For some reason, my NSCollectionView (which uses a custom layout that I wrote) calls its delegate's collectionView(_:didSelectItemsAt:) function when I click an item, but not that same delegate's collectionView(_:didDeselectItemsAt:) when I click off it.
Here's my basic setup:
class MyCollectionViewContainer: NSViewController {
fileprivate lazy var collectionView: NSCollectionView = {
let collectionView = NSCollectionView()
collectionView.delegate = self
collectionView.dataSource = self
collectionView.collectionViewLayout = self.customLayout
collectionView.isSelectable = true
collectionView.allowsEmptySelection = true
collectionView.allowsMultipleSelection = false
extension MyCollectionViewContainer: NSCollectionViewDelegate {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, didSelectItemsAt indexPaths: Set<IndexPath>) {
print("Selected", indexPaths)
// Mutate data to reflect that selection
func collectionView(_ collectionView: NSCollectionView, didDeselectItemsAt indexPaths: Set<IndexPath>) {
print("Deselected", indexPaths)
"Deselected" is never printed... :/
So it turns out my layout wasn't adding any supplementary views of type NSCollectionElementKindInterItemGapIndicator; apparently this is the view that the collection view uses to detect when you click off an item. My quick solution was to add one huge one to my layout that spans the entire collection view, and make its Z index below that of all other items and supplementary views.
We need to set NSCollectionView item selected:
collectionview.isSelectable = true
I am going try be as specific as possible.
What I am trying to achieve is to have one view controller which has a collection view in it and when the user clicks on of the collection view cells, it then sends the user to another view controller which has another collection view however the items displayed in the second collection view will change depending on which collection view cell the user previously tapped. I am also using CoreData to do this. With CoreData, the task is an entity and has attributes like name etc. Will I have to change this or have a relationship between the 2 collection views?
The reason for me wanting to do this is because I am creating a productivity app for iOS and the first view controller with a collection view will be where the user can create projects, within these projects which will be displayed in a collection view, the user can then tap on one of the cells and go to the next view controller and begin to create tasks specific to that project.
How can I keep the tasks stored in a specific collection view cell and have the user create different tasks in other projects. It is sort of like Wunderlist. If anybody is confused at what I am trying to do, I can ellaborate more.
This is one of my view controllers where the data from the 'create item view controller' gets sent to via CoreData and displays it in a collection view, hope it helps:
class ViewController: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {
#IBOutlet weak var myCollView: UICollectionView!
#IBAction func addCore(_ sender: UIButton) {
var tasks : [Task] = []
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.myCollView.delegate = self
self.myCollView.dataSource = self
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, numberOfItemsInSection section: Int) -> Int {
return tasks.count
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, cellForItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UICollectionViewCell {
let cell = collectionView.dequeueReusableCell(withReuseIdentifier: "connectCell", for: indexPath) as! MyCollectionViewCell
let task = tasks[indexPath.row]
cell.labelTe?.text =!
self.myCollView.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
cell.layer.cornerRadius = 25
return cell
func getData() {
let context = (UIApplication.shared.delegate as! AppDelegate).persistentContainer.viewContext
do {
tasks = try context.fetch(Task.fetchRequest())
catch {
If I am guessing right, and upon clicking a cell on the first collection view, you want to segue to another collection view, where you will display display data according to the selected cell.
In order to achieve this, simply add collectionView(_ collectionView:, didSelectItemAt indexPath:) and prepare(for segue:, sender:) functions in your first view controller.
In the collectionView(_ collectionView:, didSelectItemAt indexPath:) function get the id of the task selected by determine which cell was selected, then pass this id to the second view controller in prepare(for segue:, sender:) function.
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
let cell = collectionView.cellForItem(at: indexPath) as! MyCollectionViewCell
id = cell.labelTe?.text
func collectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView, didSelectItemAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
id = tasks[indexPath.row].id
Then pass this value in your prepare(for segue:, sender:) function to the second viewController.
override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if segue.identifier == "YourIdentifier"{
let destinationViewController = segue.destination as! SecondViewController = id
Make sure to add a var id in both your viewControllers. In the second viewController, use this id to fetch the data of the selected task that you want to display.
