Best approach to fit numbers - algorithm

I have the following set of integers {2,9,4,1,8}. I need to divide this set into two subsets so that the sum of the sets results in 14 and 10 respectively. In my example the answer is {2,4,8} and {9,1}. I am not looking for any code. I am pretty sure there must be a standard algorithm to solve this problem. Since i was not successful in googling and finding out that myself, i posted my query here. So what will be the best way to approach this problem?
My try was like this...
public class Test {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int[] input = {2, 9, 4, 1, 8};
int target = 14;
Stack<Integer> stack = new Stack<>();
for (int i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
for (int j = i+1;j<input.length;j++) {
int sum = sumInStack(stack);
if (sum < target) {
if (target == sum) {
private static int sumInStack(Stack<Integer> stack) {
int sum = 0;
for (Integer integer : stack) {
return sum;
I know this approach is not even close to solve the problem

I need to divide this set into two subsets so that the sum of the sets results in 14 and 10 respectively.
If the subsets have to sum to certain values, then it had better be true that the sum of the entire set is the sum of those values, i.e. 14+10=24 in your example. If you only have to find the two subsets, then the problem isn't very difficult — find any subset that sums to one of those values, and the remaining elements of the set must sum to the other value.
For the example set you gave, {2,9,4,1,8}, you said that the answer is {9,1}, {2,4,8}, but notice that that's not the only answer; there's also {2,8}, {9,4,1}.


How to Solve Assignment Problem With Constraints?

Assume there are N people and M tasks are there and there is a cost matrix which tells when a task is assigned to a person how much it cost.
Assume we can assign more than one task to a person.
It means we can assign all of the tasks to a person if it leads to minimum cost.
I know this problem can be solved using various techniques. Some of them are below.
Bit Masking
Hungarian Algorithm
Min Cost Max Flow
Brute Force( All permutations M!)
Question: But what if we put a constraint like only consecutive tasks can be assigned to a person. 
    T1   T2  T3
P1  2   2    2
P2  3   1    4
Answer: 6 rather than 5
We might think that , P1->T1, P2->T2, P1->T3 = 2+1+2 =5 can be answer but it is not because (T1 and T3 are consecutive so can not be assigned to P1)
P1->T1, P1->T2, P1-T3 = 2+2+2 = 6
How to approach solving this problem?
You can solve this problem using ILP.
Here is an OPL-like pseudo-code:
two integers N, M // N persons, M tasks
a cost matrix C[N][M]
**decision variables:
X[N][M][M] // An array with values in {0, 1}
// X[i][j][k] = 1 <=> the person i performs the tasks j to k
// one person can perform at most 1 sequence of consecutive tasks
for all i in {1, N}, sum(j in {1, ..., M}, k in {1, ..., M}) X[i][j][k] <= 1
// each task is performed exactly once
for all t in {1, M}, sum(i in {1, ..., N}, j in {1, ..., t}, k in {t, ..., M}) X[i][j][k] = 1
// impossible tasks sequences are discarded
for all i in {1, ..., N}, for all j in {1, ..., M}, sum(k in {1, ..., j-1}) X[i][j][k] = 0
**objective function:
minimize sum(i, j, k) X[i][j][k] * (sum(t in {j, ..., k}) C[t])
I think that ILP could be the tool of choice here, since more often that not scheduling and production-planning problems are solved using it.
If you do not have experience coding LP programs, don't worry, it is much easier than it looks like, and this problem is rather easy and nice to get started.
There also exists a stackexchange dedicated to this kind of problems and solutions, the OR stack exchange.
This looks np-complete to me. If I am correct, there is not going to be a universally quick solution, and the best one can do is approach this problem using the best possible heuristics.
One approach you did not mention is a constructive approach using A* search. In this case, the search in would move along the matrix from left to right, adding candidate items to a priority queue with every step. Each item in the queue would consist of the current column index, the total cost expended so far, and the list of people who have acted so far. The remaining-cost heuristic for any given state would be the sum of the columnar minima for all remaining columns.
I'm certain that this can find a solution, I'm just not sure it is the best approach. Some quick Googling shows that A* has been applied to several types of scheduling problems though.
Edit: Here is an implementation.
public class OrderedTasks {
private class State {
private final State prev;
private final int position;
private final int costSoFar;
private final int lastActed;
public State(int position, int costSoFar, int lastActed, State prev) {
this.prev = prev;
this.lastActed = lastActed;
this.position = position;
this.costSoFar = costSoFar;
public void getNextSteps(int[] task, Consumer<State> consumer) {
Set<Integer> actedSoFar = new HashSet<>();
State prev = this.prev;
if (prev != null) {
for (; prev!=null; prev=prev.prev) {
for (int person=0; person<task.length; ++person) {
if (actedSoFar.contains(person) && this.lastActed!=person) {
consumer.accept(new State(position+1,task[person]+this.costSoFar,
person, this));
public int minCost(int[][] tasksByPeople) {
int[] cumulativeMinCost = getCumulativeMinCostPerTask(tasksByPeople);
Function<State, Integer> totalCost = state->state.costSoFar+(state.position<cumulativeMinCost.length? cumulativeMinCost[state.position]: 0);
PriorityQueue<State> pq = new PriorityQueue<>((s1,s2)->{
return, totalCost.apply(s2));
State state = new State(0, 0, -1, null);
for (; state.position<tasksByPeople.length; state = pq.poll()) {
state.getNextSteps(tasksByPeople[state.position], pq::add);
return state.costSoFar;
private int[] getCumulativeMinCostPerTask(int[][] tasksByPeople) {
int[] result = new int[tasksByPeople.length];
int cumulative = 0;
for (int i=tasksByPeople.length-1; i>=0; --i) {
cumulative += minimum(tasksByPeople[i]);
result[i] = cumulative;
return result;
private int minimum(int[] arr) {
if (arr.length==0) {
throw new RuntimeException("Not valid for empty arrays.");
int min = arr[0];
for (int i=1; i<arr.length; ++i) {
min = Math.min(min, arr[i]);
return min;
public static void main(String[] args) {
OrderedTasks ot = new OrderedTasks();
System.out.println(ot.minCost(new int[][]{{2, 3},{2,1},{2,4},{2,2}}));
I think your question is very similar to:
Finding the minimum value
Probably not the best approach if the number of workers is large, but easy to understand and implement could be
get a list all the possible combination with repetition of workers W, for example using the algorithm in . This would give you things like [[W1,W3,W2,W3,W1],[W3,W5,W5,W4,W5]
Discard combinations where workers are not continuous
bool isValid=true;
for (int kk = 0; kk < workerOrder.Length; kk++)
int state=0;
for (int mm = 0; mm < workerOrder.Length; mm++)
if (workerOrder[mm] == kk && state == 0) { state = 1; } //it has appeard
if (workerOrder[mm] != kk && state == 1 ) { state = 2; } //it is not contious
if (workerOrder[mm] == kk && state == 2) { isValid = false; break; } //it appeard again
if (isValid==false){break;}
Use the filtered list of lists to check times using the table and keep the minimum one

