An issue with editable JFX TableView - user-interface

I have a little issue with an editable TableView. I want to display data from the database and also be able to edit then which saves it back to the DB.
Now, I can edit it. I have an if statement which checks whether the value is blank (empty or white space) and it works properly, the item in DB doesn't get updated if the value is blank.
My issue is that the blank value still gets displayed. If I click to edit it again, it displays the proper value. Here is a picture of the issue.
Here is the method which creats the table in my view class.
private TableView<Teacher> createTable(){
TableView table = new TableView();
nameColumn = new TableColumn<>("Jméno");
surnameColumn = new TableColumn<>("Příjmení");
nickColumn = new TableColumn<>("Nick");
table.getColumns().addAll(nameColumn, surnameColumn, nickColumn);
int columnCount = table.getColumns().size();
double columnSize = Math.floor(table.getPrefWidth() / columnCount);
nameColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("name"));
surnameColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("surname"));
nickColumn.setCellValueFactory(new PropertyValueFactory<>("nick"));
List<Teacher> list = new TeacherDao().getAllTeachers();
ObservableList<Teacher> observableList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(list);
return table;
Here is the part of the controller class to handle the edits.
private void onEditAction(){
new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Teacher, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Teacher, String> col) {
String newValue = col.getNewValue();
if(!(CheckString.isBlank(newValue))) {
Teacher teacher = view.getTeacherTableView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
int id = teacher.getUser_id();
new TeacherDao().updateTeacherNick(id, newValue);
new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Teacher, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Teacher, String> col) {
String newValue = col.getNewValue();
if(!(CheckString.isBlank(newValue))) {
Teacher teacher = view.getTeacherTableView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
int id = teacher.getUser_id();
new TeacherDao().updateTeacherNick(id, newValue);
new EventHandler<TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Teacher, String>>() {
public void handle(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Teacher, String> col) {
String newValue = col.getNewValue();
if(!(CheckString.isBlank(newValue))) {
Teacher teacher = view.getTeacherTableView().getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
int id = teacher.getUser_id();
new TeacherDao().updateTeacherNick(id, newValue);
I also tried adding, it didn't help though.

Well, I managed to solve it, here is how if anyone is curious
public class TeacherTableView extends TableView {
private TableColumn<Teacher, String> nameColumn, surnameColumn, nickColumn;
TeacherTableView() {
private void createTable(){
nameColumn = new TableColumn<>("Jméno");
surnameColumn = new TableColumn<>("Příjmení");
nickColumn = new TableColumn<>("Nick");
getColumns().addAll(nameColumn, surnameColumn, nickColumn);
int columnCount = getColumns().size();
double columnSize = Math.floor(getPrefWidth() / columnCount);
nameColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> cdf.getValue().nameProperty());
surnameColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> cdf.getValue().surnameProperty());
nickColumn.setCellValueFactory(cdf -> cdf.getValue().nickProperty());
List<Teacher> list = new TeacherDao().getAllTeachers();
ObservableList<Teacher> observableList = FXCollections.observableArrayList(list);
private void onEditAction(){
private void updateCol(TableColumn.CellEditEvent<Teacher, String> col) {
String newValue = col.getNewValue();
if (CheckString.isNotBlank(newValue)) {
Teacher teacher = (Teacher) getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem();
int id = teacher.getUser_id();
new TeacherDao().updateTeacherNick(id, newValue);
} else {


