How to save a form into different tables - laravel

I am new with laravel
I used the default Authentication and I added one other input that I wanted it to be saved on an other table how can I do that

If you're talking about how to save registration form input into different table (not to users) when user is registering, add something like this to create() method in app\Http\Auth\RegisterController.php:
Profile::create(['custom_column' => $data->custom_form_field]);

I think in this situation will be better to use connections in model. If this data is about user of course. Also there is important thing about submit method(simple submit or AJAX).


What is the best way to persist data between pages within admin on rest

We have a simple CRUD admin on rest project and with one of our objects, we would like to "Save and create another" with some prefilled in form fields. What is the best way to persist data within AOR?
Right now, I have a solution working using localStorage, but it is not awesome. I have to refresh the 2nd form to have the data prepopulated.
We are thinking about modifying the URL params to include the prefilled form fields, but this seems like a lot of work for something that should be pretty straightforward, particularly within an admin framework.
Thank you in advance!!
The Create component accepts a record prop to setup initial values of the form. This values is merged with the values of the defaultValue prop (can be a function) and values from the admin.record state in redux.
So in your situation the defaultValue prop would allow you to generate the data from the params prop of redux router.

Make a form View read-only for specific user groups from front-end in Odoo 8

Is it possible to change the attributes of form view for specific user groups in form view tag, like in form tag, readonly="{('user_group','=','some_group')}">
I need to make a form view read-only for s specific user group but only from front-end. Records are updated from code by that user belonging to that specific user group from back-end. and if i disable updating the records of that model by that user group in my security file, that user is not able to modify the records even from back-end.
Best way to do this is by defining a new group that have only read access on that model and add to that user you will save a lot of typing and a lot of your time.
Because what you really asking is to remove edit write for a specific user.

Storing remember_token to a separate table than users?

is it possible to set another table & column to store my remember tokens? I know that the framework tries to automatically find a remember_token column in my "users" model, but I want to store it separately from users. Is there a way to configure my default tokens table? Thank you
P.S - I'm using laravel 5
First, you need to create separate model for storing remember tokens and define a relationship on your User model like so
public function rememberToken() {
return $this->hasOne('RememberToken');
Then you need to override methods on your User model, originally defined in Authenticatable trait. Override getRememberToken() and setRememberToken() methods. You will also need to override getRememberTokenName() as it is used in where clause in EloquentUserProvider::retrieveByToken() see EloquentUserProvider line 60. In order for this to work properly you probably have to add global scope to your User model to join remember_tokens table on every query, and return 'remember_tokens.token' from getRememberTokenName() method.
Think twice as it seems more trouble than it is worth. Why would you want to store your tokens separately anyway?
I believe the way Laravel works uses a seperate column in the users table to store a single remember_me token. From my understanding it seems that logging out resets this token regardless of storing the token in a cookie (correct me if I'm wrong).
If you log in with remember_me checked on your personal computer,
then again on your phone,
and maybe again with any other device,
then finally the act of signing out on any device using the remember_me token or not will reset this token in the DB.
If Laravel had a separate table, able to remember each device, it might solve the problem.

.NET MVC 3 Validation

I use Entity framework for creating model.
I have table hierarchy where User is my base table and I have tables Lecturer and Student which have some specific data in them. Entity framework made model that it isn't suitable so I made my middle layer called modelview where I have student table which wraps all data from both user and student tables. I have made CRUD functionality for students but I only want that admin can create student with some initial password, than admin should not have option to change student password at Edit action.
The problem is that password is required field at student Create action so I set [Required] attribute to it, but at Edit I must not have password field and my ModelState.IsValid is then always false since password field in this case isn't present and therefore is null.
I thought on adding hidden password field, but that would be very bad since someone could look at page source and see password value.
Can I somehow once this field required and another time not required?
If you have any other idea that might help please share with me.
When a user is being edited, you can put in a placeholder hidden field, with the value * (or something like that). This will satisfy the Required attribute - you just have to make sure you don't update the password when the user is edited :)
Maybe you could randomly generate a password and not have it be required at all.
Or you could remove the requred attribute and manually check if it's present at the serverside.
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.Password))
ModelState.AddModelError("Password","A password is required");
To validate clientside, if you're using jquery validation: JQuery Docs
If you have separate views for Student addition and editing, an alternative solution would be:
Create a StudentViewModel class which contains all the properties required for both Student addition and editing, and
Create a StudentAdditionViewModel class (optionally derived from StudentViewModel) which includes a Password property.
You can then use StudentAdditionViewModel as the Add view's model, and StudentViewModel as the edit view's model :)

ASP.NET MVC 3 how to implement many to many relationship in Create View

I have quite a complex class that has three one-to-many relationships and two many-to-many relationships with other classes. What I would like to do is to enable the user to fill all the details one by one - in one step or even better in multiple steps (wizard).
My class is called PeriodicTask - user has to select one Server object (which represents SQL Server instance ) and depending on the selection I need to present the user with the ability to select which databases he wants to use ( the best option would be to use checkboxes). I don't really know how to achieve this.
I would start with creating an action that returns JSON with databases for the selected server. It'll be invoked by jQuery. So far so good, but what to do then?
Should I add <input type="checkbox"> to the form for every database or maybe create another form and post to some other action? How to parse that when the form is submitted? Can I split it somehow into smaller steps ? HTTP is stateless so I somehow need to pass or remember the data that was previously submitted - how?
PS> I'm using Entity Framework here, so part of the class hierarchy is as follows:
You could do it like this:
User selects server instance from
After selection dropdownlist fires "change "event, handler of
which loads databases list to form using ajax (your action can provide JSON or html with checkboxes)
User selects checkboxes and presses
submit button
On submit you collect
checked item and post to action
using javascript
I would look at creating helpers for each of the options that would be self contained, they could maintain the state themselves.
Another cool option would be to create a tree view, where the root level is your server and next level is database. Load the data into a ViewModel so that it can be used as the data source for a tree view. It seems like a nice interface for what you have.
Believe it or not the Microsoft site is a great place to start when learning MVC
