I'm moving my bookmarks from kippt.com to pinboard.in.
I exported my bookmarks from Kippt and for some reason, they were storing tags (preceded by #) and description within the same field. Pinboard keeps tags and description separated.
This is what a Kippt bookmark looks like after export:
<DT>This is a title
<DD>#tag1 #tag2 This is a description
This is what it should look like before importing into Pinboard:
<DT>This is a title
<DD>This is a description
So basically, I need to replace #tag1 #tag2 by TAGS="tag1,tag2" and move it on the first line within <A>.
I've been reading about moving chunks of data here: sed or awk to move one chunk of text betwen first pattern pair into second pair?
I haven't been to come up with a good recipe so far. Any insight?
Here's an actual example of what the input file looks like (3 entries out of 3500):
<DD>#bug #tracking
<DT>The hidden commands for diagnosing and improving your Netflix streaming quality – Quartz
<DT>Icelandic Farm Holidays | Local experts in Iceland vacations
<DD>#iceland #tour #car #drive #self Self-driving tour of Iceland
This might not be the most beautiful solution, but since it seems to be a one-time-thing it should be sufficient.
import re
dt = re.compile('^<DT>')
dd = re.compile('^<DD>')
with open('bookmarks.xml', 'r') as f:
for line in f:
if re.match(dt, line):
current_dt = line.strip()
elif re.match(dd, line):
current_dd = line
tags = [w for w in line[4:].split(' ') if w.startswith('#')]
current_dt = re.sub('(<A[^>]+)>', '\\1 TAGS="' + ','.join([t[1:] for t in tags]) + '">', current_dt)
for t in tags:
current_dd = current_dd.replace(t + ' ', '')
if current_dd.strip() == '<DD>':
current_dd = ""
print current_dt
print current_dd
current_dt = ""
current_dd = ""
print current_dt
print current_dd
If some parts of the code are not clear, just tell me. You can of course use python to write the lines to a file instead of printing them, or even modify the original file.
Edit: Added if-clause so that empty <DD> lines won't show up in the result.
if(d==1) print "<DT>"s # for printing lines with no tags
s=substr($0,5);tags="" # Copying the line after "<DT>". You'll know why
m=match(s,/>/) # Find the end of the HREF descritor first match of ">"
for(i=2;i<=NF;i++){sub(/ $/,"",$i);tags=tags","$i} # Concatenate tags
td=match(tags,/ /) # Parse for tag description (marked by a preceding space).
if(td==0){ # No description exists
else{ # Description exists
print "<DT>" substr(s,1,m-1) ", TAGS=\"" tags "\"" substr(s,m)
print "<DD>" tagdes
awk -f script.awk kippt > pinboard
<DD>#bug #tracking
<DT>The hidden commands for diagnosing and improving your Netflix streaming quality – Quartz
<DT>Icelandic Farm Holidays | Local experts in Iceland vacations
<DD>#iceland #tour #car #drive #self Self-driving tour of Iceland
<DT>The hidden commands for diagnosing and improving your Netflix streaming quality – Quartz
<DT>Icelandic Farm Holidays | Local experts in Iceland vacations
<DD> Self-driving tour of Iceland
I am trying to extract information from a large file and cannot figure out how to extract strings from file lines only when a previous line in the same record within the file has been matched by regex. An example of one record in the file is as follows:
MH = Informed Consent
ENTRY = Consent, Informed
MN = N03.706.437.650.312
MN = N03.706.535.489
FX = Disclosure
FX = Mental Competency
FX = Therapeutic Misconception
FX = Treatment Refusal
ST = T058
ST = T078
AN = competency to consent: coordinate IM with MENTAL COMPETENCY (IM)
PI = Jurisprudence (1966-1970)
PI = Physician-Patient Relations (1966-1970)
MS = Voluntary authorization, by a patient or research subject, etc,...
This file contains over 20,000 records like this example. I want to identify a small percent of those records using the "MH" field. In this example, I want to find "Informed Consent", and then use regex to extract the information in the FX, AN, and MS fields only within that record. So far, I have opened the file, accessed the hash that the MH terms are stored in, and been able to extract those terms from the records in the file. I also have a functioning regex that identifies the content in the "FX" field.
File.open('mesh_descriptor.bin').each do |file_line|
file_line = file_line.chomp
# read each key of candidate_descriptor_keys
candidate_descriptor_keys.each do |cand_term|
if file_line =~ /^MH\s=\s(#{cand_term})$/
mesh_header = $1
puts "MH from Mesh Descriptor file is: #{mesh_header}"
if file_line =~ /^FX\s=\s(.*)$/
see_also = $1
puts " See_Also from Descriptor file is: #{see_also}"
The hash contains the following MH (keys):
candidate_descriptor_keys = ["Body Weight", "Obesity", "Thinness", "Fetal Weight", "Overweight"]
I had success extracting "FX" when I put the statement outside of the "if" statement to extract "MH", but all of the "FX" from the whole file were retrieved - not what I need. I thought putting the "if" statement for "FX" within the previous "if" statement would restrict the results to only those found when the first statement is true, but I am getting no results (also no errors) with this strategy. What I would like as a result is:
> Informed Consent
> Disclosure
> Mental Competency
> Therapeutic Misconception
> Treatment Refusal
as well as the strings within the "AN" and "MS" fields for only those records matching "MH". Any suggestions would be helpful!