Custom fields with FormBuilder in the Microsoft Bot Framework - not working

I tried this solution: Custom fields with FormBuilder in the Microsoft Bot Framework
But failed to get it working....The problem I encountered is that when I assign the base.Form = value, the _prompt in the _field gets a default recognizer, and it won't get overriden in the next line's SetRecognizer call, that only replaces the _field's recognizer.
However the matching process uses the _prompt's recognizer internally ( ? ).
Here is my code:
public class LuisIntentRecognizer<T> : RecognizePrimitive<T>
where T : class
public LuisIntentRecognizer(IField<T> field, string luisModelID, string luisSubscriptionKey)
: base(field)
_luisModelID = luisModelID;
_luisSubscriptionKey = luisSubscriptionKey;
public override DescribeAttribute ValueDescription(object value)
return new DescribeAttribute((string)value);
public override IEnumerable<string> ValidInputs(object value)
yield return (string)value;
public override TermMatch Parse(string input)
TermMatch result = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input))
var luisModel = new LuisModelAttribute(_luisModelID, _luisSubscriptionKey);
var luisService = new LuisService(luisModel);
var luisResult = luisService.QueryAsync(input).Result; // TODO refactor somehow to async
var winner = luisResult.Intents.MaxBy(i => i.Score ?? 0d);
if (winner != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(winner.Intent))
result = new TermMatch(0, winner.Intent.Length, 0.0, winner.Intent);
result = new TermMatch(0, input.Length, 0.0, input);
return result;
public override string Help(T state, object defaultValue)
var prompt = new Prompter<T>(_field.Template(TemplateUsage.StringHelp), _field.Form, null);
var args = HelpArgs(state, defaultValue);
return prompt.Prompt(state, _field.Name, args.ToArray()).Prompt;
private string _luisModelID;
private string _luisSubscriptionKey;
public class LuisIntentField<T> : FieldReflector<T>
where T : class
public LuisIntentField(string name, string luisModelID, string luisSubscriptionKey, bool ignoreAnnotations = false)
: base(name, ignoreAnnotations)
_luisModelID = luisModelID;
_luisSubscriptionKey = luisSubscriptionKey;
public override IForm<T> Form
base.Form = value;
base.SetRecognizer(new LuisIntentRecognizer<T>(this, _luisModelID, _luisSubscriptionKey));
private string _luisModelID;
private string _luisSubscriptionKey;
Could anyone get it working?
It seems to be a bug in the framework indeed:

How to use a modal pop up to update data in a grid with a custom cell

I would like to be able to use a modal window to present the contents of a column to the user for editing. I am not able to make this work, and I am not sure where I am going wrong.
I have provided a button in the table which will indicate if there are additional details (in this case comments). When the user selects the button, I want to open a modal dialog to enter the data and when it closes, update the field.
I have gotten the majority of this wired up, but the data is not making it back to my model. I have tried several things, and all without results. It appears that the commit edit call I am making is not seeing the field as in "edit mode" and just skips.
This is my code for my custom table cell:
public class CommentTableCell<T> extends TableCell<T, String> {
private Button actionBtn;
private TextArea textArea;
public CommentTableCell(TableColumn<T, String> column) {
actionBtn = new Button("my action");
actionBtn.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Select to add/edit comments..."));
actionBtn.setOnAction(new EventHandler<ActionEvent>() {
public void handle(ActionEvent event) {
System.out.println("Action: "+getItem());
Stage commentStage = new Stage();
AnchorPane ap = new AnchorPane();
textArea = new TextArea();
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
Scene commentScene = new Scene (ap, 200, 200);
commentStage.setOnCloseRequest(a -> {
// I have tried with an column.setOnEditCommit() as well as what is noted below which I found here, passing in the column.
final TableView<T> tableView = getTableView();
tableView.edit(tableView.getSelectionModel().getSelectedIndex(), column);
public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item != null && item.length() > 0) {
} else if (!empty) {
} else {
During the execution it hits the commitEdit() call and the following has isEditing in the TableCell as null:
#Override public void commitEdit(T newValue) {
if (! isEditing()) return;
My table looks basically like this:
TableView<SomeDTO> addressTableView = new TableView()
commentsColumn.setCellValueFactory(cellValue -> cellValue.getValue().commentsProperty());
commentsColumn.setCellFactory(tc -> new CommentTableCell<SomeDTO>(commentsColumn));
I have found a solution to my issue - though I am not sure it is the best way or not.
I have changed my CommentTableCell as follows and it seems to work like a charm..
public class CommentTableCell<T> extends TableCell<T, String> {
private Button actionBtn;
public CommentTableCell() {
actionBtn = new Button("my action");
actionBtn.setTooltip(new Tooltip("Select to add/edit comments..."));
actionBtn.setOnAction(event ->
Stage commentStage = new Stage();
AnchorPane ap = new AnchorPane();
TextArea textArea = new TextArea();
AnchorPane.setTopAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setBottomAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setLeftAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
AnchorPane.setRightAnchor(textArea, 5.0);
Scene commentScene = new Scene (ap, 200, 200);
if(getItem() != null) {
String myValue = getItem();
commentStage.setOnCloseRequest(a -> {
#SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "rawtypes"})
public void commitEdit(String item) {
if (isEditing()) {
} else {
final TableView table = getTableView();
if (table != null) {
TablePosition position = new TablePosition(getTableView(),
getTableRow().getIndex(), getTableColumn());
CellEditEvent editEvent = new CellEditEvent(table, position,
TableColumn.editCommitEvent(), item);
Event.fireEvent(getTableColumn(), editEvent);
updateItem(item, false);
if (table != null) {
table.edit(-1, null);
public void updateItem(String item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
if (item != null && item.length() > 0) {
} else if (!empty) {
} else {