Hope this helps.
Simply declare a new variable id of your particular type in both the viewControllers. In your first viewController :
class ViewController: UIViewController, UICollectionViewDataSource, UICollectionViewDelegate {
var id = ""
and in the second viewController
class secondViewController: UIViewController {
var id = ""
Just make sure that both the variable are of same type.
I have NSTextView and I want to show autocompletion options using NSTableView (like Xcode autocompletion). The problem is that when textView is the first responder, tableView is shown as unfocused (which is true), but I want to pretend that it's also active. Is there an easy way to achieve this (having firstResponder textView and tableView with active cell selection color)?
So I managed to resolve the issue with lots of experiments.
Here are my solution:
setup NSTableView:
tableView.refusesFirstResponder = true
tableView.selectionHighlightStyle = .none
on NSTableCellView subclass implement following code:
override func awakeFromNib() {
deinit {
private func registerNotifications() {
selector: #selector(selectionIsChanging),
name: NSNotification.Name.NSTableViewSelectionIsChanging,
object: nil)
private func unregisterNotifications() {
#objc private func selectionIsChanging() {
if let row = superview as? NSTableRowView, row.isSelected == true {
self.backgroundColor = NSColor.alternateSelectedControlColor
} else {
self.backgroundColor = NSColor.clear
I have an NSOutlineView with an action (see code) that collapse a row when the user clicks anywhere on that row. However it is not working for group.
Some rows are defined as group via the "shouldShowOutlineCellForItem" delegate method.
I can expand a group row programmatically, but not collapse it. Any suggestions?
isExpanded is correctly set via the notifications.
#IBAction func didClick(sender: AnyObject?)
assert(self.root != nil)
let selectedRow = outlineView.clickedRow
let proposedItem = (selectedRow == -1) ? self.root! : outlineView.itemAtRow(selectedRow) as! thOutlineNode
if proposedItem.isExpanded
Possibly duplicate. Based on this existing SO question covering Objective-C, try adding the NSOutlineViewDelegate delegate method
func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView, shouldShowOutlineCellForItem item: AnyObject) -> Bool {
return true
to the view controller of your NSOutlineView. From the Apple documentation for the NSOutlineViewDelegate, we see that this is expected behaviour:
optional func outlineView(_ outlineView: NSOutlineView,
shouldShowOutlineCellForItem item: AnyObject) -> Bool
Returning NO causes frameOfOutlineCellAtRow: to return NSZeroRect,
hiding the cell. In addition, the row will not be collapsible by
keyboard shortcuts.
After searching through SO and online, I'm struggling to figure out a concept that I thought would be relatively simple. Essentially, I have a table in an OS X Swift app, with several columns, and it is currently populating data. I am trying to discern how I can set the background color of each "row" (ideally with alternating colors, but I'll start with just one color). My MasterViewController file is like so;
import Cocoa
class MasterViewController: NSViewController {
var minions = [Minion]()
func setupSampleMinion() {
minions = Minion.fetchMinionData()
override func viewDidLoad() {
// Do view setup here.
// MARK: - NSTableViewDataSource extension MasterViewController: NSTableViewDataSource {
func numberOfRowsInTableView(aTableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
return self.minions.count
func tableView(tableView: NSTableView, viewForTableColumn tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView? {
// 1
var cellView: NSTableCellView = tableView.makeViewWithIdentifier(tableColumn!.identifier, owner: self) as! NSTableCellView
let minion = self.minions[row]
// 2
if tableColumn!.identifier == "MyColumn" {
// 3
cellView.imageView!.image = NSImage(named: "!")
cellView.textField!.stringValue =!
return cellView
return cellView
func tableView(tableView: NSTableView, rowViewForRow row: Int) -> NSTableRowView? {
let myCustomView = MyRowView()
return myCustomView
class MyRowView: NSTableRowView {
override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
self.backgroundColor = NSColor(red: 0.76, green: 0.82, blue: 0.92, alpha: 1)
// MARK: - NSTableViewDelegate extension MasterViewController: NSTableViewDelegate {
While I THINK I have some of the coding right, this does not seem to set the background color if the row in any way. Any thoughts or overall guidance would be most appreciated. Thank you!
