xauth and $DISPLAY questions - x11

Below is some steps a developer use to start a manual deployment for a Vitria application. Now we want to understand how to automate this process using IBM UrbanCode uDeploy.
In the multiple entries of "xauth list" output, what does the number 11 mean in "unix:11".
In $DISPLAY=localhost:11.0, what does this "11" mean? Does it related to the above "unix:11"? This localhost means my local PC or the remote server?
To automated with UCD, we will have an UCD agent running under "pyaz5b", do we still need to do all this?
I don't understand why X-Window is required here, because afterwards, the developer just runs "vdadmin" to do the deployment, not from a GUI at all.
All ids below has been changed for security reasons.
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[ /users/qhwms3] :~> xauth list
uavitg04/unix:12 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c29a18c4363b8b65c78b26bf28ec
uavitg04/unix:13 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 aaf848b52f00ab4ce30e8d58209a8
uavitg04/unix:10 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 025d33bb6094e1fac5cbb465333220
uavitg04/unix:11 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c20ec7900e35c679f9263ed64ec8c87
[ /users/qhwms3] :~> echo $DISPLAY
[ /users/qhwms3] :~> sudo su - pyaz5b
uavitg04:/home/pyaz5b > export DISPLAY=localhost:11.0
uavitg04:/home/pyaz5b > xauth add uavitg04/unix:11 MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 c20ec7900e35c679f92d641ec8c87

1) You can have multiple X servers/sessions running in a machine (either on local hardware, using a virtual server or remotely). Numbering for these servers normally start at 0; your DISPLAY variable would then be ":0" or perhaps ":0.0".
However when using X11 forwarding through SSH, the SSH daemon starts numbering at 10. So there are 4 remote sessions on your server, all with X11 forwarding enabled, numbered 10 through 13.
2) Yes. The DISPLAY variabele is used by X programs to connect to the correct X server. The MIG-MAGIC-COOKIE acts as a password so that other users cannot connect to your X session (they are accessible through sockets).
3) I can't comment on that. However, I find it odd to login with one account (qhwms3), then sudo to another account (pyaz5b) and manually add the magic cookie. Why nog login into pyaz5b directly (it does seem to have a regular shell)?
4) If you are not starting an X application, then all this is not necessary. However, some tools have a 'hidden' dependency on X; they can operate in both command line and GUI mode, the latter by specificying a command switch. So even though you are using the command line interface they are still linked against the X11 libraries and sometimes always open a connection. I can't remember right now, there was a popular tool some years ago that had this annoying habit; you couldn't run it remotely unless you had X11 forwarding on, even though you didn't need an X server.


Firefox in AWS instance

I tried to install firefox on my redhat 8 machine.but I get
" running firefox as root in a regular user's session is not supported. ($xauthority is /run/user/1001/gdm/xauthority which is owned by user.) "
Then I try it as normal user then it shows another error.
" Failed to open connection to "session" message bus: Unable to autolaunch a dbus-daemon without a $DISPLAY for X11
Running without a11y support! "
How to install firefox in Rhel8 (AWS EC2)? Is this possible?
I assume you are connecting via ssh (text mode). Firefox needs a graphical environment to run, which is not available in EC2. You will need a text-only browser.
It seems to me that you need something like WorkSpaces, not ec2 with ssh.
The minimum you also need to install with firefox would be the xauth package. This should let you run firefox both as a normal user and while su to root. As root you will need set the XAUTHORITY env variable to point to your .Xauthority file, e.g.
# export XAUTHORITY=/home/sbaby/.Xauthority
This assumes, of course, that you ssh to your server with a X11 server listening for connections. Refer to your ssh client for documentation on how to set that up.

Google Cloud - Compute Engine Cant connect with ssh & serial console works after reboot

Recently in my Google Cloud Compute Engine I have some issues with the ssh & serial console. My VM seems to "crash" about a certain time, all the programs running in this machine are not responding (docker).
I tried to reset the vm & changing os but the problem persist here is Putty Error screenshot:
I tried to connect to the machine via the serial option but it I can't login,it blocks at the login prompt. I tried many times but when i reboot the vm, it works perfectly.