Fragment with update of detail layout

I have programmed an Android App with fragments. A ListView fragment and a detail fragment.
What I wanna do is, if someone clicks inside the detail activity, a layout which is "View.Gone" should be "View.Visible". The code works without errors but nothing changed on the screen.
You can see it in Detail fragment code where a clik event on the ImageButton btn is.
What do i wrong?
What is the best way to update the detail screen? If someone has a small example or could write me where in my code I have to change what, it makes me happy :-)
Thanks a lot
The FragmentActivity:
public class CacheFragment extends SherlockFragmentActivity {
CacheListFragment f;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
f = new CacheListFragment();
// Supply index input as an argument.
Bundle args = new Bundle();
Here's the Detail Fragment, where you can see whatt should happen if someone clicks on the Imagebutton:
public class CacheDetailsFragment extends SherlockFragment implements OnClickListener {
private CacheDetailsLoading cdLoad= new CacheDetailsLoading();
private static GeocacheDetails _cacheDetails = new GeocacheDetails();
private static GCRatingTyp _cacheVote = new GCRatingTyp();
private CacheDetailsUsing cdUsing = new CacheDetailsUsing();
private Activity _context;
private static CacheDetailsFragment f;
private View view;
* Create a new instance of DetailsFragment, initialized to
* show the text at 'index'.
public static CacheDetailsFragment newInstance(int index ) {
f = new CacheDetailsFragment();
// Supply index input as an argument.
Bundle args = new Bundle();
args.putInt("index", index);
return f;
public int getShownIndex() {
return getArguments().getInt("index", 0);
public void setCacheDetail(GeocacheDetails cacheDetails)
_cacheDetails = cacheDetails;
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (container == null) {
return null;
Bundle bundle=getArguments();
_cacheVote= bundle.getParcelable("cacheVote");
int index = bundle.getInt("index");
_context = getActivity();
view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_cachedetails, container,false);
((RelativeLayout) view.findViewById(;
((RelativeLayout) view.findViewById(;
ImageButton btn = (ImageButton) view.findViewById(;
btn.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v)
if(((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById( == View.GONE)
((ImageButton) getActivity().findViewById(;
((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;
((ImageButton) getActivity().findViewById(;
((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById(;
return view;
Now the Listfragment:
public class CacheListFragment extends SherlockListFragment {
boolean isDualPane;
int mCurCheckPosition = 0;
private CacheListArrayAdapter _adapter;
private SharedPrefs _sp= new SharedPrefs();
private double latitude=0;
private double longitude=0;
public void onActivityCreated(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
latitude =Double.parseDouble(_sp.getSharedPrefs(getActivity(), LibraryDefaults.PROGRAMMNAME, "Latitude", "0"));
longitude =Double.parseDouble(_sp.getSharedPrefs(getActivity(), LibraryDefaults.PROGRAMMNAME, "Longitude", "0"));
// Check to see if we have a frame in which to embed the details
// fragment directly in the containing UI.
View detailsFrame = getActivity().findViewById(;
isDualPane = detailsFrame != null && detailsFrame.getVisibility() == View.VISIBLE;
Bundle bundle = getActivity().getIntent().getExtras();
if(bundle != null && bundle.containsKey("Titel"))
((TextView) getActivity().findViewById("Titel"));
((TextView) getActivity().findViewById(;
if (StaticCacheListByGroup.getCacheList() != null)
GeocachingCompass gc = new GeocachingCompass(getActivity());
_adapter = new CacheListArrayAdapter(getActivity(), StaticCacheListByGroup.getCacheList(), longitude,latitude);
_adapter.setActualCoordinates(new LatLng(latitude,longitude));
if (_adapter != null)
if (savedInstanceState != null) {
// Restore last state for checked position.
mCurCheckPosition = savedInstanceState.getInt("curChoice", 0);
getListView().setDivider(getResources().getDrawable( R.color.divider));
if (isDualPane) {
// In dual-pane mode, the list view highlights the selected item.
public void onResume() {
GeocachingCompass gc = new GeocachingCompass(getActivity());
_adapter = new CacheListArrayAdapter(getActivity(), StaticCacheListByGroup.getCacheList(), longitude,latitude);
_adapter.setActualCoordinates(new LatLng(latitude,longitude));
if (_adapter != null)
public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) {
outState.putInt("curChoice", mCurCheckPosition);
public void onListItemClick(ListView l, View v, int position, long id) {
* Helper function to show the details of a selected item, either by
* displaying a fragment in-place in the current UI, or starting a
* whole new activity in which it is displayed.
void showDetails(int index) {
mCurCheckPosition = index;
ReadGCVote getVote = new ReadGCVote();
GeocacheDetails cacheDetails = new GeocacheDetails();
if (isDualPane) {
// We can display everything in-place with fragments, so update
// the list to highlight the selected item and show the data.
getListView().setItemChecked(index, true);
// Check what fragment is currently shown, replace if needed.
CacheDetailsFragment details = (CacheDetailsFragment)
if (details == null || details.getShownIndex() != index) {
// Make new fragment to show this selection.
details = CacheDetailsFragment.newInstance(index);
// Execute a transaction, replacing any existing fragment
// with this one inside the frame.
FragmentTransaction ft = getActivity().getSupportFragmentManager().beginTransaction();
ft.replace(, details);
} else {
// Otherwise we need to launch a new activity to display
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClass(getActivity(), CacheDetailsActivity.class);
intent.putExtra("index", index);
intent.putExtra("cacheVote",getVote.getGCVoteByCacheGuid( StaticGCVoteList.getCacheList(), cacheDetails.GetGUID()));
I found the bug :-)
In the code snippet of the Detail Fragment ...
public void onClick(View v)
if(((RelativeLayout) getActivity().findViewById( == View.GONE)
} shouldn't use "getActivity()" use "view" from "view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.list_cachedetails, container,false);"
Then it will work