If you just want the rows to use the standard alternating colors for rows, there's a simple checkbox in the Attributes inspector for the table view in IB to enable that.
To use a non-standard background color, you want to set the row view's backgroundColor, but not inside of drawRect(). If you change properties of a view that affect how it draws inside of drawRect(), that will probably mark the view as needing display, which will provoke another call to drawRect(), etc.
It should work to just set it in the delegate's tableView(_:didAddRowView:forRow:) method. That's documented in the description of the backgroundColor property.
With regard to your attempt at overriding drawRect(): setting the row view's backgroundColor will presumably affect how the superclass draws. So, setting it after calling through to super is unlikely to help. It definitely won't affect the subsequent NSRectFill() call. That function relies on the fill color set for the current graphics context, which is implicit. You would change that by calling someColor.set().
Buy, anyway, there should be no need to override drawRect() given that you can set the backgroundColor. If you want to achieve some background drawing beyond what's possible by just setting a color, you should override drawBackgroundInRect() and not drawRect(), anyway.
Finally, your implementation of tableView(tableView:rowViewForRow:) should call the table view's makeViewWithIdentifier(_:owner:) method first, before creating a new view. And it should set the identifier on any new view it does create. That allows the table view to maintain a reuse queue of views, to avoid constantly destroying and recreating views.
I have a view-based NSTableView in a MacOSX app that structures data nicely. I would like to implement the NSTableView to have row heights which grow with the content of the data entered into one of the NSTextViews. I've subclassed an NSTextView to "grow" with the user text but the issue is that having the field embedded in the TableView causes the field to be clipped.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to go about implementing a growing row size?
You need to implement -tableView:heightOfRow: in your table view delegate and return the appropriate height for the row. Furthermore, you need to monitor the text views for changes in their height and call -noteHeightOfRowsWithIndexesChanged: on the table view when any of them changes. To monitor the height of the text views, it should suffice to observe the NSViewFrameDidChangeNotification that they will post.
(If you're using auto layout generally in your UI, I think you will have to leave the text views with translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints on, place them manually, and set their autoresizing masks as appropriate. Then, you would avoid setting any other constraints on them. This is because you need the frame to be set by the text layout manager but not by auto layout.)
I've managed to implement this in Swift 3 (with the help of this great tip and this and this SO answer):
Make sure the table view cell in the NSTableView has a delegate connection to your subclass/view controller which adopts the NSTextFieldDelegate protocol.
Also give it these constraints to make sure it resizes according to the height of the row:
In the delegate use this code:
var editedString: String? = nil
var textCellForHeight: NSTextFieldCell = NSTextFieldCell.init()
func control(_ control: NSControl, textShouldBeginEditing fieldEditor: NSText) -> Bool {
editedString = fieldEditor.string ?? ""
return true
func control(_ control: NSControl, textShouldEndEditing fieldEditor: NSText) -> Bool {
editedString = nil
return true
func control(_ control: NSControl, textView: NSTextView, doCommandBy commandSelector: Selector) -> Bool {
if commandSelector == #selector(insertNewline(_:)) {
editedString = textView.string ?? ""
//The NSAnimationContext lines get rid of the animation that normally happens when the height changes
NSAnimationContext.current().duration = 0
myTableView.noteHeightOfRows(withIndexesChanged: IndexSet.init(integer: selected))
myTable.needsDisplay = true
return true
return false
func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, heightOfRow row: Int) -> CGFloat {
if let temp = editedString { //we know it’s currently being edited if it’s not nil
textCellForHeight.stringValue = temp
//in my case, there was a specific table column that I knew would be edited
//you might need to decide on the column width another way.
let column = myTable.tableColumns[myTable.column(withIdentifier: “TheColumnThatsBeingEdited”)]
let frame: NSRect = NSMakeRect(0, 0, column.width, CGFloat.greatestFiniteMagnitude)
return textCellForHeight.cellSize(forBounds: frame).height
return yourStandardHeightCGFloat