I think this may be what you are looking for, but if not, let me know and I will change it. Look especially at the very end to see if that is the sort of output (for input having two records, both with a "MH" field) you want. I will also add a "explanation" section at the end once I have understood your question correctly.
I have assumed that each record begins
and you wish to identify all lines beginning "MH" whose field is one of the elements of:
candidate_descriptor_keys =
["Body Weight", "Obesity", "Thinness", "Informed Consent"]
and for each match, you would like to print the contents of the lines for the same record that begin with "FX", "AN" and "MS".
def getem(fname, candidate_descriptor_keys)
line = 0
found_mh = false
File.open(fname).each do |file_line|
file_line = file_line.strip
when file_line == NEW_RECORD_MARKER
puts # space between records
found_mh = false
when found_mh == false
candidate_descriptor_keys.each do |cand_term|
if file_line =~ /^MH\s=\s(#{cand_term})$/
found_mh = true
puts "MH from line #{line} of file is: #{cand_term}"
when found_mh
["FX", "AN", "MS"].each do |des|
if file_line =~ /^#{des}\s=\s(.*)$/
see_also = $1
puts " Line #{line} of file is: #{des}: #{see_also}"
line += 1
Let's begin be creating a file, starging with a "here document that contains two records":
records =<<_
MH = Informed Consent
ENTRY = Consent, Informed
MN = N03.706.437.650.312
MN = N03.706.535.489
FX = Disclosure
FX = Mental Competency
FX = Therapeutic Misconception
FX = Treatment Refusal
ST = T058
ST = T078
AN = competency to consent
PI = Jurisprudence (1966-1970)
PI = Physician-Patient Relations (1966-1970)
MS = Voluntary authorization
MH = Obesity
ENTRY = Obesity
MN = N03.706.437.650.312
MN = N03.706.535.489
FX = 1st FX
FX = 2nd FX
AN = Only AN
PI = Jurisprudence (1966-1970)
PI = Physician-Patient Relations (1966-1970)
MS = Only MS
If you puts records you will see it is just a string. (You'll see that I shortened two of them.) Now write it to a file:
File.write('mesh_descriptor', records)
If you wish to confirm the file contents, you could do this:
puts File.read('mesh_descriptor')
We also need to define define the array candidate_descriptor_keys:
candidate_descriptor_keys =
["Body Weight", "Obesity", "Thinness", "Informed Consent"]
We can now execute the method getem:
getem('mesh_descriptor', candidate_descriptor_keys)
MH from line 2 of file is: Informed Consent
Line 7 of file is: FX: Disclosure
Line 8 of file is: FX: Mental Competency
Line 9 of file is: FX: Therapeutic Misconception
Line 10 of file is: FX: Treatment Refusal
Line 13 of file is: AN: competency to consent
Line 16 of file is: MS: Voluntary authorization
MH from line 18 of file is: Obesity
Line 23 of file is: FX: 1st FX
Line 24 of file is: FX: 2nd FX
Line 25 of file is: AN: Only AN
Line 28 of file is: MS: Only MS
I wrote some mail merge code the other day and although it works I'm a turned off by the code. I'd like to see what it would look like in other languages.
So for the input the routine takes a list of contacts
Jim,Smith,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
Erica,Johnson,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
Abraham,Johnson,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
Marge,Simpson,6388 Lake City Way,,Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada,V5A 3A6
Larry,Lyon,52560 Free Street,,Toronto,Ontario,Canada,M4B 1V7
Ted,Simpson,6388 Lake City Way,,Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada,V5A 3A6
Raoul,Simpson,6388 Lake City Way,,Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada,V5A 3A6
It will then merge lines with the same address and surname into one record. Assume the rows are unsorted). The code should also be flexible enough that fields can be supplied in any order (so it will need to take field indexes as parameters). For a family of two it concatenates both first name fields. For a family of three or more the first name is set to "the" and the lastname is set to "surname family".