Updating a datatable in Wicket

We are developing a new application in Wicket and have run into a small problem.
What we do:
1) create a new SortableDataProvider
2) create a new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom
3) create a new WebMarkupContainer
4) add the DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom to the WebMarkupContainer
5) create a new AjaxCheckBox
6) in the onUpdate of the AjaxCheckBox, add the WebMarkupContainer to the AjaxRequestTarget
7) set the SortableDataProvider to a new SortableDataProvider (with the updated query)
8) DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom - with the new provider).
What happends:
1) Click the checkbox -> nothing happends.
2) Click it again -> crash: "Last cause: This method can only be called on a component that has already been added to its parent.
WicketMessage: Method onRequest of interface org.apache.wicket.behavior.IBehaviorListener targeted at org.apache.wicket.ajax.markup.html.form.AjaxCheckBox$1#1a2fefd on component [ [Component id = checkBox]] threw an exception"
3) Click back in the browser -> the list i filtered with the new provider.
Any ideas?
Here's some code.
1) In the constructor of the WebPage:
model = new Model(projectPlannerService);
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isChecked);
table = new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50);
listContainer = new WebMarkupContainer("wmc");
* checkbox för filtrering
AjaxCheckBox checkBox = new AjaxCheckBox("checkBox", new Model()) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
target.add(listContainer, "wmc");
isChecked = !isChecked;
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isChecked);
2) In updateTable():
table.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50));
3) The SortableProjectDataProvider:
// Constructor
public SortableProjectDataProvider(IModel<?> model, WebSession webSession, boolean isChecked) {
this.model = model;
this.projectPlannerService = (ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject();
this.webSession = webSession;
setSort("customer", SortOrder.ASCENDING);
System.out.println("ischecked:" + isChecked);
list = ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findAllProjects();
list = ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findAllActiveProjects();
System.out.println("size: " + list.size());
comparator = new ProjectComparator();
public Iterator<Project> iterator(int first, int count) {
Collections.sort(list, comparator);
if (first > list.size()) {
first = 0;
if (first + count > list.size()) {
return list.subList(first, list.size()).iterator();
} else {
return list.subList(first, first + count).iterator();
public IModel<Project> model(Project object) {
return new DetachableProjectModel((Project) object);
public int size() {
return list.size();
private class DetachableProjectModel extends LoadableDetachableModel {
private Long id;
ProjectPlannerService projectPlannerService;
public DetachableProjectModel(Long id) {
if (id == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
} = id;
public DetachableProjectModel(Project project) {
public int hashCode() {
return id.hashCode();
public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
} else if (obj == null) {
return false;
} else if (obj instanceof DetachableProjectModel) {
DetachableProjectModel other = (DetachableProjectModel) obj;
return ==;
return false;
protected Object load() {
return ((ProjectPlannerService) model.getObject()).findProjectById(id);
-input wicket:id="checkBox" type="checkbox"- Show active -/input-
-div wicket:id="wmc"-
-table wicket:id="table"--/table-
Thanks in advance!
By replacing the instance of your SortableProjectDataProvider with a new one you are making your life difficult. Instead of using the boolean isChecked in the constructor you could use an IModel<Boolean>. Assign the same instance of that model to your data provider and the check-box and you are done. No need to replace anything in onUpdate, add your listContainer to the AjaxRequestTarget and everything should just work...
private IModel<Boolean> isCheckedModel = new Model<Boolean>(Boolean.FALSE);
provider = new SortableProjectDataProvider(model, (WebSession) getSession(), isCheckedModel);
AjaxCheckBox checkBox = new AjaxCheckBox("checkBox", isCheckedModel) {
protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) {
It is almost never a good idea to replace such things with new ones in Wicket. Encapsulate what changes in a model and change / replace the model's object. Every object that has a reference to that model can see the updated value or change it as needed.
Hope this helps.
Try this:
Wrong: target.add(listContainer, "wmc");
Right: target.add(listContainer);
Wrong; table.replaceWith(new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50));
Right: DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom tmp = new DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom("table", columns, provider, 50);
table = tmp;
(You replace the DefaultDataTablePagingInBottom but not your reference.)