Here is the list of the installed programs :
- Docker
- Docker-Compose
**Docker images : **
* Neo4j<br/>
* A C# program<br/>
* nginx<br/>
* CachetHQ<br/>
* PostgreSQL<br/>
* CertBot<br/>
** My machine : **
Custom, 2vCpu and 5go of memory
Here is the output of cat /proc/meminfo :
I'm about to try to disable CachetHQ & PostgreSQL

How To Enable Unbound DNSSEC DNS Resolver On Mac OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite

I'm using Mac OS X 10.10.3 Yosemite. Very recently upgraded from Snow Leopard (10.6.8) to Yosemite.
Step A
On my MacBook, I login into an Admin type privileged account. I installed the latest free XCode from the Apple App Store. With XCode, I also installed Command Line Tools, etc.
Step B
I installed Homebrew from https://brew.sh/. This is the command-line code I ran in Terminal, from the Homebrew website:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
The script above checks for the presence of various necessary software & settings, and it showed (info & status inside Terminal window, on) what other commands or tools are needed to be obtained or executed. I followed those.
Step C
When Homebrew & related installation steps were done, I then installed openssl & unbound with the brew tool, via command-lines in Terminal:
brew help
brew update
brew install unbound openssl
sudo cp -fv /usr/local/opt/unbound/*.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo chown root /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.unbound.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.unbound.plist
brew upgrade --all
Step D
I restarted my MacBook once, and then tried the dig commands below. They did not show the ad flags in DNS query result, which indicates that DNSSEC authenticated DNS resolving is still not working and disabled!
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.dnssec-validator.cz. +dnssec
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.isc.org. +dnssec
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.dnssec-validator.cz. +dnssec
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.isc.org. +dnssec
The is my (internet router) gateway for my primary network interface/adapter which is connected to the internet. My net adapter is currently using, a dynamic (not fixed) DHCP based IP address.
Unfortunately, the developers at https://unbound.net/ do not provide a standalone Unbound .pkg or .dmg installer file for Mac OS X. They do not actively develop the DNSSEC-Trigger app, either. In Snow Leopard, I was only using the Unbound portion of the DNSSEC-Trigger bundle. I was able to disable the DNSSEC-Trigger portion, and kept the Unbound portion running, after following tips shown in their mailing-list archive. In that way, I did not need to install any XCode command-line tools or Homebrew.
What should I do now so that all apps on my MacBook can use the Unbound DNSSEC resolver for all apps/clients? I want Unbound's resolver to be listening on port 53 for DNSSEC & DNS queries.
These set of steps worked on Mac OS X Yosemite MacBook.
I'm self-answering with general elaboration to make it more clear for newbies, if you are not newbie then please skip whatever is unnecessary for you.
If you don't want to install very large installation of XCode, then see Step E below, first. Otherwise, start with the steps in the original question.
Step E
My own account in Mac OS is Erik-user. It is a standard user account, which I generally use for general purposes.
But the Erik account is for administrative purposes. It is an "Admin" type, privileged user account. I'm using the Erik account.
To enable showing hidden files inside Finder file browser, use the commands below in Terminal:
defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
defaults write com.apple.finder AppleShowAllFiles TRUE
and then log out & log back into your MacOS user account, or restart MacOS. Now "Finder" should show you all files & folders, in [ | | ] column mode.
If you have already installed "XCode" and homebrew, then skip the rest of Step E and continue from Step F.
If you want to avoid installing the multi-gigabyte XCode,
Run this command inside Terminal: xcode-select --install and a new window will appear. In it, select only "Command Line Tools" (CLT) option/portion, even though it suggests that you install full XCode.
Then verify CLT installation: so in Terminal, run: xcode-select -p
If it displays: /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools then CLT installation succeeded.
Mac OS X Yosemite allows you to install only the CLT portion. Some previous Mac OS X versions did not allow CLT without XCode.
Also check if the gcc tool is now present or not: in Terminal, run: gcc --version
Install Homebrew. In Terminal run:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
Please see https://brew.sh/ website for the actual & current ruby command.