Erica and Abraham,Johnson,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
Larry,Lyon,52560 Free Street,,Toronto,Ontario,Canada,M4B 1V7
The,Simpson Family,6388 Lake City Way,,Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada,V5A 3A6
Jim,Smith,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
My C# implementation of this is:
var source = File.ReadAllLines(#"sample.csv").Select(l => l.Split(','));
var merged = HouseholdMerge(source, 0, 1, new[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5});
public static IEnumerable<string[]> HouseholdMerge(IEnumerable<string[]> data, int fnIndex, int lnIndex, int[] groupIndexes)
Func<string[], string> groupby = fields => String.Join("", fields.Where((f, i) => groupIndexes.Contains(i)));
var groups = data.OrderBy(groupby).GroupBy(groupby);
foreach (var group in groups)
string[] result = group.First().ToArray();
if (group.Count() == 2)
result[fnIndex] += " and " + group.ElementAt(1)[fnIndex];
else if (group.Count() > 2)
result[fnIndex] = "The";
result[lnIndex] += " Family";
yield return result;
I don't like how I've had to do the groupby delegate. I'd like if C# had some way to convert a string expression to a delegate. e.g. Func groupby = f => "f[2] + f[3] + f[4] + f[5] + f[1];" I have a feeling something like this can probably be done in Lisp or Python. I look forward to seeing nicer implementation in other languages.
Edit: Where did the community wiki checkbox go? Some mod please fix that.
Ruby — 181 155
Name/surname indexes are in code:a and b. Input data is from ARGF.
[*$<].map{|i|i.strip.split ?,}.group_by{|i|i.rotate(a).drop 1}.map{|i,j|k,l,m=j
k[a]+=' and '+l[a]if l
(k[a]='The';k[b]+=' Family')if m
puts k*','}
Python - not golfed
I'm not sure what the order of the rows should be if the indices are not 0 and 1 for the input file
import csv
from collections import defaultdict
class HouseHold(list):
def __init__(self, fn_idx, ln_idx):
self.fn_idx = fn_idx
self.ln_idx = ln_idx
def append(self, item):
self.item = item
list.append(self, item[self.fn_idx])
def get_value(self):
fn_idx = self.fn_idx
ln_idx = self.ln_idx
item = self.item
addr = [j for i,j in enumerate(item) if i not in (fn_idx, ln_idx)]
if len(self) < 3:
fn, ln = " and ".join(self), item[ln_idx]
fn, ln = "The", item[ln_idx]+" Family"
return [fn, ln] + addr
def source(fname):
with open(fname) as in_file:
for item in csv.reader(in_file):
yield item
def household_merge(src, fn_idx, ln_idx, groupby):
res = defaultdict(lambda:HouseHold(fn_idx, ln_idx))
for item in src:
key = tuple(item[x] for x in groupby)
return res.values()
data = household_merge(source("sample.csv"), 0, 1, [1,2,3,4,5,6,7])
with open("result.csv", "w") as out_file:
csv.writer(out_file).writerows(item.get_value() for item in data)
Python - 178 chars
import sys
for x in sys.stdin:F,c,A=x.partition(',');d[A]=d.get(A,[])+[F]
print"".join([" and ".join(v)+c+A,"The"+c+A.replace(c,' Family,',1)][2<len(v)]for A,v in d.items())
Jim,Smith,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
The,Simpson Family,6388 Lake City Way,,Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada,V5A 3A6
Larry,Lyon,52560 Free Street,,Toronto,Ontario,Canada,M4B 1V7
Erica and Abraham,Johnson,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
Python 2.6.6 - 287 Characters
This assumes you can hard code a filename (named i). If you want to take input from command line, this goes up ~16 chars.
from itertools import*
for z,g in groupby(sorted([l.split(',')for l in open('i').readlines()],key=lambda x:x[1:]), lambda x:x[2:]):
if r>2:print'The,'+o[1],"Family,"+k,
elif r>1:print o[0],"and",l[1][0]+","+o[1]+","+k,
Erica and Abraham,Johnson,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
Larry,Lyon,52560 Free Street,,Toronto,Ontario,Canada,M4B 1V7
The,Simpson Family,6388 Lake City Way,,Burnaby,British Columbia,Canada,V5A 3A6
Jim,Smith,2681 Eagle Peak,,Bellevue,Washington,United States,98004
I'm sure this could be improved upon, but it is getting late.
Haskell - 341 321
(Changes as per comments).
Unfortunately Haskell has no standard split function which makes this rather long.
Input to stdin, output on stdout.
import List
import Data.Ord
s(',':x)=s x
s l#(x:y)=let(h,i)=break(==k)l in h:(s i)
t x=tail x
e l=m(t.(>>=(k:)))$(m c$groupBy g$sortBy(comparing t)$m s l)
c(x:y:[])=(h x++" and "++h y):t x
c x="The":((h$t$h x)++" Family"):(t$t$h x)
g a b=t a==t b
Lua, 434 bytes
x,y=1,2 s,p,r,a=string.gsub,pairs,io.read,{}for j,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i in r('*a'):gmatch('('..('([^,]*),'):rep(7)..'([^,]*))\n')
do k=s(s(s(j,b,''),c,''),'[,%s]','')for l,m in p(a)do if not m.f and (m[y]:match(c) and m[9]==k) then z=1
if m.d then m[x]="The"m[y]=m[y]..' family'm.f=1 else m[x]=m[x].." and "..b m.d=1 end end end if not z then
a[#a+1]={b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,k} end z=nil end for k,v in p(a)do v[9]=nil print(table.concat(v,','))end