Page expired issue with back button and wicket SortableDataProvider and DataTable

I've got an issue with SortableDataProvider and DataTable in wicket.
I've defined my DataTable as such:
IColumn<Column>[] columns = new IColumn[9];
//column values are mapped to the private attributes listed in
columns[0] = new PropertyColumn<Column>(new Model<String>("#"), "columnPosition", "columnPosition");
columns[1] = new PropertyColumn<Column>(new Model<String>("Description"), "description");
columns[2] = new PropertyColumn<Column>(new Model<String>("Type"), "dataType", "dataType");
Adding it to the table:
DataTable<Column> dataTable = new DataTable<Column>("columnsTable", columns, provider, maxRowsPerPage) {
protected Item<Column> newRowItem(String id, int index, IModel<Column> model) {
return new OddEvenItem<Column>(id, index, model);
My data provider:
public class ColumnSortableDataProvider extends SortableDataProvider<Column> {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private List<Column> list = null;
public ColumnSortableDataProvider(Table table, String sortProperty) {
this.list = Arrays.asList(table.getColumns().toArray(new Column[0]));
setSort(sortProperty, true);
public ColumnSortableDataProvider(List<Column> list, String sortProperty) {
this.list = list;
setSort(sortProperty, true);
public Iterator<? extends Column> iterator(int first, int count) {
first - first row of data
count - minimum number of elements to retrieve
So this method returns an iterator capable of iterating over {first, first+count} items
Iterator<Column> iterator = null;
try {
if(getSort() != null) {
Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Column>() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
public int compare(Column c1, Column c2) {
int result=1;
PropertyModel<Comparable> model1= new PropertyModel<Comparable>(c1, getSort().getProperty());
PropertyModel<Comparable> model2= new PropertyModel<Comparable>(c2, getSort().getProperty());
if(model1.getObject() == null && model2.getObject() == null)
result = 0;
else if(model1.getObject() == null)
result = 1;
else if(model2.getObject() == null)
result = -1;
result = ((Comparable)model1.getObject()).compareTo(model2.getObject());
result = getSort().isAscending() ? result : -result;
return result;
if (list.size() > (first+count))
iterator = list.subList(first, first+count).iterator();
iterator = list.iterator();
catch (Exception e) {
return iterator;
The problem is the following:
- I click a column header to sort by that column.
- I navigate to a different page
- I click Back (or Forward if I do the opposite scenario)
- Page has expired.
It'd be nice to generate the page using PageParameters but I somehow need to intercept the sort event to do so.
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a ton!!
I don't know at a quick glance what might be causing this, but in order to help diagnose, you might want to enable debug logging for org.apache.wicket.Session or possibly more of the wicket code.
The retrieval of a page definitely involves calls to a method
public final Page getPage(final String pageMapName, final String path, final int versionNumber)
in this class, and it has some debug logging.
For help with setting up this logging, have a look at How to initialize log4j properly? or at the docs for log4j.