Then in Terminal, run these commands:
brew help
brew update
brew install unbound openssl
sudo cp -fv /usr/local/opt/unbound/*.plist /Library/LaunchDaemons
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.unbound.plist
sudo launchctl load -w /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.unbound.plist
If you followed Steps E3 to E5, then skip Step F, and start to follow from Step G.
Step F
The homebrew.mxcl.unbound.plist file (which starts the Unbound DNS server) specifically needs to have proper ownership, so that Mac OS X's system itself can start it during boot or restart. Execute this command in Terminal:
sudo chown root:wheel /Library/LaunchDaemons/homebrew.mxcl.unbound.plist
Note: After upgrading Homebrew apps, we may need to execute this command again, if Unbound fails to start after a reboot.
Step G
Download Lingon from SourceForge. Install it. Start Lingon.
Step H
Inside Lingon, locate homebrew.mxcl.unbound under "USER DAEMONS."
In the "What" textbox, it is supposed to show like below:
/usr/local/opt/unbound/sbin/unbound -d -c /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf
Select & copy that last portion /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf.
Step I
Open /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf with your favorite text editor.
Step J: unbound.conf file content
The unbound.conf file has many pages of configuration info & config-command examples.
See below codes, add only these below config-command code lines at bottom of unbound.conf file or in appropriate section.
verbosity: 1
num-threads: 2
interface: ::1
port: 53
do-ip4: yes
do-ip6: yes
do-udp: yes
do-tcp: yes
do-daemonize: yes
#module-config: "[dns64] [validator] iterator"
module-config: "validator iterator"
auto-trust-anchor-file: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key"
#dlv-anchor-file: "/usr/local/etc/unbound/dlv.isc.org.key"
Note: I skipped showing instruction for DLV DNSSEC, so added the (shown-above) # symbol in front of the dlv-anchor-file line, to disable it. And one of the module-config lines is also disabled, as I don't want DNS64 related resolution, for now.
Step K: unbound.conf file permissions
Set file ownership:
sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf
Set file permissions for different ownerships:
sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf
A short discourse on file permission and ownership
Permission level 4 = read, 2 = write, 1 = execute. 3-digit number is for 3-types of ownership: Owner-Group-Other.
By using Finder's GUI interface, you can also set permissions & ownerships of a file, instead of using command-lines in Terminal: select a file in Finder, press Cmd+i buttons together, go below in "Sharing & Permissions" section, the "Name" column shows list of users/groups who owns ownership, the "Privilege" column shows file's read/write permissions level for different ownership. Change into recommended choices & preference level shown here.
Except for very reliable person, and only-this computer's core (operating-system) system components, no one else (and no other entity) should have the ability to (edit & change or) write, into some of the sensitive files & folders, that is why we need to set "Permissions-level" on files & folders. The "6" in "644" (which is used in "chmod" command-line) is indicating current-user's (aka "Me") permissions-level, and current user ("Me") has ("6" can be broken down into 4+2) read+write level permissions. The middle "4" in "644" is permission for user-type or user-group, and that group/type of users have ("4") read level permissions. Then right-most side "4" in "644" is permission for Everyone/Other/World users and they have ("4") read level permissions.
Step L: Verify unbound.conf
Check if unbound.conf file configuration has any error, by using this command, in Terminal:
sudo /usr/local/opt/unbound/sbin/unbound-checkconf "/usr/local/etc/unbound/unbound.conf"
Step M: Obtaining a root.key anchor
Follow instruction shown in OPTION-1, if you dont have a "root.key" file for "unbound" DNS server/Resolver, and you want to manually create an "initial" root.key file by yourself with very thorough checking, and if you want unbound DNS Server daemon to update that initial root.key, with a working full root.key code & timestamps.
Follow instruction shown in OPTION-2, if you dont have a (initial or working) "root.key" file, and if you want the "unbound-anchor" tool to QUICKLY create it for you.
Follow instruction shown in OPTION-3, if you dont have a (initial or working) "root.key" file, but you have securely obtained "icannbundle.pem" file, from IANA/ICANN authority website, and you want "unbound-anchor" tool to create it (full working root.key) very securely.