Recursive Brute Force 0-1 Knapsack - add items selected output

I am practicing recursive algorithms because although I love recursion, I am still having trouble when there is "double" recursion going on. So I created this brute force 0-1 Knapsack algorithm which will output the final weight and best value, and its pretty good, but I decided that information is only relevant if you know which items are behind those numbers. I am stuck here, though. I want to do this elegantly, without creating a mess of code, and perhaps I am over-limiting my thinking trying to meet that goal. I thought I would post the code here and see if anyone had some nifty ideas about adding code to output the chosen items. This is Java:
public class Knapsack {
static int num_items = 4;
static int weights[] = { 3, 5, 1, 4 };
static int benefit[] = { 2, 4, 3, 6 };
static int capacity = 10;
static int new_sack[] = new int[num_items];
static int max_value = 0;
static int weight = 0;
// O(n2^n) brute force algorithm (i.e. check all combinations) :
public static void findMaxValue(int n, int currentWeight, int currentValue) {
if ((n == 0) && (currentWeight <= capacity) && (currentValue > max_value)) {
max_value = currentValue;
weight = currentWeight;
if (n == 0) {
findMaxValue(n - 1, currentWeight, currentValue);
findMaxValue(n - 1, currentWeight + weights[n - 1], currentValue + benefit[n - 1]);
public static void main(String[] args) {
findMaxValue(num_items, 0, 0);
System.out.println("The max value you can get is: " + max_value + " with weight: " + weight);
// System.out.println(Arrays.toString(new_sack));
The point of the 0-1 Knapsack algorithm is to find if excluding or including an item in the knapsack results in a higher value. Your code doesn't compare these two possibilities. The code to do this would look like:
public int knapsack(int[] weights, int[] values, int n, int capacity) {
if (n == 0 || capacity == 0)
return 0;
if (weights[n-1] > capacity) // if item won't fit in knapsack
return knapsack(weights, values, n-1, capacity); // look at next item
// Compare if excluding or including item results in greater value
return max(
knapsack(weights, values, n-1, capacity), // exclude item
values[n] + knapsack(weights, values, n-1, capacity - weights[n-1])); // include item

