedia.
If you're programming in Java and you want to know what the newline sequence is for the operating system that your program is running on, you can get the system property line.separator:
String newline = System.getProperty("line.separator");