Follow instruction shown in OPTION-4, if you don't have a (initial or working) "root.key" file, but you have access to another "safe" or "secured" computer, where you can securely obtain files from authority websites, or you can copy a working "root.key" file from it, for your MacOSX computer.
M option 1: Manually creating a new root.key
A regular user may want to view or obtain (or manually create) correct "initial" "root.key" (aka, initial root-trust-anchor) via HTTPS (encrypted & non-eavesdropped & secured) connection from IANA authority website: root-anchors.xml, or obtain initial anchor from ICANN authority website, and then regular user MUST compare+verify xml file's content code, with local initial root.key file.
Click on the above xml URL-link, and then check presence of a LOCK-icon shown in web-browser's url-bar (which is an indicative that a HTTPS encrypted connection is being used), and also check color of "DNSSEC-Validator" (and "TLSA-Validator") status icon, (it must display a picture of green-colored KEY-icon).
Either download the xml file or copy-paste the content shown in xml file, into the "root-anchors.xml" file, and place/move it in same folder where "unbound.conf" file is located.
And now copy the file "root-anchors.xml" file in same folder, and rename the "root-anchors Copy.xml" file into "root.key".
And edit this "root.key" file (by using nano or Bluefish text-editor app). And change/re-arrange existing XML syntax/format, into the format shown in below "DS" code line. Make sure all numbers & hash codes in "root.key" are exactly same number & hash, shown on that IANA authority webpage "root-anchors.xml" file. Format/Syntax will be different in those two files, but code & hash numbers must be same.
Currently (June, 2015), the 2010-2011 initial trust anchor (initial root.key) for the root zone, looks like below.
. IN DS 19036 8 2 49AAC11D7B6F6446702E54A1607371607A1A41855200FD2CE1CDDE32F24E8FB5
And then set file ownership: sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key
and set permissions: sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key
Codes shown in above "DS" code-line, (which must also be present in INITIAL "root.key" file), is known as "Initial Anchor". Unbound server daemon or "unbound-anchor" tool can update initial file with a working full root.key, with appropriate codes & timestamps.
M option 2: Creating a new root.key with unbound-anchor using local certificates
Another QUICK (short) way (and not very secure/trustworthy way) to obtain+create the "root.key" file, is to, use the unbound tool "unbound-anchor", via a command in Terminal:
sudo /usr/local/opt/unbound/sbin/unbound-anchor -a "/usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key"
With above command, unbound-anchor tool obtains appropriate codes or files from authority websites (if a newer version is found) by using internal certificates, and then creates the "root.key" file, containing working codes & timestamps.
And then set file ownership on it: sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key
and set permissions: sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key
M option 3: Creating a new root.key with unbound-anchor using ICANN certificates
unbound-anchor can also obtain and create a working root.key even more securely, if an icannbundle.pem file is supplied/used.
So 1st obtain icannbundle.pem file securely from the IANA authority website (and make sure your web browser's address bar is showing LOCK-icon & green-colored dnssec KEY-icon), and download the pem file into this directory: /usr/local/etc/unbound
And then set file ownership: sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/unbound/icannbundle.pem
and set permissions: sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/unbound/icannbundle.pem
Then obtain+create a working root.key very securely, by using this command in Terminal:
sudo /usr/local/opt/unbound/sbin/unbound-anchor -a "/usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key" -c "/usr/local/etc/unbound/icannbundle.pem"
With above command, unbound-anchor tool obtains appropriate codes or files from authority websites (if a newer version is found) by using internal certificates, and then checks authenticity of received code by using the icannbundle.pem cryptographic key file, and then creates the "root.key" file, containing working codes & timestamps.
And now we can set file ownership on root.key: sudo chown root /usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key
and set permissions: sudo chmod 644 /usr/local/etc/unbound/root.key
For more detail info, goto: https://unbound.net/documentation/howto_anchor.html and also check https://unbound.net/documentation/unbound-anchor.html
M option 4: Obtaining a root.key from another computer where it has been created
Note: User/visitor suppose to use already pre-setup safe computer & web-browser software to "securely" obtain/download those files (root-anchors.xml, or, icannbundle.pem, etc) from ICANN or IANA authority website. Web-browser software, MUST have "DNSSEC-Validator" (and "TLSA-Validator") (also known as DNSSEC/TLSA-Validator) extension/addon (from this https://www.dnssec-validator.cz/ website), and that computer must also have a local full DNSSEC supported DNS Server or resolver.