Odd elements at odd and even elements at even position

This is question asked in one of the interview. Please suggest some view.
Given an array containing all positive integers. You have to arrange elements in such a way that odd elements are at odd position and even elements are at even positions.
PS. No extra space. O(N) solution
Iterate over the even positions until you find an odd number. Iterate over the odd positions until you find and even number (using a different index). Swap the two numbers, and repeat.
Are you allowed to double the size of the array? Otherwise, the question doesn't make sense. Why?!? assume you are given an array full of odd numbers, can you think of any solution then? No, there is not.
So, I assume that you are allowed to double the size of the array. Then for any i, put the i-element ( a(i) ) into the location 2*i or 2*i +1 depending on whether a(i) is even or odd resp.
Two two new Arrays OddArray and EvenArray of same size as that of given array. Traverse through the given array and keep sending all the odd to OddArray and keep at odd positions and even number to EvenArray keeping numbers at even positions.
The efficiency will be O(n) and extra memory will be 2n where n is the size of original array.
list1 = [5, 7, 6, 8, 10, 3, 4, 9, 2, 1, 12]
odd_list = []
even_list = []
for i in range(len(list1)):
if((list1[i] % 2) == 0):
j = 0
k = 0
for i in range(0, len(list1)):
if((i % 2 == 0) and (j < len(odd_list))):
list1[i] = odd_list[j]
j += 1
elif(k < len(even_list)):
list1[i] = even_list[k]
k += 1
//Putting even number on even position and odd number on odd position
package com.learnJava;
public class ArrangeArray {
private int [] array={2,5,7,8,1,6,9};
private int len=array.length;
public static void main(String [] args)
ArrangeArray a=new ArrangeArray();
public void print()
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++)
System.out.print(array[i] + " ");
public void arrange()
int oddinx=1;
int evenidx=0;
while(evenidx<len && array[evenidx]%2==0)
while(oddinx<len && array[oddinx]%2==1)
if (evenidx < len && oddinx < len)
swap (evenidx, oddinx);
public void swap(int a,int b)
int tmp=array[b];

how to find the minimum number which can't be represented by an input sequence

Here is an interview question:
Integer N; different positive integers a1, a2 ... aN;
the minimum positive integer m, which cannot be represented in the form m = x1*a1+x2*a2+...xN*aN, where xi={0,1}.
naive solution:
public static void calcAllSums(int[] arr, int sum, int curIndex, Hashtable<Integer,Boolean> sums){
if (curIndex == arr.length) return;
int sum1 = sum+arr[curIndex];
int sum2 = sum;
sums.put(sum1, true);
sums.put(sum2, true);
calcAllSums(arr, sum1, curIndex+1, sums);
calcAllSums(arr, sum2, curIndex+1, sums);
public static void main(String[] args){
int[] arr = {1,3,5};
Hashtable<Integer,Boolean> sums = new Hashtable<Integer,Boolean>();
calcAllSums(arr, 0, 0, sums);
int i=0;
while (sums.containsKey(i)) i++;
i calculated all possible sums, and iterated until i found an integer which is not in the list
For extremely fast all-sums-of-3-numbers code,
see explanation at of code by Aliaksei Safryhin. The series of
statements like
*pTo++ += short(*pFrom++) << 8; *pTo++ += short(*pFrom++) << 8;
may look clumsy and slow, but in my tests ran many times faster than shifted-bit-map methods. Also see Al Zimmermann's Son of Darts and How can I improve this algorithm for solving a modified Postage Stamp puzzle? and if you can find darts.pdf by John Morris, 7 July 2010, it contains code of a fairly fast enumerator for first-missing-subset-sums for 3 to 20 numbers.
Since the minimal difference between two successive numbers is the least of the an factors, and 0 is representable, I'd say
minn(an) - 1
Of course, if minn(an) = 1, you could make a similar reasoning for the second-to-minimum.

Sum array values with sum equals X

I have an integer collection. I need to get all possibilites that sum of values are equal to X.
I need something like this.
It can be written in: delphi, c#, php, RoR, python, cobol, vb,
That's a subset sum problem. And it is NP-Complete.
The only way to implement this would be generate all possible combinations and compare the sum values. Optimization techniques exists though.
Here's one in C#:
static class Program
static int TargetSum = 10;
static int[] InputData = new[] { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
static void Main()
// find all permutations
var permutations = Permute(InputData);
// check each permutation for the sum
foreach (var item in permutations) {
if (item.Sum() == TargetSum) {
Console.Write(string.Join(" + ", item.Select(n => n.ToString()).ToArray()));
Console.Write(" = " + TargetSum.ToString());
static IEnumerable<int[]> Permute(int[] data) { return Permute(data, 0); }
static IEnumerable<int[]> Permute(int[] data, int level)
// reached the edge yet? backtrack one step if so.
if (level >= data.Length) yield break;
// yield the first #level elements
yield return data.Take(level + 1).ToArray();
// permute the remaining elements
for (int i = level + 1; i < data.Length; i++) {
var temp = data[level];
data[level] = data[i];
data[i] = temp;
foreach (var item in Permute(data, level + 1))
yield return item;
temp = data[i];
data[i] = data[level];
data[level] = temp;
Dynamic Programming would yield the best runtime for an exact solution. The Subset Sum Problem page on Wikipedia has some pseudo-code for the algorithm. Essentially you order all the numbers and add up all the possible sequences in order such that you minimize the number of additions. The runtime is pseudo-polynomial.
For a polynomial algorithm you could use an Approximation Algorithm. Pseudo-code is also available at the Subset Sum Problem page.
Of the two algorithms I would choose the dynamic programming one since it is straight-forward and has a good runtime with most data sets.
However if the integers are all non-negative and fit with the description on the Wikipedia page then you could actually do this in polynomial time with the approximation algorithm.