And then in such web-browser, a user/visitor can see correct DNSSEC & DANE/TLSA status icon (green-colored KEY-icon), for each visiting websites (which are appropriately DNSSEC-Signed).
If an "unbound" DNS Server/Resolver is used in that "SAFE" & "SECURED" computer, then you can copy that "root.key" file from it, into your MacOSX computer, when you want to avoid going into authority websites & want to avoid checking very thoroughly, and when you want to quickly configure a 2nd/other computer.
Also load these firefox extensions/addons, and then enable "add-on bar" (similar to statusbar) at bottomside of firefox, for viewing more info on web server location & reverse DNS address, and more info on server's TLS/SSL certificate:
CipherFox, Cert Viewer Plus, Calomel SSL Validation, HTTPS-Everywhere, WorldIP, Classic Theme Restorer, etc.
Step N
In your Mac OS X computer, goto "System Preferences" > Network > choose each "WiFi" and each "Ethernet" Network Interface Card/Adapter, which is/are connected with internet in your Apple MacBook computer > goto/click "Advanced" > goto "DNS" tab > (write-down which adapter has which set of DNS Servers in a paper, and then, one by one adapter) remove the DNS-servers which are listed there, and make sure, that, only one DNS server is listed/specified:
Above steps will create+add "nameserver" code, inside /etc/resolv.conf file.
Step O
If you are using 10.10.3 or earlier, then keep mDNS (mDNSResponder) completely disabled. By using "Lingon" app, look for mDNS ("com.apple.mDNSResponder"), check all 4 sections inside Lingon, specially under SYSTEM DAEMONS, click on the text "Show" next to each section, to view full list.
mDNS is re-included back in 10.10.4 (by Apple updates), so if you are using 10.10.4 then disable it temporarily just for these steps-o.
If it is active or found in 10.10.3 or earlier, then uncheck/unselect the "Enabled" option in Lingon to disable it, enter administrative user pass, save/ok.
When mDNS is active, it starts to resolve DNS and it also does bunch of other activity automatically, (like, discovering & configuring UPnP IGD & NAT-PMP, etc) without taking computer-owner's permission or without showing any info (or table of info) to computer's owner, what exactly its doing. So mDNS does not show computer's owner, any information on which apps are allowed by it, to do what, and what port/traffic activities are going on on or through your computer, etc, none are displayed to computer's owner, so mDNS is not an app with some good technologies for people & their computer's safety & security & privacy in mind. And mDNS by itself does not support full DNSSEC either, unless at-least one local/remote BIND or Unbound full dnssec dns server is used.
Step P
If you are using 10.10.3 or earlier, then disable it temporarily just for these steps-p. By using Lingon, find "com.apple.networking.discoveryd" under SYSTEM DAEMONS. Uncheck/unselect the "Enabled" option in Lingon to disable it temporarily, enter administrative user pass, save/ok. We are disabling it, so that it can completely forget the previous/old DNS Servers, which were obtained from network adapter's DNS setting, (it will forget after one restart from this stage).
Discoveryd is removed from 10.10.4 (by Apple updates), so if you are using 10.10.4 then disable it completely, if still exists.
Step Q
By using Lingon, find "com.apple.dnsextd" under SYSTEM DAEMONS. Uncheck/unselect the "Enabled" option in Lingon to disable/de-activate it, enter administrative user pass, save/ok.
Step R
In Terminal, run
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.isc.org. +dnssec
And open "App Store" and see if it can pull homepage contents/items.
Reboot/restart MacOSX once.
Step S
If you are using 10.10.3 or earlier, then enable "discoveryd" back, now, at this stage of this instruction steps-s. Again use Lingon, find the "com.apple.networking.discoveryd". Select/checkmark the "Enabled" option, enter administrative user pass, save/ok.
Discoveryd is removed from 10.10.4 (by Apple updates), so if you are using 10.10.4, then still keep "discoveryd" disabled, if still exists.
If you are using 10.10.4 or later, then enable "mDNS" back, now, at this stage. Again use Lingon, find the "com.apple.mDNSResponder" under SYSTEM DAEMONS. Select/checkmark the "Enabled" option, enter administrative user pass, save/ok.
Many apps use system/default DNS resolving when allowed & serviced by the (above shown) "discoveryd" daemon (aka, Discovery Daemon), in 10.10.3 & earlier Mac OS X, or DNS resolving service is allowed to be accessed by mDNS daemon in 10.10.4 or later Mac OS X. Either of this daemon should be now able to learn & allow other apps to use the new DNSSEC DNS Server service running at port-53, which is specified in Network adapter's DNS settings, (after one restart from this stage).
Step T
In Terminal, run
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.isc.org. +dnssec
And open "App Store" and see if it can pull homepage contents/items.
Reboot/restart one more time again.
Step U
Now in Terminal, run below "dig" commands, and check if query results are showing "ad" in flag, and status is showing "NOERROR". If those indicators are present, then full dnssec dns resolving is working from a local dnssec resolver, running-at & listening-on port 53/DNS. :)
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.dnssec-validator.cz. +dnssec
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.isc.org. +dnssec
dig # in TLSA _443._tcp.www.statdns.net. +dnssec
ping yahoo.com
nslookup yahoo.com
If nslookup or ping worked, then it indicates that the default DNS Server is working.
Remove the "#" portion from above "dig" commands, and check if results are same (that is, "ad" flag is still shown, and if dig results are still showing it has by-default used the as DNS server), then it is indicating, by default local DNS Server is being used as system-wide DNS Server/Resolver (for allmost all apps/tools), and dnssec based resolving is also working.
Step V
Some tools & apps do not completely use other DNS servers, they contain their own internal full DNSSEC/DNS resolving library & related codes or contains partial library-codes, so checking DNS with only such tools are not enough.
You must check it via other apps (which you daily use or) which are known to use system network adapter's DNS servers.
So you must fireup Firefox and Apple App Store, and check if you can see & visit all websites normally, as those apps will be using the "default" (aka, "system") DNS resolver/server, which is now set-to by us, what we have specified inside network adapter configuration.
Step W
Firewall based restrictions & assistance:
By using application-aware firewall + network port/packet control firewall, if we set firewall-rules shown below, then entire system can be FORCED TO USE, only ONE full dnssec DNS Server/Resolver & nothing else:
system-wide/global firewall rule #1: only "unbound" app can connect with any other DNS-Server's port 53/DNS using TCP or UDP connection.
system-wide/global firewall rule #2: any app/software which is NOT-"unbound", can only use one "unbound" DNS-Server running-at & listening-on port 53/DNS using TCP or UDP connection. (So all other port 53 traffics are dropped for non-unbound app/software).
Steps X and Y
Step Z: Notes, Disclaimers, and References
I have followed (and borrowed instructions, and discussion comments from) various other websites, (and copy-pasted instructions & comments here with slight modifications done by me). Some references i showed, under the paragraph, when related content was first mentioned, in this article/answer page. So, for even more detail understanding, please search in ddg/yahoo/bing/google engines with terms/words taken from here.
Different computer may & very likely to have different versions and configurations and components. So you MUST research & use your own best educated knowledge & judgement, before using any of these shown instructions on your own computer at your own risk.

Cannot open graphical application through command line?

I am having trouble opening graphical applications in linux (Sublime Text 2 in this case) through the terminal. I am using Fedora 17. I get this error for other graphical applications that I try to open up through the command line as well.
[root#computer djproject]# sublime settings.py
No protocol specified
(sublime:4202): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0
Also, I get the same type of error when I try to do:
sudo sublime
Note in the command above I was logged in as a regular user without root access. Also 'sublime' is mapped to Sublime Text 2, and I have tested it before in other scenarios, so it is not the problem. Also, I have set this particular user up as a valid sudoer and the sudo command also works in other cases.
While researching the problem I came across many similar cases with no clear solution.
The following link has a user with a similar problem (although using ssh and on Ubuntu, rather than local and Fedora in my case).
Thanks in advance!
I spent quite a lot of time trying to figure this problem out, and came across this thread as I found a fix.
My problem was simply that I was running my commands from within the byobu session. I opened a new terminal tab and successfully ran the same commands.
Since DISPLAY is being defined, this may be a problem with permissions. How are you starting X? (As far as I know normally X is started by root and when you login you are granted access such that these issues don't occur, unless you're running sudo from a different account than the one you're logged into X with.)
You need to provide the correct 'cookie' file to access the session (simply being root isn't enough to get in). For users this is normally ~/.Xauthority, so executing xauth merge /home/<user>/.Xauthority should do the trick.
Alternatively have you tried gksu?
I actually needed this (run an X application from CLI with a different user), and valid workarround is to SSH -X:
user1 owns X
user2 is the second user that wants to run an X program from CLI, in this example, eclipse ide
user1:~$ ssh -X user2#localhost
The authenticity of host 'localhost (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'localhost' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
user2#localhost's password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-44-generic x86_64)
user2:~$ /opt/eclipse/eclipse
I know this is 5 years old post, but I spend much time to solve issue like this on installation of Renderman of Pixar. Then I like to send my solution that maybe helps someone else
The problem is because of this "sudoer (here root) has no access to graphical space". (I don't know it is always or sometimes. I faced this issue on Ubuntu 16.04)
Doing the following solved my issue:
first, start Terminal as graphical user, Alt+Ctrl+T
then, execute these lines
$ xhost add $DISPLAY . 123f
$ xhost +local:all
$ sudo xclock # or any graphical program needs sudoer
Let me know your feedbacks

How do I open port 22 in OS X 10.6.7

I am trying to open port 22 on osx so I can connect to localhost using ssh. This is my current situation:
ssh localhost
ssh: connect to host localhost port 22: Connection refused
I have generated a key and tossed it into my authorized_keys file like so:
sh-keygen -t dsa -P '' -f ~/.ssh/id_dsa
cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
A "Network Utility" port scan confirms that 22 (and surprisingly 23) are closed.
Context: I am working on getting Hadoop set up locally. In my configuration, I am running services on localhost:####s and need to open communications to them via ssh.
How can I open 22? or could I be up against another issue (improperly generated key perhaps?)
I think your port is probably open, but you don't have anything that listens on it.
The Apple Mac OS X operating system has SSH installed by default but
the SSH daemon is not enabled. This means you can’t login remotely or
do remote copies until you enable it.
To enable it, go to ‘System Preferences’. Under ‘Internet & Networking’ there is a ‘Sharing’ icon. Run that. In the list
that appears, check the ‘Remote Login’ option. In OS X Yosemite and up, there is no longer an 'Internet & Networking' menu; it was moved to Accounts. The Sharing menu now has its own icon on the main System Preferences menu. (thx #AstroCB)
This starts the SSH daemon immediately and you can remotely login
using your username. The ‘Sharing’ window shows at the bottom the name
and IP address to use. You can also find this out using ‘whoami’ and
‘ifconfig’ from the Terminal application.
These instructions are copied from Enable SSH in Mac OS X, but I wanted to make sure they won't go away and to provide quick access.
I'm using OSX 10.11.6 and this article works for me.
There are 3 solutions available for these.
1) Enable remote login using below command
- sudo systemsetup -setremotelogin on
2) In Mac, go to System Preference -> Sharing -> enable Remote Login
that's it. 100% working solution
3) Final and most important solution is - Check your private area network connection . Sometime remote login isn't allow inside the local area network.
Kindly try to connect your machine using personal network like mobile network, Hotspot etc.
If you try to enable remote login from a terminal window, you may get a "full disk permission issue". Alternatively, You can enable it from Apple Icon -> System Preferences -> Sharing
I am using Mac-bigSur and this is how I enable it on my machine
You can allow access to specific users also.
As per macOS 10.14.5, below are the details:
Go to
system preferences > sharing > remote login.
I couldn't solve the problem; Then I did the following and the issue was resolved:
Refer here:
sudo launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist
(Supply your password when it is requested)
sudo launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ssh.plist
ssh -v localhost
sudo launchctl list | grep "sshd"
46427 - com.openssh.sshd
